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39.18% Naruto : Pure Blood / Chapter 58: chapter 51~Naruto's infamous Jutsu

Bab 58: chapter 51~Naruto's infamous Jutsu

Chapter 51~ Naruto's infamous Jutsu


words-2898, so enjoy or die.


Tension filled the air as Naruto unleashed his Rasengan, causing the atmosphere to heat up. His opponents were at a loss for what to do next. Sasuke's Sharingan spun menacingly, its gaze fixed on Naruto, who met it without a trace of hesitation.

In an instant, everything transformed. Sasuke found himself standing in the midst of a sprawling green grassland. He turned his body and laid eyes upon the immense figure of Kurama, its nine tails coiled around its form, its sleep troubled and uneasy.

"I've heard about the Demon Fox, Naruto. You've been concealing this creature within you all this time," Sasuke uttered. He manifested within Naruto's mindscape, and shortly after, Naruto materialized beside him, regarding him with a curious expression.

"Do you want me to release him?" Naruto asked, answering his own question. Sasuke looked at him, uncertain about how to respond.

With a snap of his fingers, Naruto conjured a normal table and two chairs, placing them gently onto the verdant grass. The table bore a spread of tea, thoughtfully arranged. This realm was Naruto's mindscape, entirely under his dominion. He had reshaped it long ago, harnessing his heightened mastery over the Yin element.

"Take a seat, Sasuke. We've got quite a bit to catch up on, don't we?" Naruto pointed to the chair, offering an invitation. He lowered himself into his own seat, and upon seeing this, Sasuke followed suit, occupying the other chair.

Kurama loomed behind them, not even bothering to crack open an eye. He was aware that Naruto had company, so he saw no need to pry and take a glimpse at them. Laziness seemed to be his current disposition.

Sasuke gazed at Naruto, finding it hard to recognize him. This version of Naruto wasn't his usual boisterous self, nor was he urging Sasuke to return to the village. In Sasuke's perception, this incarnation of Naruto held a certain appeal, a departure from the norm.

"How have you been, Sasuke?" Naruto questioned, his gaze steady on him.

"Fine," Sasuke replied, opting not to offer any further words to him.

"Good to know you're doing well," Naruto remarked.

"Hmph," Sasuke responded in the language of the Uchiha.

"Don't you want to ask about me, your one and only friend?" Naruto quipped a touch of humor in his voice.

Sasuke glanced at him, at a loss for words. He continued to observe Naruto, perplexed as to why he was still within Naruto's mindscape despite having deactivated his Sharingan.

"Hehe... no use trying to escape, Sasuke. Not this time. We're in for a real chat," Naruto chimed with a grin. His mastery over the mindscape was unwavering – entry could be granted without his say, but the exit was solely under his control.

Sasuke glanced at him, caught off guard. He was puzzled by how Naruto seemed to grasp his thoughts.

"Don't look so shocked, Sasuke. I know you inside out," Naruto reassured him.

Sasuke simply gazed at him, uncertain about what Naruto expected from him. The way Naruto spoke, as if addressing an old friend who understood him deeply, puzzled him. Yet, he couldn't help but find it not unpleasant.

"Join me, Sasuke," Naruto urged, breaking the silence.

Naruto's words seemed to stir the very air, causing the ambient temperature to climb. In response, Sasuke's Sharingan blazed to life, radiating its crimson intensity.

"I won't be going back to the village. My sole objective is to end Itachi's life, to exact my revenge. Do not try to obstruct me, Naruto," Sasuke declared, his voice a chilling embodiment of his resolve.

He understood all too well that Naruto would eventually raise the notion of his return to the village, a notion he harbored a profound distaste for.

"I'm not suggesting you return to the village. What I'm asking is for you to join me," Naruto elucidated, his composure unaffected by Sasuke's blazing Sharingan.

Sasuke's gaze lingered on Naruto, a mix of surprise and confusion etched onto his features. For the first time, he found himself unable to grasp the meaning behind Naruto's words. This unfamiliar territory left Sasuke feeling disoriented and baffled.

"Don't regard me with that expression. Do you truly desire to kill your own brother?" Naruto inquired.

Upon hearing his brother's name, an icy chill overtook Sasuke's gaze. He locked eyes with Naruto.

"Yes, obliterating him is my foremost desire. Are you trying to hinder my pursuit of vengeance?" Sasuke shot back, his words infused with a seething mix of rage and abhorrence.

"I never stated that I would obstruct you. What if I offered to aid you in achieving your revenge?" Naruto proposed, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Sasuke's gaze locked onto Naruto, a mixture of shock and bewilderment etching his expression. The prospect of Naruto not standing in his way, but instead proffering aid, struck him as entirely unanticipated.

It went against the grain of Naruto's typical behavior – his unwavering effort to halt Sasuke's pursuits. Sasuke's thoughts whirled as he grappled with this unexpected turn of events.

"Don't appear so taken aback. After all, aren't we friends? If you find yourself in need of support to attain your goal, isn't it my obligation as your friend to lend a hand?" Naruto asserted, his gaze unwavering as he awaited Sasuke's reply.

Sasuke found himself torn by conflicting emotions. Experience had taught him that most offers of help were laced with hidden agendas, and few were truly altruistic.

Yet, as he locked eyes with Naruto, an inexplicable sense of trust began to seep in. Sasuke's instincts for discerning those who sought to manipulate or endanger him were usually spot-on, but he sensed none of that in Naruto's eyes.

There were no veiled intentions, no hidden motives – just a genuine offer of support.

This marked the first instance where someone genuinely wished to assist him, and that someone was his sole friend.

Buried within his heart was an unspoken desire for support, a yearning for someone who could truly understand him. Though he considered Naruto a friend due to their shared experiences, he often felt that Naruto failed to comprehend him on a deeper level.

Yet, this moment felt different – it felt as if Naruto had truly grasped the essence of his being. A persistent longing had always resided within him, a desire for companionship and support.

He never wished to traverse his path alone, but those around him remained oblivious to his anguish, suffering, and motivations. In his early years, he radiated happiness and cheer, but the devastating massacre of his clan by Itachi had annihilated everything he held dear.

The depths of his pain remained unseen, his suffering unacknowledged, his motives unnoticed – a heart-wrenching isolation he carried with him, yearning for solace amidst the void.

His reluctance to return to the village was rooted in a deep-seated distrust that had taken hold over the years. He saw the village populace as harboring insincerity, their actions often veiled with hypocrisy. Meanwhile, the higher echelons of Konoha appeared driven by self-serving agendas when it came to him.

Some sought his clan's material assets – the wealth and possessions that came with it.

Others eyed his clan's prestigious name as a means of advancing their own standing. Within the village's midst, he found no genuine confidants.

His friendships were marred by a failure to truly understand him, often imposing their own perspectives while disregarding his.

It was a reality where his viewpoint remained ignored, his emotions and experiences relegated to the sidelines.

The villagers saw his clan's name as a means to their own ends, using it to further their own interests. Within Konoha's confines, there remained nothing that held significance for him.

For what reason did he have to venture back to a place that had dismantled everything he held close? That village had ruthlessly stripped away his mother, his father, his entire family, his esteemed clan, and his joy. The possessions he once cherished had been swept into oblivion, leaving him in a desolate void, devoid of meaning.

In the depths of Naruto's gaze, Sasuke recognized a rare gift – an unspoken acceptance of his vengeful path. Naruto didn't seek to divert him from the darkness he had chosen. While Sasuke remained resolute in his journey of revenge, he discovered solace in knowing that, amidst that very darkness, a companion was willing to tread alongside him.

A weighty burden seemed to lift from his heart, casting aside the cold isolation he had carried for so long. For the first time in years, his heart felt a glimmer of warmth. Amidst the vastness of the world, he was no longer alone; his friend stood beside him. His mind wrestled with a dilemma – how should he respond, what words should he choose?

Witnessing the struggle evident in Sasuke's demeanor, Naruto addressed him. He comprehended the internal battle Sasuke was grappling with. Deep down, Naruto knew that Sasuke will always be on his side, he was prepared to offer Sasuke what he yearned for – be it revenge or any other form of assistance.

"How about I reveal to you the identity of the one who ordered your brother to annihilate your family? And did you know he accepted the task without any hesitation?" Naruto suggested his words aimed squarely at Sasuke.

Once again, surprise overtook Sasuke as he learned of the involvement of a third party in the massacre of his clan. He had long believed that Itachi had murdered his family as a display of power. However, now confronted with the knowledge that someone else was pulling the strings, his fury ignited. His Sharingan spun ferociously, and his gaze fixed intently on Naruto.

"Tell me. I want to know every detail about those responsible for the death of my clan," Sasuke demanded, his voice laced with anger and determination.

Naruto's gaze remained steady on Sasuke. "Don't allow your anger to overwhelm you, Sasuke. I'll provide the answers you seek, but there's something I need to know first," Naruto conveyed.

Growing increasingly impatient, Sasuke's gaze remained fixed on Naruto. "Just ask your question," he pressed, his tone betraying his eagerness for answers.

"Suppose your clan had decided to attack Konoha. In that scenario, which side would you have chosen?" Naruto posed the question to Sasuke.

Without a hint of hesitation, Sasuke replied, "Undoubtedly, I would stand with my clan."

"If one of your friends aimed to oppose the Five Hidden Villages, which side would you align yourself with?" Naruto queried.

Sasuke's eyes bore into Naruto's, an awareness dawning upon him. The Naruto he had once known, characterized by innocence, had evolved into something more intricate. This transformation resonated with Sasuke. He grasped the depth beneath Naruto's inquiry.

"Certainly, I would align myself with my friend, even if their goals led to the utter destruction of all," Sasuke asserted with unwavering conviction.

Naruto observed him, a smile forming on his lips. "Have you come to understand the path your brother walked?" he asked, seeking Sasuke's insight.

"He chose the village over his family, his clan," Sasuke asserted, his voice tinged with palpable anger. He made no effort to conceal his emotions from Naruto – the village that had bestowed nothing upon him.

The very family that had given him life and nurtured him had been set aside in favor of nameless villagers who scarcely knew him. The people he had grown up with were seemingly forsaken for the sake of strangers who held no true bond with him.

This reality further fueled Sasuke's resentment towards Itachi. The notion of someone abandoning their own mother and father for the sake of others was a concept he struggled to comprehend.

If he were in such a position, he knew he would remain loyal to his family, regardless of the consequences – even if it meant facing death or posing a threat to the village.

"Among those involved were five people," Naruto began to elucidate. Sasuke's focus was unswerving, his attention captured by Naruto's words.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, two elders, and the last among them – a member of your very Uchiha clan – Obito Uchiha. It is this final individual who holds the culpability for my parents' tragic fate," Naruto disclosed, unveiling the individuals responsible for orchestrating the Uchiha massacre.

Sasuke echoed those words in his mind, each syllable igniting a fiercer determination within him. But as he arrived at the portion that implicated Obito Uchiha, an array of emotions surged.

His gaze shifted to Naruto, his apprehension intensifying. The revelation that an Uchiha was responsible for Naruto's parents' tragic fate stirred within him a fear – a fear that Naruto's perception of him would be tainted by his Uchiha lineage.

The prospect of Naruto potentially coming to despise him solely due to his heritage, the same Naruto who had penetrated the depths of his understanding, weighed heavily on Sasuke's soul.

Naruto's gaze remained locked on Sasuke. "During that time, you were only a newborn. It wasn't your burden to carry those emotions," Naruto addressed Sasuke's silent worries, perceiving the internal turmoil Sasuke was grappling with.

Sasuke's gaze lingered on Naruto, his eyes transformed into a softer expression that caught him off guard. He came to recognize that the companionship of just one individual could unravel the shackles of isolation completely.

"Don't drown in your thoughts too much. It's not really your style. " Naruto suggested playfully.

"Hnn.." Sasuke spoke to him.

"Now, what's your plan? Are you going to join me or head elsewhere?" Naruto inquired, well aware that if he wished Sasuke to come to the village, he likely would.

"I'm not sure anymore," Sasuke admitted candidly. The weight that had burdened him for so long had been lifted, altering his perspective on the world around him.

Naruto fixed his gaze on Sasuke. "Why not come along with me? We can grow stronger together. Besides, there are some nuisances that need to be dealt with. How do you plan on managing them if you're far from the village?" Naruto suggested to Sasuke.

Sasuke stood at the intersection of uncertainty, grappling with the direction he should take. The pursuit of revenge, once cloaked in formidable challenges, now appeared within his grasp – almost deceptively simple.

His self-assurance had surged, propelled by Naruto's companionship. Doubt no longer shadowed his steps; he was resolute in his conviction that he possessed the ability to confront Itachi whenever he deemed fit.

In acknowledgment of his friend's statement, Sasuke offered a simple nod. It was a quintessential attribute of the Uchiha clan:

once you earned their friendship, they were prepared to exert extraordinary efforts on your behalf. Conversely, should you find yourself marked as their adversary, they would ceaselessly strive to eliminate you.

"How do you like my cells?" Naruto inquired of Sasuke.

He could sense his own cells intermingling within Sasuke's body, infusing him with an unparalleled potency.

he integration of his cells had served to enhance Sasuke's Uchiha lineage to the utmost degree, aligning them seamlessly.

Sasuke now bore both Indra's and Asura's chakras, a fusion that propelled his might. With 50-60% of Otsutsuki ancestry woven into his very DNA, he found himself growing more potent with each passing day, a metamorphosis that occurred without conscious effort.

He bore the same percentage of Otsutsuki lineage as Hagoromo Otsutsuki himself, a mere countdown to when he would eclipse the progenitor's power – this was Naruto's silent contemplation.

However, this did not imply that he had surpassed Naruto in strength.

Sasuke's eyes met Naruto's. "Ever since our cells intertwined, I've experienced a newfound sense of completion," Sasuke admitted with candid honesty.

Naruto nodded in response, his understanding evident. He and Hinata possessed a notable 38-45% Otsutsuki bloodline, yet this didn't automatically translate to being weaker than Sasuke. The potency lay in how effectively one harnessed and channeled these inherited traits.

"Shall we make our way back to 'our' village?" Naruto suggested, a genuine smile lighting up his features.

Sasuke recognized the underlying meaning in Naruto's words and responded with a nod of understanding.

As if by magic, their surroundings transformed again, yet they remained physically stationary.

From his vantage point, Naruto maintained an unwavering gaze on Sasuke, who mirrored the scrutiny from his position above.

A rare smile graced Sasuke's typically reserved expression, evoking a wry smirk in response from Naruto.

In actuality, a mere three seconds had transpired. The onlookers exchanged perplexed glances as Naruto's demeanor prompted speculation about the possibility of him being trapped in a genjutsu.

Yet, reality revealed itself, and their apprehension waned as Naruto's smirk spoke volumes. Meanwhile, a smile had unfurled on Sasuke's face. The subtle interplay between the two left their teammates baffled, as the intricate bond shared between Naruto and Sasuke remained veiled in secrecy.

Sakura's gaze shifted to Naruto. "Naruto, are you feeling alright?" she asked, her tone carrying genuine concern.

As his eyes met Sakura's concerned gaze, Naruto offered reassurance. "We're wrapping up our mission here and heading back to the village. And," he turned his gaze back to Sakura with a smile,




"Sasuke is coming along as well."

An~ how do you like the chapter, tell me in the comments.

I have tried my best to write this chapter so you have to do comments as much as want to show me some gratitude so I will write more chapters like this


Should I kill Nagato or not.

Give me some power stones or Orochimaru will bite you,..... Just kidding

—--------------------your dear author san]

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