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1.09% The Guardian Of The Multiverse / Chapter 1: Where it all began
The Guardian Of The Multiverse The Guardian Of The Multiverse original

The Guardian Of The Multiverse

Penulis: ElectricWrites

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Where it all began

(Marvel, DC, images, manhuas, and every anime that will be mentioned and used in this story are not mine. They all belong to their respective owners. The main character "Karito Josue Valdez" and the story are mine)

It's interesting how life can change so drastically because of one single choice. I once lived a mundane existence, occupied with watching anime, movies, comics, and everything else an anime/comic lover would indulge in. I often wonder about my friends from that life, if they still remember me, and how they are doing now. I have at times regretted making mistakes in my past, but the wish I made was driven by a desire for a more thrilling life, to feel like the heroes I read about in comics, mangas, etc. Despite the hardships that come with it, the positive aspect of this journey is that with every adventure I embark on, I learn and grow as a person, becoming a better version of myself. This realization highlights the idea that life is a journey filled with both ups and downs, but it's ultimately our choices that shape the path we take.

Hello, my name is Adriel Valdez. I was born and raised in the Caribbean, and I am now 20 years old. My life used to be a simple one, just a typical college student passing time with my interests in anime, movies, comics, and all things related. However, everything changed when I stumbled upon a meteor crash site near my house. As I approached the site, I saw a glowing white orb on the ground, seemingly containing unknown energy within its shifting clouds. I couldn't resist my curiosity as a nerd and picked up the mysterious object, leading me down a path of adventure and self-discovery.

(Adriel) "What the...? No way. I must be dreaming, a meteor? A small one at that? I... I can probably sell this. Y-Yeah, I can help Mom with her debts. Okay, okay... I'm taking this home."

As I stepped out of the dimly lit alleyway and back onto the bustling city street, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of my stomach. The events of the day weighed heavily on me, and all I could think about was finding some peace and solitude. I trudged up the three flights of stairs to my small apartment, my weary legs protesting with every step.

I pushed open the door to my living room and was greeted by darkness and silence. My mother, step-father, and grandmother had already retired to their rooms for the night. I made my way to my own room, flipping on the air conditioning unit to chase away the stifling heat of the summer night. I performed my evening routine, brushing my teeth and changing into my pajamas, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the restless energy that kept me from succumbing to sleep.

So, I reached for my phone, scrolling through the endless stream of videos and articles about my favorite comic book heroes and anime characters. I settled on a video of the climactic final battle from the Spider-Man movie, "No Way Home." As I watched the stunning visuals and intense action unfold, I was swept up in the excitement and drama. Despite the film's shortcomings, it still managed to captivate me, and I found myself wishing that it had lived up to the intense, pulse-pounding action of the original comic book series.

Finally, as the adrenaline of the fight started to fade, I reluctantly turned off my phone and plugged it in to charge, ready to finally fall into a deep, restful sleep.

Somewhere Unknown

The entities were shrouded in mystery, their features hidden in the shadows. The only thing that was visible was the outline of their bodies and the gleam in their eyes as they gazed upon each other. The first entity broke the silence, its voice deep and sonorous. It echoed around the room, the sound bouncing off the walls before finally settling back into a hush. The other two entities leaned in, their attention fully focused on the one who had spoken. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, each entity eager to hear what was about to be said.

(???)" Are you all sure of this?"

??? looks around the other three entities for confirmation and the other two nod in reassurance.

(???) "Alright then. Let's see who will be the chosen one."

Back into Adriel's home

I was lost in a dream, where the lines between fantasy and reality blurred. My imagination was running wild as I cycled through vivid, action-packed scenarios of my favorite comic book characters. I envisioned myself as the wall-crawling Spider-Man, battling intense foes and dodging deadly blows. I was the Man of Steel, soaring through the skies and performing impossible feats. I even dreamed of being a powerful viltrumite, fighting a legendary battle against my father.

My love for comic books and anime fueled my vivid dreams and daydreams. My cousin and I would play make-believe, imagining ourselves as powerful heroes, traveling the multiverse and battling evil wherever we found it. We loved the classic hero's journey, from zero to hero, or zero to god, building our characters and watching them grow stronger with each new challenge. We were particularly drawn to stories of heroes who started out weak but rose to greatness through determination and perseverance.

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but wish that my imaginary adventures could become real. To be a hero, traveling the multiverse, and saving countless worlds from impending doom, was the ultimate dream. The idea of falling and rising, becoming more robust with each defeat, was the epitome of heroism to me, and I clung to that dream as I drifted into slumber.


As I jolted awake, I felt the bed beneath me tremble and a bright light pierced through my eyelids, disturbing my slumber. With a pounding heart, I rubbed my eyes and opened them to find a strange, glowing object floating on my nightstand. It was the same white orb that I had encountered near the abandoned house, now hovering just inches from my face. My mind raced with confusion and fear, as I gazed in disbelief at the mysterious object that seemed to have moved from my nightstand without explanation.

(Adriel) "What the hell is going on?! Agh! Why did I think bringing an object from space was a great idea?! What if it has something dangerous in it?! There's no point in beating myself about it now. Let's see what happens because, for some odd reason, I can't move."

The mysterious object that I had discovered earlier was now enveloping me in a strange, intangible barrier. My mind raced with fear and uncertainty, imagining scenarios of alien abductions and sudden death. However, as the barrier closed in around me, I was suddenly engulfed by a brilliant, blinding light. For a few moments, I was unable to see anything, and when the light faded, I found myself enveloped by complete and utter darkness.

I called out into the void, hoping for any sign of life or familiarity, but all I received was an eerie silence in response. Despite the nagging fear that something dangerous could be lurking in the darkness, I felt compelled to keep moving forward, hoping to find a way out of this mysterious realm.

As I stumbled blindly through the void, my anxiety continued to escalate. The oppressive darkness and silence only intensified my feelings of disorientation and fear. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the beats accelerating with each passing moment as my emotions threatened to spiral out of control.

(Adriel) Anxiety attack "...Someone...anyone...GET ME OUT!!!"

As the echoes of my panicked cries dissipated into the all-encompassing darkness, a single spotlight abruptly illuminated the area above me. I instinctively shielded my eyes from the sudden influx of light, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the new brightness. After a moment, my vision cleared, revealing a round table and three figures, each examining me with intense curiosity. The table was illuminated by the same pearlescent object that had fallen from the sky and into my life. The sight of these unfamiliar entities, combined with the strange and unsettling circumstances I found myself in, triggered a primitive fight-or-flight response. I automatically shifted into a battle stance, my years of karate training and self-taught boxing coming to the forefront of my mind. The figure in the back finally spoke, breaking the silence and causing me to cautiously lower my guard.

(???) "Calm yourself Adriel, we are not here to hurt you."

(Adriel) "Wait, how do you-"

The individual seated to the right of the table interjected, seamlessly continuing the line of inquiry that I had been about to pose.

(???) "Your name? We are omnipotent and omniscient gods from different multiverses, of course, we would know. But do not worry we are not here to hurt you but to tell you that you are chosen."

I relaxed my posture, but still felt a hint of confusion as I tilted my head to the right. "Chosen?" I thought to myself. What did they mean by that? I decided to listen attentively to what these entities, referred to as "Gods", had to say. The one sitting on the left of the roundtable began to speak.

(???) "First let us introduce ourselves. In your world we are merely comic book characters, I'm the God of the DC universe...The Presence"

I stood there, completely dumbfounded, my arms crossed over my chest. I was trying to process the information that I had just been told, struggling to comprehend the implications of their words. Meanwhile, the other two entities at the roundtable took it upon themselves to introduce themselves.

(???) "In your world, I'm known as the God of the Marvel universe...The One Above All"

Now, I found myself in an existential dilemma, grappling with the realization that I was speaking to beings who were not of this reality, as the final deity took the stage.

(???) "I am known as the Father of anime, the one who started it all. Osamu Tezuka"

(Adriel) "Hold the fuck up. The one who made Astro Boy and then later began to inspire many future mangakas making all the manga that we all know in love currently?"

(Osamu) "I am glad to be able to inspire many with my stories. The current generation is creating rather entertaining stories."

This has to be a dream. I know myself to have over-the-top imagination when I am daydreaming and sleeping. I'll just pinch myself and check, maybe it'll wake me up from this seemingly never-ending dream. I reached for my arm with my other hand and pinched as hard as I could. To my surprise, I felt a sharp pain and realized that I was indeed not dreaming. This surreal encounter with the three beings calling themselves Gods was actually happening. My mind raced with a mixture of emotions: confusion, disbelief, and fear. I needed to get a grip on the situation and try to understand what was going on. I looked back at the three beings, and the one in the middle spoke up once again.

(TOAA) "You are not dreaming Adriel. All this is real, the orb of heroes landed near you and you picked it up which makes you the chosen one. And no, not anyone could pick it up. It'll disappear and land somewhere else if it deems that person unworthy to be chosen for the position."

(Adriel) "Wait...Holy shit, this is so cool then!"

(Presence) "We are getting off-topic, let us return to the main topic."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts and shake off the nagging feeling that this was all a dream. Despite my reservations, I forced myself to stay focused and listen carefully, determined to make the most of this incredible, seemingly too-real experience. The detail and vividness of the dream were astonishing, leaving me in awe at my own overactive imagination. Whatever this was, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this amazing, albeit surreal, experience.

(TOAA) "Let us continue. Adriel you have been chosen to be the hero of the multiverse."

With a hint of excitement and intrigue, I uncrossed my arms and leaned forward, fully immersing myself in the conversation. I couldn't help but feel captivated by the opportunity that had been presented to me, a job unlike any I had ever heard of. The thought of being chosen for something so unique only added to my growing curiosity, and I was determined to listen attentively to every detail.

(Osamu) "What this job means is that you will travel to different worlds and universes and join in their stories. But you have a main job, to cleanse the world's abnormalities."

(Adriel) "Abnormalities? What are those supposed to be?"

(Presence) "The abnormalities are the characters or entities that appear in the wrong story. If you ever detect the darkness in the world that means there's an abnormality that was placed by the evil gods"

(Adriel) "I can pretty much guess what these evil gods are if you three are here. If I'm not wrong, "The One Bellow All", "Samael" or "Lucifer" and...well I'm not sure about the anime part, there are too many of them, and also wasn't Lucy(Lucifer) already turned good? Unless something happened."

(Presence) "Yes, what's wrong is that there are two Lucifers. Due to the Evil Gods collaborating they can manipulate fiction however they want and because Evil Gods just keep appearing. Eventually, a Dark Lucifer was created, just think of it like Samus with Dark Samus, it's an easier example"

(Adriel) "Oh, I see. But I have one concerning question."

(Osamu) "What is it, my boy?"

(Adriel) "What will happen to my family back on Earth? Puerto Rico? Will mom just wake up and notice her son suddenly disappear in the middle of the night? My sister? My father? Everyone? Will I just randomly disappear in my Earth and be declared dead or are you guys gonna do me de favor of stopping time here until I'm out on my adventures?"

(Osamu) "Your concerns are understandable. Don't worry with our powers we will be able to pause time in the main Earth while you are traveling around the multiverse."

(Adriel) "Alright, that's a huge relief. Anyways how will this work? Will I gain overpowered powers to defeat the darkness or something?"

(TOAA) "No, you will start small. You're inexperienced, you might know how to fight because of your martial arts training, fighting in a few tournaments, and picking fights with people who deserved the beating but the enemies you are gonna be facing are more experienced and stronger by an unmeasurable amount."

(Adriel) "Oh, well that's...understandable" mumbles "Kinda wished it was that easy"

(Presence) "You are gonna be sent to the Marvel universe first. Mainly the MCU timeline before heading into the more difficult parts like the comics"

(Osamu) "You will have what many people call The System. It is very typical but knowing how forgetful you can be sometimes, you will have it. How is it used, well like most of the manhwas and fanfictions you read, it'll be like that but the leveling system is gonna be different. The levels have Prestige, you will find it easier to understand by taking the online and zombie levels in Call Of Duty. While there is a reset in your level you will become stronger and have access to new skills. From Prestige one to Prestige master to Presgite Monarch, Young God, Elder Gods, Proemial Gods, and finally Multiversal God. That is the rank levels in order of weak to powerful."

(Adriel) "Oooooh, I see. Though quick question. Will the leveling system be the same in each multiverse? Or will the ranks change when I'm either in DC or the Anime multiverse?"

(Presence) "It will change depending on what's in the multiverse that you are in. For example, when you get into the Dragon Ball Z universe the system will change the leveling system and skill depending on what you chose to be and the abilities that exist in that world. Of course, at different levels, you will be allowed to have an ability that doesn't belong in that universe. What will happen if you by any chance are forcefully teleported to a different world or universe is that you will remain with the abilities of your current build and the system will adapt itself to the world's source of power. Like if you by any chance become a viltrumite in the DBZ universe you will be able to learn Ki-related abilities due to the system adapting to the new environment."

Wow, okay I gotta admit that's pretty interesting. This idea of being able to choose any powers from the Marvel universe is amazing. And to think that I can use the system to level up my abilities and skills, making me stronger and better as I go along, it's like a dream come true. But, if I am going to start small and get some experience in the Marvel Cinematic Universe before I move up the difficulty chart, I need to make smart choices. I can't just pick overpowered characters and get their powers right away. It seems that I am also allowed to have powers from other universes that don't exist in the MCU, but for now, I want to stick with a Marvel-themed approach.

So, which character am I obsessed with from Marvel? Of course, it has to be Spider-Man! But I don't want to be a copy and paste of Peter Parker. I want to be different, and unique. So, I have made a decision, I'll be...The Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales. I'll get his powers and level up his skills with the system. Now that I think about it, I have one more question.

(Adriel) "One final question. If I chose to have Spider-Man Miles Morales powers. Will, I just have his abilities, or when I reach a certain level will I be able to use other Spider-Men's abilities?"

(OAA) "You will be able to use other Spider-Men's abilities when you reach a specific level, complete missions or buy it from the store inside the system. The system store will have almost everything but the skills will be very expensive. So save money, a lot of money for a very useful skill, and keep spare gold in case you will need something in moments of emergency. Any more questions?"

(Adriel) "Which period will I be in the MCU?"

(Osamu) "You will be just before the first Avengers movie starts. Because that's where you will start your adventure with the Avengers together and separated. The universe will not be disturbed by you appearing there, it'll be like you've always been there, so don't worry about butterfly effects and all of that crazy stuff."

(Adriel) "Oh alright then. Learn as much as I can and become as strong as possible. Like a tutorial right?!"

I exclaimed excitedly

(Presence) "Remember Adriel this is for real. This might be a tutorial like you said so you can learn the in and outs but this is a very harsh tutorial so keep cautious and don't forget about the darkness. If the system detects a disturbance in the fabric of reality you are the only one who can defeat that character that's been influenced by darkness and return them to their worlds, by either killing them or knocking them out and calling the system to teleport their unconscious body back."

(Adriel) "Alright then. I think I'm ready then"

As The One Above All made the clicking sound, a large, vibrant display appeared in front of me, hovering in the darkness of the void. It was similar in appearance to the one from the popular web novel, "Solo Leveling," and I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with it. The leveling system was now customized to fit within the Marvel universe, displaying various options and abilities that I could choose from. I was overcome with excitement and anticipation, already eager to dive into the new world before me. However, before fully immersing myself, I remembered my final question and turned back to the three Gods.

(Adriel) "One last question. This is the last one I promise"

(Osamu) "Go ahead."

(Adriel) "When I'm done with a universe, do I get to choose where I'm teleported, or is it random?"

(Osamu) "It's random, just pray that you don't get teleported into an extremely disturbing world that will destroy your sanity."

(Adriel) "Ahhhhh Nah, let's hope that doesn't happen. I don't wanna wake up in Berserk because I will commit seppuku on the spot. Anyways, now I'm ready. I wish to have Miles Morales's powers please."

(OAA) "Alright. Do you choose to be reincarnated or will you remain in your normal body with the systems modifications?"

(Adriel) "I'll like to remain how I am...I know how dark superhero stories can get so I don't wanna see my new family be in danger because of what I do and result in their deaths."

(Presence) "I understand. You will have currency inside the system. Enough to be able to live comfortably for a little while. Don't try to change that currency for gold to use inside the systems shop because that won't work. You will earn money by getting an actual job, the gold can be obtained by doing quests or dungeons."

(Adriel) "I can't have it easy huh?"

I sighed as I surveyed the situation. I had been hoping to avoid work, but it seemed that my laziness would have to be put aside. At least I had a solid skill set to fall back on. I had been studying to earn a Bachelor's degree in Science of Art and Design of Video Games with a concentration in Programming, which should give me a good chance of finding a job, even if I hadn't completed my studies. If that failed, I could always turn to my secondary skill, learned in high school - barbering. But for now, I was determined to focus on my current situation and adjust to my new surroundings. The gods had told me that I would be arriving before the events of the first Avengers movie, and I knew I needed to prepare myself for the arrival of Loki and his army.

I mentally summoned the system and was greeted by a familiar-looking screen that appeared in front of me. The design was reminiscent of the one from "Solo Leveling", but I assumed that was intentional, as it was a system I was familiar with. The screen displayed the words "Welcome, Player" and I reached out to tap it. My profile appeared on the screen, and I was ready to start exploring the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Name: Adriel Josue Valdez


Height: 6'1

Weight: 185 Pounds

Body Type: Mesomorph (Already have an athletic body due to going to the gym and practicing Karate)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

"Would you like to make any changes?"

I gazed intently at the profile screen, scanning through its details. I was intrigued by the amount of information available. My name was listed as well, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of dissatisfaction with it. I've always been someone who prefers to start fresh and reinvent myself when given the chance. With that in mind, I made the impulsive decision to change my name.

As I stared at the screen, I found myself daydreaming about different names. I thought about my favorite video game characters, my old Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, and even famous literary figures. After a few moments of contemplation, I settled on a name. Taking inspiration from the character Kirito from Sword Art Online, I decided to change my name to Karito. The new name felt like a good fit, and I was excited to start using it as I embark on this new adventure.

With a sense of determination, I deleted my old name and typed in the new one with a quick flick of my finger. The screen updated, and I couldn't help but smile at my new identity. Now, with a new name and a new purpose, I felt ready to tackle whatever lay ahead.

Name: Karito Josue Valdez


Height: 6'1

Weight: 185 Pounds

Body Type: Mesomorph (Already have an athletic body due to going to the gym and practicing Karate)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

"Would you like to make more changes?"

I perused my profile one final time, carefully examining every detail. However, after a moment of contemplation, I firmly rejected the information presented before me. With a clear and resolute mind, I mentally commanded the system to make the necessary changes. "No," I thought with determination.

"Player's profile has been completed."

"Before starting The Player's new life, please verify in case The Player is unsatisfied in some settings"

I gazed intently at the screen in front of me, focusing my thoughts on the task at hand. I summoned the system with a mental command, asking for my current status. The screen flickered to life, displaying a wealth of information about my current condition. I took a moment to digest the information, assessing my strength, abilities, and any limitations I might have in this new reality. I felt a thrill of excitement and uncertainty as I gazed upon my status, knowing that the journey ahead would be filled with challenges and adventures. But I was ready. I was determined to make the most of this new opportunity and to become the hero that I was destined to be.

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 1

EXP: 0/100

HP: 15,000/15,000

Prestige: 0

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 20

END: 14

INT: 13

DEX: 30

VIT: 15

(Stat Points) SP: 0


Spider Physiology: Gained the proportionate abilities of a spider that had been genetically modified with the Oz formula.

(Level 1/100) Superhuman Strength: Possesses superhuman strength, making him capable of lifting at least 10 tons. His physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to be able to jump to a height of several stories in a single bound.

(Level 1/100) Superhuman Speed: Possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.

(Level 1/100) Superhuman Stamina: Players advanced musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods before fatigue begins to impair him. In his best condition, Karito can physically exert himself for several hours before the build-up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.

(Level 1/100)Superhuman Durability: Player's body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. His body is also more resistant to impact forces than most humans.

(Level 1/100) Superhuman Agility: Agility, balance, flexibility, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic-level gymnast.

(Level 1/100) Superhuman Equilibrium: Possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He can adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.

(Level 1/100) Superhuman Reflexes: Reflexes are enhanced and are currently about 20 times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack.

Wall-Crawling: Can cling to any surface using just his fingertips and feet.

(Level 1/100) Spider-Sense: When danger is present, The Player feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of early warning system, allowing him to react accordingly. His spider-sense offers him near-complete awareness of his surroundings, and in conjunction with his reflexes, allows him to instinctively dodge or counter nearly all attacks. His spider-sense seems to be greatly enhanced compared to that of the original Spider-Man. For example, being able to see visions of the future before it even happens.

(Level 1/100) Venom Blasts: Can generate and manipulate a form of bio-electricity that his body produces, and can utilize the energy for multiple purposes. These energy projections vary in power and can affect the nervous system in humans and destroy technology. Depending on the intensity of the Venom Blast, some opponents can be simply dazed, while others can be completely incapacitated. It's also more effective on people with genetic alterations.

(Level 1/100) Mega Venom Blast: Able to emit a larger scale burst of bio-electricity from his entire body. It is powerful enough to repel a large group of opponents and destroy thick ropes and chains. This ability will leave Karito exhausted after using it and can be triggered by extreme stress.

(Level 1/100) Venom Beam: Player can channel his bio-electricity outward as a direct burst of electrostatic energy to knock away enemies in a stunning/concussive manner.

(Level 1/100) Venom Punch: Player can enhance the power of his punches by infusing his fists with bio-electricity.

(Level 1/100) Energy-Thread Generation: Player can produce threads of bio-electricity from his hands. Said spinnerets carry the same tensile prehensility of his web fluid, allowing him to swing from place to place or yank and flail around his opponents. He can also send a debilitating electric shock which disrupts their nervous systems as his Venom Blasts do.

(Level 1/100)Lateral Repulsion: By projecting a controlled Venom Blast, The Player can launch himself in the air with greater force than when jumping or web-swinging.

Spider-Camouflage: The Player, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them. The effect closely resembles that of invisibility.

(Level 1/100) Regenerative Healing Factor: Can regenerate his injuries at a much faster rate than normal humans can.

(Level 1/100) Karate: (Japanese: "empty hand") unarmed martial-arts discipline employing kicking, striking, and defensive blocking with arms and legs. Emphasis is on concentrating as much of the body's power as possible at the point and instant of impact. There are four main styles of karate in Japan: Shotokan, Goju-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, and Wado-Ryu.

(Level 1/100) Hacker: This skill enables The Player to hack any kind of technology. The higher skill the more things The Player can hack.

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As I scrutinized my profile, I noticed that all my skills seemed to be in order. Despite that, I was already feeling quite confident in my strength, thanks to the Gods' approval. However, there was one skill that seemed rather unusual and cryptic. I wondered what the requirement could be for me to unlock it. Despite that minor discrepancy, I was pleased to see that I was already quite strong, considering that I had taken on the abilities of Miles Morales as the Ultimate Spider-Man.

I then shifted my attention to my inventory, where I saw the iconic red and black suit of Miles Morales, ready for action. This was truly an exciting adventure, and I was eager to see what lay ahead.

I felt a rush of excitement wash over me as I gazed upon my inventory, marveling at the inclusion of Miles Morales's iconic Spider-Man suit. I had dreamed of becoming a superhero since I was a child, and now, here I was, chosen as the protector of the multiverse. Despite the daunting responsibility that came with the role, I was eager to embark on this new journey.

As I reflected on my new situation, I couldn't help but think of my family back home. I was glad that, at the very least, they wouldn't have to worry about my appearance, as my form reset each time I traveled to a new world. I was eager to explore the extent of my abilities and what else the system had in store for me, but for now, I needed to focus on completing the tutorial. The future was full of unknowns, but I was ready to face any challenges that came my way.

(Karito) "Alright, I'm ready."

(OAA) "Good luck Hero. Protect our realms from the darkness."

(Presence) "Are you sure about this boy? It will be a very hard adventure."

(Karito) "I'm sure, I'll take inspiration from my favorite heroes...It is a little hard to believe what is happening to me that's for sure. Me...I struggled with almost everything in life because I was different from people. Because of my autism, I threw random tantrums because of something I didn't like or want... I was socially awkward, no one wanted to talk to me because I acted weird...I was a very slow learner...I could spend hours or days trying to learn a test and not remember much of it. I had to work harder than a normal person...I NEEDED TO WORK HARDER! My parents helped me so much and I was able to be better...I became a better me...and now I'm being put to the test again. To prove my myself I can do it, I will persevere and I will be the best there is! This will be the beginning of my life as a hero. I know I'll face hardships because that's what makes a hero grow. I have seen too many movies, comics, and mangas to know better. It will be different because it's gonna be from my experience."

With a steady gaze, I fix my eyes upon the trio of celestial beings before me, and my resolve hardened. The weight of the responsibility bestowed upon me, as the protector of the multiverse, fills me with a sense of purpose. I am ready to embark on this journey, to face any challenges that may come my way. Though I will miss my family and loved ones, I am grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the many worlds that exist. I stand tall, ready to begin my training and hone my newfound abilities, with the aim of becoming the best hero I can be.

(Karito) "I'm ready"

All three Gods smile at the boy. He's the chosen one, the one to save everything in the end. All three Gods raise their hands and say

(All three Gods) "Good luck young hero! Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are graced with! Remember that Karito! Your heart is what makes you a hero in the end!"

As I stood in the presence of the three Gods, their words of encouragement and support filled me with a newfound determination. They raised their hands in unison, a brilliant light suddenly engulfing me. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of a bustling crowd all around me. When I opened them again, I was standing in the heart of New York City. My eyes fell upon a familiar sight, a symbol of innovation and power. The Stark Tower stood tall and proud, a smile spreading across my face as I took in the scene. I was ready for the next chapter in my journey, eager to explore the wonders of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I kept looking at the tower in amusement like I was some tourist and finally said.

(Karito) "Holy shit...I really am here"

I stood there, awestruck, staring at the towering structure that was the Stark Tower. Despite having been chosen as the multiverse's protector and having seen all sorts of incredible things, the sight of this iconic building still filled me with a sense of wonder and excitement. I was so captivated that I didn't even realize how much time had passed until I felt a nudge from someone passing by, jolting me back to reality.

I decided to take a walk around the city, soaking in the sights and sounds of New York. The buzz of activity, the honking of cars, the chatter of people going about their business. It was all so new and invigorating. I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the thought of starting this new chapter in my life.

As I walked, I remembered what the three gods had told me before they sent me here - they would provide me with enough money to live comfortably for a while until I needed to find a job. I wondered if I had received a notification about the funds being transferred to my account. I focused my thoughts and mentally commanded, "System."

The familiar interface flickered into existence in front of me, and I navigated to the notifications tab to check for any updates.

"Greetings, Player, I hope your teleportation to the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a smooth one. As the gods mentioned, this will be your starting point in your journey across the multiverse. Remember, your true purpose awaits you in the infinite realms beyond this one."

I considered the AI's words before pondering to myself. The monotony of repeatedly addressing the system as simply "System" seemed uninspired. Perhaps, I could personalize it with a name of my own choosing.

"Will you like to give me a name Player?"

I contemplated the potential name for my AI companion, eventually settling on "Kara." Despite it being the name of Superman's cousin, I felt that it carried a sense of familiarity and warmth, which seemed fitting for the role it would play as my constant companion. With a sense of finality, I mentally confirmed the name change.

"Name successfully changed."

I focused my attention on the notifications that had been flashing in the top right corner of my system interface, which I had briefly ignored as I was preoccupied with naming my AI. It was time to get down to business and see what was waiting for me in my new world.


Quest: Start of a new life

The Player will be given 5 million dollars at the start of his adventure. Find a comfortable place and get everything necessary for daily necessities.


Skill book of cooking

Skill book of cleaning

3 Stat points

25 EXP

"Player, it would've been great if you practiced more cooking in your past life but due to your laziness, you didn't. So in appreciation of naming me, I was allowed to gift you house-duty skills. Remember that now your gonna be living alone, it's time to be independent."

As I continued to walk through the city, my thoughts were swirling around my mind like a tornado. I couldn't shake off the feeling of being completely alone and without any support. But, I knew I couldn't give up. I had to take control of my life and embrace this new adventure with both arms. The thought of meeting Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, filled me with a sense of excitement and nervousness. I knew that he would be a valuable ally, and his experience and knowledge could help me immensely. However, at the same time, I was intimidated by the idea of meeting a legend and possibly falling short of his expectations.

I also couldn't help but think about the challenges that lay ahead of me. The lack of web-shooters on my wrist was definitely going to be a hindrance, but I was determined to overcome this obstacle. I thought about asking Tony Stark to build me some web-shooters as he did with Miles in the comics. But, I also knew that I needed to learn how to be resourceful and not just rely on gadgets. Maybe, I could try to gain a skill for organic webs, so I wouldn't have to constantly worry about running out of webbing or having my web-shooters break during a fight.

As I continued my journey, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having Kara by my side. She was a constant source of guidance and support, and I couldn't imagine going through this without her. I knew that I needed to focus on the task at hand and complete the quest, but my mind couldn't stop racing with all the possibilities of what was to come. I couldn't wait to see where this journey would take me and what kind of hero I would become. One thing was for certain, I was ready for the challenges ahead and I was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

"For critical thinking, you are rewarded with 1+ of intellect"


As I entered the lobby of Two Blue Slip, I was immediately struck by its opulence. The gleaming marble floor, sparkling crystal chandeliers, and plush velvet furniture all spoke of a level of wealth that I was unaccustomed to. I approached the receptionist's desk, feeling out of place in my simple attire, and tried to project a sense of confidence as I asked about rental options. The receptionist, a well-groomed woman with a friendly smile, handed me a brochure and explained the different types of units available for rent. I listened intently, aware of the limited funds in my bank account, and determined to make a smart investment with my limited resources. Despite my initial impression of the building, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the thought of starting a new life in this dynamic and vibrant city.

(Receptionist) "Good afternoon Sir. How may I help you?"

(Karito) "Good afternoon. I'm here looking to settle down, I'm new here and had to move due to my work and this place looks like they offer good rooms so..."

As I stood in the grand lobby of Two Blue Slip, a sense of overwhelming confusion washed over me. I had never felt so lost and unsure of my next steps. The thought of finding a place to live in a new city, in a new world even, was daunting. I had 5 million dollars to my name, but I had no idea where to begin in terms of renting or purchasing an apartment. I was completely clueless about the process and felt like a fish out of water. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, knowing that I needed to focus and come up with a plan. Perhaps I could start by speaking with the receptionist and gathering more information about the local real estate market.

(Receptionist) "Of course Sir! We have a large variety of rooms. We have studios, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, three-bedroom, townhomes, and penthouses. What do you wish to have sir?"

(Karito) "I...uh...I just want a studio, I'm alright with that. What's the cheapest you can offer me?"

The receptionist, a poised and professional woman, looked up at me with a friendly smile. But as I stammered through my request for affordable living options, I couldn't help but feel like I had misread her expression. Had I just been judged for asking for something cheap? I tried to push the thought away, reminding myself that I had spent my entire life worrying about money and I wasn't about to stop now.

(Receptionist) "We have these 2 studios, both at the price of $3,901 a month. One is in the 18A and another is in the 25A."

(Karito) "The 18A please..."

As the receptionist pulled out a blueprint of the room and began her explanation, she started pointing out the various features and amenities one by one, detailing their locations and highlighting their benefits. I listened intently, trying to absorb as much information as possible. She showed me the kitchen area with its modern appliances and spacious countertops, the cozy bedroom with its comfortable bed and ample closet space, and the stylish living room with its large windows and inviting furniture.

(Receptionist) "The dining/Living room is 10"10" x 14"1". The bedroom is 9"3" x 7"1". The room has a bathroom and a small kitchen."

I was taken aback by the barrage of information she was providing, and my mind struggled to keep up with the flow of details. I simply stood there and listened, feeling a bit overwhelmed as I tried to take in everything she was saying. I offered an occasional nod or grunt of acknowledgment, unsure of what else to do in the face of her relentless pace. I felt a sense of unease building within me, as I realized I was completely out of my depth in this new and unfamiliar environment.

(Receptionist) "Sir, is this alright with you?"

I could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on me as I tried to pay attention to the information she was imparting. Her words began to blur together as I struggled to process the information and figure out what my next step should be. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves and focus on the task at hand. The receptionist was still speaking, pointing out various features of the room and building, and I did my best to nod and try to pay attention, determined to make a good impression and secure a place to call my own.

(Karito) "Um yeah, it's alright"

As I focused on the receptionist's expression, I noticed a noticeable shift in her demeanor. Was she relieved? Had she perceived me as a struggling individual wasting her time? Whatever the reason, I chose to ignore her thoughts and remain professional in my approach.

(Receptionist) "Alright, Sir. Sign these papers and let me know when you are done"

I nodded and continued reading the papers and signing them.

Small-time skip

As I finally arrived at my studio with my key in hand, I gently inserted it into the lock and turned it, causing the door to creak open. A rush of excitement and nerves washed over me as I gazed upon my new home for the first time. The space was empty and barren, but I could already imagine the life and personality I would infuse into it. I took a deep breath and stepped inside, ready to start this new chapter of my life.

I stepped into the studio and took a moment to take in my surroundings. The space was much more luxurious than I had anticipated, with high-end furnishings and sleek decor. I made a mental note to consider making some modifications to the furniture in the future, but for now, I was content with what I saw. I fished my phone out of my pocket and pulled up the map app, marking the location of my new home with the help of Kara. This would help me find my way back here easily and quickly in the future.

"Location Marked as Home"

Alright, that takes care of that, now to buy everything that I will use.

Time Skip a few hours


Completed Quest: Start of a new life

The Player will be given 5 million dollars at the start of his adventure. Find a comfortable place and get everything necessary for daily necessities.


Skill book of cooking

Skill book of cleaning

3 Stat points

25 EXP

As I surveyed my new surroundings, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I had made it to Brooklin, managed to find a place to stay, and even managed to stock up on groceries in just under six hours. Despite having spent over three hundred dollars on food, I felt proud of myself for having been able to make it this far.

As I calculated the costs in my head, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry. I had arrived in 2012, which meant that I was in the middle of the first Avengers movie. If my calculations were correct, by 2023, I would need to keep my savings in check. With an annual rent payment of 46,812 dollars, and with my food expenses taking a toll on my savings, I knew that I would have to find a job by my third year here if I wanted to avoid being the man with the biggest debt on earth.

However, for now, I was content. I had a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and the comfort of knowing that I was in the heart of one of the most exciting and dynamic cities in the world. With determination in my heart and a clear sense of purpose, I set about making this new life my own.

"For critical thinking, you are rewarded with 1+ of intellect"

I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized I won't have to worry about money once I become part of the Avengers. I was aware, however, that this reprieve would only be temporary, as the events of the Civil War were sure to impact the team's finances.

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 1

EXP: 25/100

HP: 15,000/15,000

Prestige: 0

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 20

END: 14

INT: 15

DEX: 30

VIT: 15

(Stat Points) SP: 3

As I took stock of my situation, I couldn't help but feel satisfied with my progress so far. I had managed to secure a new home, restock my supplies, and get everything in order within just a few hours. However, I was aware that tomorrow would be a new day and I still had much to do. My ultimate goal was to become part of the Avengers, and I knew that this wouldn't happen overnight. I needed to take things one step at a time, and that's exactly what I intended to do.

The first step would be to try and find Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. I had heard that he was a man of integrity and a respected leader, and I hoped to forge a friendship with him. Of course, reaching out to other Avengers, such as Iron Man, would be much more challenging, especially given Tony Stark's status as a "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." I couldn't help but wonder how much time I had before the events of the Avengers movie would take place. Would I be able to find my place among these legendary heroes before it was too late?

"You have 2 more days before the main storyline starts Player"

As I take in the present moment, I can't help but feel a sense of eagerness to move forward with my plan. I am determined to find and form a friendship with Captain America, the leader of the Avengers. I know it won't be an easy task, but I am ready to try. I take a look at the clock on the nightstand, noticing that it's already 8 PM. I can't believe how much time has passed since I've been lost in thought. I decide to call it a day and get a good night's sleep, knowing that I'll need my rest for the challenges that await me tomorrow. I turn off the lamp, sink into my bed, and let myself drift off into a peaceful slumber, wondering what adventures tomorrow will bring.

(Karito) "Superhero life... here we go." Shifts around his bed and falls asleep

To be continued...

ElectricWrites ElectricWrites

(Hello everyone whoever sees this. This is my first time doing this and I'm grateful that you read my story. This is the start of a long journey for this story and I will do everything in my power to make it as interesting, and engaging as possible. Anyways, the updates will vary, I'm still in university and pretty busy most of the time. But that won't mean that I will forget about this. Hopefully, I'll have more free time to be able to write if people like this. Anyways, ElectricWrites... signing out). 

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