"Huh?" Elijah added the woman had a solum expression
"I've heard stranger before, it has a vast meaning to it. I can read a person's fate, but I can not understand it for them; you would have to understand it on your own….you should be able to grasp its full meaning in the future!" Simon smiled, and she placed a black box towards Elijah.
(?….oh right payment)
"How much does this cost?" he inquired, the woman rubbed her chin and then answered.
"For you, I will give a small discount. It was originally 500 pounds for my readings, but I think I will lower it to 200 just for you. What do you think?" she added with a cheerful expression.
Elijah however had a deadpan expression (no wonder this place looks like it's falling apart…the prices are too expensive and the fate she reads is very confusing for the average person to understand) Elijah smiled then added.
"Uh…the money I-" She said Before he could tell her that he didn't have any money on him now.
"I already foresaw this…you can just fill out a paid form…then you can pay it back," she added.
(….huh…did the people her rob her?.. Probably not) Elijah got up from his seat and headed for the door, but he heard Simons call.
"Elijah!, if you want you can come back for my counseling. I've been in the workforce before I retired to work at this establishment for part time" She had a wide yet cheerfully smile on her face .
(So she's part-timing?….) Elijah waved his goodbyes and then left the building.
with that he made his way back to the church of combat, it was ever so big as he remembered it; it had a Gothic design and the front of the church looked like a massive garden.
(seems like they changed some stuff while I was away) He walked past the open garden…
…unlike the garden inside the church, there wasn't anything special about the flowers, he made his way to Bargi's office then knocked three times
"Open!" Elijah pushed the door open. The office was as mysterious as he remembered, Bargi sat at his cream leather office desk, his eyes were of a bright blue and his hair was curly short black. His skin was of a faint orange that was mixed with red, it looked like he had spent years out at sea.
Bargi looked up from his desk….his expression softened, and then he added in a relaxed tone, "Welcome back, Elijah".
Elijah smiled then added, "I'm glad to be back in the church…the Inquisitor's headquarters was….not too spacious…anyway, when do you think I can gain an oath?" Bargi looked at Elijah with faint emotion then added.
"It all depends on your mental state. If you want to gain an oath, then at that time then, your mental state has to be stable..with what you've been through it could take years at best for your mental state to return to what it once was….but I see that you've met Lady Simon" Bargi's expression showed more emotion; he had a slight grin on his face.
Elijah had a dumbfounded expression on his face; he opened his mouth and then closed it to open again. "Lady Simon?…. how did you know I met her?" Bargi pointed to a pink envelope on his desk.
(…so she sent a letter to him….but I had just left that place about 15 minutes ago, and surely any postman wouldn't have enough time)
"if you gain counseling for her then that trauma will be lessened in about a month..or less if she dives deeper into the space of the trauma….no she could probably do it in less time…" Bargi added; he rubbed his chin slightly.
With that, Elijah returned to his daily life. He trained how to use different types of spells. He studied the Umbral and the Eldral languages from his language teacher Leopold, surprisingly he didn't ask where he had gone. All he said was
"Your Back!, Ready for some new teachings?" Leopold said in a neutral yet cheerful voice.
This went on for two weeks; he spent half his time at Leopolds and half his time training and spending the rest at Lady Simons getting consulting..they didn't do anything special however, what she did was teach him techniques to clear his mind after that he would have strange dreams….like the one he had after he was freed from the den
That experience was very hazy so he couldn't remember much….all he remembered was that he felt a bit better mentally and could process the information a bit better….his understanding of the common world also deepened…
At this time, Otto didn't interact much.
Was he trying to understand the fate that Lady Simon had read? Was he trying to find a way to break free somehow?
The questions were backed to the back of his mind. However, he was more focused on the Pale Knight's oath
Tonight he would do a rutial that would allow him to gain an oath…even though he barely understood anything about the oath itself he still had Miss Daly to teach him, she had promised that she would teach him once he got an oath since that would have been easier to understand.
" -level 9:Pale knight
the human body has improved both mentally and physically, the user gives off an aura of loneliness sprits are always near them, this loneliness gives them the ability to make contracts with spirits that trust the user the most.
Ability- contractor: the user has gained the ability to form contracts with spirits but they have to gain the trust of said spirit. usually this means doing a task for these spirits, once a contract has been made and agreed upon by both parties.
The user can then use the sports as their eyes. As such, they share sense; they can't do any physical damage, however, but with the loneliness aspect of the oath.
Each time this spirit touches someone they will feel a sudden sense of loneliness. The more the spirit interacts with said person, the deeper the loneliness will stick which can cause some mental damage which could lead to the death of said person.
Ability-Eye of the weak: the user gains a semi-special eye that allows them to peek into the emotional states of the dead and alive.
With this they can gauge what a spirit wants or when a person is mentally dying, the eye if used right can allow someone to look at the mental weakness of a person's mind.
the user gains cold resistance, and they gain the ability to be sleepless-they won't need sleep, so they could stay awake for days and not feel fatigued."Elijah studied the book carefully, it was the one that Diana had given to him before he was sent into the den.
Even though what Elijah needed right now was a way to defend himself, he also needed to think about what he would need; although the pale night didn't bring much to the table if you were to compare it to the Guardian oath, the pale knight oath still had some versatility over guardian oath.
and the versatility that he wanted was mental protection and the ability to control spirits. With that ability, he would have to endanger himself that much; all he would need to do is call upon some strong spirits that had gained his trust…..
…..of course, that won't be an easy task.
Elijah stretched out his back on the chair, he was seated in the library. It wasn't noisy; Elijah closed the book and then went outside. He stretched some more, did a few pushups, switched to some sit-ups, and switched to stretching out his arms again.
"Ah! You're here very early, Elijah. I thought you would have been studying or spending your time with Lady Simon,". he said with a smile on his face; in his hands there were two dull blades. They were a sliver color yet they were made from wood.
"I don't wanna be late to our first day of training…besides I want to be at least good at using a sword," ELijah said tauntingly. Elijah grabbed a sword and then backed up a little. He was still close to Bargi.
"What do you think is the essence of combat?" Bargi asked His hand was on the wooden blade, closely inspecting it.
(the essence of combat…..wouldn't that be killing the enemy before they kill you?…yes it would. If it weren't for that then I would have been stuck in an infinite death loop, dying to those Fallen) Elijah thought inwardly, rubbed his chin, and then answered.
"Through my experience, the essence of combat is murder, the Elimination of one enemy" Bargi clapped his hands for a few moments then whistled for a few moments.
"What?, then what is it?" Elijah asked with a confused expression. Bargi smiled and then ran his fingers through his hair.
"Simply, the Essence of combat is the ability to manipulate the battlefield…lets just say this for example if a man were to be trapped in the wilderness with a broken leg and very few supplies what would that man do?" ELijah looked at Bargi his expression still confused, but his mind cleared up.
(the essence of combat is one's ability to adapt to any station under any pressure…) Elijah thought back to his moments in the den. Thanks to his ability to come back to life, he could think of ways to survive even when his head was a mess.
"I think I understand where you getting at.." Bargi smiled and then added.
"I thought that would have taken a bit longer…any way now that we know what the essence of combat is we now have to find a way to use it; we could use it in our techniques. We use fancy hand movements to trick the enemy into thinking we're about to do something, but in the end, we don't.
"or the better way to use it, plan, create plans then make plans for the backup and so one, the only way to survive a fight is to think ahead. That's the only way you can win a fight. Think ahead of your opponent and set a trap for them, or make yourself the bait," Bargi added with a faint Grin.
This chapter took awhile, i was play diablo immortal..its an ok game