Unduh Aplikasi
91.66% Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans / Chapter 33: Chapter Thirty-Three: Shikakuro VII

Bab 33: Chapter Thirty-Three: Shikakuro VII

[A/N: This is an epic chapter of 6k words (almost). There will be grammar mistakes in this one. As I didn't get much time to edit it properly. But I hope you enjoy nonetheless. And those who aren't on discord, my pc broke down, and i had a backlog of works to complete before I could write again. :/ Fucking bad luck I tell you.]


July 9th, Year 70, En Route to Konoha


We raced through the treetops at breakneck speed, the forest blurring past in shades of green. Anzo-sensei led our formation, pushing us to maintain an unrelenting pace. To an outside observer, we appeared to be rushing back urgently from a mission gone wrong. But I knew better. This was all an act - part of the ruse Anzo-sensei and I had devised together after communicating with Uncle Minato and Pervy-sage.

"Keep up! We're almost at the rendezvous point," Anzo-sensei barked, maintaining the charade. Beside me, Izumi panted heavily, the exhaustion clear on her face. Even Kabuto seemed fatigued from the grueling run. Even the spartan training done under Anzo-sensei wasn't enough to keep this pace without breaks.

But I felt only calm anticipation, ready to execute our plan flawlessly, bidding my time and keeping track of everything with my shadows.

"Sensei...can't we take...a short break?" Izumi pleaded between labored breaths. Anzo-sensei pretended to scowl at her request.

"Absolutely not! We need to reach Konoha as swiftly as possible," he responded curtly, playing his part well. Izumi wilted under his harsh tone, too tired to argue further.

Kabuto, perceptive as always, spoke up. "Forgive my bluntness, but what is the urgency, Sensei? Did something happen? Did Kuro find anything substantial?" He let the question hang in the air, probing subtly.

As smart as Kabuto is, he was probably already piecing the puzzle together. After all he observed the whole day during the second exam as I enacted my out of the ordinary plan.

Anzo-sensei didn't break stride as he answered evasively, "That's not your concern. Just focus on keeping up!" His brusque response cemented the illusion that we were fleeing some unknown threat. In truth, we were the bait, and our pursuers were soon to take the hook.

Both Kabuto and Izumi seemed to understand the subtly, although not entirely and stopped complaining as they kept their pace as we passed through a valley.

I hid a smile, allowing myself to trail slightly behind. Which earned a confused look from Kabuto. Subtly asking me with his eyes, 'What are you playing at?'…

The weariness I projected was just for show of course. Though maintaining the act was admittedly tiresome in its own way. The things I did to sell a deception. Such troublesome…

As we neared the border between the Lands of Fire, I extended my senses, probing for our trackers. Right on schedule, I picked up six pursuers tailing us from a distance, their intentions clear. Two stood out, radiating dangerous chakra - the Jinchuriki. Everything was proceeding precisely according to plan.

I kept listening on them through the seals, and hearing them talking about a quick assault and assassination mission, garnered a small smile to grow on my lips.

I turned to Anzo-sensei, injecting weariness into my voice. "Sensei, I'm sensing some unfriendly followers up ahead. Two of them feel pretty strong." I tried my best to not look amused as I reported to my superior.

Anzo-sensei met my gaze, his shades covered eyes seemed to gleam, though his face remained stoic as ever. "So, you noticed them." His tone suggested mild surprise, keeping up the charade. I nodded grimly in response.

Beside me, Izumi and Kabuto tensed, hands drifting toward their weapons pouches. Still playing my part, I halted their reactions with an outstretched hand and a tired sigh.

"Let's see what they want first. No need to make any rash moves," I suggested lightly, making a subtle hand signal to Anzo-sensei. Who in return scratched his nose as I saw a small amount of white smoke escape from his coat.

'Message received. We were going for the operation.' That was what he meant by that action.

Soon we approached the rendezvous point - a ridge overlooking a valley, strategically chosen for its terrain. I could pinpoint our pursuers' locations - four in the trees around us, the jinchuriki pair waiting below. Right where expected. I hid a smirk. Too easy. Though I was sure that the following fight will be anything but.

We crested the ridge, coming face to face with none other than Kumo's Killer B and Yugito Nii. Accompanying them were four veteran Kumo jonins whose hitai-ate declared their allegiance. All of them had looks of determination.

Killer B pointed at me dramatically. "Yo yo, well well! Stupid kid you are welcomed to hell! Oh yeah!" he rapped terribly. I maintained a look of stoic focus, playing my role of unaware Genin. Yugito crossed her arms, glaring at me.

Now what did I ever do to the kitty cat to make her glare at me like that?- I wondered.

Anzo-sensei stepped forward authoritatively. "State your purpose, Kumo-nin. You are blocking Konoha Nin from official business," he declared, every inch the consummate professional.

Killer B waved his hand dismissively, a contrast to Yugito's open hostility. "Whoa there, no need to get mad, we ain't here to start nothin' bad," he rhymed poorly. I resisted the urge to shake my head at his antics. Did he write his own lyrics?

He did one of his weird dance moves before quickly unsheathing his 2 katanas.

"Well, that was a lie, I will crash your head like a pie. I got a mission, to end this kid's ambition, oh yeah!" B continued, jabbing a finger my way. "He's wild and dangerous, the ninja prodigy, Killer B's on it, gonna stop this catastrophe! Bakayaro, Konoyaro."

I maintained my stoic facade, avoiding any tells. Beside me, Izumi and Kabuto shifted uneasily, reacting just as unaware genin should. Our act was flawless so far. Though Izumi and Kabuto were unaware of my abilities at the truest extent… maybe they will see it firsthand today.

Honestly, I myself wonder, how far I can push myself… But we will see.

Anzo-sensei cracked his knuckles menacingly. "That's some mouth you have on you… But… No one gets away after threatening my student in front of me." he declared coldly. I made sure to appear worried by his words, as any genin would be. The play needs to go on a bit longer.

One of the Kumo jonin stepped forward, eschewing any subtlety. "Enough stalling. Hand over the boy and there will be no need for violence," he stated bluntly. His directness fit our profile of his no-nonsense personality. But none the less a stupid proposition to give at the current situation.

Predictably, Anzo-sensei scoffed at the demand. "Lay one finger on my student, and only your corpses will leave here today," he threatened venomously. The jonin seemed unaffected by his words.

"The child showed dangerous potential in the Chunin Exams. For the safety of Kumo, he cannot be allowed to mature. Now stand aside," the man replied coldly.

I wasn't expecting such… dramatic dialogues tho… Man I was getting embarrassed just standing here.

Yugito glared at me, arms crossed. Her posture practically screamed 'I don't want to be here.' Join the club, cat lady. Matatabi's presence radiated from within her, the two-tails' chakra swirling restlessly.

Killer B's tone turned somber as he said with finality, "Give us the boy, or you best prepare to fry. This is your final chance, don't even try!"

I waved cheekily. "Aww, guys, I'm flattered you came all this way just for lil ol' me!" Their unimpressed looks fueled my amusement. Tough crowd.

Anzo-sensei took out his tanto and replied menacingly. "The only ones dying today will be you Kumo scum," he declared, his voice dripping with contempt. Kabuto and Izumi shifted into battle-ready stances beside him.

Meanwhile, I yawned exaggeratedly. "Sensei, don't be so hasty. I'm sure we can talk this out over tea and dango. Ne, Kumo friends?" I suggested innocently. Their hands drifted towards their weapons. Apparently not big tea drinkers.

Killer B took a step forward, shaking his head. "Enough playing, time to get down to slaying. Your life ends today, no more tricks or wordplay," he rapped, clearly intending to intimidate me. But his rhymes were so bad I nearly laughed out loud.

Instead, I shrugged, my posture relaxed. "Well, I tried to be civil, but you guys are no fun. Should've taken me up on the dango," I said nonchalantly before discreetly flashing Anzo-sensei a hand signal. As I sensed our allies taking their positions over the parameter.


Anzo-sensei smirked which looked really creepy on him honestly. "You heard the boy. He gave you a chance to walk away. Now go to hell!"

In a burst of speed, Anzo-sensei closed the distance between them, unleashing a devastating blow. But Killer B was no pushover. With reflexes belying his size, he deftly blocked the strike. The shockwave cracked the ground beneath their feet.

"Impressive, but it won't save you," Anzo-sensei declared. The two began trading earth-shattering blows, neither gaining ground. B broke out his seven swords, adding sharp steel to the fray. Meanwhile, the Kumo jonin engaged Izumi and Kabuto in combat. Much to their horror.

Yeah that won't be happening. Although Izumi and Kabuto are strong for their age, they aren't anywhere close to being Jonins yet. So I took action.

3 of the 4 attackers found themselves being enclosed by huge shadow tendrils and thrown in three different directions. I was about to incapacitate them, when I felt a burning heat from my side, as I noticed the crazy cat lady getting ready to pounce on me.

Not really worrying about my teammates fighting one Kumo Jonin, I gave my full attention to the 2 tails Jinchuriki.

Yugito had her full attention on me, flames dancing in her eyes. "You're mine, boy," she growled. Blue wisps of Matatabi's chakra emerged, wreathing her body.

No seriously, what did I ever do to her? Why was she so angry at me? But that was a question for later.

I grinned cheekily. "Aww, asking me out already? Sorry lady, you're not really my type." I provoked her.

With a roar of rage, Yugito charged, her hands transforming into vicious claws. Well, someone couldn't take a joke… I substituted with a log with ease moments before her swipe connected, reappearing above her. Honestly she was fast for a Jonin… but for me she seemed extremely slow.

"What fiery temper you have, lady. And exactly why I don't want to go on a date with you. You'll get wrinkles soon like that, being in your fifties and all…" I chided playfully, anchoring myself to a tree with chakra. Nothing like mocking your opponent to get the blood pumping.

Yugito snarled, baring her elongated fangs. "I'll rip you apart!" she screamed, swiping again. Her strikes sliced through the tree like butter.

Yikes, she would be a really bad back scratcher.

With grace that would make a gymnast jealous, I flipped and spun, evading each furious blow.

"Nyah nyah, you can't catch me!" I taunted in a sing-song voice, landing nimbly and blowing a raspberry. Yugito howled, the matatabi cloak flaring around her. She shot a fireball at me, scorching the earth. I shadow traveled just before the inferno consumed me.

"That the best you got, kitty cat? I'm not even warmed up yet," I continued to provoke her. We needed to buy just a little more time before Pervy sage will strike. They were taking care of the extra Jonins and prying eyes of the other nations at the moment.

If mocking her did the trick, I was happy to oblige.

With a primal scream, Yugito expelled a shockwave of blue flames, incinerating everything around her. Impressive, but expected from a jinchuriki. I weaved signs, summoning a shadow barrier to shield myself. The azure inferno crashed against it, raging flames seeking to devour me. My barrier didn't even tremble under the onslaught, holding steady as a wall.

"Come now, cat lady, don't be upset. You can do it! I believe in you," I called out over the roaring flames, injecting as much condescension as possible into my voice. Her screams of outrage told me it hit home. I dispelled the barrier, grinning defiantly.

But something was irking me. I don't remember ever doing anything to garner such hate from her… I mean… I don't think she would be this upset about that Kumo genin team though… There is something wrong about all this… I will find out in time. But for now, my job was to keep her occupied and I will be doing just that.

"Tell you what, I'm feeling generous, so I'll give you a free shot. Come at me with everything you've got," I challenged, spreading my arms wide. Rage clouded Yugito's eyes, the desire to rip me apart overwhelming her senses. She took the bait.

"DIE!" Yugito roared, bulging veins crawling across her skin as she summoned more of Matatabi's chakra. An enormous spectral cat's head materialized above her, brimming with power. The very air ignited around me from the intensity of the chakra. Now this was a jinchuriki. She was finally using her Jinchuriki cloak to the fullest.

The burning maw opened, a colossal fireball building within it. Certain death if it connected. I anchored my feet, pooling yin chakra in preparation. I'll show you something special as a reward for pushing you this far.

"TAKE THIS! BIJU DAMA!" Yugito screamed, the fiery orb erupting towards me like a meteor. The blaze illuminated the surroundings, bearing down on me like the fury of an angry god.

As the look of glee appeared on Yugito's face, with a casual wave of my hand, I activated the hidden Flying Thunder God seal I had discreetly placed on her during our battle. Instantly, I vanished, allowing the Biju Dama to harmlessly detonate against the mountainside in the distance. The earth shook under the apocalyptic blast, the sky burning crimson from the detonation.

Before Yugito could even register my disappearance, I reappeared directly behind her, whispering in her ear, "Gotcha."

Her eyes widened in disbelief, but it was too late. As I put a seal on her, while my shadow tendrils erupted, cocooning her tightly and halting her movements. She struggled furiously against her bindings to no avail. I had her completely immobilized. The palpable killing intent she exuded would have frozen a lesser ninja in fear. Fortunately, I was no ordinary ninja.

"Now, now, don't be a sore loser. You put up a good fight," I mocked, savoring my victory.

"I'll kill you!" she spat venomously, still straining her muscles to break free. But my shadows and seals had her locked down tight. She wasn't going anywhere.

I shrugged, wholly unconcerned. "Maybe next time, kitty cat."

Across from us, Killer B and Anzo-sensei's battle raged on, neither giving an inch. Kabuto and Izumi tag-teamed the remaining Kumo jonin with ruthless efficiency - the results of Anzo-sensei's grueling training. Alone they were no match, but with all the combinations we developed, it was proving to be quite useful against the Kumo Jonin.

We had successfully occupied our foes, buying precious time for the reinforcements to arrive. Right on cue, I sensed several powerful chakra signatures closing in.

Moments later, a giant toad crashed down right next to the battling duo of Anzo-sensei and Killer B. Almost crushing the eight tails Jinchuriki under it's massive frame. Atop it stood none other than Pervy-Sage accompanied by six ANBU operatives. Their timing was impeccable. Not bad, Pervy Sage.

I sensed around and noticed that over a few dozen other ANBU operatives were around the area, already captured more than a dozen ninjas from different nations. And surprise, surprise, even granny was here looking over the whole mission.

Killer B paused his assault, eyeing the newcomers warily. Pervy-sage smirked down at him. "Yo, Killer B! You messing with my village again? Guess I gotta put you in time out," he declared. His voice sounded amused but his eyes were gleaming dangerously.

Killer B scowled, realizing the sudden shift in dynamics. "Tch, Konoyaro, Bakayaro. Doesn't matter if it's one or three. All will die under the blade of me. The great Killa B. Oh YEAH!" he rapped lamely. Typical trash talk to the end. Gotta respect the commitment.

With a burst of lightning chakra, Killer B created an opening and attempted to flee. But the ANBU operatives were ready, their formation designed to entrap him. Pervy Sage cracked his knuckles, prepareing to join the fray. "Running away already? But we've only just started the party!"

Recognizing the futility, Killer B instead turned to find a way to dispose his target then cut his losses. But between Anzo-sensei, the ANBU squad, Kabuto, Izumi and myself, the Kumo-nin were soundly outmatched. After a brief skirmish, all the Kumo ninjas except for Killer B were captured, including Yugito who was immobilized under my seals and shadows.

Killer B was observing everything, his stance changed to that of a cornered beast. His goggled eyes seemed to turn ominous. A dangerous killing aura started emitting from him.

Even I was taken aback. I knew the Tailed beasts were powerful and filled with killing intent that could make the best ninjas turn stiff. But this was the first time for me to actually feel it as so.

Everything happened in a blur. One moment, Killer B was surrounded, seemingly acquiescing to capture. But faster than my eyes could track, Killer B made his move. With a guttural roar, his chakra exploded outward, the sheer force throwing everyone back. Cracks spiderwebbed through the earth beneath him as red chakra bubbled up, wreathing his body.

And before I could think about anything else, I had to shadow travel away from Yugito, as I saw a red chakra clad Killer B with 5 tails emerging from his back cutting at where I was standing a second ago.

If I didn't move… I wonder if my shadows would have stopped that slash…

"You think you've won? I'll show you true power! Prepare to be blown!" Killer B bellowed. Muscles bulged and bones cracked as he began his horrific transformation.

The number of tails increased as he slowly started getting bigger and his skin turning a murky grey color.

The Kumo jonin used the distraction to break free of their bindings and tried to flee but were caught by Killer B's chakra. But my attention remained fixed on the emerging monster before me. Killer B's skin rippled, muscles appearing all over his body as he took on a bull-like appearance with octopi tentacles. With a final bellow, the Gyuki's chakra overtook him fully.

Towering above us was the Eight-Tails in all its terrible glory.

"Scatter!" Anzo-sensei yelled. We dove in every direction just as one of the massive octopus tails lashed out, devastating the area we previously occupied. Craters formed beneath each smash of its tentacles.

"Damn! We've got an enraged Jinchuriki on the loose!" Pervy Sage grimaced. "Buy me time, I need to enter Sage Mode!"

"Easier said than done!" Anzo-sensei grunted, barely dodging a swipe from one of the thrashing tails. The ANBU operatives darted around, unleashing futile barrages of weapons and jutsus. Their efforts didn't even faze the rampaging bijuu.

Pervy sage bit on his finger and slammed it on the ground, summoning the 2 sage elders of mount Myoboku.

The elder toads no sooner appeared, was stunned to see Gyuki rampaging everywhere.

Fukasaku quickly jumped on Pervy-sage's shoulder as did Shima. Before he spoke in a grave tone, "What mess have you brought us to, Jiraiya boy?"

Pervy sage looked apologetic, "Sorry, Pa, Ma. But this is serious. We need to stop it before it causes more destruction. Help me get into Sage mode."

The two toad sages could only nod.

Izumi and Kabuto fought valiantly alongside the ANBU, but the Eight-Tails was in a whole different league. With a roar, Killer B fired a volley of ink bullets, scattering his assailants. One operative was an instant too slow, the projectile piercing his chest and dropping him lifeless to the ground.

"Regroup and slow it down! Protect Jiraiya-sama!" the captain barked. The remaining ANBU reoriented themselves, focusing on defense and evasion. But they were fighting on the bijuu's terms, unable to do more than stall against its overwhelming might.

The earth shuddered as Killer B began forming an enormous black chakra sphere, his ultimate technique. "Try stopping this! Biju Dama!" he roared, firing the continent-destroying blast straight at us. Time seemed to slow, my mind racing. That attack would wipe us all out in an instant!

By instinct, I flashed through hand seals, conjuring a barrier of solidified shadows. Layer upon layer I added, reinforcing it with everything I had. The biju dama crashed against it with earth-shattering force, the collision generating shockwaves that leveled the surrounding forest. My barrier strained, cracks spiderwebbing across its surface as I grit my teeth, pouring more chakra into it.

This was nothing like Yugito's biju dama. That might as well have been a water ball compared to this…

"Just...a little...longer!" I ground out. The bijuu's roar of frustration told me the barrier was holding - for now. Gritting my teeth, I poured more Chakra into it, more than I had ever before. My shadows solidified further, creating a dark cocoon gleaming with malicious purple hue.

The Biju Dama was running out of energy and my shadow shield was prevailing, but we all noticed in horror that the damned Biju was creating another one.

We really need someone to hit that shit, before it spits out another one of those shits.

As if reading my thoughts, a newcomer arrived in spectacular fashion - Granny Tsunade crashing down atop a giant slug, crushing several trees beneath its bulk. With a bellow of effort, she punched the ground, generating enormous fissures that raced toward the bijuu. Killer B stumbled, distracted by the tremors, and the biju dama fizzled out.

Finally, I let my barrier down as the immediate threat was gone.

"Sorry I'm late! Let's take this beast down!" Lady Tsunade yelled, rolling up imaginary sleeves. Beside her, the slug unleashed high-pressure acid blasts, burning Killer B's skin and enraging him further. He swiped his tails wildly, but Tsunade evaded them with graceful leaps.

"Just a minute more! I am creating my own damn bomb!" Jiraiya called out, still gathering natural energy. As he was creating a massive Rasengan from the looks of it.

I should do that too.

I created a few shadow clones who took on my job of keeping everyone safe, as I gathered chakra for my own Rasengan.

Anzo-sensei, ever strategic, took charge. "Squads A and B, focus your efforts left! C and D squads, right side! Restrict its movements! Kuro, use your clones to back them up!" he ordered. We swiftly moved into formation, concentrating our attacks to limit the bijuu's mobility.

The earth ruptured as my clones summoned a forest of shadow spikes, spear-like protrusions stabbing toward Killer B from below. He recoiled, shielding himself from the piercing tendrils. Capitalizing on the opening, Izumi unleashed her clan's Fireball Jutsu, which did little to nothing, as she had nowhere near enough chakra or control to hurt something so monsterous.

But what it did was manage to get the beasts' attention on her…

It bellowed angrily, retaliating with a swipe that I was too late to properly protect her from, as my clone's shadow tendril could only decelerate the blow, as it sent Izumi flying.

"Izumi!" I cried out, a clone flashing to her side in worry. A gasp of pain escaped her lips, but she maintained consciousness. My clone quickly applied emergency first aid, staunching the bleeding from her injuries. She would survive, but needed immediate medical treatment. My clone then entrusted her safely to one of Kabuto's shadow clones before returning to the battle.

On senseis signal, the ANBU peppered Killer B with explosives, provoking his rage. Blinded by fury, he barreled straight toward us like a runaway freight train. I allowed a savage grin to cross my face. Just as planned. All according to strategy.

As the rampaging bijuu charged heedlessly forward, 4 of my clones flashed through hand seals, unleashing one of my clans revamped techniques. "Yin Release: Devouring Shadow Stitching!" My shadow tendrils erupted around Killer B, stitching themselves together into an impenetrable cage going through the beasts muscles and tentacles. He smashed against the barricade futilely, unable to tear through. Screeching loudly in pain.

"That won't hold him forever! Hit him with everything you've got!" I shouted. The ANBU complied, raining down their most powerful techniques. Fire, lightning, wind, and earth jutsu bombarded the trapped bijuu without relent. My shadow prison groaned under the strain but held steady.

My main body finally created my own special Rasengan, a pale shadowy cone covering my hand with purple flames dancing around it, giving it an eerie look.

Using the beasts loud cry as my cue, I teleported right above it using flying thunder god and drove it right on the back towards its left shoulder, severing it's left arm by melting it at point blank with my move.

<Yin Release: Rasenyari.>

A guttural roar of pain escaped Killer B as scorched flesh, severed arm and seared tentacles attested our barrage was taking its toll. But he had yet to truly unleash the Eight-Tails' full power. I could sense the bijuu even going through all this pain was preparing for something devastating, a technique that could spell our undoing if allowed to connect.

Sensing the same, Anzo-sensei yelled urgently, "Brace yourselves!"

Killer B's body expanded to monstrous proportions breaking through my clones' shadow stitching freeing itself by paying the price of several gash and cuts on its monstrous body, as he gathered dark chakra and molded it into an enormous orb ten times the size of his earlier attempt. This biju dama could wipe out everything for miles if it hit. We were out of time!

"Take this and die! Massive Tailed Beast Bomb!" Killer B screamed insanely; his eyes devoid of reason. The apocalyptic sphere hurtled toward us, promising instant obliteration. But I wasn't done yet. I still had one last gambit.

As the biju dama closed in, everyone stared at the monstrosity that was sure to spell their doom. They could do nothing but wait and watch with bated breaths as the massive chakra ball was released from the great beast.

But when everyone's hope is lost, I disappeared. Appearing right in front of the giant ball of doom. And in the time it takes for one to blink, I was gone, and with me the giant ball of chakra.

Everything became silent. Everything came to a still.

Just a moment after I returned to my earlier position, dusting my hands with a smirk on my face, as everyone, including the eight tails staring at me in disbelief.

One second, two second…. Five second later…

A sound of great explosion was heard from far. With it came a gigantic shockwave that blew many a tree over with it's impact.

Yes! I have done a Minato! I sent the Biju Dama to the sea for everyone else to see, hehe.

Damn… That stupid Killer B is rubbing on me…

Aftrer the shockwave passed everyone returned to looking at me with awe and respect as they understood what I had done.

Anzo sensei looked so proud, as he smiled at me and said, "Well done kid."

I could only smirk at that, but my smirk froze as we seemed to have forgotten there was another jinchuriki amongst us, other than Killer B.

As I saw Yugito appearing behind my sensei readying bite his head off.

My body moved on it's own. I unsheathed my wakizashi, while reaching out to the seal I had planted on Yugito earlier. In a flash, I transported myself to her side and ruthlessly drove my sword through her chest, piercing her heart. A look of utter shock remained frozen on her face as the life rapidly drained from her eyes.

Our eyes met, and I could see there was shock, hate and … pity? In her eyes as they slowly got dimmer. My eyes on the other hand was filled with rage, as I twisted my sword, ensuring the kill. Her body went limp, only being supported by my sword impaling her.

I didn't let the death of a foe control me, as I used a special seal I had devised with Aunt Kushina, and took out a special container as I pulled out Matatabi's chakra and sealed it inside it. Securing a Biju for Konoha and one less for our enemies.

The effect was instantaneous. Sensing his fellow jinchuriki perishing, Killer B's focus wavered, he seemed to still for a moment. As if not understanding what was happening near him.

A gut-wrenching howl of anguish escaped the Eight-Tails as Killer B clutched his head in emotional agony. "No! YUGITO! DAMN YOU, KONOHA!" he wailed, consumed by grief and rage. His lapse of control gave us the opening we desperately needed. This was our chance!

Sensing the shift in momentum, Pervy Sage made his move, emerging from the shadows in Sage Mode. His appearance took on a primal fierceness, slit pupils surrounded by reddish pigmentation. Power radiated from his posture.

Took him long enough…

Although this whole mess happened way too fast…

"You've caused enough destruction," Pervy-sage declared solemnly. With flawless synergy, I used my most powerful shadows immobilized Killer B once more while Tsunade and Anzo-sensei struck with precisely timed attacks aimed at Killer B's mid section.

Finally Pervy-sage used that opportunity to unleash a Gigantic spiraling sphere of concentrated natural energy slam through Killer B's torso.

"Sage Art: Super Massive Rasengan!"

The spiraling orb collided with the Eight-Tails' midsection, boring through flesh and bone. An agonized roar split the heavens as the damage finally overwhelmed the regenerative powers of the bijuu. With a final plaintive wail, Killer B collapsed, the corrosive cloak of chakra dissipating into wisps of vapor.

A heavy silence descended on the battlefield. The landscape was razed beyond recognition, entire swathes of forest obliterated. It looked as if a vengeful god had etched its fury upon the land. Surveying the devastation, I released the tension in my shoulders. We had succeeded. Against all odds, we had emerged victorious.

And we have finally understood, how destructive a full powered Jinchuriki could be…

The ANBU swiftly moved in to restrain the defeated jinchuriki, binding him thoroughly. Their captain saluted me, gratitude evident in his posture. "Your actions saved many lives today, Kuro-sama. You have my deepest gratitude."

I shook my head and said nothing. I had taken a monumental risk baiting out Killer B's attention. But the gambit had worked, buying Pervy-sage precious time to gather natural energy and end it in one fell swoop.

Maybe if I put my all into it… I could have created a Rasenyari as strong as Pervysage's Super Massive rasengan… I might have to… actually test it somewhere… I think I might be able to dish out as much power as Pervy-sage.

Nearby, Tsunade knelt beside Yugito's lifeless body, inspecting the mortal wound I had inflicted. There was no judgement in her eyes, just sadness and pity.

Across from us, Kabuto finished administering emergency treatment to the injured ANBU and Izumi. Though battered and weary, our forces had emerged mostly intact from the titanic clash. With only 2 deaths from our side, while we got all of them dead or captured.

Killer B was contained with a few layers of extra seals. He would be taken to Konoha for interrogation and as a hostage of war… We might actually learn something about Kumo's aggression from him…

As we made preparations to depart, I took one last look at the battlefield. The land bore deep scars that would persist for generations. But the greatest wounds were those that could not be seen - the grief and rage burning within Killer B at the loss of his fellow Jinchuriki and student. In his eyes, I had committed an unforgivable sin.

"Boy…" Killer B addressed me. Foregoing his usual rhymes and raps. He spoke with a harsh broken tone.

"I was right to try and get rid of you… At first I thought you were just a prodigy with the same potential as the yellow flash… But now I can see what Gyuki meant… There is something very sinister inside of you… You… you should not exist…" He went quiet after that. But I just ignored him.

Perhaps he was right, maybe he was just bat shit crazy. Who can tell really?

I shrugged my shoulder and took a deep breath. Even for someone like me… that was a hard battle even though it didn't take that much a toll on me physically, but mentally I was tired.

I looked to the side where the dead were being accounted for. My eyes went to Yugito's dead body… I didn't feel any remorse, just pity, and sadness. I finally understood what Granny was feeling earlier.

"War… Sigh… It's really a pity isn't it?" I said to no one in particular. But I did get a reply. "I heard I was born during the last war… Mother Nono found me while on a mission on the battlefield… I guess war creates unfortunate orphans like me." Kabuto said while looking at the dead by my side, his fists seemed to be clenched.

"Will there ever be true peace?" he asked me not really looking for an answer.

I looked at the destruction caused by our battle. And remained quiet. Which was answer enough. A comfortable silence took over us as we watched everyone else doing their work. Izumi was sleeping after Kabuto administered her treatment and gave her sleeping meds to sleep off her fatigue and pain.

After a while Kabuto trying to break the oppressive atmosphere tried to make a joke, "Did you know they are calling you the 'Shadow Stitcher' amongst the ANBU?"

They are doing what now?

I stared at Kabuto with an unimpressed expression. Was he serious?

I sighed and said, "Hopefully that doesn't turn into my official bingo book name…"

Kabuto laughed and said, "I doubt it. Only those who witnessed this battle will ever know of your true power…" There was a bit of accusatory edge to his words before he continued, "But, I am glad that you were here… When that giant Biju dama was released… I thought I would never see Nono-sama and the kids again…" he shivered.

There was gratitude in his tone, and I comforted him with a squeeze of his shoulder. I imagined what could have happened if that Biju dama did hit… So much would have been lost…

With a heavy heart, I turned away from the carnage. The shinobi world was an unforgiving place. Killer B and I walked very different paths, but we were both duty-bound to tread them relentlessly. I could not falter now. For the sake of those I love, I would do anything to keep them safe..


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