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87.06% Pokemon: A life worth living / Chapter 97: C097 - Preparations for Alola

Bab 97: C097 - Preparations for Alola

A week later, the results were in for the eight fully evolved pokemon Pete would take with him for protection outside of his two mega pokemon.

Arcanine learned a second water move with Courtney's help, Brine. It was a water move that dealt increasingly more damage the more the enemy pokemon was already wounded, maxing out at twice the damage at around half health. His Arcanine managed to increase the damage of this move by 36% in just seven days. It was by far the highest increase of every pokemon participating in the MPLR.

Next was Pete's Espeon who managed to increase the power of his stab move Psyshock by 31% followed by his Flygon increasing the power of her stab move Earthquake by 28% and she even managed to increase the nonstab fire move Flamethrower by 24%.

His Flygon took the instant one-hit Ice Punch KO inflicted by Giovanni's Nidoking very badly, but thankfully concentrated most of her frustration out on the boulders at the open-air battle-gym instead of Dragon's Peak or the other pokemon living there. It showed in her rate of improvement.

On a shared fourth place was Pete's first Togekiss. She was the youngest pokemon of those who qualified and managed to do so by increasing the damage of her stab move Dazzling Gleam by 27%.

Following that in fourth place alsowas Pete's Metagross, who chose to train a psychic move after it felt Pete's disappointment at its superior steel type damage. It learned Mist Ball from Mega Milotic since it was taught the move by Suicune, and Metagross managed to increase the damage of the move by 27%, same as Togekiss.

Then came three pokemon who all improved a move by exactly 25% in a week: Serperior with non-stab Dragon Breath, Nidoking with stab Poison Tail, and his shiny Slowbro, who Pete thought only jokingly participated when he used Hydro Pump as the move he wanted to record his growth in.

The runner-ups for the growth rate that almost made the cut were four pokemon Pete didn't quite expect: all three Farfetch'd and Blaziken. The four birds all improved a fighting move by 21 to 24%, though they all did that with a different move.

Blaziken chose the special attack Aura Sphere, the male Farfetch'd chose Brick Break, while the two female Farfetch'd chose Cross Chop and Low Sweep. The fact that one female Farfetch'd chose to train a move that didn't include using a leek as a weapon was very surprising to Pete, and he encouraged her to keep training like that.

And, for the first time since he bonded with it, Pete could feel frustration from his shiny Golurk. His bonded pokemon learned Phatom Force from the TM Agatha gifted him at the wedding, but its power only increased by 'only' 18%, which was still quite a lot higher than the average of 8% increase in damage.

Pete took a while to speak with his silent protector and encouraged him to use this time here at the farm to keep everyone safe and train as hard as he could manage. Golurk simply spread himself too thin, he argued.

Not only did Golurk roam the farm and the forest to do its 'duty', but the golem also trained the nonstab move Ice Punch which worked great with its ability Iron Fist that increased the damage of all punch moves. Golurk 'only' increased its power by 14%, a number that Pete still praised with deep fervor. Not every pokemon of his could be a genius on the level of the first three pokemon of those that qualified.

And, Pete argued that he also participated with Ice Punch in the nonstab growth competition and increased the PV from 20 to 21, a measly increase of 5%. It wasn't technically Ice Punch, but he unloaded his entire ice affinity energy while punching, so it was close enough.

He told Golurk that he was a good three times better than his trainer in sheer talent alone, which finally eased Golurk's frustration and even amused the gentle giant.

Unloading the entire affinity in his body with a single thought was something he learned from Leona, the future Mt Pyre guardian and girlfriend of Steven Stone. It came with a great strain on his body and mind, but it helped in training an affinity earnestly if you heeded Leona's warnings of spreading out its usage with appropriate breaks and only using a single affinity at once.

Pete's highest affinity by now was almost a tie between psychic and fairy, the former still leading by a little and Pete tested out the PV a few days after the wedding to land at 111PV with a psychic punch. He could likely fight a Rattata now without having to rely on his pokemon after living in this world for over two years in his old earth's time.

But that was with him living a relatively peaceful life. So Pete had to ask himself: What could people like Bruno do after a long life of training and concentrating their efforts on a single affinity? Could they beat his stronger pokemon? Would there be bottlenecks or plateaus that couldn't be breached by simple training?

"If I knew him, I could invite him for a test punch. Carl and him are estranged according to him, but Luna is on the farm to build a house. Maybe Bruno wants to visit his niece and combine it with a look around? I'll ask Valentino if he wants to talk to his uncle-in-law and have him ask the elite four member," Pete mumbled as he looked at his packed bags. "Ugh, I won't be back before Luna is done here..."

For his Alola trip, Pete would bring only two extended bags of holding, but these two were quite a bit superior to the ones he found in the containers at the beginning of his life here. They had 'smart' compartments that activated via voice command and held enough combined space to house a Wailord - though the mouth of the bag was not even remotely big enough to fit one inside.

One bag was just a back-up in case he needed it, the other was filled with all the essentials he needed, a small mountain of food and pokeblocks, a huge assortment of berries and other poke items like super expensive max potions he got from Devon Corp.

That bag also contained a small mountain of gifts for the people he was about to meet. Like a small berry tree sapling assortment for Professor Kukui where he even included one of those Oran-Occa crossbred trees for the burn salve that didn't have seeds in the berries, which meant he was the only source for the berry in the world.

Since he would meet Lusamine, the head of the Aether Foundation that was a huge power of good in the region of Alola, Pete included those trees for her as well. He still wasn't sure what Lusamine wanted to talk about with him, but he didn't need to know to gift her something this precious.

Her company's main goal was on the level of the Joy clan's - curing hurt pokemon through technology and whatever else method they could find. To that end, they even actively fought villainous organizations to try and free enslaved pokemon, and they trained pokemon trainers for the sole purpose of defending habitats of weaker pokemon and aiding the police in raids like mercenaries.

"Got everything, Petey?"

Pete looked up and nodded, "Yeah, I think so. Too bad they can't change the opening of the Alola league's reopening for my sake. I kinda wish I didn't have to go while Luna and Courtney are working on her house."

"You don't trust them?"

"Eh? No, I do! I just wanted to help," Pete sheepishly answered while scratching his ear.

"Well, your two Conkeldurr are already on it, and Klinklang is as well. So rejoice that at least those three are staying to work on something. You should tell Golurk to ask if it can help, too. I get the feeling it's a little moody these days."

Pete nodded and replied, "Yeah, he was really bummed that he wasn't a genius. I mean, to me, he still is - but as long as he doesn't think so my point is moot. Him landing at 18% when my best guess was that the pokemon will end up at 2% growth in a few weeks after hitting a maximum of 5% yesterday is simply astonishing."

"Let me guess, He didn't appreciate you giving him a lesson in math when he was down?"

"No... it didn't help as much as I hoped. It got better when I made fun of myself, though. Oh, and I told him that he beat four of your pokemon, too. But don't let your two Rhyperior, Donphan, and Mega Torterra hear it," Pete answered with a wink.

"Eh, the first week was spectacular, but I doubt the numbers will be much more than half of this week's the next time. They can't possibly keep up this rate of improvement and will hit a wall or two soon. First, for proficiency with the move, then with output of typing energy, and eventually, there will be natural bottlenecks for their species," Jasmine added with a thoughtful expression.

"Wow, who's the big nerd now, huh?"

"Hey! You're the one who calculated for Reuniclus to keep her improvement for Extrasensory at a constant 5% per week for 57 weeks straight so that the PV she reaches with the move will be 'over 9000', whatever that means," Jasmine scoffed.

"You wouldn't get it. Inside joke," Pete brushed off.

Jasmine glared at her husband for a moment before changing the subject, "So? Anything else Courtney and I need to know before you head out?"

"Hmm, nope. Courtney already knows about the eggs, three more Eevee should hatch soon. My test egg Eevee with the ground type energy hatched yesterday, and Mommy Sylveon allowed me to bring him with me since the little guy's dad is coming, too. You yourself know about the color variant Trapinch that hatched earlier this morning since I gifted the right to raise her to you and Flygon approved... hummm, there's some a few cross-breed berry seedlings in my study that might sprout soon if the process worked out. If you could look into my study every few days? I already asked the two Cinccino to water the pots while they are on their daily dusting tour around the house," Pete recounted while tapping his chin. "But as you might know, they don't know how to call me..."

"Aww, the genius professor couldn't teach his pokemon to work a phone yet? Are you sure you even tried? The two Cinccino are smarter than most pokemon I know," Jasmine taunted with a haughty expression.

"You know what? You're right. I should ask the Cinccino to call me. I bet they wouldn't forget since going up to my study is part of their daily routine," Pete replied while innocently scratching his head.

Jasmine started shaking her husband like a petulant child and cried out, "Ugh! A smart answer for every single taunt! Pete, stop it! Let me win one argument!"

"Hey, it was you and Sophie who forgot to take out the Thunder Stone from the generator when I asked you to," Pete defended with a smug grin.

Jasmine continued shaking her husband and retorted, "And we apologized a million times!"

"You know that I don't really care, and I'm just riling you up, right?"

The shaking of Pete gained intensity. Jasmine countered with a pout, "Then let me win one argume~eeent."

"Alright, hit me with one, and I'll let you win."

"Hmm," Jasmine stopped the shaking and gained a thoughtful expression that turned into a sly grin, "I'll miss you so much more than you will miss me while you're in Alola!"

"Ugh! Going for the big guns! I give you a foot you take an arm," Pete said while clutching his heart in fake hurt. "Very well, I will stand by my promise. I will not miss you quite as much as you miss me, and I shall compensate you for it with immeasurable love and the perfect gift upon my return!"

Jasmine gained a sweet smile and gave her husband a short kiss filled with feeling. Since they already shared a morning filled with love, the couple stopped at that and the newlyweds made their way down toward the lake where his eight top scorers, both mega evolved pokemon, the freshly hatched Eevee with the high chance of becoming a ground evolved Eevee and his two newly hatched bird pokemon Rookidee and Fletchling waited for him.

Behind them in the waters was a speedboat capable of outspeeding a Sharpedo that he rented from Hoenn's champion Steven. Together with Mega Reuniclus and Metagross using Teleport on long stretches to close the immense distance, Pete would only take roughly a single day to reach Alola, it would be less if he chose to risk it and only get teleported on a wooden plank instead of the heavy boat, but why should he?

Nuclide Nuclide

Time to confess something. I only played half of Sun&Moon when a friend lent me the cartridge a good year after its release. I didn't care much for the new pokemon outside a scant few, and the new game mechanic with those special Z-moves or whatever was stupid. I also won't include z-moves in this story.

And here's a little spoiler:

The Aether Foundation, despite my lack of thorough knowledge, is important for the future of this story :) You'll find out why in a couple of chapters!

Bab 98: C098 - Meeting Professor Kukui and his wife

AN: This is the map I'll be using for reference. We'll start top left in Melemele Island's Hau'oli City to meet up with Professor Kukui and getting his Popplio. Later, Pete goes to Akala Island to meet up with the Nurse Joy he told about Comfey in Heahea City + another destination. And, finally, he goes to the artificial island of Aether Paradise before going back to Hau'oli City for the finale.

Please note that 'island kahunas' still exist instead of gyms and gym leaders, but I think it's stupid for simply 16 people turning up to decide Alola's champion seemingly randomly like in the anime's 'Manalo Conference'. So the kahunas will act like gym leaders first with televised battles instead and weed out contestants.

Oh, and I sped up canon events for Professor Kukui, so they happen before Ash arrives at Alola. If you know the anime story, you'll know. If you don't, just ignore this note.


It turned out Elm and Pete miscalculated the massive power spike and increased stamina Mega Reuniclus got with the mega evolution. Instead of taking a full day, Pete arrived at the closest island to his home, Akala Island, in less than 15 hours. He reached the port of Hau'oli City on Melemele Island three hours later because they refrained from teleporting too much to enjoy the view of Alola in the early morning hours just after sunrise.

As he reached the gigantic commercial port of Hau'oli, Pete saw a character he vaguely recognized. A young girl who looked to be no older than 10 by his old world standards riding on a Lapras who looked gigantic compared to the little girl. In the girl's hand was a flimsy fishing pole that looked like it would break if even just a newly hatched Magikarp looked at it funny.

If Pete was forced to take a guess, he would place the little blue-haired girl as one of Ash's potential future companions, but he had no real reason to introduce himself to her even if she was a potential future champion of Alola without coming off as a creep so he steered the ship past her.

When he docked Steven's speedboat and paid the port's fee, Professor Kukui was already waiting for him in a cafe near the entrance to a port with his wife, Professor Burnet, who looked very pregnant. No 'fairy vision' was necessary to see if the woman was pregnant like he did with Elm's wife Vivian because Burnet looked like she was just about ready to give birth on the spot.

"Pete! Over here, over here! We just ordered, come sit with us and enjoy a nice Alolan breakfast," Kukui shouted as he noticed Pete walking over with two birds on both of his shoulders an Eevee in his arms, and an Espeon following behind him.

"Ah, professors! Good morning! Looks like we timed this perfectly," Pete greeted with a wide smile.

"Just call me Burnet," the white-haired and incredibly tanned woman waved away while resting a hand on top of her bulging stomach.

"Yeah, call me Kukui already. We talked about this," the bare-chested but white lab-coat wearing professor ordered while patting the head of his Lycanroc who lounged in the sand with the professor lazily sitting in the low beach chair of the cafe.

"I hope you didn't come here to wait for me?" Pete asked unsurely as he sat down on a chair of his own in front of the two Alolan natives. "I'd feel bad that I didn't consider contacting you about my arrival."

"Nah, mate. We came to the port because Burney here craves all kinds of yummy food, and this cafe serves grilled fishmeat even this early in the morning. This is a lucky coincidence," Kukui explained with a wink.

"I still think it's crazy that Alolan beaches are the only known waters in the world holding non-pokemon fish... I only know about non-pokemon birds in the far north continent of Ransei, non-pokemon critters in Sinnoh, and of course, non-pokemon bugs in woods all over the world. It's a little weird if you think about-" Pete stopped to look at both professors and saw them smiling at him. "Sorry, I sometimes talk before thinking. Didn't mean to bore you this bright and early."

"All good, mate. You sound smart enough that it would take a while for me to get bored," Kukui answered with a grin before his wife kicked his shin.

"Don't listen to the idiot. And don't apologize for being an intelligent young man. You obviously have something smart to share, so don't limit yourself," Burnet suggested with a warm smile while ignoring her husband's aggrieved expression.

The three took almost three hours before they finished breakfast at the cafe with Burnet ordering everything on the menu but only eating a bite from it before handing it over to the other two. Pregnancy really messes with a woman's wants and needs.

As they slowly walked to the couple's home in the outskirts of the city, Pete released his other pokemon and called over Reuniclus and Milotic, who were exploring the surroundings. Kukui was mighty impressed with the two mega evolved pokemon and talked about how he wanted to find a mega stone compatible with his many pokemon, but he wasn't successful yet.

And what a line-up Kukui had. When they reached his home, Pete saw a group of Incineroar doing physical training, two Decidueye competing in a sort of archery competition where they landed various attacks on targets in varying distances, four Lycanroc in differing forms wrestling each other without moves and there was a singular Alolan Ninetales cooling the tropical area around the house down to a warm summer's breeze all on her own in concentration.

That didn't even mention the sleeping mountain of a Snorlax behind the house, the three Primarinas catching food for everyone, and the two Magnezone Pete would later find that were currently in the basement of the building working on something for Professor Burnet.

"Uh, by the way. I brought you some gifts. Elm mentioned to me that you have a huge place here but don't really grow berry trees. They don't take a lot of care and you just have to keep them watered, maybe have a pokemon use ground type energy from time to time for nourishment and if you want more berries, ask a grass type pokemon to hurry the growth along," Pete explained before he noticed he was about to go on another tangent. "Anyway, I brought you these from my farm. A few trees you can find anywhere, but I cross-bred these Oran-Occa for fast burn healing, Leppa-Liechi for fast stamina recovery during physical training, and Rinka-Nanab. The last one is my newest creation, and it cures sore throats and aids even humans in faster recovery from almost any illness. My wife's family and I didn't find everything they could do yet."

"Oh yeah, I read in one of your papers that humans can eat as many Rinka Berries as they want without any side effects. Did the cross-breed retain this characteristic? That's what cross-breed means, right?"

As Burnet and Pete lost themselves talking all about berries and cross-breeding, Kukui called over the Decidueye to help him plant the trees. The professor had picked up enough through the conversation just now to know the appropriate spacing, and they were aided by Pete's Nidoking and Mega Milotic, who were both intimately familiar with the workings of a farm.

To get on great terms with the pokemon around the professor's house, Pete eventually opened up his bag to release a small mountain of pokeblocks and other food his pokemon liked at noon while Kukui himself prepared a few snacks for the three humans.

"So Pete, you have a meeting with Dana, one of our resident Popplio breeders, to get yourself your very own Alolan starter at 4?"

Pete looked at his watch and was shocked, "Thanks for the reminder! I was totally lost in our conversation! I guess I should get going! The map says they live on the other side of Hau'oli, and I'd rather pedal on my bike than have Reuniclus or Metagross just teleport me there!"

"Yeah, mate," Kukui interjected as he handed his wive another cool sweetened tea. "You can relax, though. No need to hurry - we live in different frames of mind on these islands."

"I'll embrace that on a day after my first. For now, I'd like to be punctual," Pete countered as he scratched his ear. "Is it okay if I leave my pokemon here and only take Togekiss, Espeon and his son? Mega Milotic is bonding with your Primarina, Arcanine is sleeping next to Snorlax, Mega Reuniclus is conversing with Ninetales, and Nidoking is playing around with my two birds and the Rowletts he found in the woods."

"Don't forget your Metagross making screeching noises together with the Magnezones and your Serperior looking for trouble deep into the forest," Burnet added with a laugh. "Are you sure it was okay to let your Flygon fly off like that, though? Dragon pokemon can be terribly irresponsible if they think their pride is challenged."

"Eh, she recently had a humiliating defeat. I think she needs a challenge to get some confidence back, and she'd rather find it on her own than stay at my side."

"Well, you're the trainer, so you do you," Kukui relented with a shrug. "I'll trust that your pokemon don't unnecessarily disrupt the peace on this island."

As Pete drove on the foldable bike that could be placed in his bag all the way from Route 1 in the east of Hau'oli through the northern outskirts towards Route 2 with only two of his pokemon accompanying him, one in a basket on the bike the other running along, the young professor-to-be took in the vastly different flora of the tropical island in fascination. There were palm trees everywhere, flowers with hard, rocky leaves that didn't take as much water as regular flowers and so much more.

Flexing his grass affinity a bit, Pete stopped here and there to pick up seeds, offshoots, and saplings and placed them in his bag to possibly grow them at his farm.

He passed a waypoint telling him to go right for the Hau'oli Cemeterey by staying on the path straight ahead and reached the western beachbront at route 2 a good hour after leaving Professor Kukui's home. He wasn't even going slow to give himself and Espeon a good workout while Togekiss floated along quite relaxed, which just goes to show how big this island truly was.

On the way, he had seen hundreds of wild pokemon just living their life. Even the very elusive Abra line lived in the outskirts of Hau'oli City, which was rare for psychic pokemon. And while he thought about psychic pokemon, Pete saw a few Pichu playing catch in the woods under the watchful eye of an Alolan Raichu.

It reminded him that he wanted to possibly catch one of his own or at least evolve a Pikachu while in Alola, but for now, that was on the lower end of priorities.

It took a while until he reached a small settlement that looked like a small town of fisherman with wooden houses built half into the water while on wooden stilts, yet from photos online he knew that this was where the breeders of the royal alolan water starter lived.

They were a small collective of five or six small families that lived here to breed these pokemon not for money but for a 'sacred promise to their ancestors'... apparently. Reaching the small circular bay area they claimed for themselves, Pete could at the very least appreciate the tranquility living at a place like this would bring.

"Ah, over here! You must be the rising star of the scholars, Professor Pete?"

Pete looked to a young tanned woman with blue eyes and blue hair and two small toddlers waddling next to her. He unsurely asked, "Dana? And, uh, it's just Pete. Not a professor yet."

"Yet! And yes, the very same! These are my two youngest daughters, Harper and Sarah. Come, follow me. The matriarch of these waters wants to see you," Dana greeted with a warm smile.

Pete first greeted the two toddlers who hid behind their mom's skirt and turned to Dana once more, "Oh? Is the matriarch a Primarina?"

Dana nodded with a happy expression on her face, "She is the great-great grandmother of most pokemon here. My grandmother told me she was already a strong Primarina when she was a little girl."

"Wow, I can't wait to meet a pokemon as old as her! What would she want to talk about with me?"

"Hmm, that's hard to say. As old as she is, I can only talk to her, and she shakes her head or nods at my questions. So you will have to talk to her more than the other way around," Dana answered with a dreamy smile.

"Oh, that's also no problem. I have quite a bit of experience talking to pokemon," Pete stated with confidence.

Dana led Pete forward and looked at him briefly before saying, "Who knows? Maybe she wants you to help rescue some Phione for some rewards. My grandmother said the old Primarina can talk to the Manaphy living in these waters."

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