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Smoker and Luffy charged towards each other while raising their weapons. Smoker swung his jitte at him, Luffy dodged it and grinned broadly.


In a flash, Smoker's jitte was cut into pieces by his cutlass. Smoker widened his eyes as Luffy used Soru to quickly appear far away from him.

Smoker set the jitte on the ground and looked at Luffy. "White Snake!" Smoker growled out before launching a long 'snake' of dense smoke from his hand towards Luffy.

Luffy used Kami-e to dodge it.

"White Launcher!!" Smoker shouted before transforming himself into smoke and launched himself at Luffy who used Soru to disappear immediately when Smoker tried to solidify behind him.

"White Blow!!"

Smoker sent out a cloud of dense smoke from his arms to blast Luffy. Luffy dodged it again and tired to attack Smoker.

His cutlass sliced Smoker's body, Smoker was too late to transform his body into smoke so his chest was cut wide open.

Despite the fearsome power of Logia users, they are not invincible as sneak attacks or attacks fast enough would work on them.

Luffy kicked Smoker, sending him flying away. "Ya know Smokey, Logia users who think they're invincible tend to have short lifespans. Your one of them. " Luffy grinned at Smoker who gritted his teeth angrily.

" You don't want this fight, Smoker. I'm way out of your league, and this is not me bragging, this is facts. " Luffy told Smoker seriously. Smoker snorted and picked up his destroyed jitte.

"I have a duty to perform. People who forsaken the law like you need to be put away." Smoker replied seriously. Luffy smirked.

"You will find that I'm not like other pirates who pillage villages and kill people for absolutely no reason. I only wish to be free! The Pirate King is the most free! I will become that!!!" Luffy declared.

" Once a pirate, always a pirate! It doesn't matter if you're a good person at heart! " Smoker declared, prompting Luffy to laugh out loud.

"Haa!!!" Smoker attempted to charge at Luffy but somebody stopped him. He looked back and widened his eyes.

"You!!" Smoker shouted in disbelief, Luffy grinned seeing who stopped Smoker from attacking.

"The World Government is looking for you! Dragon!" Smoker shouted. Dragon smirked.

"The World is waiting for our answer." He replied mysteriously.

" Why are you here?! " Smoker demanded. Dragon looked at Luffy who nodded at him.

" What? Can't I pay a visit to my own son before he sets off to the Grand Line?" Dragon asked him with a large smirk on his face. Luffy laughed at Smoker's face of pure disbelief.

"You're.... his son?!" Smoker shouted at Luffy.

" Yeah! Don't we look like each other?!" Luffy asked him while laughing hysterically. Dragon chuckled.

"Well, we can't stay here for long. C'mon, son! Let's go! I want to see your crew!" Dragon shouted. Suddenly, a large blast off wind appeared out of nowhere.

The wind blew away countless Marines and destroyed the streets. Amongst the chaos, Luffy and Dragon disappeared to God knows where, leaving Smoker to lie on the ground and process the information he just heard.

"Headquarters definitely need to know about this." Smoker whispered while lighting two cigars and started smoking two of them at the same time.



Luffy and Dragon were walking towards the Going Merry together. "Cute ship, Luffy. But you would need to upgrade it if you want it to survive the horrific weather of the Grand Line without it getting a scratch afterwards." Dragon advised.

" But where? I don't know any places that will willingly work on a pirate's ship. " Luffy grumbled.

"Water 7."

" Water what? "

" Water 7. It's a place in Paradise known for its shipwrights. It was where the Oro Jackson was constructed too. " Dragon explained as they stopped in front of the Going Merry.

"Luffy! Kya!!!" Nami squealed in shock as she saw a cloak-wearing man with an extremely overbearing height standing beside Luffy.

"What's wrong, Nami-swan!?" Sanji asked and looked at Dragon. Luffy grinned at his crew who were all looking at him with curiosity in their eyes.

" Everyone, meet my dad. "




Luffy laughed happily at his crew's reaction, Dragon chuckled to himself. "What an interesting crew you have here, son. " Dragon commented.

" Well, I can see where he gets his height from. " Nojiko whispered while looking at the 8'5" man in front of him.

" Gramps is even taller. " Luffy added. Usopp sighed.

" I wish I have that kind of height. " He whispered. Kaya patted his back.

" Don't worry Usopp, I like the way you look and dress. So don't be down in the dumps okay? " Kaya asked him. Usopp grinned and nodded.

" Unfortunately, I can't stay here for long because of who I am, and neither can you and your crew too, Luffy. " Dragon advised. Luffy looked at Nami who immediately went and pulled up the anchor.

The Going Merry started sailing at high speeds due to the fast winds blowing at the direction they were sailing at.

"Are you all sailing to the Grand Line right now?" Dragon asked them which Nami nodded at his question.

"We're going to go up to Reverse Mountain to get there. " Nami explained while taking out a map and pointing at a clear picture of the Reverse Mountain.

This place is unique in that rivers from the Blues flow up the mountain, meet at the top, and then flow down into the Grand Line.

This is because the mountain, being a "Winter Island" using Grand Line terminology, is much colder than the surrounding sea in the Blues but not in the Grand Line.

The mountain has five rivers, four of which are ascending from each of the world's four Blue Seas and one descending into the Grand Line.

On the entrance of the river are ten square arcs that are decorated with tribal patterns and depictions of sea creatures.

Dragon nodded. "I wish you all good luck on your journeys. But I have to warn you, at the end of the Mountain there is a giant resident there so make sure to not crash into it. " He warned them.

" Got it, Dragon-san! " Nami nodded at him. Dragon smiled back before looking down. He saw a small boat approaching their position at a rapid pace.

Ivankov was the one paddling it. "Dragon-san!! Dragon-san!! I'm here!!! " Ivankov shouted. Dragon smirked and leaped towards the boat. He landed on it and looked back at Luffy.

" See you later, everyone!! I have some Revolutionary Army business to conduct now!!" Dragon grinned at them before the boat they were on quickly left. Luffy laughed and waved at Dragon for a while.

" Uh.... Capt... We have a problem." Nojiko pointed at something. They turned to see five standard sized Marine Ships blocking their way.

"Huh? They're trying to stop us? What should we do?" Sanji asked while preparing to fight.

"We destroy them of course." Luffy replied while digging for gold in his nose with his pinky finger.

Zoro unsheathed his katanas and assumed The Three Sword Style stance. He used Geppo to start walking high up to the sky. Sanji did the same. They looked at the ships below them. Zoro bit the grip of the blade in her mouth tightly.



Zoro started performing a series of horizontal slashes that are powerful enough to cut apart a tall and large building.

She sent out a barrage of compressed air blades with her attack. The blades quickly bombarded the ships.

Meanwhile, Sanji was using Rankyaku to slice the ships in half. The ships slowly sank into the deep sea.

They then dropped back down onto the Going Merry and looked at Luffy who was grinning at them

"Good job, Zoro and Sanji! Gimme five!" Luffy held out his hand for a high five. Zoro gladly high-fived him. Sanji smiled at and high-fived him too. Luffy looked at Nami.

"Alright Nami! Set a course to Reverse Mountain!!!"

To be continued.....

(Bombard the comments with Nami pics please.)

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