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39.16% Harry Potter System Gamer / Chapter 103: Chapter 100

Bab 103: Chapter 100

"It was I who shot the red sparks spell at the eyes of the troll to distract it. A Spongify to soften its club, also by me. Counter to that spell by me and Levitating spell by my friend Ronald Weasley to knock the troll out using its own club."

"And finally, do you suspect any foul play involved?"

For a moment, every fiber in Harry's being was screaming at him to say yes. But he forced it down. If any word of this reached Quirrell, his friends would be put at risk, and that he wasn't willing to do.

Tonks was peering worriedly at Harry for taking long on this to answer. Reassuring her with a smile, he answered, "No."

"That concludes the statement by Witness Harry James Potter. This statement was taken by a Ministry standard dictaquill with Autospell and Kwikwrit charms on it, as per regulation." Tonks finally said before waving her wand again. The quill stopped writing and fell down lifeless again.

"And that's done! You won't believe how hard those are to do in auror tests! And I did it in field the first time and it all goes perfect! Amazing!" she exclaimed and happily put the notepad and quill back.

Suddenly, Harry remembered something. There was a changing his appearance part in his bio! And who better to ask than a metamorphmagus! Not wanting to upset her anyhow, he asked Tonks carefully, "Is it actually true that you're a metamorphmagus?"

Contrary to his expectation, the girl perked up with a grin. "You've heard of that! Wanna see?"

Harry nodded.

Suddenly her lips changed color and somehow morphed into a duck's bill. Looking like a peculiarly disturbed bird who'd seen its mum and dad go at it, she looked Harry dead in the eyes.


Harry cracked up laughing.

Changing back to her own face, she morphed her nose into a pig's snout that seemed to twitch every time it smelled something. And then she turned her face to look just like Harry, but with elephant ears!

"Oh goodness," Harry wheezed out between bouts of laughter, "Can't…breathe…stop."

Tonks morphed back, and with a grin, waited for Harry to pull himself back together.

"My turn now. Did you really fight a dragon, like those stories say?"

"No…why would you even think that? I'm eleven!" Harry said, amused.

"Right, of course. Why would I think that? You're eleven. That's stupid." She muttered before trying to discreetly scratch something out of the notepad.

Feeling a bit mischievous, Harry leaned over and sneaked a peek. What he saw almost made him cry with laughter.

"Wait a minute. Did I just see what I think I saw? You, Miss Tonks, a magical law enforcer in training, wrote down that I, first year Harry Potter, took down a full grown mountain troll with my ... Dragonbuster powers," Harry got that much out before breaking down in laughter again.

"It was a theory," she muttered, snapping the notepad shut. Her hair turned a bright red.

"All right all right," Harry conceded with a chuckle before steering the conversation towards its original goal, "So how did you realize that you were one? Did somebody teach you?"

"Metamorph? Oh no! Mum says I was born with brown hair and turned my hair yellow after seeing the blonde nurse. Scared the living hell out of everyone. I don't think they can be taught. You have to be born one, so they're pretty rare."

"So there's no way to be taught?" Harry said, disappointed.

"No. Sorry." she said.

Seeing his dejected expression, Tonks spoke up, "But I think I know something you'll find pretty cool." Harry looked up, curious, "After you get over all the traumatizing fear mongering McGonagall does in the first few years, you'll start doing human transfiguration. Some people get so good at it that they can pretty much wandlessly change themselves fluidly, to a certain degree. They can almost mimic the power of Metamorphs. With enough practice…maybe you could pull it off."

"Yeah," Harry said, giving her a smile and cheering up. Tonks couldn't test if he was a Metamorph or not and the game hadn't been wrong yet. So holding out hope on the Metamorph thing and keeping this mastery of transfiguration as a back-up plan, he decided to let it go for now.

For believing in the game, take +1 Wis!

'Sure!' Harry thought as he perked up again.

Tonks's eyes suddenly widened, before she jumped up and started stuffing everything into her bag.

"Why the hurry? Anything happened?" Harry asked.

"The Quidditch finals! They're today! I haven't watched a game in forever. I want to get there in time! We've been here for too long! Come on! Let's go! I'm cheering for Hufflepuff." Tonks said.

"I think I'll pass. I don't watch Quidditch."

Tonks face showed surprise and her hair turned a shocking white. "You haven't watched Quidditch? Ever?"


"That's it, we're watching the finals together." She resolutely decided. "I get to take your Quidditch virginity. Come on now. You'll enjoy it."

"But I don't want to!" Harry insisted.

"I could just place you under arrest and take you there by force," Tonks said, her voice a mock serious.

Harry's eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't dare."

"Wanna bet on that?" Her wand tip started glowing an ominous red.

" ...Fine. But I'm not sitting in that stadium for three days."

Together, they headed off towards the Quidditch pitch, where the finals between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw was taking place.

When they got there, Tonks and Harry sat themselves down in the guest seats. The sight of the entire school full of people cheering on for their favorite teams with crackers, banners, fireworks and just loud yelling was pretty darn impressive. Harry would give Quidditch that much to, however strange it was, it sure had a devoted following.

It was a few minutes after they took their seats that the teams lined up. Madam Hooch yelled out that she wanted a fair match, the captains tried to crush each other's hands and then suddenly, they were on their brooms and rising up in the air.

The snitch was released, two bludgers were set free and the quaffle was thrown, beginning the game.

The Quaffle was flying from one end of the pitch to the other at breakneck speeds and the bludgers were busy trying to bludgeon people to death. Tonks was going mad hollering and cheering for the Hufflepuff team.

But Harry wasn't watching them. No. He had only had eyes for the snitch. The moment it had been released, Harry's brain had gone 'Oooh shiny!' and started focusing the entire Gamer's Mind on tracking the golden snitch.

The moment it had been released, it had fluttered in front of the players for a second before blurring out of their vision and disappearing from their eyes.

But not from Harry's. He tracked it as it whizzed straight down into the grass and stayed stationary at one spot while the seekers flew around like headless chickens looking skywards. It was after ten minutes and three goals that the snitch moved, this time to flutter right above the guest seats. In fact, it seemed to have taken a distinct liking to Tonks's flashy neon hair.

No, Harry told himself, he shouldn't. He definitely shouldn't.

The snitch floated just a bit closer.


Quest Alert!

Screw up the entire Quidditch Match!


1000 exp


Um . . . Nothing really. Probably a detention?


'Screw it' Harry thought as he pressed yes, pulled his robe over his hand to avoid getting caught, snatched the snitch out of the air and stuffed it into his pocket.

He could feel Hedwig playing around with the Snitch in the pocket.


Quest Success!

Screw up the entire Quidditch Match!


1000 exp

Tonks looked at Harry with a wide grin. "Isn't this fun?"

"Yeah. Sure is," Harry said with a goofy grin.

If there were no snitch to be found, they'd eventually have to end the match based on a fair score after a limited time, Harry thought. How long could they possibly stretch it?

As it turned out, quite long. Tonks had to leave at the end of the first day due to work, but ordered Harry to mail her the results. It was just the beginning.

The match lasted for five full days, with teams recruiting from their houses for a reserve team that would take their places at night.

Food was served to the players on their brooms, a lot of the people watching the match brought over their books to study for the exams and the Gryffindor Quidditch team made a killing by setting up booths and giving butt massages to players who spent half days sitting on a stick.







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