Amala made her way to the lounge. She had spent half her time here messing around with the others when she had just joined, but her time there was a bit foggy.
"Amala, you here!" a feminine voice yelled.
Amala saw Selina. She wore a two-piece jacket and skirt with a yellow dress. "You look Beautiful!" squealed Amala. Selena ran up to her and then gave her a bear hug. This scene lasted for a few moments. "I am so proud of you. You managed to reach the seventh Ascension of the apothecary oath. How do you feel?". Asked Amala
Selina was in thought for a few moments. Within those moments, Cassian walked in, followed by the rest of the church staff who knew about oaths. Everyone was together; Amala felt a sense of joy, a feeling that she's not used to ever since she was a …..
Amala tried to think back on her childhood, but it was a blank; she tried again, and something came up. She remembered her and Elliot playing in the fields of blue roses back when her parents owned a rose shop. ( strange…..They-) her thoughts were cut out as Elliot approached her.
"Are you doing ok? do you need some rest?" Elliot whispered, "I'm fine, just stuck in thought, is all…also when will Selina speak?"Elliot chuckled, then softly said, "She already did …a few seconds ago…you must have been tired, but she said that she feels *Powerful!* …you should get some rest".
Amala perched her chin, "I think I will stay up a little longer. I don't wanna miss out on this night," She said cheerfully. The night continued with drinks and games; Bargi beat Daly and Amala in two broad games.
The party was wild, yet it held a sense of calmness; Cassian told stories about his investigation of certain mysteries. Some end well, while the others were left on a cliffhanger. After the clock hit twelve, Seliena fell asleep on Bargi's shoulder. "Looks like it's getting a bit late," he said softly.
Bargi looked around the room. There was food on the floor mixed with some ribbons. Amala was still awake and outside drinking something; the red moon hung high in the sky as a cold wind entered the building.
Bargi placed Selina onto the couch and went outside; the night air carried a cold wind. The stars shined brilliantly "The stars are looking well tonight" Bargi said in a hushed tone. Amala was quiet for a few seconds, then answered.
"They have always looked beautiful….Today was pretty long," She realized a sigh as she moved the cup in her hands; it was empty of any fluids. Bargi glanced at her with a smile and then asked.
"Do you remember what year it is? I think I might have forgotten, ha with how old I'm getting, haha." He laughed, and Amala tilted her head as she stared at the moon.
"I believe it's May,2, you have something planned tomorrow?" She asked; Bargi didn't meet her gaze; he looked elsewhere. She couldn't quite track where he was looking, but she felt as though it was downtown somewhere within that range; she realized a soft sigh and then added.
"do you think Elijah is going to get released early?" Amala asked in a low voice.
"He might,…time will tell, I guess. he suffered a lot in that den even at the ripe age of 20. He shouldn't do well for his mental health. So for now, I say we wait for two weeks.
"Even though I don't think that's enough time for him to recover from it mentally…if he does obtain an oath, he would be half insane. He would probably become our biggest enemy if that were to happen," Bargi said; he looked at the red moon with a distasteful look.
(why does he have that look….for the moon) Amala asked inwardly, her gaze shifted to the inside. Selina was asleep on the couch, and the cool night air was hitting the inside. Amala sighed, then added, "We should probably continue this conversation at a different time… it's a bit late. Also, Selina is shaking on the couch".
The two closed the door and then got Selina and the others who were still in the lounge to bed. Amala locked herself in the room as she went over what Bargi had just talked about
(Why would he be our biggest enemy?… Even if he does advance at best, he would be an ascension eight that wouldn't bother us. Then why would he be our biggest enemy? does it have to do with what's corrupting him?) She inquired.
Two days went by in a flash. Selena went through her normal training to be a scarlet healer; she mastered some of her spells. Some allowed her to make small plant creatures; others allowed her to create potions with various effects.
Cassian trained her since the two are from the same oath. Amala spent her time investigating downtown; there wasn't anything off with it (Maybe he was looking randomly?).
After finishing, she washed up and went to the inquisitor's headquarters. To her surprise, Bargi was there; he wore a black button-down shirt with brown pants, and his hair was in a small man bun. "Amala? I thought you were on an investigation?" He inquired.
Amala froze for a few seconds (What the hell is he doing here! Wasn't he busy with something?) she thought. Bargi glanced at his right hand. He carried a small narrow suitcase it was navy blue in color.
Amala dryly chuckled. "I came here to visit Elijah…" Bargi tilted his head slightly and then inquired.
"But you said you were going to meet him earlier. Did you not?" Bargi had a confused look on his face, but Amala could tell he was more than confused.
"She's probably too embarrassed because she went on a date but sadly got rejected," Elliot mused.
Caught in shock, Amala's cheeks turned a bright red as she walked over to Elliot, Beating him into the floor. After a few moments, some guards had to pull her off.
"You could have just told me that," Bargi grinned.
Amala was in deep thought (What the hell, Elliot!….that did help, but did he really have to say that! Out of all things, that idiot decided to choose that of all things….besides it only happened once…also why is he here?).
Amala remembered a few years ago when she went on a date with this guy she liked, but the date didn't go well. Elliot saw them, and he embarrassed her that it wasn't going well in the first place. All Elliot did was make it worse.
Amala sighed, then asked, "What with the suitcase?" Bargi replied.
"It's a gift for Elijah if he wins it, of course," Bargi had a faint cartoonist grin.
(I dont like that expression….what will he do?) Amala followed Bargi. The two reached Elijah's room and saw someone they hadn't expected to meet there.
"Edmund? What are you doing here? I thought you were what your father is today," Amala inquired.
The pair saw a young male with short ginger hair and blue eyes. He wore a white-sleeved shirt with a long pair of pants. The male had rich white skin and some striking facial features.
"… can't I spend time with a friend without getting questioned?" Edmund inquired.
The two looked at each other, but they didn't bother to answer Edmund's stupid question.
Bargi walked to Elijah. He was on the bed wearing a Brown vest with a white shirt and long pants. The two exchanged looks, and Bargi started to speak.
"i hope your stay here has been going well," Bargi said cheerfully. Elijah, however, looked confused and then asked.
"what's with that suitcase?"
"It's a gift to you, but you must win it. " Bargi sat on the bed next to him, then he continued to speak.
"we will be playing a simple game; that game is of your choice. what do you say want to play?" Bargi inquired; Amala and Edmund stood at the door exchanging small talk.
"Any game of my choice….Then, the game I chose is a simple sparing match between you and me. Is that alright with you, Bargi?" Edmund, Amala, and Elliot looked at Elijah with shocked expressions, but Bargi was unfazed.
"Sure!, we can start whenever you want…..but just so you know, you might still be a normal person, but I have years of battle experience, so dont expect this to be an easy win." Bargis's tone shifted from being carefree to Monstrous.
A faint grin appeared on ELijah's face as he said coldly, but within that sentence, there was a hint of excitement. "We can start now.." The room was tense as Bargi gave Elijah a friendly slap on his back and then stated.
"Sure thing! Let's head to the training room. Don't worry i always have one rented out for me so there shouldn't be any wait," Bargi announced with a cheerful expression.