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65.86% Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle / Chapter 217: Chapter 217: A Tooth for a Tooth, Blood for Blood!

Bab 217: Chapter 217: A Tooth for a Tooth, Blood for Blood!

After infusing magic into the communication crystal, the magic light screen that appeared revealed the figure of Luna in her human form, her expression grave and her eyes seemingly ablaze with raging fury.

Garon was slightly taken aback upon seeing Luna's eyes. In his memory, Luna always maintained a graceful demeanor, her face always adorned with a light, elegant smile, as if nothing could surprise or shock her too much. The silver dragon's temperament was very steady. This was the first time Garon had seen Luna displaying such clear anger.

Meanwhile, right after the connection was established, Luna immediately began speaking with a heavy voice, "Garon, the avatar of the Primordial Sun God has descended."

This was something Garon could have guessed even without Luna telling him. If not for the descent of an avatar to the continent of Noah, it would have been nearly impossible to cause such a huge disturbance. The black light that obscured the sky and permeated the space was directly related to the power of the Primordial Sun God; otherwise, it wouldn't be so terrifyingly dreadful.

In just a matter of one or two hours, countless creatures mutated into grotesque and horrifying monsters.

These mutated beings had a clear target; they were attacking every place where there was a source of light. Without light, the darkness of the Primordial Sun God could erode the hearts of creatures, causing their bodies to be corrupted and mutated.

The Primordial Sun God, having lain dormant for so long, made its move with thunderous and swift actions, giving no one the chance to react. It sealed off the continent of Noah, making teleportation spells unusable.

After finishing her explanation, Luna's expression was solemn, word by word she said, "What's worse is that the place of His descent is the Dragon Tomb."

"The avatar of the Primordial Sun God is stealing the corpses of true dragons, drawing from them, continuously strengthening His own power."

"News from the Metal Dragon Island has arrived, stating that all adult metal dragons from the continent of Noah are heading towards the location of the Dragon Tomb."

The theft of true dragon corpses made Garon's eyes narrow.

"This guy dares to tamper with the Dragon Tomb. What about the Platinum Dragon God?"

"Hasn't the Metal Dragon Island contacted the Platinum Dragon God for help?"

Garon asked.

"We can't get through. My mother said that this layer of dark sky not only seals off teleportation spells but also cuts off contact with the deities. The gold dragon priests on the island have been unable to receive any response from the Platinum Dragon God, something that was impossible in the past," Luna replied.

As soon as her words fell, an invisible ripple spread from the distance at the speed of light, swiftly sweeping across Garon's body.

He looked up towards the distance.

"This is..."

The ripple carried the sound of dragons roaring. The moment it was received, Garon felt a slight tremor in his heart, understanding the message it conveyed.

Like Garon, the White Dragoness, Yuna, who was nearby, also looked towards the source of the ripple.

"The Dragon Pact."

"The Metal Dragon Clan has been forced to seek help from other true dragons," Garon thought to himself.

The ripple was a signal, a call for help, perceptible only to true dragons.

It contained a few sentences.

[The evil god descends, corrupting the Metal Dragon Tomb, devouring the corpses of true dragons.]

[This is not only an insult to the Metal Dragon Clan but a contempt and provocation to all dragonkind.]

[I, the ancient gold dragon Lockweed, on behalf of the entire Metal Dragon Clan of the continent of Noah, hereby call upon all adult true dragons to muster their strength, come to the Dragon Tomb to confront the enemy, and let them know that the tomb of true dragons shall not be desecrated!]

[After the matter is resolved, the Metal Dragon Clan will provide sufficient rewards to the responders.]

Such Dragon Pacts are often used by many true dragons. Usually, after encountering danger or trouble, they promise a certain price to seek help from other true dragons nearby. Metal dragons use it more frequently than the chromatic dragons, who are too proud to resort to it often. However, the normal range of a Dragon Pact's transmission is only a few hundred kilometers. The fact that this one spread so far, even reaching the far north ice fields, indicates it wasn't released by a single dragon but likely by the collective effort of the Metal Dragon Clan.

"You felt it too, right? The Metal Dragon Island is not only summoning metal dragons. The power of the Primordial Sun God is formidable; the metal dragon clan alone cannot contend with His avatar," Luna knew about the Primordial Sun God's mischief because she happened to hear a conversation while in the Church of Light, thus knowing the source of this issue.

Garon nodded, saying, "I've sensed the Dragon Pact."

He was pondering whether or not to go to the area of the Dragon Tomb.

The Dragon Pact released by the Metal Dragon Clan, with its extremely wide transmission range, meant that almost all dragons on the continent of Noah had received the Dragon Pact, knew the source of this dark invasion was located in the Dragon Tomb area, and that it involved the bold desecration of the corpses of dead true dragons.

Although there is discord among true dragons, in special circumstances, there is a strange sense of unity among them.

For instance, even chromatic dragons that disdain the Metal Dragon Clan, upon hearing that the Dragon Tomb was invaded and the corpses of true dragons were being used as food, could not suppress their rage.

Conversely, if the corpses of chromatic dragons were desecrated by other beings, metal dragons would similarly not stand idly by.

"Damn evil god, daring to lay hands on our dragonkind's corpses."

"The Mother of Dragons won't let Him go, no, all dragon gods, once aware of this matter, will not let Him go unpunished. He will pay a painful price for this!" The White Dragoness snarled, her face full of anger.

After receiving the Dragon Pact, her breathing became heavy, her sharp claws unconsciously scratching the ground, leaving trails of broken marks, looking ready to rush to the Dragon Tomb to fight the evil god to the death.

"The avatar of the Primordial Sun God won't die, and this darkness that has sealed the plane won't dissipate."

"Garon, I'm on my way to the Metal Dragon Tomb. The coordinates of the Dragon Tomb are in the pact information. If you're coming, be cautious," Luna had already transformed into her dragon form, currently flying through the dense darkness. Due to her swift flight, Garon could hear the whistling wind caused by her dragon wings.

After saying these words, Luna ended the communication.

The other end lost its magic supply, and the light screen dispersed, the trembling communication crystal returning to calm.

Garon placed it back into his dimensional space, slightly narrowing his eyes, looking in the direction of the Metal Dragon Tomb.

At the same time, the White Dragoness gritted her teeth and said, "Garon, let's go together and show that audacious evil god that dragons are not to be trifled with!"

Knowing that the Primordial Sun God was feeding on the corpses of true dragons, the White Dragoness fell into a state of righteous indignation.

Not just the White Dragoness.

White Dragon Holmes, White Dragon Graehus, these two dragon nest guardians lowered their heads to Garon, speaking solemnly, "Sir, please allow us to head to the Dragon Tomb to defend our dragonkind's dignity and power!"

If the Metal Dragon Island were attacked, they wouldn't have any reaction.

Perhaps they would even take pleasure in their misfortune.

But the attack was on the Dragon Tomb. The desecration of the resting corpses of true dragons within the tomb was something other true dragons could not tolerate. Such actions are a great provocation to the dignity of dragonkind.

Dragon scales, dragon blood, dragon bones, dragon teeth, as one of the top magic races in the multiverse, every part of a true dragon's body is a rare and precious magical material.

On the continent of Noah, occasionally when a dragon dies, its body is made into magical artifacts.

Those magical artifacts tainted with dragon blood, no one dares to openly use them because once detected by a true dragon, it would invite the most terrifying retaliation. The wrath of a true dragon is not something ordinary people can withstand.

Garon looked around, his gaze sweeping over the faces of the White Dragon guards and the White Dragoness.

Although he couldn't see the expressions and attitudes of other true dragons who received the Dragon Pact, most likely, they were similar to the White Dragoness and others. The invasion of the Dragon Tomb, such a matter, is not something many dragons can ignore.

Upon learning of this news, Garon himself also darkened his expression.

He is a legendary dragon, different from ordinary true dragons.

But legendary dragons are still dragons, with the blood of true dragons coursing through their veins, agitating restlessly, igniting a long-absent rage within Garon.

"Garon, this Primordial Sun God is too arrogant."

"Does He consider dragonkind as what? Does He see us as weak and inferior beings that can be easily bullied?"

"We can't let Him insult the corpses of our dragonkind without restraint!"

Yuna's voice, filled with anger, came from beside him.

Because she was so angry, her body was flickering in and out of visibility, revealing scales and claws, with her pale purple eyes seeming to blaze with raging fire.

Dragons can be deceived, can be coaxed.

But they absolutely cannot be insulted.

Even if the opponent is a terrifyingly powerful primordial deity.

"We are legendary dragons, the topmost true dragons, and cannot stand idly by."

Yuna looked at Garon, her voice solemn.

"Blood for blood, tooth for a tooth."

A gust of cold wind swept through, howling as it landed on Garon's scales.

Garon's eyes narrowed slightly, the platinum dragon pupils flickering with dangerous light, his voice cold and low.

"Since He has chosen to descend in avatar form, then let this avatar remain in the continent of Noah forever."

Even if the Primordial Sun God had not tampered with the Dragon Tomb, Garon could not remain idle in the far north ice fields.

Darkness is everywhere, eroding and spreading. As time goes on, even if he could protect himself, all his kin, including the White Dragoness, his dragon brothers and sisters, and friends like the Crystal Dragon and Luna, would hardly survive long under the dark erosion.

The Primordial Sun God has sealed off this primary material world, cutting off all retreats.

Moreover, with contact with deities cut off, prayers to the gods go unanswered, meaning no deity avatar of the same tier as the Primordial Sun God comes to stop Him.

In such a situation, unless one wishes not to be eroded by the darkness, turning into that disgusting, mutated creature, there's almost only one path to take.

A deity avatar is not a god and can be killed by mortals.

With enough legendary beings sacrificing their lives, there's a certain possibility of killing the avatar of the Primordial Sun God.

However, this possibility is very low.

In reality, as long as He is weakened and injured, affecting the plane's seal, the continent of Noah could turn danger into safety. The God of Light, Dragon God, and other religious deities, would not allow an evil primordial deity to run amok in their world.

The worse part is, the continent of Noah is a very ordinary primary material world.

This world isn't large, resources are not abundant, and there aren't many powerful legendary existences.

Facing an avatar of a primordial deity, all the legends of the continent of Noah combined might not achieve a good outcome.

The Primordial Sun God is not an ordinary primordial deity. He has contended with the God of Light for countless years and did not fear retaliation from the Dragon God to attack the Dragon Tomb, challenging dragonkind, at least a primordial deity equivalent to a strong divine force.

"Strong divine force."

"If it were His true form, even the Time Dragon Reversal might find it difficult to deal with Him."

Garon didn't know if there was a version of him in different timelines that had reached the level of strong divine force, at least a primordial time dragon, to contend with such a level of primordial deity.

"But this is the primary material world, even if the avatar is strong, at most it reaches the containment limit of the primary material world."

Garon glanced at Yuna.

"Besides, it's not just me here, there's also Yuna."

A smile flickered in Garon's eyes, thinking to himself.

Time Dragon Reversal, plus the cross-time teleportation of the Power Dragon Elder, Garon didn't think an avatar of a primordial deity in the primary material world could pose much threat to him and Yuna.

Assured of their relative safety, Garon then had enough confidence.

"Alright, let's show this guy, provoke anyone but our dragonkind, and he will pay a painful price, regretting it deeply!"

After receiving Garon's response, Yuna huffed lightly, saying.

"Garon, are we going to the Dragon Tomb?"

The White Dragoness's tone was a bit excited.

Garon glanced at the White Dragoness and shook his head, saying, "Not we, but me and Yuna."

Although Yuna only revealed her form in front of Garon, she didn't deliberately hide her presence. The creatures here gradually also knew there was an incredibly powerful invisible dragon following Garon.

The White Dragoness frowned, displeased, saying, "I want to go too."

Garon calmly asked, "Are you already a legendary creature?"

The White Dragoness was momentarily stunned, then scratched her head, whispering, "No."

"The Dragon Pact released by the Metal Dragon Island calls for true dragons to come, already stating to act according to their abilities. With your strength, it's better not to cause trouble. Going there is likely just a death sentence."

Garon patiently explained.

The White Dragoness's eyes widened, her head shaking like a rattle, saying, "No, I'm very angry right now. I can't just sit by idly. I, Salia, want to teach the evil god a lesson, let Him taste the fury of a true dragon."

Teaching the evil god a lesson left Garon somewhat speechless.

"You're not my follower, nor my kin. You can go if you want, I won't restrain you."

"However, Yuna and I won't slow down for you or expend energy to deliberately bring you along."

After a pause, before the White Dragoness could respond, he looked at the two White Dragon guards, speaking solemnly, "Defending the dignity and glory of dragonkind, it's good you have this intention, but your task is not to go to the Dragon Tomb, but to guard the far north ice fields well, protecting my territory and wealth."

"You and Salia are the same, going there won't be much help."

The two White Dragon guards looked at each other.

After Garon spoke, their hot-blooded brains cooled down a lot, also realizing their strength was fundamentally insufficient to participate in the battle against the evil god avatar.

"We understand, please rest assured, before our death, your territory and wealth will not be violated," Holmes and Graehus answered simultaneously.

Then, Garon looked at Krichens and Fred, saying, "You two also stay in the far north ice fields."

"As you wish." The two high-level spellcasters nodded, responding.

In the situation where spatial teleportation spells couldn't be cast.

By the time they exhausted their magic flying to the Dragon Tomb, they would have nearly depleted their magical strength.

High-level spellcasters have strong bodies, but a high-level spellcaster without magic is akin to a super soldier, capable of dealing with ordinary creatures, but obviously unable to provide any help in such a situation.

"Hmph, then I won't go. You teach the evil god avatar a lesson for me, spit a few more frost dragon breaths at Him," the White Dragoness calmed down and no longer insisted on her initial idea, saying.

Then, after giving some instructions, Garon spread his wings, shooting into the sky.

His speed was very fast, his huge body like a silver streak piercing the heavens, piercing through the boundless darkness, disappearing from the sight of the White Dragoness and the others in an instant, with Yuna following closely, her form hidden.

After Garon disappeared from sight, a fleeting worry flashed across the White Dragoness's face.

In a world enveloped in darkness, Garon and Yuna flew at extremely high speeds in a straight line, the harsh whistling of the air cutting past their ears.

To avoid being disturbed by annoying whispers, knowing that light would prevent mental erosion, Garon expended a certain amount of magic to cast Dancing Lights, creating a sphere of light around their bodies.

As a result, some flying mutated creatures in the high skies targeted Garon.

Because the target was clear, Garon didn't waste time and ignored those mutated creatures.

The silver dragon's figure flashed through the high skies, covering thousands of meters in the blink of an eye, leaving residual traces in the air, reaching extreme speeds.

The mutated flying creatures that noticed the light were all left behind, losing sight of Garon in a moment of distraction.

Then, they scattered, circling high in the sky with hateful eyes, rushing towards places below with light.

Yuna, flying beside Garon, showed an excited expression.

"I didn't expect us to fly this fast together."

Garon and Yuna, flying side by side, were several times faster than when they flew individually.

Yuna, using her power, eliminated all gravitational effects on Garon and herself, also applying a powerful thrust to their bodies, while Garon, not to be outdone, applied an acceleration state to both of them.

Their abilities complemented each other, not simply adding up when activated together.

Under the combined effect of power and time, their flying speed was exponentially boosted.

If not for the urgency, Garon and Yuna would soar and enjoy the special thrill of high-speed flight.

Without the obstruction of darkness, their field of vision would have shown streaks of light as scenery flew by. Even so, the air and wind felt solid at such high speeds, providing a tangible sense of friction.

The Dragon Tomb's location was in a far southern position.

But with Garon and Yuna's flying speed, it wouldn't take long to reach their destination.

Even in an environment filled with darkness, the river of time flowed untroubled at a constant pace. As time passed, Garon and Yuna also rapidly approached their destination.

After a while, Garon and Yuna momentarily paused, exchanging glances.

Just now, they sensed dense dragon auras. Chromatic dragons, metal dragons, gem dragons, and some unfamiliar dragon auras intertwined ahead.

Mostly metal dragons, with the air almost entirely filled with the scent of metal dragons.

Garon focused his gaze ahead.

In his perceptive vision, countless elemental energies converged here, the concentration of different elemental energies astonishingly high, elemental radiance illuminating the surrounding area, revealing the vast sea surface.

But besides normal elemental energy, there was also a thick, ink-like black light.

Black light was everywhere, far colder and deeper here than in the far north ice fields.


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