Unduh Aplikasi
75.71% The Return Of Joyboy! / Chapter 53: Chapter 53

Bab 53: Chapter 53

Luffy was looking at each and every crevice of the Island with fascination. There were so many ancient creatures present there, which didn't help at all in containing his excitement. Especially when the said creatures kept on ogling him from the bushes. Even the flies were not an exception. They even showed the guts to approach Luffy more than the other beasts.

"You okay, there?" Zoro asked as he saw Luffy pouting at another fly that was buzzing around him.

"They are irritating me," Luffy huffed as he looked at the curious fly, who was wandering near him. He wasn't even using his real form and yet they were getting attracted to him.

"Since how long haven't you taken a bath?" Nami asked as she walked closer to them. She could smell the fresh scent of sea and sun from Luffy, which was technically nice but was enough to attract the flies.

"I took it last night," Luffy answered as he allowed a butterfly to sit on his index finger. He had been with his Mama last night and hence that can count as a bath.

"I never saw you in the bathhouse," Usopp accused as he kept on looking at his surroundings, wary that something would jump from the shadows to the open any moment.

"That reminds me, we gotta start your training," Zoro stated as he looked at Luffy who was running ahead chasing a rare beetle. Seriously, his captain acted too much of a kid.

"Oh yeah!" Luffy grinned before rushing to the riverside. "Woah! Look at this!!" Luffy squeaked as he held something up in his hand and waved to his friends.

"Did you find something interesting?" Sanji asked heading towards Luffy.

"Check it out! It's an ammonite!" Luffy squealed happily. "Man, I thought they had gone extinct."

"It's a prehistoric Island after all," Sanji commented with a grin as he examined the clam squid-like amphibian.


"Tell me we are not dying," Usopp whimpered as his legs shivered and his hands went to clutch his slingshot tightly. He was regretting coming to the Island, to the forest and whatever that had rumbled right now couldn't be good.

"I really hope so," Nami mumbled as she gulped down, and took a step back.

"Quack!" Carque cried as it stayed frozen in his place, carrying his ride, Vivi, who was looking at the trees with wide eyes.

"Don't worry my lovely ladies your prince will protect you!" Sanji twirled towards the lovely ladies, forgetting the ammonite and not at all bothered by whatever was approaching them.

"SUGIO!!!! THAT'S A DINOSAUR!" Luffy cheered as he launched himself on the said dinosaur.

"A D-D-D-D-D-DINOSAUR!!!" Nami, Usopp, and Vivi shrieked, as the former two fell on their butts, with tears streaming from their faces. They hadn't been noticing the creatures hiding in the bushes otherwise they would have fainted a lot sooner.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!!" Vivi yelled, fearing for the pre-teen, who was climbing on the tall neck of the said dinosaur.

"He'll be fine," Zoro commented, as his eyes never left that of the beasts that were starting to move away from them. He had seen Luffy look at them and then look at him and the cook to shake his head. That clearly meant they weren't supposed to engage with the creatures until they did anything.

"They are gone," Sanji whispered as he took a drag from his cigarette and stood beside Zoro looking at the place where the beasts were once hiding.

Seriously what was their deal? Following them around everywhere? And why the hell did Luffy ask them not to attack until they took a step? It was way too suspicious especially when the beasts and dinosaurs left and huddled in the direction Luffy slingshot himself.

Zoro nodded without answering as he looked back at Luffy's latest antic. Luffy was standing on top of the head of the dinosaur looking at the Island. The way the sunlight was falling on him made him sparkle brighter than the sun itself.

"Guys, will he be okay?" Usopp asked as he got on his legs to look at Luffy with fascination.

"It's Luffy we are talking about," Nami added as she got onto her legs by holding a nearby tree for support. Luffy was strong and they knew that. He could literally pull out of anything if he wanted to!

"Guys! We have active volcanoes here!" Luffy shouted as he tried to stand on his toes to admire the Island. The green Island was stuck in the prehistoric realm, a realm of fantasies that had dinosaurs and on top of two giants! It was really a dream come true for adventure seekers.

"Is he for real?" Vivi asked with a sweat drop. A part of her mind was feeling relaxed though. She couldn't help but feel tensed at the ship thinking about the time she was left with to reach Arabasta and inform everyone of what was happening. But right now, those worries seemed nothing as she spent her time with the Strawhats.

"Shouldn't someone bring that idiot down, before it eats him whole?" Usopp asked with a sweat drop at the very sight of Luffy not only jumping on the head of the dinosaur but shouting from there. The dinosaur ought to notice him at this rate. He would have long since fainted if he had been there in place of Luffy.

"We are not here for a picnic!" Nami shouted at Luffy her teeth gaining sharp edges at the moment Luffy started shouting at them. She didn't want whatever creatures that lived on this Island to know they were here. She didn't want to be their food.

"Oh! That's what I was feeling was off!" Luffy declared as he planted his fist on his other hand. "Sanji! How about a pirate picnic?" Luffy hollered cupping both of his hands near his mouth.

"Not a bad idea!" Sanji replied with a grin. There were enough beasts to feed the bottomless pit of his captain and the crew.

"Oh! Oh! We can also invi-!" Luffy wasn't even allowed to finish his sentence as a flying dinosaur snatched him up from the long dinosaur, who looked ready to chase after his 'prey'.

"LUFFY!" Zoro yelled, running after the teen already.

"YOU DUMBASS!" Sanji shouted, snapping his cigarette in two as he ran after the idiot who didn't even understand the severity of the situation.

"HE GOT ABDUCTED!" Vivi screamed as she saw the teen getting tossed to another flying creature.

"He's an idiot!" Nami yelled as she frantically wondered what they should do right now.

"What are we supposed to do?!" Usopp asked Nami as he brought forth his slingshot trying to aim at the Pterosaurs- the flying dinosaur- to save Luffy.

"Like hell, I know!" Nami retorted with sharp teeth. "Try to bring that idiot down for now!" She said after calming a little bit down.

Sanji and Zoro were running after the flying dinosaur while Usopp was shooting his stars at the dinosaur, but the damn dinosaur wasn't even under his range.

"Guys, I don't think that dinosaur is the only one we need to defeat," Vivi pointed with shaking fingers at the horde of dinosaurs which were literally chasing after Luffy as if they wanted to take a chunk out of him.

"Zoro and Sanji will get them," Nami tried to assure Vivi as her grip on her boo staff tightened. She could see Sanji and Zoro cutting through the dinosaurs and the beasts easily. She could leave them to rescue Luffy but what if the dinosaurs approached them? She would have no choice but to fight or flee.

Everyone was on their edge fearing for their and their idiot captain's life, while the said dumbass was laughing loudly as if he was having a time of his life and wasn't even having a problem by being chased by a horde of dinosaurs and flying creatures. Hell, he looked as if he was getting a fun ride in an amusement park.

"SHISHISHISHI!" Luffy laughed as he got tossed to another flying dinosaur. He was really having lots of fun. He could see two giant bones-like structures, inland rivers, big footprints, the Merry, big dinosaurs, giant animals, and what not! He could even sense the other presences on the Island beyond the giants! He gotta meet them too!

"YOU RUBBER BRAIN, DON'T GET EATEN!" Sanji shouted as he saw a tall dinosaur open his mouth to eat Luffy whole while Luffy got tossed to another flying creature.

"CAN'T YOU STAY OUT OF TROUBLE FOR ONCE?!" Zoro shouted, as he saw Luffy finally being gobbled by the dinosaur. Was it too much to ask from Luffy to stay out of problems?!

"We have to pull him out of the thing's stomach!" Sanji gritted out as he was finally on the same plane as that of the tall dinosaur. Zoro nodded, taking out three of his swords in agreement.

But before any of them could do anything, a sword cut through the dinosaur's neck in a flick and Luffy came out of it, laughing all the way.

"IT'S A G-G-G-GIANT!!!" Nami, and Usopp shrieked just after a sigh of relief. They were truly relieved that Luffy was fine and alive but the fact that the giant cut the dinosaur's neck in one single go was scary!

"Gegyagyagyagya!" The giant laughed loud, catching Luffy in his hands. "Aren't you a lively one?"

"SUGOI!" Luffy cheered as he sat up on the giant's large palm to look at him, craning his neck and stars adorning his doe eyes.

"That idiot is safe," Zoro took a sigh of relief as he sheathed his swords back in their place but his hands refused to let go of the hilt of his swords.

"I really wish he stops scaring us that way," Sanji spoke as he lit another cigarette. Other than the giant they didn't have any more problems right now since the dinosaurs had either scrambled off or were laying dead due to his kicks and Zoro's blades. Well, they have plenty of food for picnic as well as restocking now.

"You're huuuggee!" Luffy gasped as he looked at the giant who began laughing throwing his head back. He had seen giants before but nothing could beat the excitement as this. This one was huuuugggeeee and soooo coooolll with the armor and the warrior clothes!

"Gegyagyagya! I'm the greatest warrior of Elbaf, Dorry!" The giant guffawed as he introduced himself proudly to the little captain on his palms.

"Yo! I'm Ni- Monkey D. Luffy!" Luffy announced his name, ignoring the little slip up which he was about to make, and gave a sunny grin to Mr. giant. "I'm a pirate!"

"A pirate? Good for you, gegyagyagya!" Dorry mused.

"I-It's my first time seeing a giant," Vivi conversed to Nami and Usopp, who were looking at the giant with wide eyes. Carque had already fainted with froth in his mouth, making Vivi pet him with her trembling fingers.

"Please don't spot us. Please, please, please, please-" Usopp and Nami were chanting as they huddled closer to Vivi and tried to peek at the giant. What would they not give to be the giant's food!!?

"I'd like you to meet my friends!" Luffy grinned as he pointed to Zoro and Sanji, who raised their arms and waved at the giant nonchalantly. "They are Sanji and Zoro!"

"We need to get out of here while we can," Vivi suggested panicking as she started shaking Carque. Nami and Usopp understood and were about to take a U-turn and leave-

"And they are Vivi, Nami, Usopp and Carque!" Luffy pointed them out, bringing the giant's attention to them.

"SHUT UP IDIOT!" Vivi, Nami and Usopp yelled at once gaining sharp edges in their teeth, angry on the rubber teen who gave them the spotlight.

"Join us to our pirate picnic!" Luffy invited the giants, ignoring the yells of Nami and Usopp who began crying about how they had no hope left.

"Gegyagyagya! I was about to invite you guys to my home!" Dorry affirmed his thoughts. The moment he had seen the strawhatted kid enjoying the rough ride he was getting with the dinosaurs and his friends trying to help him, he wished to bring them to his place.

"How about I make the food at your place?" Sanji suggested calmly as he took a step forward. When he had counted the number of beasts they had killed, he had come to a realization they were too many to carry back. At least, if the giant Dorry joins them, the food won't be wasted.

"That's a great idea!" Luffy whooped at Sanji from his place with a big grin.

"Gegyagyagya! I like it!" Dorry boasted as he looked at the other people who were looking at him from the canopy of the trees. This group was interesting to say the least. Especially when he hadn't had guests in a long time.


Luffy was chatting using his whole body as he sat on the giant piece of meat which Dorry himself cooked giving Sanji a hand to help. Zoro and Sanji were bickering as usual while Vivi, Nami and Usopp were sitting quietly taking bites of their food which Sanji cooked for them.

"Luffy is an idiot," Usopp whispered to Nami and Vivi, taking slow bites from the delicious meat. But he really couldn't focus on that right now.

"There are skeletons all around us," Nami continued as she looked at the food in her hands. She refused to look at the skulls. She didn't want to picture herself as one of them.

"I guess, he is attempting to fatten us, before he eventually eats us," Usopp sniffled, wondering how could Zoro and Sanji fight each other in such a situation. He didn't even want to know why Luffy was hopping around the giant because he was Luffy!

Vivi who was listening the quiet whispering of the duo -Nami and Usopp- who were proclaiming that they were going to get eaten couldn't help but sweat drop. From the looks of everything which was going on, she could tell that Luffy and Dorry were getting along very well.

"Gegyagyagya! Your crew is really interesting!" Dorry laughed as he looked at the fighting blonde haired and green haired man.

"You bet!" Luffy chimed in, rubbing his nose. He was really proud of his crew. "This is really good though, Mr. Giant!" Luffy grinned as he bit the piece of large meat he was served after he finished one whole which was given by Dorry.

"And your cook also cooks pretty good!" Dorry commented as he ate the meat cooked by the blonde haired man.

"I can cook more so eat all you want," Sanji smiled as he broke off from fighting with Zoro who clicked his tongue in annoyance and took a seat near the log before continuing to eat.

"I don't mean to pry but why are ya living here alone?" Luffy asked as he chewed on the meat. He could feel one more giant on the Island and when he had heard of their story he had thought that the giants would be living together. Don't they feel lonely if they keep away from each other? "Don't you want to return to Elbaf?"

"I'm surprised you know of that place," Dorry mused, catching the attention of everyone who were now actively listening to the giant. "Elbaf, the place of many warriors, was once my home but I can no longer call it that."

Usopp was captivated by the single phrase 'many warriors' and was looking at the giant with new light rather than fear.

"Why is that?" Luffy questioned tilting his head in confusion. Elbaf was a good place to roam around. He had visited the Island way back in his past. Though he doesn't know how many things have changed currently. Well, that is something he will see in his journey with his crew!

"There are certain rules in Elbaf that must be obeyed," Dorry answered seriously as he looked at the piece of meat which he was chewing.

"What kind of rules?" Usopp asked without even realizing that he had spoken.

"For example, if a fight breaks out and neither side wins, judgment is handed by Elbaf's god. Whoever he thinks to be righteous would be declared as the winner and granted survival and divine protection." Dorry provided with a smile to the long nosed teen, who was actively looking at him without an ounce of fear.

"That isn't fair," Luffy spoke making a puzzled face.

"Can't they duel out their own?" Zoro inquired Dorry. He isn't one to believe on Gods or other entities. All he knows is that if someone wants to do something then they have to carve destiny with their very own hands.

"What you might know about Gods, moron?" Sanji uttered as he chewed on his cigarette.

Zoro was about to retort only for Dorry to continue his story.

"It doesn't matter if it's fair or not or we can duel or not. All that matters is this is our battleground. As on Elbaf our God would decide who is righteous and worthy of winning both the duel and is worthy of life. We fought for a century and Elbaf has yet to chose the winner. Gegyagyagya!"

"Who do you fight with?" Usopp asked curiously the next as he leaned in to hear the story.

"Broggy, another giant who has been living on the other side of the Island," Dorry answered with a laugh.

"I can't believe you guys have been fighting for a century!" Nami exclaimed with wide eyes, fear thrown out of the window.

"For humans like you, a century might sound a long time but it isn't considering the giant's average lifespan is three times more." Dorry informed making the strawhats widen their eyes at the new information.

"What is that good about living so long?" Luffy mumbled looking at the meat which was half way to his mouth. Living for eons alone was not something he ever wants. Not when his friends and families would die out leaving him alone. He has yet not gotten all his memories of his past but he knew that living for an eternity would have been painful.

"Even with all the time in the World, won't you think your desire to fight would wane after a 100 years of same battle. At this point is there any real animosity left between or are you just fighting to fight?" Vivi asked not getting why anyone would choose violence for such a long time.


It was the sound of the volcano in the middle of the Island which erupted, throwing lava in its wake. But luckily it wasn't even strong enough to come hurtling towards them.

"That's the signal," Dorry spoke as he got up from his place and looked at the volcano with determined eyes. "It's time to get going."

"For the duel?" Luffy perked up as he craned his neck to look at Dorry, who nodded sharply at him.

"Why do you quarrel in the first place?" Nami asked looking at the giant. There ought to be a reason for the battles that have been going for a century!

"Forgot the reason," Dorry answered as he picked up his weapon.

"How could you possibly hate each other so that you'd continue this for so long?!" Vivi shouted the next.

"It's not about that. It never was," Luffy corrected Vivi who looked dumbfounded.

"Yes," Dorry confirmed as he charged towards the arriving giant. "It's about pride!"

"Heh, I like that," Zoro mused from the large boulder where he was admiring the fight.

"Come on! This is our chance to escape!" Nami shouted at everyone, who were looking at the fight. No one seemed to budge except for Vivi who was at Nami's side.

"Is there a problem Nami-swan?" Sanji asked as he presented desserts to the two ladies instantly. God knows how he produced ingredients for these.

"I'm not leaving," Usopp stated quietly as he felt Nami looking at him, which made Nami look at him as if he had grown two heads. "Can't you see? This is a true battle of pride between two warriors."

"There's nothing to worry about in the first place," Zoro affirmed as he saw Usopp and Luffy falling on the ground with thuds, watching with stars and admiration in their eyes at the ongoing battle.

"This is it. This is what I meant by brave warrior of the seas!" Usopp said to nobody in particular as he watched the two giants fighting seriously, each of them aiming for the other's vitals and yet not deterring from their fight. "I want to become a proud warrior just like them!"

"Shishishi!" Luffy chuckled patting Usopp as he felt the adrenaline in the two giants. He can't wait to meet up with the other one too.

"You want to be a giant?" Nami asked as she decided to rest her legs, finally giving up at the thought of fleeing. She can't possibly flee to the Merry without the dinosaurs wanting a chunk of her... And she was safe with the monster trio here.

"That's a far fetched dream Usopp-kun," Vivi agreed with a sweat drop.

"Weren't you listening?!" Usopp asked with a slight retort, but left it to them when he saw the fight getting intense and entering in it's final phase.

"Wanna visit the village full of warriors, Usopp?" Luffy breathed to Usopp as he felt his friend think of that. Without seeing and hearing, Luffy could feel Usopp declare and nod, expressing his desire to one day visit Elbaf, the village of warriors.

Everyone watched as the two giants disarmed each other simultaneously before resorting to ramming each other with their shields and falling back with the count of their duels and draws which were totally same. Not only that, after the duel ended they laughed happily like good friends.

"Mr. Dorry! Can you bring another Mr. giant here? We can share alcohol!" Luffy spoke with a big sunny grin and doe eyes, which seemed to work on the giant even.

"I will cook more meat then," Sanji suggested as he rolled his sleeves and brought forth a knife to start his work. They had lots of food after all.

"Sure why not!" Dorry exclaimed as he laughed loudly.

"Let's go then," Zoro stated as he got up to follow Luffy. He wasn't going to leave the rubber teen after the stunt he had pulled.

"Shishishi!" Luffy giggled as he and Zoro started threading through the jungle towards the Merry.

"You know the way back to Merry?" Zoro asked as he looked at his captain who was walking beside him and humming.

"Yep!" Luffy stated with a pop sound. "I can always find Merry!"

With some wrong turns which were taken due to Zoro, who kept on taking another direction, they finally arrived their ship, only to find another giant- the one who was fighting with Dorry- looking at their ship curiously by lifting it.

Luffy would have snickered only if he didn't feel Merry scared. But Mr. Giant was only examining his ship...

"Hey!" Luffy hollered cupping his hands around his mouth. "Mr. Giant! Can you place Merry back in the ocean?" Luffy asked. There was a slight hint of threat rolling in his voice, which had Zoro ready to battle.

"Gabababababa!" The giant laughed as he placed Merry back in the ocean and turned towards them. "Cheeky, huh, little brat?"

"I don't like Merry feeling scared," Luffy answered honestly looking at the large eyes of the giant which had the said giant unable to detach his eyes away from the him and instantly declare him as a warrior, who shall not be taken lightly regardless his size.

Zoro would have literally spluttered if it would be his first time hearing these words. Luffy had always mentioned nonsensical things out of nowhere, but it always would give him more questions than answers. Only if Luffy could answer-

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed wild and free as he rocketed himself to the Merry, with Zoro following him with a half hearted groan. "I was gonna invite you too with us! Do you mind having alcohol with us and Mr. Dorry?"

Broggy would have been suspicious if someone would have outright given him the invitation and included his other friend, but the innocent gleaming eyes of the strawhatted teen filled with curiosity and wonder held no malice. Those pure eyes which had glistened golden red in the sunlight were innocent and sparkling with childish glee.

"Gababababa! Sure!" Broggy agreed and the next he saw the strawhatted teen beam with delight and drag his green haired friend with him inside of the deck and come out with barrels of alcohol.

"We don't have much but I think it will work!" The strawhatted teen claimed as he dropped his barrel on the deck.

"They are disinfecting alcohol and some are for food!" Zoro grumbled as he looked at the giant practically asking if there was any problem with it.

"That will work!" The giant mused as he watched the strawhatted teen slingshot himself to him and climb his way to his shoulder.

"I'm Ni- Monkey D. Luffy!" Luffy introduced himself to the giant. He really doesn't understand why he was feeling to introduce his other part to the giants, but well it can be deva ju? What was the word? Sabo had told him and yet he can't remember. "And that's Zoro!"

"Gabababababa! I'm Elbaf's greatest warrior, Broggy!" The giant, Broggy, laughed as he introduced himself proudly and helped in carrying the barrels of alcohol for his guests. He was going to invite them to his place, but they had already invited him to Dorry's place.

Luffy was seated on the giant's shoulder, who was carrying the alcohol in his large hands, and Zoro had opted to walk and soon they reached the clearing where the others were.

"Yo! Guys!" Luffy waved at his friends who face palmed themself. They were slowly coming to a realization that Luffy loved climbing.

"Dorry!" Broggy smiled as he placed the barrels of alcohol on the ground neatly.

"Ah, my friend! I was going to search for you to invite you to the pirate picnic," Dorry mused as both of them started laughing.

"Feel free to eat as much as you want," Sanji offered as dishes for giants and another black hole were placed.

Luffy was ecstatic to finally meet the two giants. He was really engrossed in their stories with Usopp, while his friends either listened on or were doing something else. The comfort of his friends being with him, him making new friends and hearing stories from them, didn't delude the presence of four hostile people who sneaked in the Island. Luffy's face instantly darkened as he felt the same two presences who were on the Whiskey Peak and two new who were likely planning to attack them.

Luffy didn't want the merry time which he was spending with his friends to come to an end by those four intruders.

"Something wrong Luffy?" Zoro asked as he saw Luffy stop listening to the stories and looking at a particular direction.

"Nope!" Luffy answered with his sunny smile which didn't reach his eyes completely, making Zoro realize that something wasn't right but he chose not to question right now.

Luffy pretended to listen on to the giants while the faint words of his Dad and brothers started to be whispered in his head. Good thing, he had everyone in one place. This can work in intimating the ones and not catch them all off guard.

"Sir?" Nami asked cutting in between the stories of the giants. "When do the log pose sets here?" She had this in her mind for quite a long while but was unable to ask before.

"1 whole year," Both of the giants answered together.

"WHAT?!" Vivi and Nami shrieked at once.

"So chill out," Dorry consoled as he looked ready to jump onto another one of his tale.

"We can't! I can't! I need to reach my country!" Vivi started panicking at the very thought of having to spend a whole year in Little Garden, all the while her kingdom falls to crisp. She can't let that happen-

"Arabasta is not in a good condition," Luffy stated with his strawhat covering his eyes. "The situation has completely changed there."

"W-what?" Vivi questioned with wide eyes, which led Nami who had read of the news to bite her lips.

"I don't remember the details clearly," Luffy stated with a pout, turning to Nami, whom he had caught reading of the news.

Nami nodded at the silent question and informed Vivi of how the state of her country was, of how time was an issue right now and they had little time to stop the war.

Everyone went quiet as they heard Vivi cry holding Nami for support.

"That's why we will leave before dusk," Luffy chimed in. "And head for Arabasta as fast as we can!"

"How will be get the direction?!" Sanji asked, looking worriedly at Vivi and then at Luffy.

"I have a dace down my sleeve," Luffy grinned.

"'I have an ace up my sleeve.' Is that what you meant?" Usopp asked, looking at Luffy, who nodded his head without missing a beat.

"You have an eternal pose for the place you are going?" Broggy asked looking at the humans. No one had escaped this Island, except a few which he can count on his fingers. But something within him told that if anyone can then it's the strawhatted boy who introduced himself as Luffy.

"Nope!" Luffy chimed without missing a beat. He can ask his mother to guide them to a nearby Island and from there they can continue. But that left a bitter taste in his mouth. He didn't want to ask help from his mother but the other option would be draining, but welcomed. Yep, he can do that until they reach a nearby Island. It will take a great toll on him, specially when he can't control the winds well, but he can do it!

"Then how are you gonna-?" Dorry was about to ask but got interrupted by Luffy who looked at him with his doe adorable eyes and asked him to tell another one of their adventures.

And seas, can anyone reject that?

That was how, Dorry and Broggy again jumped into story telling, while Nami and Sanji tried to comfort Vivi by telling her that they would reach her country in time and leave it all on Luffy who knows what he is doing.

Zoro looked at Luffy, who was really grinning too wide and smiled. Whatever his captain has in his arsenal would be one step forward in solving the mystery he is.

Luffy pouted when the giants started telling him another story. The intruders were trying to come near them. Well, now he can't let that happen, so with a mischievous grin he stood up.

Zoro knew the moment the mischievous grin spread on Luffy's face. He was going to do something reckless and he literally had to face palm when Luffy uttered his next words.

"Do you know I can also turn into a giant?" Luffy grinned at the giants who were seriously considering if they heard something wrong.

"Really?" The giants asked, looking at Luffy with amusement, and the next second they saw Luffy near their eye level.

"What the heck?!" Vivi shouted as she fell on the ground.

"Are you an idiot?!" Sanji and Zoro yelled at once. Zoro might be dumb but he knew that he and Sanji were right to say those words. They had noticed Luffy paling from the moment he had pulled that trick at the beginning of he Grand Line. Whatever the attack was doing had to take a toll on his body since the boy's face literally paled frighteningly this time even.

"Shishishishishi!" Luffy laughed in his giant form, adrenaline fueling him as he grinned wide at the giants who looked too impressed at his little stunt and the fear crawling from the intruders who ran back in the deepest part of the jungle seeing his giant form was satisfying.

"Get back to your normal form!" Zoro shouted as his teeth gained sharper edges. Seriously, he is Luffy's babysitter, isn't he? Taking care of a 17 year old who acted like a 5 year old wasn't enough?! Was his captain really out to kill himself?!

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed, not at all regretting his choice. He needed his crew safe and well as a captain it's his duty to keep the intruders away, even if he knew that his crew could take care of themselves. But they were going to get tired at the end of the day with the training he would be putting them into, so nah, he will deal with the intruders while his crew learns something good.

"That was reckless, Luffy!" Sanji berated as he shoved a plate full of meat at the boy who was ghostly pale right now. At another part of his mind, Sanji began remembering the recipes of energy drinks he needed to make for his reckless captain.

"You are impressive, brat," Dorry mused as he saw the strawhatted teen finish the plate which he was given in a go.

"That was a really amazing move," Broggy agreed as he looked at Dorry for the confirmation which his eyes were seeking. Dorry nodded. They both acknowledged that there was something in the teen which was more than what he was showing.

"Luffy? Are you a giant?" Vivi asked as she mentally facepalmed herself at the stupid question. Seriously, even that question didn't seem right in her own mind.

"Nope!" Luffy stated with a pop, before the volcano erupted again which was a signal for the giants to fight.

"Duel!" Luffy and Usopp chanted as the said giants stood up and nodded at each other, before starting to fight again.

The duel was breathtaking for Usopp and Luffy who kept on cheering on both the giants until they fell again and the match ended in draw.

"That was awesome!" Usopp and Luffy commented the instant the giants returned back to finish their alcohol and enjoy their time with their guests.

The giants laughed and appreciated the gesture.

"Okay! Break time's over now!" Luffy stated clapping his hands. He needed to give his crew a head start in Haki and deal with the intruders. "It's time for training!"

"Haki training?" Zoro smirked as he finished his bottle in a gulp and stood up.

"Yep!" Luffy answered without missing a beat.

"I'm surprised a kid like you know Haki," Dorry mused with a smile.

"Hey! I'm not a kid! I'm a pirate," Luffy answered with a pout as he half heartedly glared at the two giants who were laughing at his expense.

"What's Haki?" Vivi asked feeling that only she didn't know about this.

"You wanna train?" Luffy asked with glee at the princess who looked unsure.

"Not sure," Vivi answered, looking at Nami and Usopp who were looking at her with pity. Was this Haki thing even safe?

Luffy nodded in understanding, before starting to tell what Haki is. He got helped by Dorry and Broggy who gave him a hand in explaining all there types of Haki and the Strawhats and Vivi were really glad for their presence 'cause only Luffy's explanation wouldn't have helped them.

"So, which one are we learning first?" Usopp asked meekly, shivering at the very thought that he can be whacked with something.

"We can go for both!" Luffy grinned mischievously as he commenced the training plan which he had to follow with his brothers when he was being trained by his Dad. "Sanji and Zoro, and Usopp, Vivi and Nami. These will be the groups for now."

"What are we doing?" Zoro asked scowling at his partner for Haki training. A part of him was really glad that Luffy wasn't participating in the training. He didn't want him to get hurt or drain his energy like he recklessly does most of the time.

"Each one of you will tie blindfolds and try to dodge the attacks coming from the other," Luffy grinned as he saw the girls and Usopp pale.

"But we are three here," Nami spoke dreading on the fact that one of them can be blindfolded while two people would target the other.

"Usopp and Nami will wear the blindfold while Vivi will attack," Luffy spoke clearing the doubt and easing Nami's tension.

"Vivi, please go easy on me," Usopp whimpered as he gulped down the fear and even contemplated if it was worth tying the blindfold resting on his hand. But one look on the giants- the brave warriors of sea- cemented his resolve as he tied the blindfold on his eyes.

Sanji and Zoro were glaring at each other, when Sanji spoke, "Why don't I go first, moss head?" He asked tauntingly, ready to take the blindfold on and show Zoro that he was better.

"You jealous, curly brow? Or are you scared that I'll dodge more than you?" Zoro asked raising his eyebrow as he saw his partner seething in anger the next moment. It worked well for him as he tied the blindfold on his eyes the next second and started focusing on to dodge. He was determined to dodge more times than Sanji.

Vivi had not voiced her wish to join the impromptu training session, which she was technically asked to join, wasn't sure what to do. She took a deep sigh as she watched Nami and Usopp getting ready to be whacked. She can notice their slight quiver in their posture but it told her that they were ready to be stronger despite the pain they would endure right now. That steeled her heart as she thought of her country. She needed to be stronger for them. With that, Vivi joined in taking the boo staff which Nami offered her.

All the Strawhats had certain things in mind when they steeled themselves for the training. They were going to get stronger to protect each other, specially Luffy who is too innocent and gullible. Not to mention their rubber captain is super strong and tends to take matters in his hands, which leads him to get hurt.

Luffy approached the giants as he watched his friends crying in pain from the whacking they were getting. At least that will keep them occupied and not seek out for him for the time being.

"Mr. Giants?" Luffy asked as he craned his neck to look at them. They were literally bigger than the Old banana moustache man even! "Can you look at my crew for a while?" He whispered, showing that he didn't want his crew to know that he is going to disappear for few minutes.

The giants looked confusedly at Luffy before nodding silently and giving Luffy a free passage to look for the intruders who were gathering up in a place.


On the other side of the jungle, in the small house made of wax, the number agents were planning. Mr. 3 was pacing to and fro while gritting his teeth. Two of his plans had planned till now and yet he wasn't going to give up.

The Island on which they were was a battleground for two giants who had a bounty of 100 million each. And then the fact that one of their target had a bounty of 50 million bely! They were not going to leave such an auspicious offer and leave. Moreover, if they flee then Mr. 0, their boss would either finish them off or demote them.

The first plan Mr. 3 had come up with was to sabotage the wine of the Strawhats when no one would be on their ship but as soon as he and Mr. 5 had reached the caravel ship, it got surrounded by Sea Kings which they couldn't fight and had to leave. That left a bitter taste in Mr. 3's mouth.

The second plan was to sabotage the wine when none of the pirates and the giants were paying attention to them. They would have easily accomplished that only if that another giant wouldn't have appeared from practically nowhere.

There was no way they could fight head on with three giants! So they had to retreat back to the hideout for further planning.

"What's the next plan, Mr. 3?" Mr. 5 taunted as he looked at the pacing man.

"We will catch them off guard and-"

Poor Mr. 3 wasn't able to even finish his words when the door got kicked open. Luckily, none of them were hit by the door.

"Oops?" The intruder who had kicked the open spoke, giggling.

"Monkey D. Luffy," Mr. 3 spoke calmly as he glared at the kid, who must be in his pre teen. A part of his mind wondered why the kid had such a ridiculous amount of bounty. "What do we have the pleasure to have your presence here?"

"I came to kick your asses," Luffy spoke shoving his pinky in his nose. The numbered agents before him were too weak for even his attention.

"You do realize you have entered the enemies fort alone?" Mr. 3 asked with a sweatdrop but yet managed to maintain his calm demeanor. He could already see the others preparing for his word to attack.

"Four vs one, sounds good to me," Luffy answered nonchalantly.

"You are going to regret," Mr. 3 warned before addressing his fellow partners. "I want him alive."

That was all it took for others to attack.

"You made the dumbest mistake ever, brat!" Mr. 5 taunted as he started throwing boogers at Luffy which turned to bomb. But Luffy expertly dodged it without a care of the world.

"Take it seriously, Mr. 5!" Mr. 3 gritted as he saw another bomb kick of Mr. 5 being dodged meticulously by the little brat who took the fight out in the forest.

"Damn it, stay at a place!" Mr. 5 yelled out, seeing the boy play around.

"Attack me at once," Luffy spoke. It would be an overkill if he fought one on one with these weaklings.

"You are gonna regret it," Miss Valentine spoke as she giggled and reduces her weight to 1 kg and leaped in the air above the brat who wasn't even paying attention to her.

"Now try to move, squirt," Mr. 3 taunted from the door of the hideout having successfully trapped the legs of the brat with his wax powers.

"They are cool! But I don't have time to play around!" Luffy stated with a pout and kicked his legs which broke the wax from his leg in an instant and threw it towards Mr. 3 who had a weird hair.

"Color trap," Miss Goldenweek called her move the same moment Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine attacked the boy.

Luffy just took a step back having already felt Miss Umbrella coming down towards him, but that resulted in her getting bombed by Mr. 5 and fall unconscious in his place.

"Shishishishi!" Luffy laughed holding his stomach. "You guys are funny!"

"Why you!?" Mr. 5 and Mr. 3 shouted at once as they summoned their attacks.

Luffy belatedly noticed in his laughing that Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 had multiplied in number and all of them at once wax weapons and bombs started erupting towards him from random direction.

"Time to stop playing around," Luffy grinned sharply as he broke all of the wax weapons and dodged the bombs before punching Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 to the ground and finishing them. All he needed was a little speed and his punches.

"Where are you going?" Luffy asked the little girl who was trying to escape from him. The little girl 'eeked' before givng a dash, but unfortunately for her she crashed with Luffy and fainted.

"I didn't do anything," Luffy whined with a pout as he poked the girl with his fingers.

"Sabo says to leave no evidence," Luffy idly said to himself as he picked up the girl, throwing her over his shoulders and caught the collars of other three and dragged them back to his friends who were still practicing.

"How's the training going on?" Luffy asked his friends as he dropped the numbered agents on the ground and wiped off his hands.

"Who are they, Luffy?" It was Zoro who asked.

"These dumbasses were being jerks and were planning to interfere with their fights," Luffy pointed at the giants who looked with wide eyes at the trespassers. "And wanted to eliminate us."

"You have defended our honors," Dorry and Broggy instantly thanked Luffy for his work.

"Don't sweat about it," Luffy waved off nonchalantly. They were his friends after all.

"I'm sorry," Vivi spelled out as she bowed down to the giants and the strawhats. "It's originally my fault that those agents came to interfere-"

"Don't say that," Nami calmly stated as she pulled Vivi's cheek.

"Right!" Luffy asserted Nami's words, and remembered something. But before that...

"How did the training go?" Luffy asked as he took a look on the bumps and bruises on his friends. The most bruised out of all of them looked Sanji and Zoro who had not left any opportunity in whacking the other.

"I dodged more!" Sanji and Zoro asserted at the same time.

"What did you say?!" Both of them asked at once, once again, making Luffy laugh out loud. His friends were funny.

"Shut up you two!" Nami growled beating them both on the ground. "And you!" Nami pointed out glaring at Luffy. "How are we supposed to even dodge when we can't see?!" Her whole body was aching with the whacks Vivi had bestowed on her.

"I dunno!" Luffy shrugged nonchalantly. "You'll get a hang of it by time."

"How many days it took you?" Usopp whimpered as he held his nursed his head, which was covered with potatoes.

"It took me 3 months!" Luffy grinned all teeth and gums.

"3 MONTHS?!" Usopp and Nami fainted on the ground.

"That's amazing," Broggy mused as he laughed out loud. "On an average it takes years for humans to activate their Haki by rigorous training."

"Can we even do it?" Vivi questioned as she looked at Luffy worriedly. The training had been hell but that had kept the thoughts of her kingdom at bay and she was thankful for it, even if she hadn't dodged a single one.

"Yep!" Luffy answered with his sunny grin, which was enough to stop the questioning from his friends and reciprocate the smile, which made their hearts and pain light. "And now we start the second part of the training."

"Again?" Usopp whimpered as he allowed himself to collapse on the ground.

"This time no one can dodge." Luffy explained. "Everyone has to take the attacks head on."

"Are you trying to kill us!?" Nami whimpered as she collapsed near Usopp.

"Can we at least get the reason?" Vivi questioned, looking between Usopp and Nami.

Luffy nodded and started explaining how Armament Haki works and how one can awaken it. They would have outright declared it crazy, if the giants wouldn't have supoorted Luffy.

Sanji was secretly mapping Luffy's condition, as he tied the four people to the trees. A part of him felt angered that he wasn't informed about the intruders. That he couldn't feel the intruders like Luffy had felt. Luffy's paling face just rubbed salt on his wounds.

Zoro really wished to know what was going on in Luffy's mind. He really did. He knows Luffy is strong, he knows he is the captain and he is reckless but he hates it when Luffy looks worse for wear after it. He wants to understand what is going on with him. He wants to know what he can do to ease his problems. He wants to be a good first mate and to be by side of Luffy and burden his problems.

"I'll be right back!" Luffy announced making Zoro and Sanji snap their heads at his direction.

"Where do you think you are going this time?" Zoro asked with a sigh.

"Take someone with you!" Sanji spoke at the same time. "You don't look too well."

Everyone in the area turned to look at Luffy, which made Luffy pout.

"I am all fine!" Luffy asserted, his hands on his hip.

"Brat, they are right. You look pale." Dorry agreed with the Strawhats.

"Pale?" Luffy asked cocking his head. "But I am okay! See?" Luffy asserted as he did a back flip and stretched himself.

"Then why are you looking pale?" Nami questioned. It was undeniable that Luffy looked pale but his activities showed the opposite. He looked all well despite his pale complexion.

"Dunno!" Luffy replied with a shrug. "I'll be back soon! Don't worry!" Luffy spoke and rushed from the covering to the wax house. Something was bugging him about it.

"What's wrong with that rubber idiot?!" Nami groaned as she rubbed her temples harshly.

"We can't help him unless he allows us to," Zoro stated, his grip on his hilt of swords tightening.

Dorry and Broggy shared a look, their minds wandering to a tale they used to hear when they were kids. But they weren't sure of it completely so they opted to stay quiet. But it was really shocking that the goofy teen who looked ready to reveal his secrets in a heartbeat was secretive from his crew.


Luffy entered the wax house once again and found what he was looking for. He grinned at the wide variety of biscuits and fancy tea on the table. He wasn't going to waste these delicacies.


"Who is it?" Luffy frowned as he checked on his snail, but it wasn't ringing. Then his attention went to the little box which was kept aside. The voice was coming from there.

Luffy lifted the snail and placed it on the table.


Luffy picked up the call and mentally debated if he should use his name to answer the call. But he remembered that he can play a game. With a mischievous glint in his eyes he brought the snail near him.

"..." Luffy didn't speak a word and waited for the other person from the side to speak. He was in his revolutionary mode, at least he tried to be.

"Mr. 3," A gruff deep voice called out someone's name, making Luffy tilt his head a little. "Aren't you little late with your reports?"

"Who is it?" Luffy asked as he gobbled a cookie whole.

"It's me. Mr. 0," The other side responded making Luffy grin viciously. "What happened to the Strawhats and Princess Vivi?"

"Crocodile," Luffy spoke giving the man a smirk which would make Ace proud of him.

"Who are you?!" Crocodile shouted the instant. Finally recognizing that the childish voice didn't belong to either Mr.3 or Miss Goldenweek.

"It's Cyra," Luffy answered with a wide maniac grin which was shown the other side.

"What does the 3C's want from me?" Crocodile gritted his teeth. The 3C's were worth more than 1.5 million together. He couldn't risk them coming after him when his plan is all set in motion.

"Nothing," Cyra answered back as an infectious gleeful childish peal of laughter tore through his throat before settling in a feral smile. "'Cause I'm coming to kick your ass!"

Crocodile, on the other side, clutched the snail tight as he glared at it. He didn't want to incure the wrath of the 3C's. Everyone on the Grand Line knew how strong they were! How did they know about his plan!? How did Cyra track him?!

"We can make a deal," Crocodile offered, trying his best to not show the anger. He could try to get these pirates by his side. "I can give you 50% of the wealth from my plan." He offered with a tight smile, wanting to hide his scowl. They were pirates and pirates loved treasure, or so he thought of the 3C's too.

"Not interested," Cyra waved off placing his foot on the table. "'Cause your plan is doomed to fail."

Crocodile gritted his teeth. "What do you want then?!" He asked. He could have collected all his army to go after the 3C's but he knew that they won't win against them. They were the force of nature as the newspapers and his personal information network have told him.

"I already told you," Luffy frowned at the snail. Crocodile sure was dumb. He was going to lash on the man and give a piece of his mind when a weird otter and vulture arrived at the window and stared at him. Luffy raised his hand to welcome them, which they obliged and started nudging at him. "I want nothing from you, Crocy."

"That's too bad," Crocodile answered, trying to sound confident. He really wanted to turn this into his favor. "How about taking half of a credit of my plan?" He tried once again.

"Are you stupid old man?" Cyra grumbled as he looked at the snail. "I want nothing from a bad guy like you. Just prepare to get your ass kicked. Goodbye!"


Luffy grinned proudly, already excited to tell this news to Ace and Sabo and his Dad. They would be so proud of him! He had not given up his real names nor he had given his objective. All he had done is warn him.

Luffy grinned widely, which seemed to make the otter and vulture look at each other and then back to Luffy.

"What do you have?" Luffy asked as the otter and vulture offered something to him. He instantly recognized the object as an eternal pose of Arabasta.

"Thank you so much!" Luffy chirped and offered them a cookie each and placed the eternal pose safely in his pocket. "That saves me from lots of trouble!" He petted the creatures and collected all the delicious cookies and the fancy tea which he had primarily came for.

Luffy skipped merrily to the clearing where he saw his friends still going on despite the groans of pain coming from everyone's mouth. He looked at the giants who were giving inputs in between the training and talking amongst them.

"Guys, break time!" Luffy clapped his hands as he sat down beside the giants and saw Usopp and Nami finally collapse. Vivi was barely standing and Zoro and Sanji were still trying to fight each other. "I have treats for all of you!" Luffy announced as he gave four kettles of tea to the giants and placed other two for his friends who scrambled to him.

"Where did you find these from?" Sanji asked as he poured the tea to the ladies delicately despite his throbbing body.

"I found from their hideout," Luffy answered, happily munching on the cookies.

"These are good!" The giants mused as they emptied the kettles in their mouth and got some cookies too.

"Finally a break!" Usopp collapsed leaning against a tree.

"Nami! Here," Luffy spoke as he presented an eternal pose of Arbasta to Nami, which dropped everyone's jaws, except the giants who started laughing loudly.

"How?!" Vivi questioned, her eyes already glistening with tears as she pounced on Luffy to hug him. It made Sanji jealous a bit, but he brushed it off, knowing Luffy deserved it.

"They offered me," Luffy pointed to the otter and vulture who were sipping tea by his side.

"EH?!" The Strawhats shouted, noticing the weird creatures for the first time.

"Crocy called me though and offered things," Luffy scrunched his nose in disgust. "But I told Crocy that I am coming to kick his ass!"

"What the hell?!" Vivi, Nami and Usopp shrieked. Their injuries forgotten for a moment as they pounced on Luffy for doing something that ridiculous.



Dorry and Broggy guffawed at the antics of the kid who didn't fail to shock them at all. He truly was a mystery. They couldn't help but laugh more with the strawhatted kid when they saw Nami, Vivi and Usopp freaking out, Zoro accepting it easily and Sanji trying to comfort Nami and Vivi with his gentlemanly quality. And in all, the kid was rolling on the ground, laughing with glee. They sure were an interesting crew to watch out for.


"It's time again!" Dorry and Broggy spoke in unison, gathering the attention of the crew who were animatly running after the kid.

"Go for it! Mr, Dorry! Mr. Broggy!" Luffy hollered at once as he saw the giants get up from his place. Usopp jumped on his feet and cheered for the giants as well.

Soon the match ended in a draw, making the giants laugh and reach the crew once again. They were having fun with their guest and the kid had saved their sacred match, so why not?

"Mr. Giants!" Luffy called out as he stood on his feet and looked at them. "You guys are the best! But it would be really cool if you two worked together, don't ya think?"

"That way you can go for more adventures than sticking to the Island! Don't you wanna return to Elbaf?" Luffy asked in a breath. He really liked the giants, he didn't want them to be hurt by outsiders coming for their bounty.

The giants look at each other, wondering the same thing. Everyone got quiet waiting for the giant's decisions.

"I bet your friends miss ya!" Luffy nailed the final nail on the coffin, making the giants laugh and seriously consider it. They can return to Elbaf together.

"How do you know so much?" Broggy and Dorry asked at once.

"Shishishishi!" Luffy laughed as he looked at the horizon and felt the winds ruffling his hair. The sun would be setting soon.

"The idiot knows just the right word to say," Zoro breathed out as he looked at the direction Luffy was seeing. Everyone who heard him could agree to it, Luffy could in an instant reach to the heart of the matter and that was what made him Luffy.

"What shall we do to these guys?" Sanji asked pointing to the four stirring figures.

"They are of Mr. Dorry and Mr. Broggy," Luffy grinned back making the giants feel really grateful.

"I'll make sure to visit Elbaf one day!" Usopp declared looking at Dorry and Broggy, who grinned wide at him.

"We will wait for ya!" Dorry and Broggy spoke in unsion.

"I guess it's time we take our leave!" Luffy added, one hand on his strawhat and a smile on his face as he looked past his new friends to the horizon and the ocean, his mother who was calling for him.

"I see. Busy, huh?" Broggy questioned with a giant smile, to which Luffy nodded.

"We have a country to free," Luffy stated, which made Vivi wipe off the tears from her eyes. She trusted Luffy's words.

"Better be careful out there, kiddo," Dorry spoke as he brought the kid to his palm and near his eye level.

"We will!" Luffy grinned as the warm and golden hue of the dusk caressed his face giving his adorable squishy face an ethereal glow. "You guys take care of yourself too!"

The giants laughed as they escorted them to the western side of the Island.

"Our friends are setting sail," Broggy smiled as he looked at the crew who began loading stuffs on the ship.

"We can't leave them to fend for themselves. That monster lives in the seas to the west." Dorry added as his grip on his weapon tightened.

"I guess then this is it for my axe and your sword, huh?" Broggy asked as he held his weapon.

"Having trouble letting go?" Dorry queried with a fond smile.

"Yep! After all, I fought with it for a century," Broggy spoke letting his eyes go at his weapon for one last time. "But if it's for their sake, I have no regrets."

"Then it's decided," Dorry spoke as he saw his new friends getting ready to sail. The giants stood proud as they saw the ocean, where the sea monster could attack from at any moment.

"The most important reason why no one leaves this Island," Broggy started, addressing to his new friends, whose ship had started moving already and was about to leave the Island.

"Lies straight ahead!" Dorry finished, eyes set straight ahead at the ocean.

"What?" Nami questioned the giants.

"Luffy, you risked your life so that our pride remains untarnished," Broggy started, making Luffy who was sitting on the figurehead awaiting for the journey to began perk up.

"Thus, in turn, we must not let your flag of pride be tarnished either!" Dorry continued.

"Trust in us and sail straight ahead! No matter what happens, sail only straight ahead!" Broggy finished.

"Got it!" Luffy answered with a giant smile. "Sail straight ahead!" Luffy commanded. Zoro and Sanji looked confused, while Vivi and Nami questioned the giant but Usopp and Luffy listened to the giants words without a hint of doubt.

"Let us meet again, one day in the future!" Dorry and Broggy spoke in unison and lifted their weapons, the moment the ship left the Island and headed straight for the ocean and towards the next Island.

"What the hell is that?!!!!!" Nami shouted at once as the waters began to gurgle loudly.

"You have finally shown yourself 'Island devourer'?!" Dorry spoke lifting his weapon and ready to strike.

"In the name of Elbaf, we vow to clear a path!" Broggy spoke determinedly.

"Grab the helm or we are going to be swallowed!" Nami commanded the crew.

Usopp shivered and sweated at the sight of the giant goldfish which tore through the waters but ignored the orders of Nami to man the helm.

"We need to go straight!" Luffy and Usopp spoke at the same time. Usopp held the railing with a slight shiver while Luffy glared at the giant goldfish who was not in it's right mind. He can feel his mother's fury on the goldfish for even thinking of attacking his ship. He can feel her wanting to crush the goldfish, but a shook from Luffy was enough to calm her heated anger for a bit.

His eyes at the goldfish and his mother conveyed the trust he had on his new friends. He can feel his mother waiting for one wrong move from the goldfish. He can feel the sea kings around the area seething in anger. He can feel his siblings growling in rage at the thought of a mere goldfish wanting to consume Nika.

Despite of all the anger coming from his family, panic coming from Nami and Vivi, Luffy laughed out loud. Daring the goldfish to gobble him and his friends and see his wrath if even one of them is harmed.

The goldfish opened it's giant maw and let out a loud growl, pulling the Going Merry within it's mouth. The instant glare and the simultaneous attacks from the giants cut the goldfish in half, giving a path to the Going Merry to sail straight ahead without getting gobbled up whole.

"Shishishishi!" Luffy laughed wild and free as the winds carried them due to the momentum.

"GO AHEAD FRIENDS!" The giants called out loud and laughed, as their weapons finally landed on the depths of the sea with the giant goldfish who was decimated the instant it reached the sea floor.


Sorry it was really a long chapter! But I didn't think I could have got a more better ending than the last one. 

Also sorry if the chapter seems to be rough. Decoy is busy with exams and I had a pretty rough week myself, so neither of us could take much time to invest on the story. 

Decoy's exams are still going on and I would probably be busy for more four to five days. So I am really sorry if I don't answer the comments or if the chapter had more errors than usual!

Lastly, thanks for sticking up with us! I am really happy to see where we have reached by now! 

Have a good day/night! 

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