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100% Master and Commander / Chapter 1: Chapter I
Master and Commander Master and Commander original

Master and Commander

Penulis: Corum_4752

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter I


John thought as he groaned. His body felt sore, sorer than it had ever felt. He felt as if he had worked out non-stop for two weeks straight. His vision was blurred, while he was also disoriented. For some reason, he could hear voices around him ranging from commands being made and reports being told.

"Someone for God's sake tell me what just happened!"

Came a gruff and aggressive growl of a shout. Slowly, John sat up, using his elbows to do so. Right as he did, he noticed something. His body felt unnatural, as if everything was rewired. When his vision cleared up, he noticed something else. He was wearing heavy armor, in a dark grey and sun gold streaked armor. There was even a helmet laying beside his foot that reminded him of one of his favorite games, Helldivers. Actually, on a closer expection, the helmet looked EXACTLY like a Helldiver'.

Confusion settled in, as John started to think that this was just another vivid lucid dreaming experience for him. He often dreamed of himself on the front lines dropping democracy on allies and enemies alike as his fan created character, Alexander Kane. As he finally got to his feet, his gaze shifted to his surroundings. It looked to be a bridge, a spacious one with a viewpoint that took up half the room. Men and women in uniforms distinct of the Helldivers universe fast walking or moving around with purpose. It was chaos, they seemed to be panicking over something. That said, as John looked directly out at the viewpoint he found himself staring at the emptiness of space. He also saw more than a dozen starships nearby and sitting idly around the one that he was on.

Just as John was about to begin questioning his sanity, it hit him. Memories of a life that he didn't live, but at the same time did. Escapdes that he accomplished, but at the same time not. He was seeing the memories of a man who he knew but didn't. John was witnessing the memories of Alexander Kane all at once and it made his brain feel like someone was squeezing it with such intensity. John couldn't understand what was happening to him. Alexander Kane wasn't real, or rather he wasn't supposed to be real. He was a fictional character be created whilst playing Helldivers and later, Helldivers 2. Alexander Kane is not supposed to be real.

'Oh my god...'

He thought with a mix of emotions ranging from utter shock, to sudden dread. He was Alexanded Kane, he was a Helldiver. His mind was still reeling from the sudden influx of new memories, that being said, he was getting a good understanding of where he was.

John, or rather, Alexander, was aboard the Aegis of Liberation, the flagship of the Forty-Second Pillar of Democracy Expeditionary Fleet. It was more or less a colony fleet, meant to expand man's territory.

Whilst he was trying to figure out why everyone seemed to be in a panic on the bridge, he felt a hand claspe his armored shoulder.

"Commander Kane?"

Called the aggressive voice from before. Alexander turned to find a man an inch taller than him and also wearing Helldiver armor. This man's armor was more grass green in coloring, and had the insignia of Lieutenant Commander on his chest plate. The cloak that hung from his back was light gray in coloring, and his body was like that of a bodybuilder. He had burgundy red hair, pale skin, and dark green irises. Along with a nasty scar going down from his forehead, three his right eye, down across his lips.

"It's good that you came to, we've gotten out of that wormhole."

The Lieutenant Commander said, and only then did Alexander find the right memory to know who this man was. This was Derrick Frost, an old friend and the trusted second in command to Alexander. With that in mind, the memory of the fleet being sucked into a wormhole came back to Alexander. They were headed for a cluster of surveyed planet's outside of Fenrir 1. No one knew why the wormhole was there, for it was not said to have been spotted there. Now they were stranded in an unknown location with no way of contacting command, or anyone for that matter.

"Lieutenant Commander, status."

Alexander demanded, and was internally surprised by how he sounded. He sounded like a more regal version of Ron Pearlman. He watched as Derrick composed himself and removed his hand from his shoulder.

"Sir, we're stranded."

Derrick began to report as Alexander watched at the bridge crew work.

"Wherever the wormhole sent us, it doesn't show up on any of the star charts. We can't get in contact with Super Earth, any of the colonies, or anyone for that matter."

Alexander processed those words and was nothing elated and despairing over it internally. On one hand, he didn't have to worry about the bugs, cyborgs, etc. On the other hand....they were in the middle of nowhere which could be even worse.

As Alexander was trying to come to terms with his current predicament, he looked down and saw his helmet still on the floor. He leaned down and picked it up. His own reflection was in the helmet's visor, allowing him to see a military haircut of black hair, sea green irises, and sun baked skin. He had a well structured jaw, and looked like he was in his mid thirties.

"Commander, what are your orders?"

Derrick questioned, bringing Alexander back to the current problem. He and this fleet were stranded in the middle of nowhere, and they would have to try and find a habitable planet as soon as possible.

"We find a place to make landfall, and call it home until further notice."

Alexander said, his tone with more authority and certainty.

"But how, sir? The star charts-"

"Are unreliable, search for the nearest healthy yellow stars. Have every officer or scientist aboard this ship and fleet use our long range scanners or make a homemade telescopes if they have to. We are not dying out here, we're already been too much for us to die like starving dogs."

Derrick slowly nodded his head, then began parroting Alexander's orders. Alexander on the other hand was still getting his memories in order. On one hand, his memories as John still remained. His memories of a normal gammer who played Helldivers for more than six hours a day. Then there were the new memories of twenty years worth of warfare, blood, death, and horror from Alexander. The memories were trying to combine, but were having a difficult time doing it. It was as if his brain was unsure of where it should start or getting itself sorted out. The memories were just too much at the same time. Unfortunately, that didn't overshadow the fact that he wasn't in his own body anymore. He didn't know how he came to be in this body, nor did he know why he was Alexander. What he did know was that he wasn't dying here, and he was going to figure a way out of this.

{Seven Hours Later}

[Location: Unknown]

[Fleet Status: Optimal]

[CO: Field Commander Alexander Kane]

[Objective: Survival]

Those were the words plastered on a nearby terminal as Alexander stared at it. He was looking over reports sent his way, onto the Aegis and anything that he should know. Of course, he surfed through his newfound memories and realized that the Alexander he made was a genuine badass. He survived an invasion by the Automatons of Reeli 3, rallied fellow Helldivers to hold the line at Angel's Venture against the Terminids, and went so far as to launch a guerrilla campaign against the Illuminate on a world that had been taken by them for six straight months with nothing but a small army of Helldivers. The nuances and exaggerations of these achievements were exaggerated even more so by Super Earth media. How Alexander survived up to this point was by sheer will, and dumb luck.

Alexander stood within his personal cabin, contemplating on his next move. Yes he gave orders to Derrick and the rest of the fleet, but he had to come up with an alternative. They had resources and supplies that should last them for roughly a year and a half. That was if they didn't find a habitable world. If they did, then they could begin making Greenhouses, farms, etc. and hopefully survive. So far, no planet has been found, and the engines have been shut down to conserve fuel for all ships. They unfortunately do not have the near limitless industrial capacity of Super Earth at their beck and call. So now they would have to make due with what they currently have.

'Now...how do I deal with this?'

Alexander thought, his mind racing and surrounding itself on a memory that he both was shocked and astounded by. One that no man wants to wake up and find out one day without wanting it. Alexander Kane was married...and had a baby girl.

That was something John never made to happen for Alexander, and the fact that it happened to begin with still had his mind trying to wrap around the idea. He did of course look at the memories, see how it happened, and still couldn't perceive it..

Their names were Elara Cheryl Kane, and his daughter, Daisy Rose Kane. Elara was an incredible woman who, while not as zealous as everyone else was for democracy, was still a big believer in their way of life. Daisy on the other hand was just a year old, and was a ball of curiousity and joy. If John hadn't gotten the memories of Alexander, he wouldn't really care about the both of them. It wasn't that he didn't value human life, it was that he had been thinking about his own survival. So unfortunately, he had an anchor to this fleet whether he wanted it or not. It seemed like whatever did this to him made sure that he wouldn't leave. After all, they were in this fleet as well.

As Alexander finished going over the reports, he sat down at his bunk. His helmet rested right beside him as he ran an armored hand over his hair. The stress was there, but his seasoned and disciplined mind kept him from stressing too much over it. He was in command of more than one hundred thousand souls both civilian and not. Each saw him as a decorated war hero who did not know the meaning of capitulation, fear, or despair. Right now, he was learning what it felt like, since he was once John. This was alot of responsibility and duty, to command these people knowing that anything he said would be taken seriously and done down go the last small detail.

So of course, he would have to think about what he'd say and do. That command that he gave Derrick hours ago was just common sense as a Field Commander who had always been in stressful situations, it instinct. Now after having time to sit and think things through, all he could think about how he could die in the most horrible ways possible.

Sadly, Alexander didn't have time to think more about it. Suddenly, the Aegis' on board intercom came alive.

"Field Commander Kane to the bridge, I repeat, Field Commander Kane, you are needed on the bridge."

A feminine voice stated, before the intercom went offline. Alexander sat on his bunk for a few moments, remaining still. A part of him didn't want to move from where he was, another part of him wanted to just sit there and try and sleep this off as just a terrible lucid dream too real for his liking. Yet another part, a more pragmatic part of him knew that this was really real. He was Alexanded Kane, he was a Helldiver.

With a deep inhale, then a slow steady exhale, Alexander rose up from his bunk and grabbed his helmet as well. Then he marched himself out of his cabin, heading straight for the bridge. He knew that if he was going to survive, then he was going to have to fight, he was going to have to lead. If not for himself, then for his wife and daughter.

As Alexander marched toward the bridge, fellow Helldivers saluted him by standing straight and raising their forearm up to have the back of their fist facing him. The crew did the same, showing respect despite him not returning the salute. It wasn't that he didn't want to, it was because he didn't need to.

As Alexander reached the bridge, Lieutenant Commander Derrick was there, along with a woman. She had light brown skin, dark brown irises, a petite body, and had on what could only be described as a skin tight lab coat. They both turned to Alexander as he approached them.


Derrick greeted with a nod.

"This is Dr. Reyna Reyes, she's from the colonists and has been able to find us a system not too far from us that may hold a habitable world for us."

Alexander looked at Dr. Reyes, and watched her stare up at him as if his gaze intimidated her. It wouldn't be long before she spoke, keeping her tone professional and respectful.

"As the Lieutenant Commander put it, i have been able to recalibrate the Aegis' long range scanners to pick up signs of intelligent life."

Dr. Reyes began to say, her accent of a thick Spainish decent.

"That way, if there are worlds habitable for us, we will find them near intelligent life. This ranges from radio signals, frequencies that aren't too encrypted, anything that could lead us to-"

Before Dr. Reyes could finish, one of the bridge officers called out.

"Lieutenant, I've got a signal!"

Derrick immediately turned to face forward and so did Alexander.

"What have you got?"

Derrick questioned.

"It's faint sir, but enough for us to triangulate and lock onto it for the Jump Drive."

Derrick looked to Alexander, and so did a numbed of the bridge crew and Dr. Reyes. They were awaiting his orders on what they should do now. Alexander looked at all of them, then looked out at the fleet through the ship viewpoint.

"We're not sending everyone in."

Alexander began to say as he walked forward past Derrick and Dr. Reyes.

"We have more than one hundred thousand souls asleep in cryo sleep. To make sure that wherever that signal is would be safe to disembark, we sending a scouting force. The Aegis will stay here, I on the other hand will be leading the scouting force."

Alexander was inspecting to be met with resistance on going as well, but found no one stopping him. He glanced back and found Derrick simply nod his head. Knowing that he wasn't going to be questioned at this time, he faced forward to continue speaking.

"I want at least three Super Destroyers ready, and every Helldiver on board ready to unleash hot Liberation at a moment's notice, everyone else be ready for if this signal actually leads us to a safe haven."

Alexander ordered then looked back at Dr. Reyes who flinched under his gaze.

"Dr. Reyes, keep doing your scans. Hopefully the long range communications will still be up for our ships. If not, we will return and give the okay for if this system is green for habitability. If not, then we will hopefully have other options."

Dr. Reyes stoodbfirm and nodded her head.

"Yes sir."

Dr. Reyes said immediately then walked over to one spot on the bridge.

"Once you have the signal locked and triangulation, relay it to Super Destroyer's Pillar of Freedom, Stature of Liberty, and Sword of Prosperity."

As Alexander's orders were being relayed, he started walking away headed for the bridges exit. He was stopped by Derrick, who was giving him a curious look.

"Sir, early you didn't look well."

Derrick began to say under his breath.

"Are you sure you're ready to head out there? If you want, I can go in your stead."

Alexander stared at Derrick for a moment and felt glad that he had a man like him aboard. He was a good friend and a great soldier, but despite that, Alexander had to go. Not because he wanted to prove himself, but to get past his fears.

"I'll be alright, Derrick, keep everyone here alive until I get back."

Alexander assured firmly.

"Understood, sir."

Derrick said, then watched as Alexander marched himself off of the bridge. As Alexander walked, he pondered on how this was going to go. A part of him was exited that he was going to see an alien planet, another part was coming up with scenarios in case the system that they may be heading to was nothing more than an uninhabitable planet. Regardless, he was going and he wasn't going to stop. Even while his heart was pounding in his chest.

'Time to dive into paradise...hopefully.'

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