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54.16% [BL] My Master , Your Wolf / Chapter 13: Everyone in the Ring city

Bab 13: Everyone in the Ring city

On the ship, Sigurd and Lukas are heading to the Circle. When Yrsa is going to seem, them she will send them back after an earful. She specifically instructed Lukas to not come at the circle. Well as the concern for Nissa pushed them from behind, they forgot her words or more like they didn't matter anymore in their eyes. What's good staying at home if his sister left home and the danger lurks everywhere?

Their plan was to ask Yrsa if she visited them or to see if she freed them. Not the smart plan they could think of, I would say. Given the stress and worry they accumulated in two days after the disappearance, their minds are clouded.

As the boat is in the port, they mount on their horses having a way to the Circle on the crowded principal road.

People are out selling and buying goods as it was a day of celebration after Frey was crowned. The two men are surprised to see so many people having a good time despite Yrsa and Kai being in the prison. They were loved by the kingdom. Now as if they were forgotten in the back of their minds, all buy gifts for the new Leader.

Sigurd gazes around, surprised by the difference in the way the houses were made. Stone made blocks is well arranged from the foundation till the top of the houses. It gives a different feeling than the wooden houses from Lupis, where the 'castle 'is. Here no forest gives the city a fresh air nor vines on the house. Instead, the hard stone houses with a few trees, there and there, gave a hostile feeling.

The people from Lupis were warm-hearted but here the people seem to be busy and more sophisticated. Their clothes are not just a shirt and pants, the floral dresses, and hats, even glasses are in seen by Sigurd in the glass of the shop he just passed. Shoes made by a bearded man and his wife that sews the leather on the platform are working together, giving the passer by people a view of how their shoes are made.

One think catches Sigurd's attention more, a jewelry shop. He remembers that he used to wear rings and necklaces. an emerald stoned ring stops him. After dismounting he rushes in the shop.

"Wait for me a little…"

Lukas is not the type to were rings but the necklaces were his obsession. After quickly tying the horses. he follows Sigurd.

"The price is 100 coins." He looks in his little bag, that Yrsa left him. It has around 300 coins.

"I will think about.."

With a sigh, he closes the bag. Maybe next time, when he will earn his money. These will not be used on a wimp when his sister is missing. Who knows if money will be need if something happened with her.

He leaves the shop and waits for Lukas who is enjoying his eyes at some pearl necklaces. His anger rises when the man keeps on spinning in the shop forgetting they are on a mission.

He rises his voice as he shoves his head in the shop. "Uncle! Hurry up!"

Startled by the boy, Lukas gives the money to the man and puts two necklaces over his head. The white pearl one complimented the blue one, as they rest on his massive chest. His choices are surprisingly going well with his blonde hair and blue eyes. With the bun, he looks like a middle-aged woman going shopping for vegetables. But this style suits him.

"Your jewels are the best!" He smiles brightly as he leaves the shop. The sop owner waves and tells him to come again.

Sigurd in already mounted on Arvak and the glare towards his uncle is making Lukas laugh. He mounts on. The Circle is seen in the distance. His upper-level sticks out towards the sky.

. . . .

In the cabin the growls echo in the deep forest.

The madam is sitting before Nissa with a needle and a container for blood. In her mouth a gag rubs her mouth corners as she screams, the wounds formed making it hard to not drop a tear from the sting she felt as she moves tires to oppose. She is sitting in a corner of a dark room. Her hands are tied back and as well her feet. Her dark circles under the eyes and messy hair that changed color from golden to brown from the dirt in the room, is the way she looks since she was kidnapped by Karlen. It's been two days; she is still untamed.

The madam let her calm down, but she is getting even feistier. It's time she starts her experiments.

Karlen is behind her and assists her.

"Use your aura to put her on mute. My head hurts." The woman glances behind her and spits. She insects the needle.

"Yes madam. "He mutes her. Her eyes are definitely glare at him with a murdering intend. To bad she was to one that will suffer.

Nissa moves her head and tries to talk but no sound, as if she lost her voice. The fear as she sees the woman closes the distance between them, is making her hit the woman with the legs..

The madam falls back from the hit but rises quickly and with a composed attitude she pulls herself up.

"You asked for it." Her kick hits Nissa's head. The girl flies, slamming her head on the wooden floor. Just tears fall as the floor makes a cracking sound. Her hear covers the face that will have bruises.

The woman squat down as she parts her coat. With agile fingers the rope is untied. She checks to see if the girl fainted. Nissa moves a little, unable to move from the pain she feels at her temple. A hot liquid flows and touches her cheek. She doesn't see clearly. Just feels her hands lighter. A shadow is above her; the presence of a person.

"Madam, she is bleeding. Karlen sees the blood bath formed under her head.

"Don't worry. "She finishes untying her and turns her on the other side. The blood is springing out of her head. Her eyes are half closed.

"Use your aura to stop the bleeding after the blood fills my container. It will fill faster than with a needle."

She puts the container and blood gathers in it as time passes. The girl pales and sweat covers her neck and arms. The blood is dry on her hair and face. The gag is taken off and with a wet wipe the woman cleans her mouth. She wouldn't want an infection. The container is full and Karlen uses his Aura to heal her. She doesn't move and her breath lowers.

"Heal her completely." The woman lift herself and gets out of the room with the container.

Karlen is putting his hands over her and the Aura covers her body. Her breath regulates and the wound's scar is fading. The man looks at her expressionless. She is like new. The blood makes Karlen frown. Her eyes open. The blinks continue as she stares at him without reacting. He knows for sure that the spell of her being muted was untied as he healed her. Why is she quite?

Few minutes ago, she was growling through that gag and struggled to escape. Now as the silence is interrupted by the door being opened, she only turns her head looking at the madam who steps towards her.

"Have you healed her? What spell did you use on her? She obedient. "She squats and puts a cup on the floor as she inspects her.

"I healed her. She opened her eyes and its being silent since then."

They look at her from head to toe and everything is fine. Then what's wrong with her?

"What's your name? "The woman asks Nissa. The girl opens her mouth to talk as she is still laying down on the floor."

"What … is .. my name? I do…not know. "The girl tilts her head as she stair at the woman and the man that are expressionless.

"She lost her memory. "The madam whispers just so Karlen could hear. She pats the girl and with a smile encourages the girl to stand up.

"Come! Let's get you something to eat. Karlen go clean the table in the kitchen."

The girl seems lost in thought as she rises being supported by the woman. The blood on the floor was wiped but the dark room scares her somehow.

"Where ..are we?" She musters to mumble as she walks with the madam towards to door.

"It's our house. Let's go eat. " Nissa buys the lie and stops asking questions. She assumes that the woman is her mother and the man that is cleaning in the kitchen is her brother.

She is put on the chair and The woman cooks a soup. As the food boils, all three sit around the table.

Her clothes are torn and her skin in having a layer of dirt, the hair is half bathed in blood and her face shows the fatigue, since she couldn't sleep for the two days.

The woman inspects her and comes to the conclusion that she really had amnesia. With this unexpected situation, her experiments will be a lot easier. She smirks. She will finally be able to test the solution that she worked for few months on.

After the soup is eaten, the woman brings some pills.

"Darling, in the morning take this pill, it will make you feel less fatigued. And this tea, you have to drink it every single night. Understood?" She smiles and the girl nods. She drinks the tea and smiles back to the madam.

"Can I go play outside, mother? "She jumps from the chair and her way of thinking like a 12 years old girl makes the woman giggle. After giving her permission, Nissa runs in the yard. She looks curious to the horse that grazes peacefully.

"Go wash her in the river later. She will be pleased to ride the horse."

"Yes, madam." He follows her instruction and gets out of the cabin. Nissa sees him and jumps on him calling him brother. He walks around with her being cling on him.

The madam glances on the window at the two. She smirks as she goes back in her lab.

'My plan works better than expected…'

. . . . .

"What do you mean she disappeared! " Yrsa is griping the bars of the cell.

Lukas and Sigurd just told her about Nissa. As they just arrived, the guards didn't noticed them.

"Calm down. We are here undercover. "Sigurd gets closer and yells at her in undertone. The uncle checks to see if the guard heard the woman who screamed her lungs out.

Her expression is giving a chill to the boy. Her growl and panicked face, it was their fault. Her clothes are dusty and the food served to them is on the ground.

"By your reaction, Nissa didn't came here? "The boy asks surprised. He was expecting the girl to already talk to them. It's been two days since she left. There's no way she didn't had time to came here. Than if she didn't came here, she must have had others plans?

"Why did she left? "Her voice trembles as she lets herself fall on the ground. Kai is supporting her so she won't hit her knees. He hugs her.

After telling her what they thought her reason of missing was, she explained that no one visited them, apart from the guards, that left to change their shifts few minutes ago

"Ask people around the port, she is known around her. But be careful. They don't need to know that she is missing. If she really didn't arrive here means she is in the forest home. I hope that's the case."

"Mom.. I promise to find her no matter the cost. "Sigurd stair in the eyes of the woman. He is serious. Her determined eyes make Yrsa belief him.

"Don't think I forgot…. Lukas, come closer! "The man comes close and she grabs his necklaces keeping him with his head on the cold iron bars.

"Why did you bring Sigurd with you! Do you want me to kill you here? "She glares as she screams with low volume. The uncle is pressed against the bars and his tears fall. Sigurd is impressed by the tears the uncle has for his sister. He wants to help him but is backing off after hearing what he just says.

"Not my necklaces! "The woman pulls with more force after hearing him. She is angry. Kai is keeping her from the waist so that she doesn't hit Lukas.

"Necklaces! You need necklaces?!" She rips the white on and as Kai pulls her from behind she falls on him as the blue necklace slips from her grip.

Lukas stops his fake crying and gathers the white pearls. As he takes on by one, he glances at Yrsa.

"I am sorry, but I can protect him. Nissa is alone, we need to find her. What if she is kidnapped?" He frowns and his voice is low.

"You never listen. You did good coming after her but why did you bring Sigurd with you?" She calms down and comes closer.

"It is not his fault! I wanted to come. "The boy puts his hand on the uncle's shoulder. It's not like she understands what was happening.

"Karlen left in the morning. Should I have left him alone? "He rises his eyebrows at the woman who is regretting the way she torn his necklace.

As Yrsa wants to apologize, the guard's steps are echoing in the cells.

"Go! Find Nissa! " Lukas is grabbing Sigurd's hand and he pulls him towards the end of the prison cells.

The closed air and smell of mold turn his stomach upside down. A man whit multiple injuries, a raging wolf growls at them as they pass in a hurry the corridor. They reach the end and Lukas takes out a key. He pushes it in the wall and the wall lifts herself.

The fresh air from outside makes Sigurd take a mouth of it as if he couldn't breath properly just then.

"We need to get them out of this garbage prison. "The boy wipes the dust and spiderweb. He looks around and realizes that they are behind the building. The stables are in front of them, and Arvak pricks his ears.

After cleaning themselves they go and mount on the horses. Without mush be be said the head to the port. They will ask people around.

. . . . . .

In the tea shop, Waylen, and Thyra drink mint with lemon. The principal road is on their side. She sips while her eyes scan the people that pass. A clue, a hint of something that will make her question the person. The big window helps visualize the crowd. Waylin is sipping as his eyes are on his sister. She is serious and her sharp eye search very persistent is wondering how she can drink from the cup while looking out of the window. Not a single drop of the tea is splat on her vest.

"What do you think? "He leans on the chair waiting for her to look at him.

She doesn't advert her eyes and holds the cup close to her mouth.

"What I think? While I sip …. I think that no matter how much I stare no assassin will stroll in the principal road. I feel miserably for my stupid choice. "She sips and continues to stare.

He wants to laugh; her serious face doesn't match her thoughts. Why is she staring if she things it's useless? Well, just she had this strong sense of responsibility. Doing nothing while her aunt told her what to do, she can't stay still drink a cup of tea, this will feel like she ignored Yrsa's words. While the mission is serious, of course she can't relax. In the same time as they drink this tea, the wolves can continue on killing innocent people.

Thyra frowns. She knows to well the weight of her mission.

"Well, we can't die of dehydration. We will find them. Just take your eyes of the window and drink properly. "He puts the cup on the table.

She puts her cup too and looks at him.

"One second. "She averts her eyes and looks on the window again. Her eyes widen.

"What?" Waylin asks her reluctantly. What did she spot this time? The last time she spots something was a grandma having her hands bloody, and when they questioned her, it seemed that she was the owner of the butchery. The old lady strokes them. His back still hurts.

"Its Lukas and Sigurd!" She runs outside. Waylin pays and follows her. No need to hurry.

It is as she said. Lukas and Sigurd are on their horse. The girl catches the horses by the reins and they stop.

"Thyra?!" Both are surprised and dismount. She takes them in the shop. They sit and she sends Waylin to command them something. Waylin comes and hears them talking about Nissa.

"What's with her? "He sits on his chair and asks curious. The last time they saw each other, she didn't even hugged him when he left. He wonders why she isn't with them.

"She disappeared two days ago. After we receive the news of our parents imprisonment. "Sigurd sips from the can and looks at him. He is left without words price of few seconds.

"What do you know?" His still keeps his composure but his eyebrows are furrowed his hands grip each other.

Lukas tells him everything they knew. He also tells him that they are still looking after her.

"We are looking after the wolves. Yrsa didn't wanted to let us free them. She ordered us. "The girl crosses her legs and looks at Lukas.

"Of course, she wouldn't allow you. Should we search together? We also think that she could be kidnapped."

At the word kidnapped Waylin stirs on his chair, like he can't sit still. If she was indeed kidnapped, he can't help but get anxious. Also, after what he knows the assassin and wolves are capable.

"I want to go find her my myself. If we go in group, its hard to not attract attention. Can you allow me? I will take after her scent. Father is a master; you not a wolf and Thyra wants to find the wolves. I am the most capable of doing this mission. You three can go find the wolves, Thyra will get their scent."

The way he speaks till his last air is used, makes them look at him and than at each other. He was powerful and he will sure give his interest in finding her.

"You sure? " Thyra is glancing at him after taking a sip. She wanted to find the wolves so Nissa in her perspective was fine. After all she was stronger than her.

"I am coming with you! "Sigurd puts the cup on the table and stares at Waylin. He has no interest in the wolves but finding Nissa is his only priority. He planed to plant some flowers with her. As long as Yrsa and Kai were safe in prison the wolves couldn't kill them so, Nissa was the reason he came, after all.

Waylin sighs and looks at him. He knows that Sigurd was a wolf. Keeping him by his side wasn't so bad. But he hated him a little or it was more jealousy? Nissa always seemed to care about Sigurd a little more then him.

"No need! I will find her. "He slams the empty cup. Sigurd glares back and continues to argue that he can help him. None of his reasons were reasonable: finding steps, riding a horse, combat fighting and knife throwing. Waylin rises onto his feet and looks down on him.

"Who need you when a can smell the scent, and you just learned to ride a horse also your body is slim so anyone can overpower you even if you know 'combat 'fighting. You know how to throw a knife?"

Waylin takes out his knife and throws it fast as he turns. The knife flies and pins on the wall the hat of a person who wanted to walk out of the store.

"Are you sure you can handle traveling with me?"

Sigurd rises and throws his knife too. His knife flashes through a cup that a man wanted to put on the table. His fingers were not even scratched.

The people in the store applaud and look with respect at the two boys who demonstrated their skills.

Lukas and Thyra are surprise by Sigurd. They agree to sent him with Waylin.

"I guess I am coming. "Sigurd smirks as he mounts on Arvak. Waylin mounts on to.

"You will want home in few days. Follow me."

The horses walk in the distance as Lukas and Thyra watch them as the boys argue.

"Sigurd is a special boy. "Lukas mumbles as he takes his stuff and goes in the ship with Thyra.

The sun is ready to set. A cold night awaits them.

redlady redlady

I am still waiting for your reviews !

Please cheer me up!

I will try to update one chapter a day .I am fired up!

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