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Fight or Flight?

"Huff... How was that... from someone younger than you," Renji managed to speak between laboured breaths, his voice betraying the exertion he had endured. The relentless exchange of attacks had drained a significant portion of his Ki.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Gavil's lips as he caught his breath, appreciating the tenacity displayed by his younger foe. "Not bad at all. Your attacks were impressive, especially that blue beam attack. Surprising amount of power packed into it," he remarked.

With a determined grunt, Gavil pushed himself off the ground, his left arm throbbing with pain. He glanced at Renji, their eyes locked in an intense stare-down, a silent exchange of unspoken challenges.

In the hushed stillness of the surroundings, not a sound could be heard. The air grew heavy with anticipation as the world seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the clash between them.

Suddenly, like lightning unleashed, both fighters burst into action, their speed transcending the limits of human comprehension. They propelled themselves toward each other with incredible velocity, leaving a trail of blurred motion in their wake.

"....Boom... "

The moment their fists collided, a deafening explosion erupted, as if a supernova had detonated between them. The sheer power released into the air was overwhelming, resonating through the entire landscape.

The reverberating collision sent shockwaves rippling outward, causing the very fabric of the environment to tremble. The ground beneath them quaked as if struggling to contain the immense energy unleashed in that single moment.


A distinct creaking sound echoed through the surroundings as nearby mountains strained under the tremendous pressure. Unable to withstand the force, the mountains began to crumble, their once sturdy structures succumbing to the sheer might of the impact. Fragments of rock and debris were propelled with incredible force, hurtling through the air, carried by the massive release of energy.

Renji and Gavil engaged in a relentless exchange of hand-to-hand combat, their blows landing with precision and intensity. In the midst of their physical confrontation, occasional bursts of small Ki blasts added an explosive element to the battle.

Gavil swiftly broke away from the clash, leaping back to create some distance. In a quick move, he unleashed a small, concentrated Ki beam towards Renji, aiming to catch him off guard. Renji's instincts kicked in just in time, narrowly avoiding the beam that whisked past him with a menacing whizz.


However, his relief was short-lived as a searing pain shot through his torso, causing his breath to catch in his throat. The excruciating sensation emanated from the point of impact where Gavil's right fist had struck with brutal force, finding its mark against Renji's lower abdomen.

The intensity of the blow left Renji reeling, his muscles tensing and his body instinctively recoiling from the pain.

Falling heavily against the unforgiving floor, Renji mustered every ounce of his strength to push himself upright, his body trembling with agony. The pain coursing through his nerves felt like an inferno, searing and relentless.

Despite the excruciating sensation, Renji's determination refused to waver. He scanned the surroundings with blurred vision, desperately searching for Gavil.

But before he could gather his bearings, a sudden impact jolted him, striking his neck with a force that sent shockwaves through his system. In an instant, his world plunged into darkness, consciousness slipping away.

The last fragments of Renji's fading awareness caught the echo of a voice, whispering, "Well done."

Meanwhile, Gavil let out a weary sigh, fully aware of Renji's unwavering tenacity. He recognized that if the fight were to continue, Renji would only come back at him, fuelled by determination, risking himself with even more severe injuries.

Understanding the consequences, Gavil acknowledged the necessity of putting an end to the clash, if only to protect Renji from further harm.

Though Gavil recognized Renji's latent potential, his own wealth of experience allowed him to anticipate and counter Renji's every move. The outcome of the fight showcased the stark contrast between Gavil's seasoned expertise and Renji's still-developing abilities.


Feeling a gentle cool breeze caressing his face, Renji's eyes flutter open, gradually rousing from his deep slumber. As he stirs, he becomes aware of a lingering ache in his body, but there's also a newfound sense of relaxation washing over him.

Blinking to adjust his vision, he finds himself met with the sight of Gavil, seated nearby and hungrily devouring what appears to be the succulent meat of a freshly caught animal.

A smirk forms on Gavil's face, though his words come out muffled due to his mouth being filled with food. "Oh, you're finally awake," he manages to utter, his voice slightly muffled by the meat in his mouth.

Renji's groggy mind struggles to process the scene before him. He slowly sits up, feeling the remnants of fatigue lingering in his muscles. His eyes shift from Gavil's satisfied expression to the delicious aroma wafting through the air, enticing his senses.

Rubbing his eyes to clear away the sleep, Renji's curiosity gets the better of him. "What are you eating?" he asks, his voice still laced with drowsiness.

Swallowing his mouthful, Gavil takes a moment to savour the flavours before responding. "It's a piece of wild beast that I managed to hunt while you were asleep. The perfect way to spend some time, don't you think?"

Renji's gaze lingers on the meat, his mouth watering in response. The aroma intensifying the sensation of hunger within him, making it difficult to resist the temptation.

"You're lucky," Renji grumbles, a hint of envy evident in his tone. "While I was busy recovering from our training, you were out there hunting and feasting."

Gavil chuckles, tossing a bone aside and wiping his hands clean. He stands up, casually tossing Renji a piece of the meat.

Renji catches the meat and takes a moment to appreciate its aroma and the mouth-watering texture before sinking his teeth into the savoury morsel, savouring the burst of flavours that dance across his taste buds.

"Why did you knock me out?" Renji's voice carries a mix of curiosity and mild frustration as he finishes the last of his meal.

The conflicting emotions from their intense battle still linger within him—a bittersweet blend of dissatisfaction at his inability to emerge victorious and a glimmer of satisfaction at having inflicted damage upon a Saiyan warrior despite his limited experience.

Gavil smirks as his eyes locked with Renji's. Before responding, he takes a moment to enjoy the flavours of the cooked meat's last remnants. "Oh, I just felt like it," his tone teasing and playful, which prompts Renji's brows to furrow.

"Kidding," Gavil adds with a chuckle, noting the perplexed expression on Renji's face.

""I forced you to pass out so you could rest. It was a difficult battle and you needed some downtime to recover. Also, I think you'll be able to practise flying for a few more hours before running out of energy."


Gavil, having agreed to teach Renji how to fly, emphasizes that it is an instinctual skill that most Saiyan's acquire with enough experience. He shares anecdotes from his own journey and imparts advice to Renji.

"It's like using your Ki to create a zero-gravity environment," Gavil explains, his voice filled with a sense of wisdom. "You must find the balance where your body is neither floating nor falling. Then, you channel your Ki to propel yourself in the direction you desire."

He cautions Renji, "I've never taught this to anyone before, so it might feel a bit strange initially. But trust me, you'll get the hang of it."

With a firm grip, Gavil wraps his own Ki around Renji's body, creating a tangible connection. He instructs Renji to focus on the sensation and remember it vividly.

The feeling of weightlessness engulfs Renji, evoking memories of the void he experienced before. However, he quickly shakes off those thoughts, knowing that his current journey is vastly different.

As Renji's body responds to the guidance of Gavil's Ki, he feels himself defying gravity, ascending into the air. Gradually, he aligns himself horizontally with Gavil, soaring through the sky side by side.

Landing in a flat area, Gavil instructs Renji to replicate the feeling they just experienced during their flight. Renji concentrates and uses his telekinetic skills to lift himself into the air.


With a deep breath, he begins to manipulate his Ki, attempting to control his speed and direction.

Initially, Renji's attempts are met with mixed results. There are moments when he exerts too much Ki, causing him to accelerate uncontrollably and crash into the ground repeatedly. Each impact reverberates through his body, leaving him slightly bruised and disoriented.

As he continued to refine his technique, Renji gradually found a balance in his Ki control. The fluctuations in his flight became less noticeable, and he developed greater confidence in controlling his speed and direction.

Gavil observed Renji's progress, offering occasional guidance. He notes that Renji is making commendable strides and assures him that with further experience, he will master the skill completely. They spent an additional 30 minutes practicing, during which Renji's flight improved steadily.

"Thank you, Gavil. Flying will make it easier for me to navigate different terrains and will give me a substantial advantage in battle situations."

"Of course, Renji." Gavil replied, "Teaching you was the least I could do for you after our fight. "

Gavil ascended to the skies after their conversation had concluded, his destination set for a nearby city


"Whoohoo!" The air reverberated with Renji's jubilant yell as the wind rushed by and swept it away. The sheer speed at which he flew through the sky caused his hair to dance behind him.

The euphoria coursing through his veins was incomparable. He had longed for that very moment as a human, the power to defy gravity and fly without unfair prejudice. And now, he can finally realise one of his lifetime desires.

His skin began to tingle as the cold air rushed over him, intensifying the sensation and sending a pleasant chill down his spine.

The ground under him became an exciting crimson blur as time went on, spreading out in all directions like a canvas of wild beauty.


Renji gathered his Ki and channelled it with exact control as his body shook with eagerness. He launched himself into the vastness of the atmosphere with a surge of fire. His ascension brought him closer and closer to the edge, where oxygen became more and more limited as the seconds passed.

Renji remarked, his voice expressing a sense of awe for the majesty before him, "So this is the edge of the planet," as he found himself suspended in the ethereal embrace of the Vegeta atmosphere.

He was surrounded by a serene quiet in which the commotion of the world below had no effect.

Renji's body was bathed in the vivid rays of the neighbouring sun, that additionally provided his skin a soft warmth. The warm glow of the golden light highlighted the thoughts inscribed across his features.

His eyes grew wide with amazement as he took in the breath-taking scene in front of him. "It's beautiful," he spoke, his voice barely audible in the vast void.

Renji's gaze descended upon the planet below from his exalted vantage point, presenting a tapestry of breath-taking views. Crimson mountains protruded from the sky, their summits covered in glimmering snow, while lush crimson valleys spread out like a work of art, bursting with life and vivid colours.

Renji stood in awe of the mesmerising view before him; a bittersweet sigh escaped his lips, laden with a heavy thought. "Too bad others won't be able to enjoy this sight in the future," he murmured, his voice tinged with sadness and a touch of resignation.

The breath-taking panorama that was unfolding beneath him served as a sobering reminder of Planet Vegeta's imminent demise. For such beauty would soon be destroyed and sucked up by fate's unrelenting march. The vibrant surroundings and the bustling city below would only exist in his memories once this place was destroyed.

Knowing that there was nothing he could do to change the outcome made Renji's heart ache. Planet Vegeta's impending destruction was an inevitable, unstoppable force that gripped his spirit and made him feel powerless.

Renji's brows furrowed in resolve as he felt the strain of the thinned air and the pressure rising in his chest. "Damn, I really need to get down. I can hardly breathe up here," he grumbled to himself, aware of the constraints imposed by his extended stay at the atmospheric top.

Tens of times faster than the speed of sound, he accelerated himself downward. As he broke the sound barrier, the air around him erupted in energy, creating a massive sonic boom that rippled throughout his surroundings.

A feeling of contentment washed over Renji as he slowed down and began to glide.

"At long last, I can say that I've learned to fly. That's one I've goal accomplished in this vast universe." A happy smile ran across his lips as he mentally crossed another accomplishment off his long list of goals.


Renji made his way to his room while wrapped in a warm towel, the exhaustion of the day gradually setting in. His bed's supple comfort allowed him to sink into it, giving his worn-out body the much-needed rest it required. His tiredness from his muscular efforts was evident in the sigh that passed his lips.

"Man, I'm dead tired," Renji muttered to himself, his voice tinged with satisfaction and tiredness. His pursuit of his ideals and achievement of his objectives had given him a satisfying level of exhaustion.

"I have to make my way to the mission control tomorrow," Renji mused, his mind filled with thoughts of the upcoming task.

"Ahh whatever, I'll deal with that tomorrow," Renji said, knowing he needed to rest and recover.

So, like a koala wrapped in the shelter of its tree, Renji fell into a deep and tranquil sleep, the weight of the day lifting from his tired shoulders.


Author's Note:

Hey, guys! I wanted to give you a heads-up about the first few chapters of this story. They might seem to progress at a slower pace, and that's intentional. I wanted to take the time to lay out the main character's thought process and delve into their emotional journey. It's important to establish a solid foundation for the story's development.

I ask for your patience and understanding as we embark on this journey together. I truly believe that with your feedback and my dedication to writing, we can create one of the best Dragon Ball fanfics out there. I know it's a bold claim, but I have faith in our collective ability to craft an amazing story.

So, please stick with me, offer your advice, and let's create something extraordinary. Thank you for your support, and let's make this adventure unforgettable!


Ashlin_17 Ashlin_17

Hey guys! Just a quick note to let you know that the first few chapters may progress slowly as I focus on developing the main character's thoughts and emotions.

With your feedback and my dedication, we can create an amazing Dragon Ball fanfic together. Thanks for your support!

Ash out.

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