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58.92% Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse / Chapter 32: Chapter 25: Fairy Disaster, Healed World & Epilogue

Bab 32: Chapter 25: Fairy Disaster, Healed World & Epilogue

A/N :

" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Akasha, Minerva,

"Italicized text" : Telepathy,

{ }: Parallel Wills,

« » : Artificial Intelligence,

// // : W System announcement,

| |: Majutsu/Conjuring usage.(Using MA energy for skills, spells, etc.)


Location: Demon Lord Castle

Dante POV

After explaining the current situation to the reincarnations and shutting down all their protests by simply giving them a tablet with all the information of Taboo LV10 that automatically plays the information as a video, Shiro and I left them there in the room. I had told them that if they required anything, all they had to do was ask and they would be provided with what they needed, but they would not be allowed to leave.

As we walked back to the Command Centre/Strategic Planning Room, I thought about how drastically I had changed things in this world by strengthening the demons. For one, all elves that were present in the demon realm were all destroyed the morning after I put up the barrier, so that basically left Potimas blind to our preparations.

We also shut down all of the Hero's advantages. You see, the Hero is basically meant to be a cheat, supported by the system, and how that works is this: If the hero is fighting a battle where they are being overwhelmed by stats, the system would provide them with a shit ton of energy so that they would defeat their enemy, apart from administrators, of course. For them, the Hero would have to use the divine weapon created by D, the Hero's Sword, which has been destroyed for the past 3 years. As for how exactly we shut down the system's aid, the restraints that were used to hold Julius were made from my nanobots and were given the singular function to deactivate the effects of the Hero skill and title.

Shaking myself from those thoughts, I and Shiro walk into the Command Centre. When we reach the room, we see Ariel and Güliedistosiez seated at their respective seats and nod at me. Understanding their message, I open portals to all the Army Commanders at their respective seats while Shiro takes her seat, and shortly after, the Commanders all sit down in their seats.

"You've all completed your objectives, good job. Now, we can focus on the final targets of this war, the elves." Ariel says and I activate the holographic projector, making it show all the information we currently have on the elves. At the same time, small canisters pop up on the table in front of each demon and spray a small cloud of nanobots that infiltrate their bodies and go straight into their brains, dumping the full information of Taboo LV10 and our battle against the G-Fleet in their brains while speeding up their processing speeds and knocking them out, so they could absorb the information quickly.

A few minutes later, the absorption finishes and they are woken up by the nanobots that just dissipate into energy. Sitting up, they collectively look at Ariel with eyes that are practically begging forgiveness for their thoughts toward her actions. She easily notices this and looks at me with a quirked brow, to which I just smirk and she huffs in response.

"Now, I see that you've all seen the reason why we need to get rid of the elves and their technology." She says, but before she continues, Agner raises his hand to ask a question and she gives him permission. "I understand that all the machine technology must be destroyed, but is there any need to kill all the elves?" Hearing his question, she nods and tells me to explain the reason to them.

"The reason for that, is that their leader Potimas Harrifenas, has implanted a piece of his soul in every single one of them. As things are now, the only elves that do not have his soul in them are half-elves born from human or demon unions with elves." Upon hearing this, everyone ground their teeth, thinking how evil Potimas was and how he could implicate even the newborns of his race in something that would not only cause the destruction of the planet, but would also make their race enemy number one if it were ever found that they were responsible.

"Moving past that. We've been able to map out the Great Garam Forest and the Tenth Army has been teleported there to get rid of the monsters that surround the elf village within it. So if all goes according to plan and prediction, we'll initiate our final assault on the elves this evening." Ariel says with finality, leaving everyone in the room silent.

Eventually, a question that I could tell was stuck at the back of their minds was asked by Bloe. "I understood everything that Taboo has told us, which now begs the question. Why were we then told to try and lower the casualties if more deaths was the key to finalizing the repair?" After he asks this, indistinct mumbling ensues as the others agree. Ariel looks to me and tells me to show them the reason for that order.

Nodding my head, I switch the hologram to a full 3-D view of the entire planet. "This is the planet." I say, then show them the magic circle encompassing the planet, causing all their eyes to widen, except for Shiro, Ariel and Wrath as they already knew of it. "And this is the magic circle I have put on it. Its functions are pretty simple. It takes the MA energy present within the souls of beings in the system when they die and stores it, then it multiplies that energy a thousand times over. Its third function is to inject the accumulated energy into the system's core, destroying it. Due to its presence, the number of deaths required is a lot less, so I believe this answers your question." I say, looking at their shocked expressions.

A incoming call cuts through the silence in the room, showing its sender to be Phelmina, who is calling from the Great Garam Forest, and I pick the call. "Tenth Army Vice Commander Phelmina reporting." She says with a salute. "Acknowledged. Report." Shiro says and she nods. "Monster extermination is going smoothly, and no elves have exited the village. However, an Anti-Magic Barrier is active and it covers the entire village." Her words cause murmurs to erupt from the demon race Commanders.

"I see. Continue with the monster extermination and make sure to keep any elves from leaving the perimeter of the Anti-Magic Barrier. Leave the destruction if the barrier to Dante and I, you just keep up the good work." Phelmina nods in acknowledgement while struggling to keep herself from smiling like an idiot, then she cuts off the call.

"Well, you've got the info you need, so if you're going to join, prepare a tenth of your forces and call when ready. You'll all be teleported to the rendezvous point. As for the Daztrudia continent, 40% of your forces will be sent to subdue the humans there, so don't worry about that." Ariel says to them, and with that the meeting was concluded and the commanders were returned to their posts, teleported by yours truly.

After the meeting ends, Shiro and I go back to the room where the reincarnations are being held, which has its own time dilation field that would allow them to finish watching the video of Taboo LV10 and still allow them to think on it for a few minutes. Opening the door, we see them ruminating on the information they had just received, especially Filimøs whose father was directly responsible for most of the damage done to the world.

As we close the door, they look at us with their eyes showing how unsure they were of what reaction they should have to this. "Now then, I see you have all gotten a proper look at the truth of this world. So we're going to tell you now, all human domains will now be taken over by the demons." Saying this caused all of them that were nobles in one way or the other to object vehemently, asking why I would subject their families to the cruelty of demons.

"Oh, shut up. They're only taking over by subjugation, not extermination. All that'll happen is that they and by extension, you, will lose your noble positions and that's it. Other than that, there's nothing else for you to be worried about, so shut it." I say to them coldly. After a few more minutes of silence, Filimøs speaks up, asking if I could at least spare the lives of a few elves, so I told her the reason why I shouldn't and wouldn't, causing her to break into sobs.

Despite knowing full well that I could just take a few elves and rewrite their minds so they could be spared, I had decided on just letting the elf race be exterminated, because I knew that unless I altered the memory of Taboo in the minds of every living being on the planet, the elves would still be in danger of being killed by everyone else, not to mention that history would repeat itself, as an elf would eventually recreate the technology in an attempt to help his race and before you know it, they'll end up harming the planet again. And this was from me checking through all scenarios that had at least a 10% chance of happening.

Shiro walks up to Filimøs and pats her back, attempting to comfort her, even if just a little. She tells her that she had saved her during their time on Earth and she was going to make sure to repay her for it. This confused Filimøs as she wondered when such a thing had happened, until Shiro revealed that she was the spider that Oka had saved from the boys in the class, while Hiiro Wakaba was in fact an administrator, a High Administrator at that, named D. This news also shocked everyone else in the room as she had said this out loud. It also served as a short distraction from the news of the demons basically taking over most of the world.

After some time, they eventually got hungry, but I had programmed the nanobots in this room with the thought of caretaking in mind, so anything they would need for a comfortable stay was going to be provided by the room itself. There's even an incubator holding the dragon egg, that's also helping the developing dragon inside it get a little bit stronger.

Meanwhile, Shiro and I had headed to the Great Garam Forest and we're just strolling through it, while the members of the Tenth Army continue killing the monsters around. "You know, I've been thinking, should I kill Güliedistosiez if he tries attacking me like in the other timeline?" She asks, referring to the battle between the dragon and her alternate self, that was interrupted by D before she could kill him.

"I'm sure a beating would be enough for him, especially if it hits him faster than he could ever possibly sense it coming. He's just going to be making an emotional decision, so there's no need to kill him for that. If he tries anything stupid afterward, then he's all yours to deal with however you see fit." I tell her, dismissing the thought.

After a while, we got to the barrier and looked inside it to see the elves frantically making preparations for the invasion that will undoubtedly result in their complete elimination. Using astral projection, I contact the other Commanders, asking if they are ready with their troops and they all affirm that they are. "Good to know. You'll all be teleported here in 10 minutes, so finish up any checks you may still have to do quickly."

Returning all copies of my astral form, I called all members of the Tenth Army and they speedily made their way to our location. Upon their arrival, I tell them to prepare for the imminent assault on the elf village and be ready to attack in 10 minutes. Sophia just brandishes her broadsword while saying out threats to Potimas' life, while Phelmina rolls her eyes in response.

The 10 minutes pass and the Tenth Army has returned to our location, ready to kill elves. Snapping my fingers, I teleport the Commanders to different locations close to the barrier and open a portal for Ariel to step through. As she steps through, I put my hand on her shoulder, wrapping her body in nanomachines, from head to toe. They stick to her like a second skin and shortly after, go transparent.

She looks at me questioningly and I tell her that it's to serve as a more effective defense against Potimas' machines and measures. "I see. So, may you do the honors." She says, then Shiro and I put our hands on the barrier and channel our energy into it, linking a few strands of energy to the barrier generator via their connection and cause it to explode, killing all the elves in the vicinity of the explosion and deactivating the barrier. Immediately after, I destroy all the teleport gates in the village by blowing them up and causing more casualties for the elves.

Despite the place being referred to as a village, it's considerably large. Granted, the demons are able to fully surround it, boxing in the elves, even with the Glorias helping them. Dealing with the trees was quite easy, as the commanders just use Black Magic or Terrain Magic to get rid of them. We watch as they charge into the village area to attack the elves.

"You know, I'm certain that we're gonna win this fight, but I wanted to ask this, what's the probability that we survive this?" Ariel asks, referring to herself, Sophia, Mera, Wrath and the puppet sisters. ""100 percent."" Shiro and I say calmly.

"What about the bodies that Potimas has outside?" "Reduced to atoms." My response elicits a small chuckle from Shiro. "Phew. That's great. At least he can only make trouble for us now." Ariel says with a small smile. The bodies that she had referred to were the Gloria bodies that he had left in different parts of the world, which I had now fully disintegrated, leaving him no leeway to mess with us outside of the elf village, especially since he's only got one real body.

While the Demon Army and the Commanders were attacking the rest of the elves, Shiro, Ariel and I went down a more isolated path where we were attacked by multiple Gloria Type-B robots, which were taken care of with a few Black Spears. We walk to the area where all the robots are coming from and happen upon a hatch that tries to slide shut, but I stop it from moving, breaking it.

Sighing with a resolute look on her face, Ariel turns to look at us. "Well, wish me luck." She says and walks down the hatch, to face off against Potimas for the last time. "Good luck, not like you really need it though." I say as I wave her off to her final battle. As she walks down the hatch, we turn to the battlefield, fully prepared to destroy the elves and their machines.

Ariel POV

In as much as I hate him, Potimas Harrifenas has been an inextricable element of my life. From when I was born even to the present day, he's always haunted my days, all because the bastard of an elf is my father, not that he ever treated me as his daughter.

Not that it matters now, especially since I can't even confirm that he really is my father. I don't think he would even have recorded my birth in a family register of any kind, since he only saw me as a lab rat.

My earliest memory is of lying in a lab of some sort, being stuck there for a very long time as he continued experimenting on me. He regularly put on educational programs for me to watch while I was stranded on the bed, trying to see if I could develop intelligence at the same rate as a human.

An experiment, that's all I was born to be, as I didn't even know my mother or if I even had one. This was because I wasn't normal in any way, not as a human, elf or demon, as I am a chimera that Potimas made by combining his genes with different creatures, the most prominent being a spider.

As for why I think that my birth did not involve a mother's womb, it's because of the same reason I was forced to live a bedridden lifestyle, that being that I am venomous. My body produced strong poisons, which I didn't know came from the spider. As a matter of fact, I didn't know I had any other spider like traits until the system was put into place.

In the days that I was bedridden, all I knew was that the poison was eating away at my body, because while it could produce the poison, it couldn't process it, causing it to be constantly corroded and making it impossible for me to live a normal life. The only way my body could survive was to lie in bed receiving nutrient solutions and poison neutralizers while having blood samples being taken from me, being kept alive as a lab rat.

Potimas is an abomination in elf skin with no empathy or emotion. It's very likely that he would have euthanized me once he had collected enough data from my body, but fortunately, I was rescued by Lady Sariel before that could happen.

In a rare moment for Potimas, he had made a major blunder not long before I was rescued, and the resulting investigation spread worldwide. The other chimera children that were being used as lab rats around the world were all found and taken in by Lady Sariel and the Sariella Foundation which she led.

Due to the strange circumstances that me and the other chimera children had, we couldn't be taken in by normal orphanages and eventually medical institutions got involved. Society didn't know how to handle chimeras like us, and they fought for claims over our citizenship, intending to use us as lab rats or living weapons, as most of us had traits that were dangerous, useful or both.

Ultimately, the Sariella Foundation was chosen to handle the affair as they were a neutral, charitable organization that didn't belong to any nation. They also had ties to health care and orphanage administration, and due to their neutrality, they had no reason whatsoever to use us, the chimeras as living weapons.

Of course, some nations had tried to keep some of us for themselves, but since Lady Sariel, the president of the Foundation, always showed up in person, the instances of this succeeding were few and far in between. And it was only when the system had been put in place that we discovered the few exceptions.

Even when Lady Sariel and the Foundation hadn't been successful in their attempts to save all of us, she still gave it her all to save as many as she could. Even though it ended in tragedy, she gathered us up and saved us, bringing us together in a nameless orphanage to live as brothers and sisters.

Those days in the orphanage were the happiest days of my life by far, until Potimas stole that happiness away from me. That is why I will not let him get away with it and I will destroy with my very own hands, no matter the cost.

As I continue walking down the hallway, I hear his voice, that deeply unpleasant voice, come out of some hidden speaker, mocking me. "How pathetic. Of course that was the best you could do. The only one I need to be cautious of is Güliedistosiez. Did you really think you could defeat me, when I have prepared myself for battle against nothing short of a god? If so, then you only show that you will remain nothing more than a pathetic little girl."

Hearing him made me raise a brow in confusion, then scoff at his stupidity. He really believes that his flimsy machines are a threat to Dante and Shiro. I'd laugh out maniacally if I hadn't been alerted by the nanomachines that Dante had put on me, of the machine that Potimas was about to reveal to me. A blank humanoid machine with a drill and sword for weapons.

"Still, we have known each other for so long. It would be rude of me to hold back against you in your final hour. I believe you have earned the right to be defeated by the full extent of my power, so I have deemed you worthy to be killed by the Gloria Type Ω which I created to fight Güliedistosiez." I scoffed in response to his tirade.

"This is quite an emotional moment. Our long years together will end here and now, and I can finally wipe the slate clean without a trace. Farewell to you, my greatest failure." As he finishes his rant, the machine activates its Anti-Magic Barrier then swings its sword down at me, only for me to dodge the attack at a hair's breadth.

I knew very well that my physical stats were not high enough for me to properly dodge the attack, especially at the speed at which it moved , so I immediately understood that Dante's nanomachines were enhancing me while also defending me from the Gloria Type Ω's attacks. It attacks me with it's other arm, which is a drill, and I jump away, narrowly dodging its attack.

It was fast and strong, about as strong as I would be without the Anti-Magic Barrier, but with the nanomachines on me, I was able to keep up. Eventually, I am able to get into an opening and punch its chest, caving it in and blasting it away. "Hmm, that's strange. You're stronger than usual. Well, it's not like that is going to help you in any way." Potimas says as the shattered parts of the Omega flow together like liquid metal, restoring it to its original shape in a matter of seconds. "After all, round 2 is just beginning."

This continues for some time, and I notice that my attacks were hitting it harder and I was getting faster, as I was hitting it more frequently and avoiding its blows more smoothly. 'So it's meant to be a continuous enhancement, huh. Thanks, Dante. At least with this, I won't need to make that great of a sacrifice.' I dodge another attack aimed at my head as I think that, then counterattack with a powerful kick to its chest, smashing it once more.

I suddenly hear some incoherent mumbling coming from the speaker. "W-W-W-What are they?" Potimas asks in confusion. "What are you even talking about?" I ask as I catch my breath. "Those two that you call White and Dante. What the hell are they?!" Hearing his desperation puts a smile on my face, and I respond, "The most powerful people you'll ever have the chance to see."

"Damn it! Blast it all! Where did my calculations go wrong? Those damned things defy all logic!" He curses out in vain as his fragile ego is continuously shattered. I listened and could only come to a conclusion I had come to multiple times before, that this man was nothing but a weakling who only fought those weaker than him to be able to flaunt his confidence.

"What a weakling." I mutter out unconsciously, but Potimas picks up on it and answers sharply, "Excuse me?". I had not meant for him to hear me, but since he did, I might as well double down. "You are a weakling, Potimas." He gnashes his teeth then responds. "Bold words coming from someone who is content with the temporary power granted by the system."

He still doesn't understand the type of strength I mean, and I doubt he'd understand even if I explained it to him. He eventually returns to his ranting, wondering why he was still as weak as he was. In that space of time, the Omega finishes reconstituting itself and begins moving erratically, perhaps being influenced by its master's sorry state.

Its drill closes in on my face and I catch it with my teeth, then put strength into my jaw and chomp it to pieces, then quickly do the same to its sword. "Wait. Wait just a minute! Why are you still alive?" It seems he finally caught on to what's been going on in this battle.

He didn't seem to notice that I was already matching the Omega despite its Anti-Magic Barrier at the beginning of the fight, and now I am sure that I can overwhelm it. "How can it be?! Or has it happened...Have you become a god now, too?!" He screams in disbelief of what is happening right now.

"Nope." While I would have loved if that happened, as that would have been the absolute worst humiliation imaginable to Potimas, I was merely using a skill that affects me internally. "I've not become a god, but I can become strong enough to fight one for a while. And I'm sure you know the method to do so as wel, don't you?" The Omega backs away as if Potimas himself is recoiling away from me.

"You... You've gone mad." That mentality is exactly why I'll always see him as a weakling. He's always ready to make sacrifices, just not from himself, at least I'm brave enough to put my life on the line to achieve my goals.

"Humility." That's right. I had gotten one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues skills. Its effects temporarily give me the ability to fight with the power of a god, similarly to Dante's nanomachines, but it worked by draining my very soul. This would have been a dire issue if Dante hadn't somehow seen this coming.

For someone as long-lived and powerful as I am, it would be no surprise to hear that my soul was on the verge of bursting as a result of the energy that it contained. But during the time we met in the labyrinth, Dante had somehow healed me of this, and as a result greatly increased my soul's capacity. He even helped me pick up some skills during the 3 years that we were in the Demon Realm, like Telepathy, which I hadn't needed before because I'd always been alone. And the last skill I acquired was this skill: Humility.

It was my ace in the hole that only Dante and Shiro knew of. And now, thanks to me letting them know, I won't have to burn my soul to nothingness to kill this bastard.

Grabbing the Omega before it tries to escape and regenerate its weapons and bite its head, causing my mouth to be filled with the taste of metal. That doesn't last for long as my Gluttony skill dissolves all the chewed up pieces to energy, because it works well in my mouth.

Although there's only so much energy I can take with a mouthful, it's proven more effective than punching it over and over. From what Potimas said earlier, the Omega was created to fight a god, specifically Güliedistosiez, so it's going to have tons of energy loaded into it in preparation for a drawn out battle.

As a matter of fact, this entire setup was made to fight a god. The energy helping it stay on the fight for longer, the drill being used for maximum physical destruction and then the room having an Anti-Magic Barrier while being filled with poison gas or rather, carbon dioxide, whatever that is, to exhaust the enemy. Have all of that and you can possibly fight a god, as a god is really just a being with a ridiculous amount of energy. A good strategy, but I don't think it would work on Güliedistosiez, let alone Shiro or Dante. But since he's using it against me, it'll fail.

Plunging my hand into its torso, close to its core, I cast the strongest Heresy Magic spell there is, Rend Soul. The Anti-Magic Barrier is a considerable threat but it isn't all-powerful. It doesn't work inside the bodies of living things, most especially allies who need to be able to use conjurings on the inside. The Omega's regeneration is a conjuring, so if you block that, it just becomes a hunk of metal.

Going by that logic, I can activate magic within the body of the Omega. Heresy Magic attacks the soul directly, and I'm releasing its strongest spell directly to the core of the Omega. It begins struggling wildly, attempting to smack me away, but I dodge its blows while standing in place.

Energy in this world is stored in the soul and without the vessel that is the soul, energy will leak away. Gods have especially large souls which are capable of holding massive amounts of energy, so the only ways to kill a god are to either destroy their vessel or somehow get them to use up all the energy within their soul.

Potimas chose to try the latter method, or more accurately, he used that method because he had no choice but to do so. You can use Rend Soul to destroy a soul directly, like I just did against the Omega, but you'd need the power of the system to do that, because it doesn't work without the support of the system. However, Dante was able to somehow recreate the spell with his own power and teach Shiro, so I guess only they know how to use it out of the system.

But Potimas couldn't, so he went for the only other alternative. He could Rend Soul too, if he just had the elves learn Heresy Magic, but someone like him who only sees others as tools or nuisances, wouldn't trust the elves with power that could threaten him. Not like it would have worked against Güliedistosiez in the first place, unless he had over a thousand of his elves attacking him at the same time, which would never happen because he'd be thinking that some of those elves would rebel against him.

"Potimas. How many people's souls did you take to make this Omega thing?" Despite not expecting an answer, I still had to ask. Since energy is stored in the soul, it goes to reason that the Omega has a soul, and like other souls that are not of gods, has a limit to the amount of energy it can contain that even Potimas can't overcome, yet it possesses enough energy to theoretically fight Güliedistosiez.

That amount of energy couldn't be held by a single soul, and since Potimas couldn't become a god, there's no way he could have created one either, meaning that this thing has been infused with possibly hundreds of souls, all reconstructed into a single metal body.

Despite that, I couldn't give them mercy, I wouldn't hesitate to destroy them, to get to Potimas. I murmur an apology to the poor souls who were made into this weapon, and cast Rend Soul again and again and again and again. I keep casting Rend Soul without knowing how much time is passing, until the Omega spasms one final time then stops and crumples to the floor without any movement or regeneration.

But I don't stay, as I know that while the Omega was Potimas' last resort, it wasn't Potimas himself. I check my soul to see the possible damage to it and see that there is next to none, probably the work of Dante's nanomachines.

Suddenly, I hear their voices echo in my head, ""Hey, Ariel. If you're done in there, come outside."". Thinking of the fact that they basically ignored the Anti-Magic Barrier slightly peeved me, but I shake the thought from my head and force open the door that closed when I first came in. Since it was meant to hold in a god, moving it took great effort from me.

I take a short while to catch my breath after opening the door, then climb up the long slope and step outside. What I see in front of me leaves me flabbergasted. The forest has been overturned in multiple areas, and any traces of the elf village have been destroyed.

In the midst of the scene is an even bigger shadow that stands out like a sore thumb. It's a huge disc-shaped thing blocking the sky as it flies through the air, and it looks like a slightly improved version of the ancient weapon that we teamed up to bring down 4 years ago. In short, It looks like a UFO.

Such a description is fairly accurate for this thing as it was built for space travel, mainly because Potimas knows what state the planet is in. He stayed here only because he thought he could become a god, granted he had been disappointed by it which explains why he was talking it down earlier, but he remained here with the faintest of hopes that his ambitions to become a god could be achieved via the system.

Of course, he knew that the chances of that happening were slim to none, so he prepared a means of escaping the planet, otherwise he wouldn't be able to act so calmly when the world is literally on the verge of destruction, and the UFO being held down by white threads is clearly his escape plan. Too bad for him, he pissed off the worst people he possibly could. Looking at the battlefield just makes me think, 'What the hell did those two do during the time I was dealing with the Omega?'

*20 minutes ago*

Narrator POV

After the hatch closed, Dante and Shiraori turned to the battlefield and used their Psychokinesis to lift all the elves and the machines on the battlefield about 10 metres into the air.

Dante snapped his fingers, igniting all of them with white flames that reduced them to cinders in seconds, but he knew that those were only the first wave of enemies, and as if on cue, a multitude of drone-like machine that looked like sea urchins flew out from a pyramid that seemed to be at the edge of the elf village and started firing at the demons, knocking many of the demon soldiers off their feet.

Noticing that it would be too late for the soldiers to retreat, Shiraori speedily teleports all the members of the Demon Army that were here back to their posts, causing the shots to impact the ground while sparing the demons from any casualties.

The sea urchins turned their spikes toward Dante and Shiraori and intensified their fire, but this only lasted for a second as they were all crushed after. As for the shots they had let loose, they were all directly converted to MA energy and sent into the planet.

Shortly after, multiple larger sized Glorias were deployed to attack them but like the sea urchins before them, they were crushed before they had a chance to do any actual damage. Wave after wave of machines were deployed but they all met the same end as the ones before them, crushed into an inert ball of metal.

As they continued crushing the machines, one of the corners of the pyramid began to glow, with the light condensing and releasing as a laser beam at them. Dante put his hand out and the laser beam stopped in front of his hand and was eventually condensed into a ball of MA energy, that he sent into the planet. He then responded to the attack with a black beam of concentrated plasma that instantly blasted through the defenses of the pyramid and melted most of it down.

They pulled out the pyramid from the ground using Psychokinesis and crushed it into a ball like the other machines, then Dante released a pulse of energy in the shape of a sphere that turned every single machine to pure MA energy in an instant. But they knew they weren't finished yet, as they waited for one last machine to emerge.

And emerge it did. A machine that was familiar to them, similar in shape to a UFO, the G-Fleet. Dante created 30 pillars out of his nanomachines and increased their weight to 1 million tons each while also keeping them levitated in the air using his Psychokinesis. Shiraori then teleported released a great amount of her threads that attached to the pillars trapped the G-Fleet like a fly in a spider's web, while some of Dante's nanomachines disable all of the G-Fleet's defenses.

"Well, it looks like we're done here." Dante said as Shiraori teleported to his side. "Yep, Potimas is now the only other pure blood elf remaining, and he's going to meet his demise at Ariel's hands. It's finally going to be over with this." Shiraori said while looking at the ravaged ground where the elf village used to be, then they both told Ariel that they had finished and were waiting for her, telepathically.

*Present time*

Ariel POV

I jump to one of the pillars and begin walking up the thread that is connected to it. I continue walking up the thread for some minutes while keeping an eye out for Dante and Shiro, and also keeping my guard up, in case the UFO shoots at me.

Eventually reaching the top of the spaceship, I find a hatch and pry it open, then go inside, just to be plunged into darkness as I enter the spaceship. Thankfully, I have Night Vision, so I can see and walk without bumping into everything in front of me.

As I keep walking, I see different rooms behind panes of glass; a factory, a farm, and basically everything that someone might need on the spaceship. Especially if they end up roaming in space for multiple decades.

Looking at everything here makes me think that Potimas stayed on the planet, not because he had hopes for it, but because he feared the unknown future that existed beyond it.

Güliedistosiez is the only god on this planet, but there could easily be multiple gods on other planets, and so he's afraid to even try to encounter them, much less oppose them.

As I keep walking, robot guards pop out, but they're so weak that I destroy them in a single blow, showing once again that the Omega was a specially made model. Eventually one of Potimas' clones attacks me, but unlike his normally composed appearance, its features are now twisted by fear and panic, appearing grotesque.

It seems the fear of death from the original body is showing even on the clones, as this has never happened before. I quickly finish off the clone and continue walking and eventually, I reach the end of the road and come across a room.

And it is there that I see it, an elderly elf floating inside a transparent cylinder with countless tubes attached to its body. It doesn't move in the slightest, as if frozen by the liquid in the cylinder.

While its mouth doesn't move at all, the speakers in the room are spewing out desperate screams, begging for mercy. "Stop! No, no, don't do it! I don't want it to end! No, it can't end here! I must achieve eternal life! I beg you! Please stop!" His endless pleas mix with wordless screams, but they don't move me.

"Sorry, Potimas, but you're going to receive a fate worse than death." I say as I prepare my final attack while he shrieks. "Abyss Magic." Hearing my quiet murmur, he shrieks out even more madly, yet I do not feel any sympathy toward him, nor do I feel any need to gloat over him. In fact, I feel nothing for this pathetic fool.

Abyss Magic is quite unique, as while Heresy destroys the soul, Abyss Magic completely dismantles the soul and returns it to the system, removing the option of being reborn into the world entirely. Merely killing Potimas wouldn't be enough, so I'll make him repay this world with his very soul.

Unlike Heresy Magic, Abyss Magic requires a much more complicated construction, which I'm sure was done by the decision of the great D. While Heresy Magic was created to oppose gods, Abyss Magic was created for the people of this world to pass judgement on each other, meaning they the transgressor has been judged to be more useful to the world as energy rather than being reborn.

Those are my thoughts, at least, and for Potimas, they couldn't be more fitting. He has been alive for very long, and he must have saved up a great deal of energy, enough that returning his soul to the system would be of some use, especially with Dante's magic circle covering the planet.

He must have gotten the Immortality skill as his aim has always been to gain eternal life, and since the Immortality skill costs a great number of skill points, it would require a considerable amount of energy, energy that can be put to better use in the system, not that it would even begin to atone for the sins he has committed.

"Damn it! Damn it all! If only I could have unlocked the secret to your perpetual youth. Damn you! Damn yoooouuu!" He unleashes another wave of curses at me. For some reason, I don't age. It could have been a result of his experiments or the system, but whatever the case was, I had attained perpetual youth, which was the goal of the eternal life that he always wanted.

Perhaps this was the reason he was continually so cruel to me, his jealousy had probably overtaken his more logical mind. But despite my youthful appearance, the lifespan of my soul is not too far from its own end, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that's experiencing this.

Potimas was definitely feeling the limits of his soul as well, with his soul weakening under the weight of overgrown skills and stats that he had accumulated over the long years of his life, like me. It can even be said that his physical time was running out as well, and he could sense it, which was why he started to panic and be as active as he was in the past few years.

He probably thought that one of the reincarnations' unique skills would be able to help him achieve his wish of eternal life, but unfortunately for him, it was never so simple. But he kept struggling, and ultimately ended up like this, running away from death in fear.

Thinking about this, a question enters my mind, but hearing the incessant screaming, I don't say anything, as I doubt Potimas could answer me coherently. 'Was there any meaning to a life spent fleeing death?'. It was really better not to ask.

"Goodbye forever, Father." I say as I direct the completed Abyss Magic toward his real body and activate it. And immediately after, all that remains is silence.

Dante POV

After we finished with the machines, we teleported to the Bottom Layer of the Great Elroe Labyrinth to take a final look at Sariel, before the final parts of our plan for this world were implemented. After a few minutes, we both feel Potimas' presence on the planet get completely snuffed out.

We teleport back to the UFO that I'll just refer to as the G-Fleet Model β, and come across Ariel typing on a console in front of her. "It's finally over." She says with a slightly detached tone, which probably caused by the torrent of emotions that she felt all at once.

Eventually she pulls up something on the monitor. "Look at this." We quickly read the text there and frown in annoyance. Potimas was going to perform another experiment in an attempt to make himself a god, by forcibly fusing all the reincarnations' souls together then absorbing them. We knew that this would have existed much later in the future, we just didn't expect that he had started to have such thoughts so early.

The three of us, however, agreed on the fact that this experiment would still have been a bust, as the chances of it succeeding were laughably infinitesimal. But despite that, it seems that Potimas was still making some serious preparations for the experiment, as we saw thorough records of machines that were still in development, equations and calculations for the experiment, and so on.

Thankfully, we foiled his plans before he could begin to properly execute them. As we kept reading, we saw more of his plans and records of other experiments that he had performed or was preparing to perform.

"By the way, I kept my promise." Ariel says to Shiro, regarding her promise to return safely. And thanks to my nanobots, she had no wounds on her soul, and even better, her soul's condition has improved considerably, giving her more years that she'll be thankful for.

"Well, this seems interesting." Ariel says as she pulls up another wall of text on the monitor, only this time, it lacks any calculations, diagrams or blueprints. We'd already gotten to Potimas' journal of events, particularly to the parts where he talked about his last meeting with the previous Hero and Demon Lord. It was also the first notable instance of panic and doubt in Potimas.

#All of a sudden, the aggregate amount of MA energy has drastically decreased. The cause is unknown. There is likely some connection to the dimensional tremors I have been monitoring with my equipment, but at present I cannot say for sure. Something is obviously amiss. I have not seen such an occurrence in all the time that the the system has been in place. Has some major failure occured within the system? Is it safe to remain on this planet? The answer is unclear. Güliedistosiez has forbidden me from leaving this planet, but perhaps I should prepare for escape just in case.#

Reading through the entry, Shiro and I understand that it is referring to the incident which led to her and her classmates' rebirths, ie; the past Hero and Demon Lord misfiring Dimensional Magic.

This was already pretty old news for us, but the fact that Potimas wrote down his lack of knowledge of the reason for the event was telling. It showed that the Hero and Demon Lord had some idea of the system's workings, but Potimas didn't explain this to them. But Shiro and I already knew who it was that told them.

And it seems that the person is going to try to explain themselves. "I am the one responsible for all of that." Güliedistosiez says as he teleports into the room. But before he has a chance to say anything else, Ariel tackles him to the ground, and starts punching him in the face, but he just lays there and takes the blows. Of course, I'm using my psychokinesis to keep the force from damaging the room.

She asks him for an explanation, but he just apologizes over and over. Reading through the rest fo Potimas' logs, we see that Güliedistosiez had contacted Potimas, asking about the sudden decrease in MA energy, as if he had a vague idea of the event, but Potimas chose to withhold information from him and tried probing for answers instead, but failed to do so and parted ways.

In the next log, it seems that he had gathered information about the demise of the Hero and Demon Lord, as he had gotten the news of Julius being christened as the new Hero. In the latter part of the log, he expressed disappointment in them, as they hadn't succeeded in killing Güliedistosiez, showing that he was the one that incited them.

In the next log, he began talking about an infant elf that he had intended on making his new main body that was communicating with him via Telepathy, and we immediately knew that he was talking about Filimøs, or rather Oka-sensei, and Shiro let out the thickest and heaviest torrent of murderous intent I had ever felt from her. 'Guess he was lucky that Ariel dealt with him instead of Shiro.'

It was in this log that he started to theorize that the souls of beings from other world could be used to further his stagnated research. And so, he agreed to help Filimøs gather the other reincarnations and care for them, while hiding his sinister goals from her.

Our short read through Potimas' journal entries showed us what type of person he was. A heinous bastard that saw all other beings apart from himself as mere tools to further his own ambitions, without any care for the repercussions of his actions, which we already very much expected.

"You know, I always thought that we were friends. But was I alone on that and operating under a huge misunderstanding?" Ariel asks Güliedistosiez while holding in sobs. Shiro walks up to them and pulls Ariel of him. "Instead of just repeating "I'm sorry" like a broken record, why don't you actually explain yourself." She scolds Güliedistosiez.

Güliedistosiez goes over the story for the next few minutes, and the TLDR of the whole matter is that he directly brokered a truce between the humans and demons, then Potimas incited them to treat administrators as enemies.

The more detailed story is this; the wear and tear on the souls of the world's population, especially that of the demons, had become so severee that the birth rate was dropping, especially so for the demons, and so the demons were in no shape to fight a war. Güliedistosiez noticed this and suggested a ceasefire between the humans and demons, which was all well and good, since even at the time we got to the Demon Realm, Balto and Agner were still scrambling to restore the demon race.

Unfortunately, he hadn't realized that Potimas had convinced both the Hero and Demon Lord that administrators were the enemy, by claiming that they would use them to cause the humans and demons to fight each other, and then harvest the energy from the deaths, which while accurate, wasn't complete.

Due to their statuses as Hero and Demon Lord, their attack wasted a great deal of MA energy, but from what we know, their attack was aimed at Güliedistosiez, so right now, the question that remained was, who turned it away from him to D?

While I was thinking that, Güliedistosiez continued blaming himself for the event despite the fact that we had already looked through the issue and seen that he was not necessarily to blame for all of this happening. He even blamed himself for not fully explaining the nature of the system to the past Hero and Demon Lord.

In all of this blaming, one name had never been uttered, despite it having the most impactful involvement. "Sariel. The one who redirected the attack away from you to D was Sariel." Shiro says without regard for Güliedistosiez and his eyes that seemed to be begging her not to say anymore.

Ariel asks if what we've said is true and he remains silent, giving the answer away. He thinks that he is responsible for this since an attack meant for him was blocked by Sariel, resulting in the loss of a considerable chunk of MA energy, and the death and reincarnation of people from Earth.

Ariel continues to tell him that he's not at fault, but he insists that he is, despite the fact that Potimas was easily the one carrying the most responsibility for the damage to the planet. But eventually, after some persuasion, he finally stops with the self blame.

And almost as if on cue, I hear it, we all hear it. D's final attempt to fuck up our days.

//World Quest Activated//

//An evil god is planning to sacrifice humanity to prevent the destruction of the world. You must either prevent this plot or assist with it.//

'Hohoho, D. You've got no idea, but you've fallen into my trap.' Shiro and I have had access to the system since before we got to the Demon Realm, so we've been able to tamper with it. In the years that we were in the Demon Realm, I personally started planting codes within the system in preparation for this particular event.

The particular code that was to serve as a trap for D had a few functions. Immediately after the sequence to send the information of Taboo into all humanoids is initiated, the process would be sped up by about a hundred times while protecting the souls and bodies of everyone, D's privileges will be ripped from her, and she'll be kicked out of the system. Then, the magic circle that I had placed on the planet would activate. And just to add a cherry on top, the system would alert all of D's subordinates to her location. Now I was just counting down the seconds.

//World Quest Sequence 1. Installing Taboo in all humanoids.//

Before I could start grinning at the prospect of the effects of the World Quest, Güliedistosiez dashes toward Shiro and attempts to grab her, only to be slapped away into the corner of the room.

"Hey, Güliedistosiez. We've prepared for something like this already, so for your own sake, don't do that again, or you'll be used to bring Sariel back, capisce?" Shiro says while wiping her hand with a handkerchief she made. I turn to look at Güliedistosiez, and man, is he damaged.

Shiro is so much more powerful than he is, that a single slap that impacted his chest, rippled through his entire body and broke most of his bones and ruptured some of his organs. It would be absolutely idiotic if he tries another attack. And to show his intelligence, he heals up and stays there with a balled up fist, which he releases as he sighs, accepting that he has no chance against her.

A few seconds pass and a tremor travels across the entire planet, as an extreme amount of MA energy is pumped into the system core. Aurora takes control of the systems in the G-Fleet Model β and activates a hologram showing the current state of the planet and how it's healing in real-time.

A few seconds later, we all feel it, a tremor much stronger than the previous one rocks through the planet. Knowing that this meant the system was close to destruction, I teleport all of us into the the Bottom Layer of the Great Elroe Labyrinth, specifically to the system core where Sariel is being held.

I use a Disconnect rune to remove Sariel from the system entirely, and teleport us back to the G-Fleet Model β where we feel the final tremors as the system is brought to its end by the influx of energy. Now someone would think, "How did the number of casualties in the war fill up the energy needed to fill up the system? Even with the thousand times multiplier, it shouldn't have been enough.". And they would be right, it wasn't enough. So I stole some MA energy from D and added it to the stockpile in the magic circle. D's stockpile held the energy of hundreds of dragons at Hyuvan's level or higher, dragons who had tried to desert the planet when the system was being put in place.

I teleport Ariel and Sariel away to a piece of land on the newly healed up part of the world while also teleporting every other spider monster on the planet with them, apart from the Horo Neia, of course. They deserve to finally have peace after all this hectic action. Then finally, I teleport Güliedistosiez away to the wasteland where we fought Potimas 4 years ago, specifically to Hyuvan, then Aurora propels the G-Fleet Model β to outer space, to merge it with the Domina.

*A week later*

Location: Outer Space

In the master bedroom of the Domina, Shiro and I are cuddling each other in our underwear. "So we've finally finished with this world, huh." She says from her position as the little spoon. "Yeah, and we got D dragged back to work for a good enough while as well." I say, eliciting a chuckle from her.

She turns to face me and kisses me for a good minute. "Since we're done with that, what now?" I think for a few seconds, then answer her. "We do whatever we want and go wherever we want." "But go where?" "Anywhere in existence. This universe isn't the only one we have to be in." I say as I bring out my Omniversal Encyclopedia, formerly Multiversal Encyclopedia.

"As a matter of fact, I have one that we could go to and have fun." She sits up with a cocked brow. "Where is it then?" Letting out a small chuckle, I answer her. "It's this one, right here." I say, pointing to our next destination. "Oh, that seems fun. So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Chapter End.

Volume End.

Thank you all for bearing with me and reading my work. I'm quite happy and honestly, a little overwhelmed with the positive responses. But please, keep them coming.

That's the end of their time in this universe, and now they'll travel to another. Can anyone guess which one it is?

👑 and shout-out for the first person who guesses it correctly on the first chapter of the next volume. Sica_rio Out.

Also, please, if anyone's got any art that they want to suggest I use for a cover, submit them below.

🧷Cover Art Submissions 🧷

BasedDragonLord BasedDragonLord

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And so we come to the end of a volume. So, what did you think? Was the read entertaining? Was it worth the space taken in your Library? If so, please leave a comment, review and enjoy.

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