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Chapter 5: First Kill(s)

June 6th, 1991

Earth - ?????????

Nearly 60 miles away from Beijing.

A scenic traditional Chinese home with a large courtyard could be found amongst a forest of giant Gingkos and White Mulberrys. An ancient town could be found around 12 miles from where it's located.

A middle-aged Chinese man could be seen teaching 3 children what seemed to be martial arts katas. A beautiful Chinese woman and a cute 7 year old girl were seen resting under a beautiful awning with carved wooden dragons and other mystical creatures adorning the walls.

"Children, you must strengthen your mind and body! If you want them to be yours one day, show me you're strong enough to do it!" The man yelled at what seemed to be two 13 year old children and one 7 year old boy in all black training robes.

"Yes, father!" The three young boys shouted in unison, thrusting out their right hands with sweat dripping from their bodies.

Oddly, one of the 13 year olds seemed to be missing a hand, and the little 7 year old seemed to be a character out of a storybook with his ethereal looks.

This family, of course, was Xu Wenwu, Shang-Chi, Mattias, and Jack Frost. Ying Li and Xu Xialing were resting and chatting while watching them train.

Seven years have passed since Jack has been dropped into the hands of this family, and he has been making the most out of every second.

When Xu Wenwu and Ying Li walked into the nursery and saw it snowing, they knew for a fact that Jack was not a normal child.

With that in mind, Xu Wenwu immediately drew a blood sample from Jack under the worried gaze of his wife and had it tested. It was confirmed he was a mutant, but that wasn't the oddest part. The team of scientists under his payroll quickly found out that 50% of his DNA didn't seem to be human. After learning that, Wenwu killed the scientists without his wifes knowledge. After returning home, he shared the news of Jack with Ying Li.

Knowing that in China, mutants and other individuals with supernatural powers disappear without a trace and are discriminated against; Ying Li wanted to move to Ta Lo where they could be safe.

Xu Wenwu, who was naturally reluctant to give up his empire, eventually agreed due to the love of his wife and children; plus, his wife has been complaining about this place for ages. He sent the men loyal to him into hiding and retirement and made his way to Ta Lo with his wife; shutting down the Xu family compound for the first time in thousands of years.

Finally arriving in Ta Lo, Ying Li was naturally nervous meeting her family again after leaving for Wenwu, but she believed her family wouldn't turn their backs on her and her children. Unfortunately, the happy family reunion never occurred. Turned away at the gates of Ta Lo for Xu Wenwus sins; the family of 6 were left without a place to go.

Xu Wenwu wanted to return to the Xu family compound and call back his bannermen, but Ying Li, having already stayed 6 years there, didn't want to go back. She convinced Xu Wenwu to buy a normal home for them to raise their children in while having the Xu family compound be turned into a vacation home.

7 years later, the family is now living a happy life together. Xu Wenwu occasionally trains his children, but it's the basics, and he isn't harsh on them. Trained in Karate, Wing-Chun, Tai-Chi, and Judo, the boys were given a balanced training schedule that wasn't as harsh as Xu Wenwu would've liked if it was 20 years ago.

The only exception is Jack. Xu Wenwu and Ying Li agreed that unmastered and untrained power would only result in destruction. With that in mind, Xu Wenwu trained him physically as hard as possible so he could master his body. Ying Li, in charge of his powers, taught him Ta Lo's ancient martial arts to calm his mind and soul while connecting with nature; hoping that would give him better control over his powers.

Xu Wenwu started Jacks physical training at 4 years old and was at first scared he would hurt Jack, but the kid had a determination to succeed he hasn't ever seen in one so young before. Even Mattias' motivation in martial arts isn't as strong as his, and he was an orphan on the street.

After a brisk 3 hour long training session, Wenwu said, "Alright, time to stop. It's time for Mattias' prosthetic appointment."

"Haaaaaah," the two 13 year olds let out a deep breath, obviously tired from the workout.

Jack was silent, not even winded from the 3 hour training session, sweat only slightly visible on his body.

Shang-Chi and Mattias gave each other a look after seeing Jack and shook their heads wryly. They knew Jack was special, not to mention the fact that Jack trained 10 times harder than them.

Shang-Chi and Mattias, wanting a normal life, begged their parents to enroll in a public school. Finally relenting, Ying Li and Xu Wenwu agreed.

Unfortunately, Jack just looked too conspicuous. His snow white hair and piercing blue eyes would stick out like a sore thumb in China, so he was homeschooled exculsively by Xu Wenwu and Ying Li, training himself religiously from a young age.

I don't know if you've ever seen a blonde hair blue-eyed baby in China before, but if you have, you'd know Jack would not be safe on the streets of China.

Moving on, Xu Wenwu brought Mattias to their family car, while Shang-Chi and Jack made their way over to Ying Li with Xu Xialing sitting in her lap.

"Jack, wook at my bwacwet!" The little girl exclaimed, sticking her arm up, showing off a crudely made flower bracelet.

"Wow, what a beautiful braclet, Xialing! Did you make it all by yourself?" Jack asked with a smile.

"Yesh," she replied, blushing and turning away from Jack.

Shang-Chi secretly thought in his mind, "What about me?".

Jack just laughed at this display, thinking of her as a granddaughter with his 93 year old soul and asked his mother, "Mom, what are the plans for today?" He asked eagerly, hoping for more Ta Lo martial arts training. After all, it boosted his soul attribute.

She looked at her shy daughter, then at Jack with a smirk before saying, "Today you'll be on your own Jack, you can train your ice powers on your mountain. Today, I'll be teaching Shang-Chi and Xu Xialing the basics of Ta Lo martial arts. I think they're ready for it." She used to be opposed to Jack going off into the mountains as only a 7 year old, but he showed amazing maturity ever since he was born and his powers and martial arts training would protect him from pretty much anything a normal mountain would have. Having trust in Jack, she only allowed him to leave within a mile outside of their house under his constant insistence and nagging. According to him, he couldn't train his powers fully in such a small courtyard. Agreeing with him somewhat, she had Xu Wenwu set up a training ground on a deserted mountain filled only with animals half a mile away.

Shang-Chi looked excited while Xu Xialing seemed to still be huddled up into her mother. Shang-Chi was excited because his mother was so powerful, and she started teaching Jack first due to his powers.

Shang-Chi was at first jealous of this, which also made Xu Xialing jealous because she just wanted to be like her brothers, while Mattias was just happy to have a family. Ying Li then sat the four of them down and explained that Jack's powers made it so she had to teach him first. She also explained that, unfortunately, Mattias didn't have the talent to learn.

While Mattias was sad at first, he got over it quickly under Ying Li's embrace.

With that said, she pulled out two oval-shaped emerald pendants and put them into the hands of Shang-Chi and Xu Xialing, looking at all four of them while she did it.

She said, "Shang-Chi, you all have an equal place in my heart. These pendants are from my homeland. One day, we will unite them together and go back as a family." she said lovingly.

Breaking out of these memories, Shang-Chi was happy to finally be able to learn the martial arts of his homeland. Maybe then I won't be beaten so badly by Jack's ice staff, he thought shiveringly.

Before Shang-Chi could think about that hooked stick of death more, he felt a cold wind blow past his body, launching Jack off into the air with his conjured ice staff.

"Well, dont wait up for me then!" Jack shouted while fading into the sky.

"Be careful!" Ying Li shouted while Shang-Chi just shook his head wryly. Xu Xialing was looking at Jack's departing figure with a sad face.


June 6th, 1991

Earth - ?????????

Jacks mountain, half a mile away from the Xu family household.

Jack could be seen flying in the distant sky. After throwing his staff made of ice into the distant forest; he started to lose altitude. Once he reached 100 feet from the ground, he could be seen somersaulting until he landed with a bang in a superhero pose.

"Damn, I'm cool," said Jack after standing up and dusting off the nonexistant dirt on his shoulders.

Looking around at the football-field sized clearing on top of the mountain with various training equipment and obstacle courses, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"These past 7 years have been extremely rewarding. Training in martial arts and my ice powers every day since I was 4 years old has boosted my stats considerably. Fusing the energy from my X-Gene into my body has made me progress faster than I could've imagined," he thought.

Thinking of that, Jack said in his mind, "A.I. Chip, show my attributes and skills!".

[Ding! Request Received, Displaying Now:]

A glowing blue 3D 7 year old materialized in front of his vision with two windows shown beneath.


Strength: 14.3

Physique: 25.5

Vitality: 13.2

Soul: 110.5

Energy: 21.2/25.5]

"Hmm, only used about 4.3 energy this time while flying, I'm getting better," thought Jack.

Turning his attention back to his skills, he saw:


Infinity Castle: A skill seemingly originating from your soul, it opens up a physical spatial dimension within your being. You are able to expand this space by imbuing it with energy of any type. You can enter this dimension by imbuing your energy into any doorway while thinking of entering.

Cryokinesis: Able to generate ice and snow from the humidity found in the air. With the use of energy, enlarge and shape these constructs through the use of your soul.

Aerokinesis: Able to generate winds and air from the environment around you. With the use of energy, increase the output of the wind or air produced.

Hydrokinesis: Able to manipulate water at a molecular level through the use of energy.

Organic Ice-Form: Convert your organic body into ice molecules. Shape your form as you wish. Note: Going over your natural forms limit will cost extra energy.

Cryokinetic Perception (Passive): Through your soul, feel and control every molecule of ice surrounding you. Enlarge the diameter of usage through your Soul Attribute. Note: A 1.0 in the Soul Attribute will allow you to perceive and control ice molecules 100 feet in every direction of your vicinity.

Ta Lo Martial Arts: Connect with nature and calm your mind. Train in this martial art to boost your soul attribute.

Flight: Conjuring wind through energy will allow you to propel your body through the air, achieving flight.]

Looking at the eight skills Jack has been working on religiously, he couldn't help but feel proud. "I'm a 7 year old child, and I've already surpassed Bobby Drake in some universes," he couldn't help but think smugly.

His [Infinity Castle] space is already the size of a football field, with various weapons and training equipment littered around. He usually enters at night to train his ice powers and imbue energy into the skill. This dimension is his trump card. He hasn't even told his family about it yet.

Thinking of that, Jack decided to train his [Cryokinesis] and [Cryokinetic Perception] before he heads back home.

Running towards the obstacle course filled with training dummies, he vaulted over every obstacle with the practiced ease of a parkour veteran. He conjured ice spears, swords, and arrows to impale each dummy. Mixing in martial arts stances and thrusts to shoot out ice from his fists, palms, and feet.

After four hours of intense training and another hour waiting for half his energy to refill, Jack decided it was time to head back home after seeing the sun start to set.

With a gust of wind and a woosh, Jack was sent skyward.


June 6th, 1991

Earth - ?????????

Xu Family Household.

After Jack left, Ying Li spent the next 4 and half hours teaching her children Ta Lo martial arts. Shang-Chi had amazing potential in it, and Xu Xialing makes up for her lack of talent in perseverance.

After teaching them the basics, she said, "Your father, Mattias, and Jack should be back soon. Take a rest while I go and make dinner for when they get back." Ying Li said to her two tired children.

"Yes, mum," they mumbled back, obviously fatigued from training.

Before Ying Li could head inside, she heard loud banging and shouting on her homes front entrance gates.


"REVENGE! REVENGE! REVENGE!" thundered what seemed to be hundreds of voices in response to the first shout.

After the shouts, the gates were being warped with the amount of force being applied to them.

Ying Li, anxious for her children, shouted, "SHANG-CHI TAKE XU XIALING AND HIDE"

"BUT MOM I CAN HEL-" Before Shang-Chi could finish his sentence, his mother boomed.


Scampering away with his crying sister, Shang-Chi ran into the main building's second floor, clear view of the courtyard below.

Ying Li, preparing herself for the conflict, had a troubled look on her face. With loud bangs and shouts, the gates to their courtyard home blasted off the hinges.

Tens of men in black and grey suits armed with hatchets and knives flooded into the courtyard with what seemed to be at least 80 or so more waiting outside.

After they half filled the courtyard with men, they split in half down the middle, making way for a bald and fat Chinese man.

"Where is Xu Wenwu," said the man to Ying Li.

"He isn't here," She replied curtly.

The man, seeming to not expect this answer, fell into deep thought. After what seemed like ages he said, "Then killing his whore wife will teach him what happens when he messes with the Iron Gang". With a flick of his right hand, the men started to rush at Ying Li with hatchets and knives in their hands.

Ying Li disarmed the first man that came at her with a graceful spinning right kick to his wrist joint. She then twirled and delivered an elbow strike directly into his neck, killing him instantly.

Ying Li, with extremely graceful moves, was like the wind, flowing between each gangster that was running at her, delivering precise strikes to their throats and joints. Men were falling like flies.

Blocking and redirecting almost every strike aimed at her, it was an extremely impressive display of martial talent.

After taking down 24 men, they finally overwhelmed her, striking her to the ground. Men from every direction had their legs pressed onto her, making sure she couldn't stand up.

The fat Iron Gang leader walked up to the suppressed woman and said, "You killed two dozen of my best men, for that, your deat-" Before he could finish, a shout of rage echoed throughout the evening sky.

Looking to the sky, the Iron Gang saw a little black dot gradually getting closer.

"RAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jack flying his way back home didn't expect to see dozens of dead men in his family home, along with his mother pushed to the ground by at least a six different men and surrounded by at least 60 more.

Activating his [Organic Ice-Form], sky blue ice started to condense and cryztalize around his body. First, starting with his head, it moved down to his feet. His head was covered in a spartan like t-visor helmet that only showed his glowing blue pupils on a black backdrop. Cryztallized ice plates formed on his body, perfectly fitting every contour and edge he had.

He looked like a Winter God of War. He'd be even more intimidating if he wasn't 4ft tall.

Summoning his signature hook staff, a notification sounded.

[Ding! Attention! Due to uncontrolled rage, [Sub-Ability, Emotional Support] has been activated.]

His hooked staff automatically straightened out. Intead of a hook on top, a gnarly looking war glaive blade was set on top. The bottom of the staff had an ice pike, the whole war glaive seemed to be 8ft tall. His [Organic Ice-Form] that is usually blue started to turn into a murky blackish blue.

[Ding! Conjured ice sharpness has improved by 75%, [Organic Ice-Form] durability increased by 200%, and strength attribute boosted by 50%.]

Approaching closer and closer, the Iron Gang started to get nervous. When the mysterious entity started to descend, it became clearer and clearer in the Gangs view, their fear escalating the closer he got. When the entity was close to the ground, it somersaulted once, slamming its war glaive into the ground while kneeling, causing a shockwave to erupt from its landing point.

The men that were holding his mother down and the Iron Gang leader were sent flying back from this shockwave.

After reorienting themselves and standing back up, they were face to face with what they could only assume was a demon made out of ice. It's ice cold gaze staring back at them with hate and anger.

The Iron Gang leader standing back up was looking at this scary fucker and said, "Who are you? We don-"


Before he could finish his sentence, the 8ft long war glaive held in the small beings hand was launched and impaled itself directly into his chest.

Disbelieving what was happening, he gripped onto the ice cold glaive, causing his skin to melt onto the shaft of the glaive.

Before the man could scream in pain, Jack using [Cryokinetic Perception] felt every inch of the glaive enter the mans chest. Due to his 100+ soul attribute, he was able to control this glaive and any ice within a 2 mile radius of where he stood.

Feeling like a God, Jack commanded the glaive through his soul to rip upwards, splitting the Iron Gang leader in half from chest up.

The glaive, now covered in blood, started spinning above the now split in half corpse of the man and shot back towards Jack hand.


With practiced ease, the shaft of the glaive returned perfectly into Jacks waiting right hand, making a pleasant tinging noise.

The Iron Gang, Ying Li, and Shang-Chi were shellshocked.

Not even processing that he killed someone, Jack, with the utmost concentration, got into a lunging position; spun the glaive around his palm so the pointed edge was facing forward, and threw the glaive at the biggest man in the yard imapling his head and killing him instantly.

The Iron Gang, shocked, yelled, "GET HIM!" About half of the 60 or so men charged at Jack, the other 30 ran straight out of the main entrance, getting the fuck out of there.

The first man that ran at Jack had his hatchet raised, ready to strike Jack.

Jack felt like he was watching the man move in slow motion with his stats that are over 10 times larger than an average humans.

Deciding to end this fight fast, Jack ran at the man with his shoulder connecting to his midsection, picking the man up in a Judo throw; he then slammed him to the ground with all his strength.

The back of the Iron Gang lackey exploded into a blood spray, but the cold from Jacks [Organic Ice-Form] froze the blood spray mid-air, turning it into little ice droplets that fell to the floor.

Rolling out of the Judo throw, Jack threw a straight right hook from his fist, sending an ice spike hurtling through the air, piercing 10 Iron Gang members through their bodies, killing them instantly.


Summoning the war glaive back into his hand that he threw earlier, he twirled it, and he instinctively got into the standard spear combat form his father drilled him in, ready for the next attackers.

Acclimating to his surroundings, Jack found that the rest of the men around him had already fled or were corpses on the ground. Looking towards his mother and making sure she was alright, Jack passed out.

"JAAACK!!!!" The last thing Jack heard was his mother screaming his name.

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