Somewhere in Eastshire…
A lady who seemed to be in her early forties sipped from her cup of tea as she stared at the city where she grew up.
Seated across her was an old man who seemed to have seen better days in his youth. Still, he had a contented look on his face, as he, too, looked at the peaceful city with a faint smile on his face.
Suddenly, they heard the cry of a raven, prompting the two of them to look at the sky.
A minute later, the Spirit Guide landed on the top of the table, facing the beautiful woman who had long blonde hair and blue eyes.
“It’s you, Lynn,” the woman said with a smile, greeting her daughter’s raven. “You must be tired. Here, have some biscuits.”
The Raven nodded its head in thanks and pecked the biscuit offered to her by her Master’s mother, who went by the name Isabel Raylight.
The beautiful woman then carefully opened the metallic cylinder Lynn had been carrying and took out its contents.
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