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88.52% The Legendary Trainer / Chapter 53: Chapter 52: Danger and New Pokemon

Bab 53: Chapter 52: Danger and New Pokemon

"Damn it, what's the matter?"

The whole ship shook for no apparent reason, and Kaede hit the railing of the ship in front of him. Fortunately, he reacted in time and hugged his head with his hands. Otherwise, his head had to come in close contact with the hard steel railing.

At this time, both the deck and the inside of the ship were messed up. Some ordinary passengers with extremely poor psychological quality were scared and screamed like little girls.

However, the staff on the ship are quite in place to deal with this situation. Someone immediately used the broadcast to let the passengers on the deck and the ship not panic, and a large number of sailors also maintained the order on the deck.

While the crew on the ship comforted the passengers, a fierce battle was unfolding on the sea on the left side of the ship. With the help of the lights on the ship, a Gyarados could be seen, who was in anger, fighting fiercely with a Tentacruel who was no smaller than him.

At the same time, a sailor flying in the air on a Pelipper, was giving various orders to the Tentacruel below.

One after another terrifying orange Yellow beam or huge water column was released from Gyarados' mouth, sending out one after another huge waves on the nearby sea, and the main attack target was the ship.

However, whenever Gyarados wanted to point the attack at the Ship, Tentacruel, pulled its tentacles wrapped around Gyarados, shifting Gyarados' body, thereby As a result, Gyarados's aim was greatly deviated.

At some point, the ship was surrounded by some normal-sized Tentacruels, and these Tentacruels were all Pokémons of some frigate sailors on the ship.

As the tentacles of the strong Tentacruel gradually entangled Gyarados, it was difficult for Gyarados to turn his head to the side of the ship, and then continue to attack it.

The Tentacruel and Gyrados enaged in close combat going for blow to blow. It was a fight of inexhaustible stamina of Gyrados and outstanding regeneration Ability of Tentacruel.

Kaede's eyes lit up with an insignificant blue glow. Using the system's detection capabilities, he instantly saw the information of Gyarados and Tentacruel in front of him.

(Okay so im gonna change the status info alittle tell me if you ahve any problem with this).

Gyarados information is as follows:

Pokémon: Gyarados

Level : 45

Attribute: Water/Flying

Characteristic Trait: Intimidate

Gender: Male

Level Moves( moves learned by leveling up): Splash, Tackle, Flail, Bite, Thrash, Leer, Twister, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Scary face, Dragon Rage, Crunch, Hydro Pump

(TM: None)

(Hereditary Moves: None)

(instructed Moves: Hyper Beam, Surf)

Tentacruel's information is as follows:

Pokémon: Tentacruel

Level : 43

Attribute: Water/Poison

Characteristic Trait: Clear body

Gender: Male

Level Moves: Reflect Type, Wring Out, Poison Sting, Wrap, Acid, Supersonic, Toxic Spikes, Water Pulse, Hex, Acid, Bubble Beam, Water gun, Poison Jab, Screech

(TM: Ice Beam, Scald, Surf)

(Hereditary Moves: Aqua Ring)

(instructed Moves: Hyper Beam)

"Awesome, these 2 Pokémon Levels are so high, it is a high-level Pokémon battle. By the way, it must be recorded."

Looking at the 2 Pokémon fighting fiercely on the sea, Kaede showed a hint of excitement on his face.

It is not difficult to see from the data that this Gyarados should be a totem level pokemon here in this area. Kaede thinks that the Gyarados here attacked this ship because it unknowningly trespassed in this Gayarados territory.

"Guest, please go back inside the ship as soon as possible. The deck is dangerous now. Leave it to the captain. They will surely be able to repel all the Gyarados."

Just when Kaede was about to take out his laptop, and then record the battle using the laptop's infrared camera to continue to observe and record this exciting Pokémon battle, the sailor who had received Kaede before appeared infront of him and said anxiously.

"What!!! All Gyarados, you mean that this ship is facing more than just one Gyarados in front of us. Tell me, what happened?"

Kaede heard this and his complexion greatly changed. He turned around and grabbed the sailor's collar in front of him with his hands. At the same time, Golbat and Bellossom on his sides looked at him with bad looks.

"I, I am not quite clear either, it may be that there has been a problem with the route recently. You don't know the ferocious habit of Gyarados. If one is in danger there whole group comes for the rescue."

Just when Kaede was about to reply to tg sailor a Gayarados suddenly emerged from the left of them and directly charged a Hyper beam pointed straight at them.

And just when most people thought that the Ship was about to be hit by the Hyper Beam, a huge white air blade and a big Energy Ball suddenly shot out halfway, and then confronted the Hyper Beam head-on.

"Golbat, Air Cutter and Bellossom, Energy Ball, maximum output."

Golbat being a good radar managed to react in time thus giving Kaede opportunity to counterattack. The air blade cleaved the Hyper beam in two while the Energy ball manage to block the beam heading towards them.

The air blade made its way to Gyarados and hit it right on his head knocking it down.

However, Gyarados was obviously impossible to be defeated in such a simple way. He was just knocked down in the sea, and it quickly emerged from the sea again.

Gyarados became entangled with the tentacles of three Tentacruels, and then pressed it to depth of the sea, making it almost impossible to move even a little bit.

Taking this opportunity, Kaede also used the system's detection capabilities to see the Gyarados data in front of him.

Gyarados information is as follows:

Pokémon: Gyarados

Level :Level 35

Attribute: Water/Flying

Characteristic Trait: Intimidate

Gender: Male

Level Moves: Splash, Tackle, Flail, Bite, Water gun, Leer, Twister, Dragon Rage, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Scary face

(TM: None)

(Hereditary Moves: None)

(Instructed Move: Hyper Beam)

Gyarados in its rage managed to throw Tentacruel off of it. seeing this Kaede once again cammanded Golbat and Bellosome to attack with Shadow ball and Energy ball continuously.

Under the continous barage of Energy ball and Shadow ball with also stun spore and sleep powder Gyarados lost its combat ability.

However, just when Kaede was hesitant to subdue Gyarados, a Great Ball suddenly flew out of a dark corner and successfully hit Gyarados.

In the next second, under the gaze of Kaede and some nearby frigate sailor, Great Ball loaded Gyarados in and successfully conquered it, and then Pidegeotto flew down from the sky in an instant, trying to take the Great Ball away.

Hmph, want to steal from me lets see of you have the ability. Golbat use the strongest Gust move, don't let him run away."

Seeing someone wanting to snatch his spoils of war silently, Kaede's eyes were cold and severe, and he immediately asked Golbat to attack.

However, Golbat just wanted to follow Kaede's orders to attack, but he seemed to notice something, so he immediately stopped the attack, and then used Protect in front of Kaede.

In an instant, a Thundershock shot out from a dark corner, and the target of the attack was Kaede.

The lightning-fast bolts hits the energy shield that Golbat instantly displayed. Even though the energy shield has withstood most of the current attacks, there is still a small part of the current that crossed the energy shield and hits Kaede's body.

Suddenly, a piercing pain suddenly stimulated Kaede's nerves, and almost made him passout.

Bellosome watching this became enraged and suddenly shot out with bursts of energy balls.

The person watching this was alarmed and countered with a big attack Zap Cannon but Bellosome attack managed to block the attack and still hit its target. At this time due to the Miracle seed and also its own emotion have made Bellosome much more powerful.

A magneton passed out on the ground could be seen in the corner where attack came from. While Kaede was recovering the Pidgeotto managed to grab the great ball with Gyarados and its trainer out of the place and the magneton was also called back by him. In this exchange it was a big loss for Kaede.

"No need to chase, Golbat, Bellossom, please, use Grassy Terrain to heal me."

Watching the black clothed man being carried by Pidegeotto disappearing into the night sky with the Great Ball, Kaede, who was squatting on the ground, said to Golbat and Bellossom.

"Hmph, wait and see, it's my thing, it will be taken back sooner or later, i,ll make you pay for what you did."

Looking at the blood and a piece of Black rag left on the deck, Kaede released Growlithe, and then used the black rag to detect the smell, and then Growlithe nodded to him to indicate that he had remembered the rag. Yes Bellosome managed to injure the person.

Sooner or later Kaede will find him if he's on board then sooner id he's going to Hoenn then it will take time but revenge will be taken.

But first Kaede needs to deal with the impending doom he's facing right now. With the help of his Pokemon Kaede managed to defeat more Gyarados and also heal some injured people with Bellosome help. He also gifted an ordinary Gyarados to the sailor he was with. As its apptitude wasnt that good and he had to make connections maybe they'll come to fruitition on of these days.

After learning that the ferocious Gyarados had been defeated by the trainer and the sailors on the ship, the ordinary passengers on the ship finally felt relieved, and most of them took the initiative to send warm compliments to the warriors who dared to fight Gyarados.

Captain's room.

With a sound of "Ga~", a tall sailor wearing a captain's uniform pushed the door away, then lightly closed the door.

"How's it going, the goods are all intact."

After hearing the sound of the door being pushed, an old man inside, who was looking at the distant sea through the glass, asked steadily forward.

"Captain, the cabin has been invaded. Fortunately, there is nothing missing. Besides, a brother found this thing from under the boat."

Hearing the question from the old man in the captain's uniform, the sailor replied respectfully, and then took out a small palm-size instrument from his body.

However, the small instrument was severely damaged at this time, and a large hole appeared in the center. It seemed that something inside exploded automatically, destroying the entire instrument.

"Hmm, I didn't lose anything. This is a phonetic device. Could it be that this thing brought Gyarados here? Send this to the headquaters so that they can investigate about this also prepare a banquet for the passenger's they've been through hell".

"Aye sir! i will do it immediately". replied the sailor and left the room.

In the ship hall where the celebration banquet was held, the place was occupied by joy at this time, and there were beaming expressions on the faces of many people.

On the edge of a relatively remote table, Kaede, who had changed his face, was sitting on the side. He was munching on the delicious food on the table while talking with a tall sailor in front of him.

Kaede was a popular guy at this banquet as one after another people came and thanked him civilians and sailors alike since he helped in defeating some Gyarados and also healed some Pokemons and people.

At noon on the 2nd day, in Kaede's room.

he is sitting at the table in the living room at this time. There are a lot of delicacies on the table. He is now enjoying the various delicacies on the table while talking with a tall sailor in front of him.

The sailor infront of him is named Hansel. He and Kaede met when they fought with a Gyarados together. This Sailor has a Wartotle level 31 in his hands. Kaede helped him capture a Gyarados too. He knows that with the temper of Gyarados it would take too much time to tame it and also due to the fact that 2 3 people combined fought with it Gyarados would look down upon him thus he let this sailor capture it. On the Market a ordinary Gyarados is priced at 200000 P$ which is a significant pay for this sailor thus he became very polite and respectful to Kaede.

"Brother Sato, thank you so much. Although I almost died this time, it is indeed a big profit to catch a Gyarados. I have also discussed with a few brothers of mine, and I cannot let you be at a disadvantage. I heard that you are looking for a suitable Water Type Pokémon. I brought some good Water Type Pokémon with a few brothers. Although the level is very low, these Water Type Pokémon are carefully selected by us, There Aptitude's potential is definitely not bad."

He quickly took out three fishing balls from his body and said to Kaede with a smile. After learning that Kaede was looking for a suitable Water Type Pokémon, they immediately got a few good ones from the other sailors on the ship at a price. As sailor they catch Water type Pokemon all the time to sell them for good money so it was not a difficult matter for them.

"Oh, yes, then I have to take a good look at the Water Type Pokémon you brought Brother. I am on the boat, but I don't have a Water Type Pokémon in my hand. I feel a little flustered, you also know that Pokémon cannot be cultivated indiscriminately, otherwise it will waste resources and energy."

Kaede hearing this, his eyes lit up, he also drank the beer in his glass, and then said excitedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kaede immediately turned his attention to the three fishing balls on the table, with an insignificant blue glow in his eyes, he instantly saw the Pokémon information in the three fishing balls.

The next second, Kaede's eyes showed a hint of joy. The three Pokemon in these Pokeballs were Squirtle, Totodile and a Mudkip.

Moreover, from the information displayed by the 3 Pokémons of the 3 Water Type Royals at this time, the Aptitude of the 3 Pokémons is indeed very good, although it is not as good as the Charmeleon of Alice Sasaki that Kaede encountered before, but they can all be regarded as high quality.

The information of 3 Water Type Pokémon and 3 Pokémon is as follows:

Pokémon: Squirtle

Level : Level 12

Attribute: water

Characteristic Trait: Torrent

Gender: Female

Level Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Withdraw.

Hereditary Moves: Aqua Ring, Aqua Jet

TM: None

Instructed Moves: None

Pokémon: Totodile

Level : Level 13

Attribute: water

Characteristic Trait: Torrent

Gender: Male

Level Moves: scratch, Leer, Water Gun, Scary face, Bite

Hereditary Moves: Ice Punch

TM: None

Inustructed Moves: Metal Claw

Pokémon: Mudkip

Level : Level 12

Attribute: water

Characteristic Trait : Damp

Gender: Male

Level Moves: Tackle, Growl, Water Gun, Mud Slap, Surf

Hereditary Moves: Refresh, Mirror Coat

TM: None

Inustructed moves : None

From the current information alone, the 3 Water Type Royals are all very good. They all have some relatively good Hereditary move, especially Mudkip, it even owns rare Implicit Characteristic Damp. but Aptitude is not the most important thing. If the characters of these 3 Water Type Royals are not suitable for fighting, he will not take them.

After getting Hansel consent, Kaede quickly opened the three fishing balls placed on the table. In a short time, three white rays of light shot out from the Pokéball, and then landed on the ground.

After the white light disappeared, Squirtle, Totodile and Mudkip suddenly appeared on Ground. At this time, Golbat, who had been on the roof, immediately flew down ot the shoulder of Kaede, and glared like a tiger watching his prey.

Immediately Totodile became defensive and ready to fight if not for Golbat it would have already attack him. Kaede became intrested in it but just a little as it was a wild pokemon it would take time to tame his impulses. Squirtle was taken off the list as it immediately withdrew into its shell hoping to hide. Mudkip on the other hand is another story.

The one with the most normal development is Mudkip, which is different from the other two Pokémons. He sat on the ground as soon as it came out, and then looked motionless like a statue, and his expression was a bit dull. A line of snot slid down his little nose. All in all it looked like it was a bit dumb.

However, Kaede observed carefully and found that since Mudkip came out, his slightly demented eyes have been staring at Golbat on his shoulders vaguely, and the posture of his body is also a posture that can enter a fighting state at any time.

"Interesting, it seems dumb, but it's actually a clever ghost."

"How about it, brother Sato, these 3 are all Pokémon from Water Type. They were all caught by us. Of course, you also know that if you want to meet them in the wild, you need to be very lucky."

Looking at the three Water Type Pokémons in front of him, especially after seeing the situation of Squirtle and Mudkip, Hansel suddenly inwardly cursed in his heart, and quickly said to Kaede.

"I know this naturally. The 3 Pokémons are all good, but I prefer Mudkip. Can I ask for Mudkip?"

Kaede naturally heard what Hansel said, and immediately said with a smile.

"No problem, I said, you can pick any of these 3 Pokémon, but I advise my brother to choose Totodile. Look at his wild temperament and strong body, you know that he can fight well."

Hearing Kaede's words, Hansel showed a strange expression on his face, and then kindly tried to persuad him. After all, compared to Totodile, which is well-developed and irritable, at this time a dumb Mudkip is not as good as Totodile.

"Many thanks for your suggestion, I will choose Mudkip."

Kaede hearing this, slightly smiled, continued to insist on his choice.

"Well, since brother Sato likes Mudkip, it is yours now."

Seeing this, Hansel had no choice but to respect Kaede's choice, he put Squirtle and Totodile away with fishing balls, and then handed the fishing balls belonging to Mudkip to Kaede.

After passing Mudkip's fishing ball to Kaede, Hansel, who had completed his goal, immediately found an excuse to say goodbye. Kaede knew this well and immediately sent Hansel away. Before leaving, He also gave the other side a few bottles of premium beer.

"By the way, I almost forgot, Sato, the captain asked me to tell you that tomorrow there will be an entertaining Pokémon competition. In order to prevent accidents, he hopes that you can temporarily play the role of Medical personnel."

When Kaede was about to close the door, Hansel suddenly turned around and said to him.

"Let me be a medical staff? Compared to medical staff, I also want to participate in the competition. Cruise sponsored the competition, the prize should be good."

Hearing what Hansel said, he replyed while not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"Well, it's pretty good. If I didn't have a job, I would also like to participate. I heard that the champion award is a mysterious water type item which might be very expensive thing."

Hansel hearing this, said with a smile, and then he continues to persuade Kaede to let him serve as a medical staff.

"Okay, okay, I will go, I agrew, no wonder so many people came to me early this morning."

Knowing that he couldn't get rid of it, he had no choice but to agree. He didn't know who passed the information about his room number. Many Trainers came to him to treat Pokémon early this morning.

With a "bang~", Kaede closed the door.

"Well, the outsiders are gone. I know you are very smart. Now you don't have to pretend to be stupid. Don't worry, Golbat will not hurt you. Now we are partners."

Seeing that Mudkip still maintained a dull look, he squatted down in front of Mudkip, then smiled and said to him.

To be continued...

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