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87.37% Empire of Butuan / Chapter 86: Chapter 83

Bab 86: Chapter 83

--- 20th of April 1897 ---

--- 3rd Person POV ---

--- Imperial Complex ---


"Well, it is nice to have finally met you and discuss some important matters for the betterment of our respective nations, President Faure," stated Maharaja Siagu XV with a broad smile as he stood up and shook hands with President Faure, who was also smiling warmly at the emperor.

"Hahaha. The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty. France is always open to fair diplomatic agreements. I just hope that this agreement between our nations will be fruitful for the prosperity of our people and our nations," replied President Faure enthusiastically.

As they released their handshake, Maharaja Siagu XV offered President Faure a noontime meal, but President Faure respectfully declined, citing other important matters to attend to at the French embassy in Sooraj. Maharaja Siagu XV understood and did not press the matter further. Instead, he suggested that they schedule another meeting soon to continue their discussions, emphasizing the importance of maintaining strong diplomatic relations.

Head Court Lady Putri Chaya escorted President Faure from the office of Maharaja Siagu XV to the palace entrance, where they exchanged final farewells. Both Maharaja Siagu XV and President Faure maintained outward smiles, but inwardly they celebrated their respective achievements, even if these were not exactly what they had envisioned.

With President Faure gone, only Head Eunuch Isagani and Maharaja Siagu XV remained in the room, while the musical courtiers continued playing their melodious tunes. Maharaja Siagu XV walked to the window overlooking the palace garden, taking a moment to breathe deeply and relax. Meanwhile, Head Eunuch Isagani prepared white tea for the emperor.

"It would be wonderful if every day of my life could be spent idly, watching the world advance," Maharaja Siagu XV mused dreamily, gazing at the swaying bamboos and trees below.

It might not look like it, but Maharaja Siagu XV has been yearning for a yearlong vacation from the many burdens he carries. He has long desired to spend quality time with his wife and children, especially now that his wife, Empress Alice, is pregnant, a blessing he has always hoped for as he dreams of having a large family.

Despite his strong desire to dedicate more time to his family, Maharaja Siagu XV can only afford their usual afternoon breaks, a cherished tradition since the reign of the first emperor of Butuan. However, in recent months, he has spent even less time with his loved ones, a reality that deeply saddens him. Yet, Maharaja Siagu XV is acutely aware of the weight of his responsibilities as the emperor. His role in leading and commanding his people towards a better future cannot be neglected.

Adding to his burden is the growing threat of corruption and unruly nobles, emboldened by his previous leniency, who are now plotting an uprising. This escalating situation has significantly strained Maharaja Siagu XV's already packed schedule.

"Your mother, the late maharani, would be devastated to hear those words coming from you, Your Imperial Majesty," Head Eunuch Isagani remarked with a smile while preparing the tea of Maharaja Siagu XV.

The words of Head Eunuch Isagani brought Maharaja Siagu XV back to reality, reminding him once again of the heaviness of his duty as the ruler of the nation. Maharaja Siagu XV knew that being a monarch was not an easy task. People always criticized his every action, and sometimes their words damaged or undermined his own image.

Since the age of 15, when Maharaja Siagu XV was still the Yuvraj, he had been constantly under the strict and firm guidance of his mother, the late Maharani Kumari Yuurani of Butuan. She trained him rigorously to be a true ruler of an empire that spanned multiple islands and controlled one of the strongest Christian sects in Asia.

It was a nightmare for Maharaja Siagu XV back then, who was still called Yuvaraja Rajendra Amar of Hainan and Champa. It wasn't until he ascended the throne that Yuvaraja Rajendra Amar of Hainan and Champa became known as Maharaja Siagu XV of Butuan.

Despite the nightmarish experiences Maharaja Siagu XV endured during his training to become a worthy monarch, he could not deny that the rigorous education and challenges he faced molded him into the ruler that Butuan needed, both in character and governance.

This is why, even with the knowledge of the sacrificial and strict training he underwent under the tutelage of his teachers and parents, Maharaja Siagu XV decided to employ the same methods in training his heir, Yuvaraja Siagu. With a deep understanding of the value of these hardships, he believed that only through such trials could a future Maharaja truly embody the strength and wisdom required to lead Butuan into a prosperous future.

"My late mother would surely scold me from beyond if she heard such words escape my lips," Maharaja Siagu XV chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Anyway, how are my three children progressing in their studies?"

Taking a seat at his chair and leaning on the study table, Maharaja Siagu XV turned his attention to Head Eunuch Isagani, who had paused his cleaning duties and approached the emperor promptly. Isagani stood beside him respectfully before delivering his report.

"The education of Ruvraj Siagu, Rajkumar Ainesh, and Rajkumari Mahati has been quite satisfactory," Isagani replied with a smile, recounting his observations. "His Imperial Highness Ruvraj Siagu Alexie continues to excel in religious studies, sciences, global and local politics, languages, etiquette, and martial arts. However, his progress in mathematics has been relatively slower."

"This is surprising, considering his remarkable advancement in other subjects. Additionally, I've noted Ruvraj Siagu's deep compassion for his people, many of whom hail from modest backgrounds," Head Eunuch Isagani added, his tone tinged with slight disappointment and displeasure as he mentioned the courtiers that surrounds Ruvraj Siagu Alexie.

Despite maintaining a calm, collected, and fair demeanor towards the courtiers surrounding the Ruvraj, Head Eunuch Isagani harbored a distinct disdain for them due to their backgrounds, well known to all senior members of the Imperial family and the courtiers within the compound.

Unlike the majority of eunuchs and court ladies serving the imperial family, who hailed from wealthy and illustrious backgrounds or had generations of service, those surrounding the Ruvraj were of obscure origin, weak, and deemed insignificant by Head Eunuch Isagani and his peers.

Consequently, Head Eunuch Isagani avoided interacting with these courtiers unless strictly necessary. He found no pleasure in their presence and preferred not to see their faces throughout the day, unless compelled by duty. While acknowledging their loyalty to Ruvraj Siagu Alexie, Isagani considered their service merely tolerable by his standards.

Even Maharaja Siagu XV was keenly aware of his Head Eunuch's disdain for courtiers who served his heir. Which Maharaja recognized that palace courtiers adhered to specific rules and qualifications. Despite the capabilities of those surrounding his heir, Maharaja Siagu XV preferred individuals from esteemed backgrounds or rigorous training since birth. Were it not for his heir's insistence and the counsel of Senior Eunuch Radhesh Huang, Maharaja Siagu XV would have dismissed the rescued individuals outright.

"Now, now, Head Eunuch... These courtiers have greatly contributed to the safety and prosperity of my family,. Maintaining decorum that we have both expected on the courtiers serving my family," Maharaja Siagu XV replied with a serene smile.

"That is true, Your Majesty. However, the comments from other senior eunuchs and court ladies were less than favorable. Particularly from those of noble birth... they find the role of courtiers less appealing due to the inclusion of those from unknown and unremarkable backgrounds," Senior Eunuch Isagani remarked solemnly, causing Maharaja Siagu XV to lean back in his chair, eyes closed, signaling his reluctance to pursue the discussion further.

During the era preceding Maharaja Charan I, eunuchs and court ladies were primarily drawn from noble and affluent families or those with esteemed educational backgrounds within the empire. Their selection was driven by diplomatic strategies aimed at garnering favor with the Imperial family, often with the hope that their children might be chosen as spouses or consorts for the Emperor. Eunuchs, too, wielded influence within the Imperial household.

However, the reign of Maharaja Charan I, also known as Charan the Great, marked a significant shift. He relegated eunuchs and court ladies to roles as mere attendants or companions to members of the Imperial clan. Maharaja Charan I enacted reforms that abolished and criminalized polygamy, and he refrained from mandating castration for eunuchs, although some eunuchs stills chooses to castrate themselves to show their devotion and loyalty. Consequently, the likelihood of court ladies being selected as wives for the children of the monarchs of Butuan diminished considerably, until it reaches today's standing of just a mere servants and companion of the Imperial Family.

Despite these changes, noble, wealthy, and educated families persisted in sending their offspring to serve as eunuchs or court ladies within the imperial court. They viewed such service as an opportunity to forge connections not only with the Imperial family but also with other noble houses throughout the realm.

The role of serving as a eunuch or court lady for the Maharaja's family retained its prestigious and exclusive nature, catering primarily to nobles, the wealthy, the educated, and the loyal families of the empire.

However, the acceptance by His Imperial Ruvraj Siagu Alexie of individuals from impoverished backgrounds and humble origins unsettled the established eunuchs and court ladies, who themselves hailed from aristocratic, affluent, educated, and devoted lineages. They expressed concern that integrating individuals from the slums into the court would tarnish its image and standing.

Consequently, the once esteemed position of a courtier within the imperial household gradually lost its allure, occasionally viewed with disdain by the noble, wealthy, educated, and loyal families of the realm. Senior Eunuch Radhesh faced severe criticism from his colleagues and even his own parents for failing to dissuade Ruvraj Siagu Alexie from his decision. Despite his efforts to explain his stance, he was promptly dismissed, leading to months of isolation among his peers due to what they perceived as his failure and incompetence.

It took almost three years for the entirety of the working courtiers to fully accept the people rescued by Ruvraj Siagu. Despite Ruvraj Siagu Alexie's personally appointing them as his courtiers, thereby altering the original court structure, acceptance was hard-won. However, lingering attitudes towards these courtiers of slum origins remained lukewarm at best, with some nobles even categorizing them as lower servants. Even the stern Maha Sardarimata (Dowager Viscountess) Melchora of Looc never warmed up to these newcomers.

Moreover, those implicated in the incident involving Rajkumar Prince Ainesh Philip of Butuan came from humble beginnings, having once hailed from slum areas. Fortunately, the issue was resolved, prompting a halt in accepting courtiers from slum backgrounds. Instead, efforts turned towards grooming children from orphanages early on, preparing them for potential service to the family—an initiative that garnered widespread approval.

"Let them be… serving the Imperial Family demands loyalty and dedication. Schemes and alliances have no place in this role… If anyone sought to establish connections through our family, they should have earned favor through hard work and by winning the people's trust," Maharaja Siagu XV remarked nonchalantly, weary of appeasing nobles after years on the throne of Butuan. "Shall we return to your report on my children's education? I've already had my fill dealing with that wretched French President."

Head Eunuch Isagani, upon hearing the Maharaja's words, fell silent momentarily, fearing to further exhaust or provoke his sovereign. It took him a few moments before he resumed, detailing the progress in the education of Maharaja Siagu XV's children.

It took another 20 minutes for Head Eunuch Isagani to cover all the updates regarding the education of Maharaja Siagu XV's children. He spoke in a composed and serious manner, describing everything from their interactions with tutors to their daily routines. Maharaja Siagu XV listened attentively, occasionally commenting on his children's activities.

Particularly with his youngest son, Rajkumar Ainesh, who was diagnosed with trauma and might have experienced social issues. This situation not only jeopardized the integrity of the Imperial family but also threatened the perception of its purity and divine closeness, which Maharaja Siagu XV had painstakingly maintained, along with other members of the royal household.

Upon hearing of the significant progress Rajkumar Ainesh had made, Maharaja Siagu XV smiled with both satisfaction and relief. The young prince's recovery promised not only to bolster the monarchy's reputation but also eased Maharaja Siagu XV's plans to arrange a suitable noble marriage for his son within the empire.

Concluding his report, Head Eunuch Isagani ventured a suggestion concerning the education of Ruvraj Siagu Alexie.

"I suggest that we engage another tutor for His Imperial Highness, as it is becoming increasingly challenging for Doctor Rizal and others to oversee all aspects of his education," proposed the Head Eunuch to Maharaja Siagu XV.

"Especially now that Doctor Rizal's laboratory and office at the Riverbanks Imperial Institution are completed," continued the Head Eunuch, "he will devote more time to his research, making it difficult for him to meet the Maharaja's expectations for tutoring."

Maharaja Siagu XV pondered the suggestion carefully, mindful of the advice from his Head Eunuch and the tutors of his children.

"You speak wisely," acknowledged Maharaja Siagu XV. "While Doctor Rizal is indeed highly competent, his responsibilities as head of the Ministry of Virus and Cure necessitate a shift in focus. Who do you propose as a suitable tutor for my children?" he inquired, directing his gaze towards the Head Eunuch.

"That is something I cannot answer at the moment, Your Maharaja," replied Head Eunuch Isagani with a hint of disappointment.

"Well, summon Doctor Rizal to meet with me six days from now. I wish to speak with the man," Maharaja Siagu XV declared, taking a sip of tea in search of tranquility.

"Certainly, Your Maharaja," replied Head Eunuch Isagani calmly.

Soon after, the conversation between Head Eunuch Isagani and Maharaja Siagu XV concluded. Head Court Lady Putri Chaya entered the room after a courteous knock and permission to enter.

"Your Maharaja," she addressed with a curtsy, "The carriages are now prepared to escort you to the Maharaja's Central Station."

"Ah! Finally! Hahaha!" Maharaja Siagu XV exclaimed with excitement, rising from his chair with a cigarette in hand. He turned to the eunuchs outside the room, saying, "Gather my family and inform them that we will depart shortly for the Maharaja's Central Station."

The eunuchs, commanded by Maharaja Siagu XV, bowed their heads before stepping backwards and turning towards their destination. Such a gesture, turning one's back on the Maharaja, was strictly prohibited among courtiers, symbolizing disrespect and defiance.

"Has the Prime Minister and his entire cabinet been informed?" Maharaja Siagu XV inquired, eyeing his two chief courtiers by the door, poised for his departure. "Their presence is crucial to bolster the soldiers' morale and secure further support from the conservative and imperialist factions in parliament."

Head Eunuch Isagani and Head Court Lady Putri exchanged a smile of satisfaction and confidence upon hearing their liege's inquiries. As they prepared to accompany Maharaja Siagu XV, they understood the weight of his words and the imminent challenges ahead.

"I have already informed the Prime Minister prior to my return. Everything is now set, Your Maharaja," confidently replied Head Court Lady Putri.

"How about the location? Have the people in the area been informed about me and my family's arrival?" Maharaja Siagu XV inquired as he strode out of the room, followed silently by Head Eunuch Isagani, Head Court Lady Putri, and other courtiers.

"Yes, Your Maharaja. Rajkumar Sharvil and the assigned officers have already spread the word. Strict security measures are in place to prevent outsiders from spying, and locals within a 10km radius have been relocated as advised by His Imperial Highness Rajkumar Sharvil," Head Court Lady Putri reported, trailing behind the Maharaja, who was now grinning contentedly.

"Excellent! Hahaha!" Maharaja Siagu XV exclaimed with evident excitement. "For months, I had dreaded this project, fearing it might never show progress. Yet after weeks of delays and changes, finally, everything was rolling down the right path."

The Maharaja was referring to the ambitious project involving aeroplanes and zeppelins for military and transportation purposes. He had invested substantial resources, including relocating inhabitants and covert funding, all supported by the Imperial family and the government.

Since the war began, the Maharaja's own heir, Ruvraj Siagu Alexie, had introduced innovations through detailed drawings and information, some of which were now proving invaluable on the battlefields from Hawai'i to Taiwan (Formosa) and currently in Joseon. These advancements in weaponry and protection had yielded remarkable results, leaving Prime Minister Aguinaldo and Defense Minister Ali Ahmadi bin Haji both satisfied and elated.

Maharaja Siagu XV finds himself ensnared by unrelenting ambition. Despite achieving significant progress in developing his realm, he remains discontented, driven by an insatiable thirst for power that compels him to seek dominion over Asia. This relentless pursuit often blinds him to the nuances of diplomacy, sometimes causing him to disregard its significance entirely. His fixation on expanding into the heart of Asia consumes him, eclipsing rational thought and prompting contemplation of confrontations with formidable adversaries like Britain and France, should circumstances align favorably for his nation.

The allure of conquest calls to Maharaja Siagu XV, who envisions himself destined to emerge as the foremost political and military power in the region. The rise of aviation technology has bestowed upon his realm a significant advantage, propelling him closer to the realization of his grand ambitions. With the skies now within his reach, Maharaja Siagu XV feels unprecedentedly emboldened, resolute in advancing his expansionist agenda without hesitation, even in the face of Europe's mightiest powers.

"From this moment onward... a new age shall be ushered," Maharaja Siagu XV murmurs with evident delight and excitement, his courtiers trailing silently behind him as they approach the entrance of the Palace of Sella.

However, amidst the palpable anticipation, Head Court Lady Putri and Head Eunuch Isagani share a common smile of satisfaction and pride. Everything unfolds as meticulously planned by their liege. Maharaja Siagu XV, along with his entire family, embody the vision that both Head Court Lady Putri and Head Eunuch Isagani ardently believe in—their unparalleled capability to govern and expand across Asia. They dream of seeing their nation extend into the heart of Asia, asserting dominance over those who oppose them, especially the Western nations.

'For the Maharaja and the empire,' silently echoes in the minds of Head Court Lady Putri and Head Eunuch Isagani as they follow their liege with unwavering loyalty.


Hi, everyone!

I have decided to finally change the titles of the characters into a much more realistic one. Basing on my research and what I have hypothesize, the ancient Rajahnate of Butuan have never really adopted the use of Datu as their titles. But instead opted to follow the styles of its Indian counterparts of Rajah/Rajah, due to its influence and connection. Thus, I have reached a conclusion into changing their titles into a much more Indianize one.

Although I am still thinking on whether to change the titles of the eunuchs also. But for now, I will just focus more on the noble titles. But bear in mind that I will not change the titles of foreign nobles and monarch as I am still doing my research on that one.

A little update also on my end. I am quite busy and tired on my review for the upcoming Teacher's Licensure Examination this September. I am practically juggling my schedules just to spend at least 2-3 hours on this novel and doing some background research to make it more realistic.

Holy_Slayer Holy_Slayer

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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