Hobe, delivering a precise blow to a mutant's head, responded without hesitation.
"I agree, Capt! We need to devise the best strategy to overcome this obstacle."
Hank, his lightsaber cutting through the mutants, considered their options.
"They seem to be attracted to noise and commotion. Oscar, any ideas?"
Oscar, swiftly firing a shot that took down a mutant, replied with confidence.
"We can use that to our advantage, Capt. Create distractions to control their movements. Your hand grenades will be crucial in making that noise, Capt," he suggested.
Hank considered the proposal, recognizing the potential of using controlled explosions to divert the mutants.
"Hand grenades? That would indeed generate a loud explosion and disrupt a significant area. It would be better if we could lead all the zombies away from our position first, and then boom! I'll throw the grenade, and it'll wipe them out in one go! You on me, guys?"