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2.59% Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional / Chapter 2: Shattering

Bab 2: Shattering

You know what? Another chapter for you fine readers, have a good day.


He had to control his emotions, that was something that had to be done so that he could utilize this world's power. Leaning back into the wall he slowly smiled, a small grin crossing over his features. Control of his emotions was something he already had in the bag, hell this situation was showing that.

Despite how unknown it was he had managed to keep himself from panicking, he had been in worse situations. At least he was clean and the body seemed well fed. Small victories.

It had been ages since he had read Jujutsu Kaisen, and if this was indeed the world that he was in then things would be… interesting.

He had been transmigrated by whatever this person's technique was accidentally through the use of a binding vow.

Not that he was complaining. And he knew that it was a far stretch thinking he had been put into the world of a manga but it was all he had to go off and if there was one thing he trusted it was his gut, it very rarely led him astray so he may as well just go with that assumption for now. It was better to have something to work from instead of just running around blindly in confusion.

Crossing his legs he felt for his cursed energy, assuming that this body had some. And what he found was… odd. It did, but it was his. It wasn't this body's original energy. No, it had been replaced with his own.

Maybe because this body was used to feeling cursed energy he was able to find it so quickly, or that he originally had none and it was now a new feeling, a smile spread over his face as he felt it. He had to remember how to control it, a certain scene between two brothers came to mind. Shaking his head amused by the scene he was remembering.

Okay back on track, this was something he had to focus on. This was his best chance at being able to fight, he would much rather fight than just run… something about it felt right.

He needed to make it 'flow,' that was simpler said than done though. Or at least he thought, turns out it was really easy. Focusing on the feeling of power within his chest he imagined it like a raging river, unrestrained, powerful, graceful. It flowed through him. Like an untapped storm, splashing over the edges of his vessel.

He needed to contain it. It was funny how easy it was to find something one had never ever felt before. Cursed energy was… so foreign to him. He could just instinctively feel it like an intrusive second heartbeat, hearing it and feeling it was abnormal therefore it stood out like a sore thumb.

Once he realized that is what it was of course.

He needed to imagine his entire body mind and soul as one. To minimize the flow. It wouldn't start somewhere. It was everywhere. Through every fibre of his being, every inch of his skin. He would fortify himself, increase his strength, speed and stamina. He would become superhuman.

Honestly, it was a simple dream that he had always had, to have something more. Excited he couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he felt his fatigue was away in the torrent. The energy in his body strengthened his muscles. He felt, loaded. Like a spring compressed. Ready to explode with power.

The thing was, he felt something odd about his energy, something was different, it was like it was flowing through… multiple versions of himself? It was hard to put into words but he didn't have time to focus on it for now. He would have a look into it when he was safer, maybe if he was able to find some guidance too.

Standing up he put his hand on his knee, pushing himself to his feet. Feeling his body was much more responsive than before, hell now his problem was the other way around, his body was responding too quick for his mind to keep up. Dialing back the amount of energy he was actively using he let out a breath. This was good.

He was glad that he was able to grasp it so quickly, honestly, it was probably sloppy as fuck but it was progress. And as long as he could feel the energy in his fist, then that was all that mattered to him.

Being able to fight back.

Channelling the aura into his fist he looked down, the oppressive dark blue energy coiling around his body like a storm, only released from his fist, contained by the rest of his form. It felt right, natural.

Hearing something behind the door he grinned, the clacking of multiple hard legs against the stone floor. It was the bug. "Do I noT smElL NiCE?" The backwards voice struggled with the words that creaked out of its unnatural body.

It must have felt the energy that he started to manipulate.

Hearing a crash he grinned as he saw the door fling open, splintering and flying from its hinges as it charged into the room towards him. Giant mandibles were wide open ready to snatch him into a deadly grasp.

Jumping up he slammed into the ceiling with a loud thud as the beast passed below him. The roof splintered from the impact as shards of plaster rained down into the room.

Gritting his teeth and taking in a sharp breath, he spun around and landed behind the creature as it fully entered the room, his back was fine luckily, and despite the impact he hadn't taken any damage. Good, his defences were working.

He needed to focus on control, this was the first time using cursed energy after all. Backing out the door he saw the Cursed Spirit coiling around the room, snaking up and down the walls before turning around and looking out of the door. It didn't have any eyes or a mouth, just a hard outer shell.

And snapping mandibles that dripped with something like an acidic venom.

Suddenly it darted towards him like a loaded arrow let loose. Focusing on his control he put more power into his legs as he sprung to the side. Vertigo hit his got with the sudden fast movement. Controlling himself he choked down the feeling, focusing on the fight, his eyes becoming dull. Focused.

Only the enemy mattered.

Leaning to the side he practically lay against the floor with how far he bent backwards. His hair brushed against the ground as the tail creature slashed over him ripping through the air.

Straightening up he moved the power from his legs to his hand as he slammed his fist into its hard shell.

The shell cracked, caving around his fist but the real damage was something else. Like glass, space fractured for a single moment, showing reflections of the creature in the shattered shards. Before the cracks vanished leaving giant gashes in the creature under the shell.

Space mending in that same moment, it had only been the smallest of flashes. But it had been intense and sudden. Feeling it was something to do with his energy he backed away as he observed the damage. The Curse was clearly hurt, blood running out of the crack in its shell. His attack had just ignored the shell... well that made things easier.

Dodging another charge he slammed his elbow into the back of the neck of the creature, channelling all his energy to that one point on his body. Knowing its charge meant that it couldn't hit him.

With a shattering crunch, he felt space fracture again as he pressed his advantage and as the creature slammed into the ground he kicked it as hard as he could in the side. The spacial cracks now cut the creature as it if was split along the broken shards of air.

Raining down blow after blow he slammed each attack into the Curse with as much force as he could muster. The cursed energy moved around his body smoother and quicker with each strike, each fist hitting like a truck.

Dodging a desperate swipe from it he slammed his fist into its belly and with a heave of effort he let his energy flow into the cracks in space for the first time. And watched as they widened.

As they drew apart, his dark blue cursed energy pulsed through them and he heard the crackle and break of glass as the creature's back end split into several fractured pieces. The creature shattered like glass. Vanishing a short moment later in a storm of rogue energy.

Backing away Atlas took in a quick breath, looking around making sure that his fight hadn't drawn any more attention. After confirming his situation, another boom sounded, the lights flickering on and off wildly.

Looking back at his fist he wondered if he had accidentally started to use his technique, no that shouldn't be possible. Not yet, that was too quick.

Pushing some cursed energy into his hand and letting it flow into the space around his fist he saw the cracks slowly start to web out from his fingers, fractals that showed reflections. Staring at one he watched in confusion as he saw the lights flicker in the reflection, but the lights were not flickering where he was anymore. Focusing closer he saw that the wall was also… an odd shape?

Cutting off the cursed energy he watched the cracks in space disappear, the fractals mending back together as space healed and showed the reality that he was used to. That was… odd.

He just couldn't wrap his brain around it.

Shaking his head he moved on, if he couldn't focus on it right now then don't. Simple as that.

Moving back down the hall he found his feet carrying him to the elevator shaft again. He was feeling strong, but was he foolish enough to fight that one below? Sure he was stronger now, but he could tell that the centipede thing was much weaker than it. Looking down from the doors he tilted his head. The beast was slamming itself against the wall over and over.

The thudding sent crashes throughout the building, the cracked concrete raining down dust and it if wasn't for the countless metal supports something would have collapsed by now. Letting out a deep breath he decided he would do it. Fighting would help him grow, and he enjoyed it. Live the life he wanted. He wanted to have fun, and this new cursed energy was fun.

Focusing on filling the vessel of his body with an even amount of energy he washed it over his skin, the smooth flowing form of his energy more like water than the otherwise volatile look that he had seen from others in the show.

Letting it fill up his legs, instead of flowing it there he simply increased the amount in them. It was about perspective, and he wanted to make good habits now.

Dropping down he felt the wind pass through his hair for a brief moment before he slammed into the top of the creature, its slow sluggish movements unable to grab him. The feeling of energy leaving his body and slamming into the beast pressing it into the ground was satisfying.

Pushing energy into the cracks he felt it resist.

Jumping back and down into the hall he had woken up facing, the crushed elevator no longer blocking the door he grinned. So the more energy his opponent had the harder it was for his fractal energy to break them apart? That made sense, shame though.

Dashing forward again he kept it in the shaft, limiting its movement and giving him walls to spring from. Jumping over it and then launching from one wall to another to avoid the crashing attack that split the concrete and would have turned him into a paste.

Landing behind it he drove his fist into its body, the space splitting and leaving shallow cuts. But that was it.

Cursing he dodged a swipe that tore a metal beam, the passing air whipping his hair into his eyes. He needed to tie that back.

Leaping upwards he felt his ankle suddenly be grabbed, looking in shock at the smaller arm that had emerged like a dart from its fleshy body.

Suddenly being swung down and slammed into the floor hard he felt something in his body crunch, whiplash having strained his neck. The impact of his back into the stone reverberated through his body. Although it wasn't fatal damage it was hindering, and that was bad.

Although he couldn't help but smile.

Dodging another large arm he watched as the Curse started to sprout more limbs. The revolting tumours over its body hatching limbs from arms to legs of all different sizes.

Rolling back he leapt from his hands and landed on his feet in a smooth motion. Turning in the air only to be face to face with the creature. Since when was it so fast!

Crossing his arms over his chest he felt its attack slam into his defence, the impact resonating for a moment before he was catapulted backwards.

The hall flashed past him as he rocketed down it, impacting the concrete hard at the end of the hall hard. Feeling the stone shatter around him he gasped for air, taking in a sharp breath as he felt warm blood run down his lips. Fuck he couldn't move.

Staring at the beast as it started to shamble down the hall on the mass of limbs. A grin plastered on its multiple mouths, its eyes narrowed in mocking glee.

Pulling himself from the dent that he lay in he held his breath, the pain flaring. He was starting to panic, and he could feel the energy in him reacting. Negative energy cursing through his body causing him to remember, binding vows increased cursed energy because of the negative emotions associated with them. The more risk, the more reward.

"I vow, that I will kill this curse in 5 seconds. Or I will give my life." He said, blood running from his lips as his eyes held a mad glint. The power flowing through his body was as intense as anything he had ever felt, the sudden spike in his output taking his breath away. A raging torrent he contained beneath his skin, letting his energy flare, flooding the hall in a dull blue glow.

Control, let it flow, contain it, a raging storm held underneath his skin. Focus, muscle, bone, skin. His body was a vessel to contain this power.

Dashing forward the ground shattered from the impact of his feet as he leapt over the creature faster than it could react, the floor webbed with cracks as he landed, sending a boom that caused the beast to stumble before he slammed his fist into its back. The impact webbed with spacial cracks that shred deep lacerations into the beast.

But it wasn't deep enough.

Feeling his breath hitch he thought that he might not be able to do this in time as he watched the wounds heal… his emotions flaring.

4 seconds.

Slamming another fist into it with everything he had it slid backwards but the chunks he shore off it healed back just as fast. Dashing forward he rained blow after blow but it blocked, using its arms and limbs, sacrificing them. It knew, it knew he didn't have much time. Gritting his teeth he slammed his fist into it harder upping the output of energy.

3 seconds.

He was going to die already because he made a stupid fucking vow without thinking. This was fun!

Grinning a mad grin of defiance he backed away raising his hand into the air, thinking about it, the energy that he held. The fracturing of space occurring around his hand, the splitting of glass shattering throughout the corridor filling the air with floating shards of broken space and the air webbed with cracks that billowed blue cursed energy.

2 seconds.

He swung his hand down, imagining it, splitting space where the creature was standing just a meter away, the air rippling with waves of power. And shattering like glass as his hand finished its path.

1 second.

The creature froze. Before breaking into two. And his energy returned to normal. A vertical blue slice left in the air shimmering, a gap in the reality he knew, he saw through it into something more. It was as if he was looking into a different world. A dimension that wasn't his own, one where the walls didn't line up, the gaps in space clear… the fourth dimension?

He had won… and seen something wonderful.

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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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