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6.25% Modern Family: Gacha / Chapter 6: The Incident

Bab 6: The Incident

Hearing the doorbell ring, Claire made her way down the stairs to the door. As soon as she opened the door, she was met with the sight of Mitch there with a purple polo t-shirt and sunglasses. "Hey Mitchell, what's up?"

"Nothing, just in the hood", he said as he made his way inside, "Do you remember how our mother gave up a career to raise us?"

As Claire was closing the door, a blonde woman, who looked to be in her 60s with a blue seashell necklace, cut in, "A very promising career".

"Oh God", Claire muttered as she opened the door.

"Claire?", asked the woman as she entered the house.

"Mom?", Claire asked in response, closing her eyes and praying to God that she was wrong.

"Why so long?", asked Claire's mom, Dede.

"I know, I know", Claire said while nodding her head, "It's weird when we haven't talked in a while".

"I mean your hair", Dede replied while touching Claire's hair, who pushed her hand away, "Well, if I can't tell you, then who will?"

"So, Mom wants you to know that she's very sorry about the incident", Mitch placated, "And she wants us to forgive her".

"Very nice of her to say that through you", Claire remarked while walking away.

"Do you see that? The sarcasm is so hurtful, like a whip", Dede whispered.



"You know how growing up, we all have that voice in our head that tells us we're not good enough", Claire said, "Well mine was outside my head, driving me to school every day complaining about my looks, my grades, everything!".

[Commentary ends]

"So Mom wants to smooth things over with Dad and Gloria, so I was thinking", Mitch began while moving over to Claire, who looked like she was on the verge of hitting someone, "Would it be okay if she maybe joined us?"

"Because it may be the last time you ever see me", Dede replied, in a dramatic fashion.

"Okay. Wait", Claire said, "What are you talking about Mom?"

"Well, I'm moving to a far and dangerous place", Dede replied in an anxious tone.

"Canada. But she met a man named Chas", Mitch said while patting Dede's shoulder.

"He's a logger", added Dede.

"Like a lumberjack?", questioned Claire, curious about the information.

"No. He logs blood samples into a cholesterol study", Dede answered as if it was an obvious answer, "Anyways, until I'm past this whole wedding debacle, I can't be intimate with him".

"Oh God", muttered Claire.

"We do things to each other. We use our hands", Dede as Claire and Mitch moved away, not wanting to hear about their mother's sex life.

"Hey Nana", Haley said as she walked in and greeted her.

"Oh" My little comet", Dede replied, hugging Haley, "Look at you. You've grown up so much".

"Tell Mom that", Haley responded, "She won't even let me go to a concert".

"Overnight. With her boyfriend", Claire said while pointing at Haley. At her words, Dede began laughing, "What are you laughing at?", she asked.

"Oh! Karma's a funny thing, that's all", Dede teased, "Remember Ricky?"

"Oh God", Claire groaned.

"Oh! Who was Ricky?", Haley asked.

"Ricky was your mom's boyfriend", Dede gossiped, "And he looked like Charles Manson. And one night, she didn't come home till 4 in the morning".

"4! Wow!", exclaimed Haley, "What were you doing with Ricky Mom?"

"Nothing. We were doing nothing", Claire argued, "And he was a very sweet boy, which you might have known if you bothered to know him".

"Who was a sweet boy?", asked Alex as she strode into the room with a book in her hand. Looking up, she saw the people in the room and greeted, "Hey Grandma".

Dede stood up and hugged Alex, who looked uncomfortable with the close contact, "Look at you Alex! You haven't changed a bit. Still the bookworm you were before".

After letting go, she asked, "Who are you guys talking about?"

"We're talking about one of Mom's boyfriends, Ricky", Haley began, "Apparently, she didn't come home till 4 in the morning one day because she was spending time with him".

"Ew! That's gross", Alex said while shivering, "I don't want to hear about that".

"You're going to have to get used to this sort of talk if you want to progress with Zephyr", teased Haley.

"I don't like him!", shouted Alex.

"Who's this Zephyr boy?", asked Dede.

Haley squealed and said, "He's Alex's boyfriend, but she won't admit it to anyone".

"I told you, he's not my boyfriend", Alex exclaimed.

"Sure he is. He called you cute, right in front of Mom as well. He asked you for your number using the bet you two made as an excuse. You message him at night and as soon as you wake up as well. You cheered for him at his tryouts. Need I go on", Haley said with a smirk on her face.

Alex spluttered at her words, before running away from the conversation and sitting down on a chair in the kitchen.

Haley rolled her eyes at Alex's actions before looking back at her mother, "Anyways, Dylan's a sweet boy".

"Pft. Dylan. Dylan is no Ricky", Claire compared, "Ricky was a poet".

"So what. Dylan writes songs. Awesome songs", Haley argued back, "And maybe you would know that if 'you got to know him' like you're telling Nana"

"Hah", exclaimed Dede.

Seeing her mother smile, Claire slammed a cloth on the kitchen counter, "You know what, fine. I'm not my mother. I don't judge people before getting to know them, so you invite Dylan over to dinner tonight. And if he's as sweet and kind as you say he is, then I have no problem letting you go with him to the concert. After I do a background check on Uncle Toby".

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Mom", Haley said while hugging her mother.

"What? That's not fair!", exclaimed Alex, "If Haley's bringing Dylan over then I want Zephyr to come over as well".

"Fine. You can invite Zephyr over as well", Claire said.

"I'm going to go message him", muttered Alex as she ran out of the room, with Haley following after her.

"That's very revealing", Dede commented.

Claire puffed out her chest and bragged, "That's just my parenting style".

"I meant your blouse", Dede clarified.

"Mom!", Claire complained while walking out of the room.

"Claire! Wait!", exclaimed Mitch as he followed after her. "Not making this easy," he said to Dede. "Claire! Come on. Please. Stop stop stop stop stop", he said, making Claire stop and turn around to look at him. "Just let her come to dinner, apologise to Dad and Gloria and live happily ever after far away from us".

"Wait. Why don't you make her fix this?", Claire asked, "Instead of you doing it as usual".

"What do you mean 'as usual'?", Mitch replied

"Well, you know", Claire began, "Mom makes a mess and there's Mitchell to clean it up".

"If anything, you're the one who screwed up with Mommy", Mitch retorted.

"Wow. 'Mommy'. What a surprise?", drawled Claire.

"Damn it. I meant Mom", Mitch tried.

"Fine. Fine. She can come but she has to clear things up with Daddy", Claire muttered before walking away.

"Daddy?", questioned Mitch.

"I did not say 'daddy', okay?", Claire replied.

[Time Skip]

"Nice guitar, you in a band?", asked a 5ft 3 boy to the tall boy next to him with a guitar case.

"Yeah, bro. Going on tour after high school", the tall boy replied.

"Have you got a manager?", the shorter boy asked.

"Nah man", the tall boy answered, "Why would you need one?"

The shorter boy shrugged and pressed on the doorbell, "I hear that if you don't have one, things get really bad once you go out into the real world".

"Really?", questioned the tall boy.

Just as the shorter boy was about to answer, Phil opened the door. "Hey, Z-ball. There you are". Phil held his hand out which Zephyr shook.

Moving aside, Zephyr walked in and looked around, finding Alex who was staring at him. Despite not wearing a full-blown suit, Zephyr was dressed somewhat formally. He had azure trousers on with a brown belt around his waist. He had a white T-shirt and a matching azure blazer on top. Smirking, he walked over and sat down next to her, before whispering in her ear, "What you looking at?"

Alex snapped out of her thoughts, and muttered, "Nothing". However, her cheeks were an obvious scarlet hue, implying there was more going on than she said.

Their conversation was interrupted by Haley who introduced her boyfriend, "Hey everybody, this is Dylan".

In response, Dylan waved and said, "Hey".

"He's a very gentle soul", Dede whispered to her daughter.

"You got that from a 'Hey'?", questioned Claire.

"So Dylan. I see you brought the axe", Phil said as he walked behind him.

"Yeah", Dylan answered, turning his attention to Phil, "I just came back from practice".

"Oh man. I miss those days", Phil said with a nostalgic look on his face.

"Oh", Dylan muttered, "You were in a band?".

"Could've been. But back then, high school was all about magic", Phil dejectedly answered.

"Oh my God. Let's go over here", Haley said, leading Dylan away from Phil.

A few seconds later, the doorbell was rung a few times. "Oh, that'll be Dad and Gloria. Can you go get the door Phil?", Claire asked.

Dede stood up and whispered to her son, "Oh Mitchell. I know it's silly, but I'm really nervous".

"Oh, that's not silly", Mitch replied, "You should be. Gloria's terrifying when furious".

"Hola!", Gloria exclaimed, giving Phil a small hug as she entered.

"Hi. How are you?", Phil asked. Moving away, Gloria's son stepped forward with his hand out. "Manny"

"Phil", Manny responded, shaking Phil's hand.

"Nice moustache", Phil commented as Manny walked past.

"Don't make fun. He might burn your house down", Jay whispered.

As soon as she entered the living room, the smile on Gloria's face disappeared. Walking behind them, Jay stopped in his steps and sighed, "Dede".

"Oh boy", muttered Mitch.

"Hi, Gloria. Hi Jay", Dede said while giving them a small wave which she stopped after seeing the chilling look on Gloria's face.

"What is she doing here?", Gloria asked, anger evident in her tone.

"What does she mean 'what are you doing here'?", questioned Dede, "Mitchell told you I'd be here"

"Lies!", Gloria shouted.

"I couldn't tell her because otherwise, she wouldn't come here", Mitchell explained, "Gloria, my mom wants to apologise for everything she's done"

"So you just spring it on Gloria like this!", Jay exclaimed, "Mitchell, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I don't want her apologies", Gloria complained.

"And who could blame you, honey?", Jay said in an attempt to placate her, "Which is why this is a terrible idea, by you"

Mitch rolled his eyes at Jay's words, while Gloria began to make her way to the door, "Manny. Jay. Let's go".

"Wait! Please don't go Gloria", pleaded Dede, "I just want to tell you how sorry I am for ruining your wedding. I was struggling with being alone", she muttered. "Meanwhile Jay moves on, and not just with anyone. With a young and smart and beautiful woman. I don't expect you to forgive me. If I were you, I'd punch me right in the mouth".

Gloria looked at Manny and sighed, walking over to Dede, "I think we've had enough revenge in this family for one day."

"Okay. Wooo!", cheered Mitch, "You see? We're all going to move past this." Pointing at himself, he said, "And because of me, who's not a momma's boy but a caring person with wisdom and emotional insight".

"You're laying it on a bit thick", Zephyr said, with everyone agreeing.

"It's not a good colour on you", Cam whispered.

Letting out a deep sigh, Gloria said, "I forgive you".

"Oh wow. I'm not prepared for this, I just ...", Dede paused, "I want to ... rip your head off!", she shouted and grabbed Gloria's neck.

Immediately, everyone around her reacted with Claire screaming, "Mom. Mom, please stop it?"

In return, Gloria grabbed Dede's neck, while shouting, "You ruined my wedding".

"You stole my husband!", Dede screamed in return.

Walking up towards them, Zephyr smacked the back of Dede's shoulder, causing her arm to go limp. Taking this as an opportunity, Phil wrapped his arms around Gloria and pulled her away, shouting, "I got Gloria! I got Gloria!".

Mitchell and Cam were quick to respond and separated Dede from Gloria by grabbing her arms.

"All right all right all right!", shouted Jay, causing everyone to stop, "Stop it! Stop it both of you!"

"I am so sorry about this", Haley said to Dylan.

Dylan shook his head, "Nah. It's cool. Don't worry about it".

"This is ridiculous", Jay said, moving to stand in the middle. "Dede, Gloria didn't steal me and you know it. We grew apart for years and you left to find yourself, remember?"

Dede nodded her head, "I thought I could handle this. I'm so sorry"

Gloria got riled up but was held back by Phil, "You don't say sorry anymore! That word means nothing in your mouth!"

"I got Gloria! I got Gloria!", Phil shouted as he pulled Gloria back even more.

"I don't know what just happened", Dede dejectedly replied.

""I do"", Zephyr and Dylan replied at the same time.

Looking at each, Dylan said, "You go first little man".

Zephyr nodded and began, "It seems pretty obvious to me. After leaving Jay, Dede attempted to improve herself by attempting to overcome her emotional volatility. Instead of actually moving on, she likely suppressed old feelings leading her to believe that she was capable of moving on from past experiences. However, upon seeing Gloria and Jay together, old feelings resurfaced leading to this bout and she began to cling to old memories. It would also explain her inconsistent parenting and continuous conflict with Mrs Dunphy and Mr Pritchett"

"Woah", muttered Phil.

"That's so deep", Claire said.

Cam couldn't help but state, "That's so accurate".

Moving back and next to Alex, he gave a nod to Dylan, who spoke up, "It seems pretty simple to me. You're reaching out, trying to hold on to something awesome".

"Maybe ... Maybe you shouldn't ..." Haley tried to say.

"Look look look. I'm not used to this. The whole big family thing.", he said, gesturing to them, "In my house, we don't even talk to each other. You know, it's funny. The first time I met Haley, I knew I liked her. She's beautiful and everything, but it's not just that. She's got this killer confidence, the kind of confidence you get from having a family like this. A family that's passionate and accepting of hot foreigners and gay dudes and little geniuses and nutty people. You know, a family that loves each other".

By the end of his words, everyone was cheering and applauding him for his speech.



"You know what? I learned a lot today about Zephyr", Alex said as she looked at the camera, "He acts like a spectator and tries to say something when a problem arises, but then he holds himself back like he's worried about saying the wrong thing. He doesn't know how to express himself in front of others, but when he does, he says something insightful. It may seem cold and calculating to others, but I can tell that he's trying to formulate his words", Alex said proudly.

[Commentary ends]

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