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9.62% I Will Live A Better Life! / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Orario

Bab 17: Chapter 17: Orario


That was my biggest enemy that struck me at my weakest. The thought of being able to safely avoid any dangers led to the conclusion of near death for the second time. I believed I was not the same kid who recklessly chased a magician back then. I believed that I am someone with adequate power to continue my peaceful, better life.

How wrong I was to believe these. Having doubts it might happen the second time, I never allowed myself to be complacent anymore. I could have simply accepted my win against Rethusa-san, but I didn't.

I'm afraid that I will make that same mistake again.

Then again, I am certain that she would not let me cast my spells during the fight if magic is included.


Cold water drenched my entire body after being launched with a ball of water. Locks of my white hair became visible to my sight.


With a single chant, a large but simple magic circle ran through my entire body. The next second, I found myself clean of the sticky sweat and dirt from earlier. Specks of dust surrounded me briefly before being swept into the air.

"No matter how many times I see it, it's wonderful."

I hear Lante-san's words. We might have come from different worlds, but our fascination with magic remains the same.

"I'm sure you could do it as well, Lante-san."

"I'm not sure about that."

As a way of repaying them, I taught them techniques and tactics for combat. I have also taught Lante-san about ways she could improve her water magic. It is a simple magic in which she could enlarge a water ball and mold it like a shield or use them as a way of attacking. It has a short chant as well, barely going over seven words.

"Can you remember the images that I demonstrated?"


No matter what the world is, control and visualization remain the same. All I have to do is to give her tips regarding them while teaching her basic computation.

"Practice is all you need. I'm sure you can reach that level."

Lantes-san become silent before she started laughing.

"Hehe… And here we treated you like a younger brother. You speak just like Captain Rethusa!"

I hide away my embarrassment by looking away. So all this time, that was the reason why I felt like that? All those times when they 'cared' for me during the journey is the fact that I am a younger brother to them…

It feels complex.

Suddenly, I feel her hand stroking my head.

"We are only sure about it now… We will be supporting you, Nobu-kun."

Excuse me?

"Our goddess might be a bit strict, but as the only younger brother of the Artemis Familia, we will give you our full support!"


After saying these, she left with an enthusiastic look on her face.

Seriously, what was going on?


"Lady Artemis?"

It is currently high noon. They are expected to arrive at Orario before sunset. As usual, the group took interval breaks during their journey.

Nobu was resting when Artemis called him out in a secluded place. It is quite some distance from their resting spot.

"Can I ask you something?"


He is visibly confused. If she will ask a simple question, why is there a need to go to this place?

"Do you feel it?"


"I-It's not like that! It's hard to explain…" The goddess hastily replied, her face beet-red.

She is vastly different from her usual strict self, stuttering here and then.

"I don't understand… but there is something between us. A c-connection, perhaps."

It wasn't as evident during their first meeting. It only became stronger as they interacted during this entire week. At first, it's just a fuzzy feeling bubbling up inside Nobu. He thought that it was caused by that bath incident, but it somehow became too strong–enough for him to remember her most of the time.

Clearly, it is not normal.

Even so, he kept it to himself. He thought that it was just him interacting with a goddess and being left with a strong impression. But…

"Maybe it's just my magic? I named it on a whim, so it might not be the case..."

"What is its name?"

Artemis became calm after her intuition hinted a direction. Somehow, the two of them felt its importance.

Knowing that one couldn't lie in front of a god, Nobu chose to tell the truth.

"W-well…I-it's…" He stuttered as he continued, "Orion."

At this moment, the gears of fate began ticking.



The well-known dungeon city. The center of Gekai where power and wealth are concentrated. It isn't a mistake that its background is comparable to several empires in this world.

The main reason behind these is none other than the "dungeon". Many opportunities lie in that place–mostly to gain "excelia" and "level up". No matter how I look at it, this feels like a game. Excelia for experience, Leveling up, and that massive dungeon with "monster drops"... Feels like I'm playing Dragon Quest in real life.

A gray tower pierces through the clouds. At a distance of more than a few dozen kilometers, I could still see its majesty.

I understand why many people chose to become adventurers.

"You remind me of myself." Rethusa-san commented.

Looks like my amazement wasn't concealed perfectly.

"I never expected for it to be this… overwhelming."

Having seen many skyscrapers in my world, I am quite resistant to that sight. However, seeing one in the middle ages certainly is worth mentioning.

"I do wonder about the waves you are going to make. A high-level magician without the help of falna. Those gods would surely fight over you~!"

After that, I could hear her short whisper, "Too bad we can't bring you with us."

"Lante. It's enough. The goddess made her decision."

Rethusa-san stopped Lante-san's ideas.

Well, about that…

I had a talk with Lady Artemis during that time.

She actually agreed to my "what if" request of joining her familia, but she has rules to upkeep. It makes sense since it would be broken the moment I join. The rules that she set up–having no male inside the familia– will be broken by herself; the discipline that she's been enforcing ever since the moment she stepped into Gekai will be gone.

I totally understood her. Though, it's still a pity. I have heard that there are a lot of twisted gods who could do anything for their enjoyment. Lady Artemis is one of the goddesses on the lawful side. That's why…

At least for me, I could turn my back on her. I feel that I can trust her with my back.

Truly, it is a strange thought. Reason stands that I couldn't easily trust people whom I met in a short week, but my mind thinks otherwise…

We traversed on foot until we arrived at Orario. A huge ivory wall was erected in order to protect it from monsters and people alike. Eight gates are present in all cardinal directions, or at least that's what I have heard.

I saw Rethusa-san walk over to one of the gatekeepers. There's this long line of people wanting to go to Orario. If we are to line up, it would take us hours before we could get in.

Fortunately, the Artemis Familia is quite well-known for hunting monsters all over the surface. Moreover, they helped in establishing order when Orario during the Dark Age when they replaced another familia.

A few minutes later, Rethusa-san came back and led us inside. I saw the bewildered expressions of the people who had to line up since afternoon. But, they soon turned into respect as they probably realized that there was a goddess among us. It is not that hard to distinguish them from mortals as they have that unique aura.

After being stuck close into an orb, we are allowed to pass through the gate.

I thought that I would not be surprised anymore… Turns out, I am wrong.

Animal ears can be seen all over the place. Several adventurers have their weapons strapped to their backs or waists, spouting that heavy air around them. I have also seen elves around this area, happily conversing with their friends.

"The shopping district looks the same as ever."

I heard Lante-san comment from the sideline.

North-west… Around there, huh?

I positioned myself in the visual map inside my mind.

"Nobu-kun, do you need our assistance?"

"I… think so."

"It's settled! I will be Nobu-kun's guide for the day!"


Used to her antics, Rethusa-san agreed.

"We're off!"

I did not have the time to react before being pulled by her. Many faces passed through my sight. Fortunately, my footwork is enough to avoid bumping into others. The same went for Lante-san who is trained by the goddess of hunting herself.

"Where do you want to go first?"

Er… The answer's simple.

Wind brushing my face, I replied, "The guild."

"To the guild~!"

Her carefree nature made me think that I am older than her. Although, I am sure that she's decades older than me. Her light blue hair fluttered due to the wind, briefly distracting me.

I sensed other people's gazes as we passed by them. Strangely enough, no one minded us. Perhaps it is a common occurrence in the city.

Soon, we arrived in our destination. A building with at least 4 storeys greeted my sight. A footbridge connected it to another building across the road.




A carriage passed by.

"Taxis… Brings back memories."


Do they have taxis here? I'm starting to become numb…

Shaking that surprise off, we entered the building.

"A mall… and their help desks."

That was my first impression. Adventurers line up in several boxes where they talk to receptionists. I'm surprised at how efficiently they manage everything inside this building.

"I can go on my own, Lante-san." I hastily added, "Rethusa-san asked you to exchange the loot if you remember. The quest settlement as well."

"R-right. Totally haven't forgot about it, haha~!"

I could see her rushing straight to the exchange station with the bulging bag behind her back.

Supposedly, we are to go together in the guild along with the rest, but something came up.

Anyways, I stood in line to where it said "General Affairs". Unusual symbols are engraved in the wooden plate which could send someone from my world into confusion. Then again, I am lucky that Koine–the universal language–is basically English and Japanese for the oral part and Greek for the written part. I would be ashamed as a scholar if I don't know Greek or Latin.

"W'sup kiddo. Yer a new face?"

The person in front of me turned his back away and asked. He's standing around 170 centimeters tall with the rugged muscles present all over his body. A huge greatsword comparable to my height is sheathed to his back. Most probably, he's a dwarf.


My habit sprang up. I adjusted the tightness of my necktie by putting two of my fingers in it.

"Ye a traveler?"

"That's right. Could I ask how you knew it?"

His expression softened as I saw a smile drewn on his lips.

"Ye just like me. Back then, I went stra'ght to the dung'on. Never knew its dangers."

From what I have heard, the dungeon is more perilous than the outside world. Monsters are stronger, could spawn randomly, and sometimes gang up on you. There are also adventurers who are doing a "pass parade", which is basically throwing the "monster train" to others.

"I understand. I will be more careful around it."

I couldn't back down. The key to going back lies on the opportunities inside Orario–inside the dungeon. I need to become stronger too, lest I die like a mob in this world.

"Good luck, kiddo." He said as he left for the receptionist.

"Good evening, Eina. Work's rough today, e'?"

Immediately, he put up a bright smile into his face–his seriousness from moments ago gone. The grime and cuts on his arm created an air of seriousness around him that this didn't pass to my mind.

It's like… It's like I'm watching someone court a girl.

When I saw the receptionist that he's been talking to, everything made sense. Her clear emerald pupils matched her brown bob-cut. Her wearing a glasses added another layer of charm for the miss half-elf in the reception desk.

It's the intelligent onee-san type…

Why… Why is this world full of beautiful girls?

Lucky for me, I already built up some resistance thanks to Lante-san… and Lady Artemis. By the time it is my turn, that feeling is gone.

"Good day. How can I help you?" She said with a smile.

"Registration, please. For the citizenship."

"I understand." She took out a stack of paper beneath the counter before placing it in the desk. It is at least fifteen pages long, which goes to say how troublesome this process is.

I passed through the papers one by one. What looks like chunks of text is nothing but a conquerable thing to me. Please, I had to help tou-san sign hundreds of papers from the start.

"These terms… Looks like there are many new adventurers who complained about many things."

"Yes, there are plenty of cases such as that. These terms and conditions are made to prevent those occurrences."

Desk job… I could totally sympathize with them. In my past life, it is an "emotion" that was hard to forget.

"You guys have a tough job… There are also insurances? How nice."

Mere five minutes had passed before I signed up for everything that was needed to do. A total of twenty-five clauses are approved by me, with my crucial information such as name, place of origin, and 'specialty' present. I took the Far East as my country of origin since I am aware of the magic tools that could detect lies.

It even got through Lady Artemis herself. After all, I am from the Far East–the Far East of a different world, that is.

"You're from Far East? What a long journey it must have been." She commented in a concerned tone. "And you're twelve..?"

"Circumstances forced me here."

I sent a wry and helpless smile. It really is a long journey since then.

Miss receptionist took a glance at my specialty and stopped at a certain part.

"A mage without falna? Amazing…"

Thank goodness there wasn't such thing as specific power levels. I began to understand how rare my existence is to this world. A twelve-year-old who's comparable to a Level 2 mage without any falna. That was why I kept this snippet of information a secret.

"Well then, you are now a citizen of Orario, Mister Akasaka."

"Thank you for the time, miss…"

"Eina. That's my name."

"Miss Eina."

I made a short bow before I left. I already see Lante-san's light-blue hair amongst the crowd.


"Finished?" She asks.

"Yes… Is there something wrong?"

Right now, she wore a grave expression. I didn't see anything like this before. It is enough to make me uneasy.

"A familia that we knew… was wiped out."


A boy in a formal outfit. His appearance stood out from the rest the moment he entered the Guild's headquarters. Even though he looked childish, his eyes weren't. Nobu did not notice it himself, but he carried himself with an air of elegance. The habits that he had back in Earth made him look more like a noble instead of a traveler.

"Psst. Eina. How about that boy?"


"You know, the one with the nice coat."

"Oh. Mister Akasaka. What about him?"

"How is he?"

It is currently night time. It is the time for the guild to close, hence the receptionists had the time to talk idly about their daily interactions.

"Hm… He's the one who knows many things. He's patient enough to read the entire registration form for new citizens in Orario."


Disbelief was writer all over Eina's friend, Misha. Not once did they have an adventurer who patiently read everything on the agreement. Instead, they skimmed through everything while finishing it as fast as they can.

"He should be a scholar."

"I see… Looks like there would be another talk of the town."

With Nobu's appearance, it is simply impossible to not have a girl fall for him. The way that he carries himself is a huge plus, too. He is simply a prince who descended into Gekai.

It's just that he's too busy in his research that his romantic life became quite far-fetched for him.

It might change now, however.

"Stop it. He's only twelve."


Unbeknownst to everyone else, a certain golden-eyed boy made an impression on the half-elf's mind.


A/N: If anyone's asking about Artemis Familia's freedom to enter and exit Orario, it's because of their relationship with Astraea Familia that the guild knows them well. They know Artemis' personality which is why they got designated quests outside of Orario.

As for the canon, it was stated that it is easy to enter in Orario but very difficult to exit. It should be somewhere around volume six (when Tiona and Tione joined Loki Familia). I hope this answers your (future) questions.

Happy Reading~!

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