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28.57% Group Adventure Across The Multiverse / Chapter 2: Chapter 1(Patrick)

Bab 2: Chapter 1(Patrick)

(3rd Person pov)

In the east blue on the island of Logue town, In a small 1 bedroom apartment, a boy was standing at 4'10 or 147.32 Centimeters, he had short white hair that faded into a grayish silver that barely cut off an outside view of his forehead. The boy had light green eyes, He had a scar going down the centre of his face that reached the base of his nose.

The Boy was Sitting in a chair alone in a one-bedroom apartment, a single lightbulb lighted up the apartment, and there was a multitude of Windows smashed leaving shards of glass all over the floor along with a huge puddle on the ground from the rain. There was a single bed in the corner of the room that had a desk right next to it, added to the room was a simple bathroom.

The house looked like any other average house in Logue town, but the boy inside gave it a weird atmosphere, as he is seen yelling at nothing, but in reality, he is yelling at the system screen in front of him. Yes, that is Right, this is one of our main characters Patrick was his name in his past life.

(Patrick Pov Earlier)

opening my eyes, I saw a wooden roof above my head as I felt a pillow below my head and a blanket wrapped around my body, getting up from my bed I got up and with my body's muscle memory I found the light and turned it on, This allowed for me to see the surrounding area of which wasn't very impressive as it was a small room that had a bathroom just added on, it had a small kitchen and most of the windows were broken

"It's not too bad, but no wonder it's so cold in here all the damn windows are broken in the middle of winter," I said as I looked outside and saw that it was snowing badly, I looked and saw a small wood chimney in the corner of the room, and what looked like enough logs to last for months right next to it.

I quickly walked over to the fireplace and placed a few logs inside and grabbed a few pieces of newspaper before using the lighter that was left on the mantle place to light the Newspaper on fire to start the fire in the furnace so I can warm up the room.

"Wait, I could have used the newspaper to learn what year it is and where I am at, Stupid Patrick if that's even my name here," I said as I slapped my forehead with my right arm, suddenly I felt a serious pain on my forehead as if you had been punched in the eye.

"Oww holy shit that hurts, What the fuck" I said out loud as I walked over to the bathroom I looked in the mirror as I moved the hair from in front of my forehead where I saw something that shocked me.

"Huh, I'm a part of the three Eyed tribes," I said as I looked at the third eye was red with a Black sclera on my forehead that had a big Scar that went vertically and horizontally across, yet it wasn't blind. (Like Aza Chobei's Scar yet it's on his forehead and the Vertical scar reaches down to the base of the nose.)

Suddenly while I was standing in the bathroom, I felt an extreme amount of pain in my head, as I felt 5 years of memories coming into my head "Ughhh holy shit" I said as I fell backwards onto the ground as felt myself black out.

(Time Skip)

Opening my eyes, I'm still on the ground, I look over to the fireplace and I see that the fire is still lit. "It seems like I haven't been out for long, Luckily with me obtaining the original body's memories, I know who I am and where I am," I say as I warm my body up near the fire, The only thing I was wearing was a white shirt with a multitude of pink stains, A tan trench coat that had a multitude of patching on it that varied of colours, I was also wearing a pair of underwear and black pants.

My name in this Universe is Daemon D. Ceres, I had the elusive middle initial of D, I got it from my father Gol. D Roger. You heard that correctly, My father is Gol D. Roger the king of the pirates, He made my mother pregnant shortly after He fought off Shiki from destroying the East Blue, and she helped nurse him back to total health.

My mother's name was Daemon Israel, she was a nurse from the island of Kango which is an island South of Dawn Island, she moved to Logue town a year before my father's execution due to her having to take care of me, Sadly she passed away a month ago from an incurable disease leaving me alone in this house with just around 100,000 Beri, which isn't much but I'm thankful, I was Born January 21st.

The only thing that is truly worth in this house, was this body's prize possession Ace, The sword of my father and one of the supreme grade swords. My father left it with my mother before he handed himself into the Marines and was executed.

'Damnit, So I'm all alone until I find The other three' I think as I toss another log onto the fire solemnly. Suddenly a Blue screen popped up in front of me as I smiled 'Their's the system' I said as I continued smiling.

[Bonding to Host's Soul... 0%]

[Bonding to Host Soul... 4.8%]

[Bonding to Host Soul... 17%

[Bonding to Host Soul... 31%]

[Bonding to Host Soul... 68%]

[Bonding to Host Soul... 82%]

[Bonding to Host Soul... 95%]

[Bonding to Host Soul... 100%]

[Hello host I am Eve the temporary A. I to help explain how each feature will work in the system, At the moment you have only 4 functions unlocked with them being Inventory, status, Shop, Missions, and Gacha. Multiverse Travel will unlock later on when you and the three Sub hosts are 17. The chat function won't unlock until one of the other 3 unlocks their memories. I will disappear once I explain how each function works]

Hearing this I nodded my head, 'Alright that makes sense, Alright open the inventory and explain it to me ' I ask in my head as a blank screen shows up in front of my face

[This is your inventory, it currently only has a starter pack inside of it, It has 90 squared miles of room and it can only hold nonliving/possessed items inside of it, To put an item inside you have to press it against the blue screen. Would you like for me to open the starter pack?] Eve asked after she finished explaining "Yes please Eve" I said to her as I heard a ding inside my head

[Opening Starter Pack... ...]

[Haki Training Manual]

[Sword Manual]

[Funsai Funsai No Mi (Paramecia)]

[Extract (Skill)]

[Premium Gacha Ticket X5]

[Normal Gacha Ticket X10]

[Bloodline Purifier Pill X5]

[Attribute Points X100]

[Shop Points X10000

[Soul Bind (Ability)]

Looking at all the stuff I got from the starter pack I couldn't help but smile at this 'Eve can you explain what the skills Soul bind and extract is, along with what the Funsai Funsai No Mi.' I ask the temporary AI that was in my head as the usual ding was heard

[The skill Soul Bind, allows the user to bind Items to the user, along with unbind items from other people. You can also help bind items to other people's souls] Eve explained as I nodded and looked at Ace that was hung up on the wall. 'Ok, now about Extract' I ask

[The skill extract allows the user to try and extract skills or items from an enemy's body after the host kills someone, An example of this could be if the host kills Akainu, you have a chance to extract his Devil fruit from his body. It is not a 100% chance for extraction.] Eve explained to me as I nodded my head.

[The Funsai Funsai No MI, or the Shatter fruit, allows the user to expel Shatter energy from the body and is classified as special paramecia allowing for the user to manipulate the environment and to generate the substance of shatter energy, If high enough mastery the user can also use the shatter energy like a logia would by creating and controlling it and turning into shatter energy. This devil fruit is on a similar level to Whiebeards quake fruit.] Eve explained to me

'Thank you, Eve, Can you toss everything into the Inventory and open Status' I ask Eve, as all the items from the starter pack disappear into my inventory, my inventory screen disappears and another one pops up [Here is your status]

[Name: Daemon D. Ceres]

[Age: 5]

[Race/Tribe: 3-Eyed]

[Devil Fruit: N/A]

[Height: 4'10/147.32 CM]

[Bounty: N/A]

[Mana: 850]

[Strength: 32] +

[Endurance: 40]+

[Speed: 34] +

[Stamina: 30] +

[Intelligence: 30] +

[Wisdom: 25] +

[MP: 85]

[Will: 110] +

[Luck: 45] +

[Attribute Points: 100] (AP for short)

[Shop Points:10,000] (SP for short)

[Skill: Extract, Soulbind]

[Weapons: Ace]

Looking at my stats I see that I am quite strong for a 5-year-old boy making my eyes widen 'Holy shit is my body Strong' I say in my head as I look at my status with a smile 'How do I allocate stat points do I do it like this' I say in my mind as I tap on the plus sign next to the luck stat.

'Increase luck by 25' I say to the screen as I see my luck stat visibly change to 70 making me nod my head in understanding as I hear a ding in my mind. [For finding how allocating stats works Host has earned 5 more attribute points for later use] Eve says to me as I smiled even wider than before 'Sweet' I say in my mind. 'Alright put 45 Ap into Will, and put the remaining AP into Strength' I said as I heard a ding.

" Alright Eve, go to the Mission function tab and explain it to me," I said out loud as I moved over and sat in bed as I tossed enough firewood in the pit to last me until morning. Suddenly my stat screen disappeared and a New screen showed up

[This is your Mission Tab you can currently see current missions, their progress, and the rewards] Eve said as I nodded my head as I looked at the current Mission and I saw only 3 missions

[Mission 1: Destroy The World Government, Kill Imu and the 5 Elders

Rewards: Leave World, 20 Premium Gacha Tickets]

[Mission 2: Create A crew, Create a pirate crew and have 1000 or more Subordinates

Members: 1

Reward: 10000 Attribute points, 5 Premium Gacha tickets, Inner World]

[Mission 3: Get Ace to acknowledge you as its new user

Reward: Ability to eat a second Devil Fruit]

Seeing the three Missions I already have I nod my head in understanding 'These are good missions, and are quite self-explanatory' I say in my mind as I remember the last tab to go through

'Eve Open up the Gacha' I said to Eve in my mind as I heard the usual ding and the mission screen disappeared and a new one Disappeared with two different Options to choose from.

[The Gacha has two Modes, Premium and Normal. Premium gacha gives you a higher chance to get the good stuff, but you can also get bad things such as A curse like Ankhseram from Fairy Tail. Meanwhile, Normal Gacha would mostly get you mediocre skills, weapons, and Items. You Can also get good items and skills. You will get 1 Normal Gacha ticket every month and you can turn 10 Normal tickets into 1 Premeum ticket.]( Gacha's can be fused later on) Eve explained to me as I nodded

At the moment, I possess five Premium Tickets and ten Regular Tickets. 'Eve use all 15 Tickets'I say as I hear a ding and then a roulette noise

[Rolling Item...]

[Items Rolled]

[Normal Gacha Rewards:

[50 lbs of Seaking meat X2]

[Baruka Dagger]

[Set of Custom clothes X2]

[ 20 lbs of Adam Wood]

[Cherry Blossom Tree Sapling X1]

[Lightning Magic]


[Natsu's Scarf]

[Premium Gacha Rewards:

[Slayer Magic Trio (God, Devil, Dragon)]

[Yami Yami No Mi]

[Absorbtion Curse (Fairy Tail)]

[Life Magic]

[Dimension Lost (Sacred Gear, Highschool DXD)]

"Holy Shit," I say while looking at everything I got from the gacha feature of my system "Wait if I now have Dimension lost what happened to the one in DXD," I ask Eve as the usual ding went.

[The original host will not exist, and Dimension Lost will still be in the Sacred gear system If the host goes to the Highschool Dxd Universe then You will be recognized as Dimension Lost's true wielder] Eve explained to me while I looked at everything in my inventory

'Alright thanks, Eve. Now Bind' I say as I activate my bind skill while I tapped on Dimension lost in my inventory.

[Binding Started 0%]

[Binding 13.5%]

[Binding 34%]

[BInding 51%]

[Binding 88%]

[Binding 100%]

[Binding complete]

Once the binding is complete I smile as I feel a sense of familiarity with using my new Sacred gear I Put my hand out as I used Dimension Lost to create an artificial space inside of my house.

The artificial Dimension was a simple forest but it took a lot of Will to keep it up for long, as I was only able to keep it up for 30 Minutes before feeling tired and out of Stamina

'I should probably go to sleep, Eve before that quickly explain Shop' I say as I lay down in the bed I had previously woken up from.

[Host The shop allows the Host to buy Items and skills from universes the Host has been to, for example, you can only buy stuff from this universe. To buy the stuff you get SP from Selling important stuff to the shop, Selling devil fruits, weapons, and enemy ships. To open the selling area in the shop is by saying sell when you are in the shop] Eve explained to me as I nodded.

'Alright thank you, Eve Before you go can you integrate all the forms of magic I got and use my Bind ability to bind Natsu's scarf and Baruka's Daggers' I ask Eve in my mind as I hear a faint ding as I fall asleep.


[Stats at end of Chapter]

[Name: Daemon D. Ceres]

[Age: 5]

[Race/Tribe: 3-Eyed]

[Devil Fruit: N/A]

[Height: 4'10/147.32 CM]

[Bounty: N/A]

[Mana: 850]

[Strength: 67]

[Endurance: 45]

[Speed: 34]

[Stamina: 30]

[Intelligence: 30]

[Wisdom: 25]

[MP: 85]

[Will: 155]

[Luck: 70]

[Attribute Points: 0] (AP for short)

[Shop Points:10,000] (SP for short)

[Skill: Extract, Soulbind, Dragon Slayer Magic, Devil Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic, Life Magic, Lightning Magic]

[Curses: Absorbsion Curse]

[Weapons: Ace, Baruka Daggers]

[Soul Bound Items/Things: Natsu's Scarf, Dimension Lost, Baruka's Daggers]



Hey, Guys hope you enjoyed this chapter, If you have any suggestions for the Gacha rewards

Comment Here.

Also Here is the details of the Absorption Curse

[Absorption Curse: This Curse grants the user the ability to absorb the souls of living beings as well as of Magic through touch. Conveniently, the user is also able to stretch their body parts, such as the limbs, to long proportions, even being able to form spikes from their back and arms, which gives them a large range in which they can then manipulate the extensions and latch them into a target's body, draining them of their soul and their Magic Power and absorbing them for themselves. The user can also have others absorb them.]

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