Unduh Aplikasi

Chapter 156

Uchiha Madara did indeed feel that Kaito was very much like him.

Setting aside character traits and other aspects he did not understand, this guy was the leader of the Uchiha clan, a position he himself held years ago.

Looking at this guy, he seemed to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. At this age, Madara Uchiha had already activated his Mangekyou Sharingan.

This guy now also possessed these eyes, and his abilities seemed to be somewhat similar to Madara's.

Apart from that, the color of their Susanoos was the same. Madara found this quite amusing and nostalgic.

His current fight felt like he was boxing his own shadow.

Sometimes he wondered if there really was such a thing as reincarnation in the world. Had another guy like him emerged in the Uchiha clan after his death?

"But in the end, you are just similar, you are not me!"

Madara Uchiha was full of pride at this moment. His Susanoo could only reach the second stage due to strict limitations.

But he didn't care. For him, this was enough.

He had an understanding of Kaito's basic abilities, which were of a standard ninja. However, in Madara's eyes, Kaito was severely lacking in real combat experience.

Perhaps it was a matter of the times. Judging by Kaito's age, he probably had not participated in any wars.

Even if he had been a part of the Third Great Ninja War, given his age, he probably hadn't even been on the battlefield, let alone during the most brutal period.

Therefore, this kid hadn't received much training. His basic abilities might be fine, but in Madara's eyes, they were somewhat lacking.

The fact that he could maintain parity or even gain an advantage relied entirely on his eyes and overall strength.

Especially his physical conditioning, it was very impressive!

However, this was to be expected, considering he had such an obvious Hashirama-like power within him.

But Madara Uchiha was also a little puzzled about how he got this information.

Such information indeed existed in the stone tablets beneath the Uchiha clan's shrine. But to know this information, one would need the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

This kid's eyes clearly hadn't reached that stage, which was quite puzzling.

But Madara couldn't be bothered to think about it any longer. He commanded his Susanoo and drew his twin swords.

At this moment, his furious chakra engulfed the surroundings. Assisted by the amplification of his eye techniques, and his understanding of Susanoo.

Even the second stage of Susanoo was no less impressive than Kaito's Susanoo, which had reached the third stage!

One Susanoo stood in the sky, while the other was in the center of the flames.

They faced each other without taking action, but everyone knew that a more desperate battle was likely to ensue!

"Is this really something a human can do?"

The ordinary Leaf ninja who left with Jiraiya looked in the distance at the two giant figures, they couldn't help but express their fear.

Jiraiya didn't answer because he too was gravely observing the distant scene. In his view, these two people were no longer normal.

No, to be precise, Uchiha Kaito was no longer within the realm of normalcy.

Uchiha Madara was not alive, but was resurrected through Edo Tensei, so him being normal would be odd.

But Kaito was different, he was very much alive.

But the question was, how old was he? His strength had reached this level at such a young age, it was difficult to understand.

Jiraiya wondered what it would take for him to match or even defeat Uchiha Kaito?

Upon thinking, he felt that the only chance would be if he had intelligence on Kaito and fully activated his Sage Mode.

"This might be the power of the Uchiha clan, it's truly terrifying."

Jiraiya thought to himself. However, when his gaze fell on Yaneko, he was somewhat surprised to find her exceedingly calm.

She seemed to have very little emotional change, as if everything was as expected.

"Has she seen this before? Was it when facing the teacher?"

Jiraiya murmured to himself, feeling it was very possible. He knew how strong his teacher was at his peak.

He also knew that his teacher, who exhibited a heroic spirit, was still incredibly powerful despite his old age.

If Kaito could defeat his teacher head-on, that meant he must have used some terrifying ability to overpower him.

Thinking about it, Jiraiya felt that it was very likely this formidable chakra giant.

Only such a jutsu could potentially leave his teacher with no chance to retaliate!

"So this is the power of the Uchiha, this is the power of Uchiha Madara."

On the other side, Orochimaru watched the battling duo, looking at the massive Susanoo, he couldn't help but lick his lips.

He had no intention of controlling Madara's will, or rather, he dared not do so lightly.

He had a feeling that if he attempted to, Madara might take control of him or even kill him before he had a chance to act!

Madara's presence was simply too overwhelming, so much so that even Orochimaru, the summoner, felt a chill.

And the fact was, Madara's power truly matched this oppressive presence.

The quality of the summoning material was so poor that Madara's current power level was far below Kaito's.

But this guy was still able to fight Kaito to this extent, and Orochimaru even saw that Uchiha Madara was leading this battle to a large degree.

In some sense, this was already a complete victory for Uchiha Madara.

And now that they had both summoned Susanoo, Uchiha Madara's was obviously not as strong as Kaito's.

But strangely, in terms of momentum, they were both on par.

Uchiha Madara seemed to give off an illusion of being unbeatable just by standing there.

Kaito, although still dominant, was still far too inexperienced compared to Uchiha Madara.

"One can only say, truly worthy of the demon who once pacified the ninja world together with the First Hokage!

If I could find him stronger summoning material, then this guy..."

Orochimaru couldn't help but shake his head fiercely. Just with this summoning material, Madara had already displayed such power.

If he were to find a stronger one, perhaps Orochimaru himself would be in danger.

However, after this experience, Orochimaru had made a decision, he must find a way to strengthen his control over Edo Tensei.

Only by strengthening his control over Edo Tensei could he command more powerful individuals!

And only then, could he summon an even stronger Uchiha Madara.

With someone like Uchiha Madara in his grasp, Orochimaru felt that there would be very few people in the ninja world who could stop him...


"Are you satisfied with this state?"

Kaito stood high in the sky, he looked down at Uchiha Madara, who was gazing up at him from the ground. Suddenly, he let out a chuckle.

"Not bad for your age, but considering your era, this is quite sad."

Uchiha Madara, his hands folded across his chest, calmly looked at Kaito and spoke.

"Your era, compared to mine, is much more peaceful.

Of course, I won't deny that once a war breaks out in your era, the scale, intensity, and number of participants are truly despairing.

However, it seems that you didn't have much chance to participate in these wars.

But even so, you have grown to this point, which is already commendable."

"Should I thank you for your praise?"

Kaito raised an eyebrow, he manipulated Susanoo to slowly unsheathe his ninja sword. In an instant, his momentum had completely surpassed Uchiha Madara!

"Or should I say, I should thank you for creating Konoha with Hashirama Senju, right?"

"Creating Konoha is one of the things I regret the most in my life, because the darkness it bred is beyond your imagination, kid."

Uchiha Madara's eyes also started to spin, a cold aura continuously spread over his body.

His Susanoo's double-bladed sword was also continuously infused with energy, the curvy chakra long sword pointed straight at the sky!

"You don't understand me at all, you don't understand me at all, and now you probably don't even know why I left Konoha.

But all of this doesn't matter, it's rare to meet such an interesting junior, so I couldn't help but talk a bit more.

But this farce should end now, let's get to it!"

In the middle of speaking, Uchiha Madara's ninja sword had already swung out fiercely, the bright blue chakra blade was directed straight at Kaito.

Kaito calmly took a deep breath, the next moment, Susanoo's ninja sword in his hand had already gently raised above his head.

The ultimate chakra was being brewed crazily at this moment, the green blade was continuously spreading between his ninja swords.


With one slash, the green wind blade, filled with wind release chakra, fiercely collided with Uchiha Madara's blade.

Kaito's green wind blade was extremely fast, in an instant it had already collided fiercely with Uchiha Madara's blade.


The deafening roar sounded once again, the visible energy ripples in the sky again violently collided, turning the originally bright sky instantly dark with clouds.

Uchiha Madara, controlling Susanoo, clutched the double-bladed sword in his hands, his eyes gazing at the sky.

The gray, cloudy sky covered everything, preventing him from immediately locating Kaito.

However, he could feel that Kaito was continuously approaching, that vast aura and an unprecedented sharpness were attacking him.


Suddenly, Kaito, carrying the enormous Susanoo, descended from the sky, as gracefully as a water bird diving to catch a fish, yet full of killing intent!

Seeing this, Orochimaru felt a familiar sensation surge up, as he had once been attacked by such a technique.

Back then, he was directly forced into a disastrous state by such swordsmanship, if he had not relied on the Orochimaru-style substitution jutsu, he might have been in serious trouble!

"Such swordsmanship....."

Jiraiya and the other Konoha ninjas also witnessed this scene, they couldn't help but mutter quietly, they had never seen such swordsmanship before!

But they could feel just how dangerous and deadly such swordsmanship was.

"It's this swordsmanship again....."

Yaneko wasn't too unfamiliar with Kaito's swordsmanship, after all, she had seen it a few times, and each time, there were countless souls lost under this swordsmanship!

Uchiha Madara also slightly furrowed his brows, he too could feel the danger of this swordsmanship, however, what he felt more was excitement.

Uchiha Madara himself was a genius who was proficient in all abilities, and his own swordsmanship was not weak.

During the Warring States period, he had many clashes of swordsmanship with the Senju brothers, so seeing such a peculiar and powerful swordsmanship now naturally filled him with interest.

"Let me see what your limit is!"

As he spoke, Uchiha Madara gave a light shout, his Susanoo's double swords were raised, and then violent chakra spread endlessly between the two swords.

The next second, he swung out his double swords fiercely, a destructive power spilled out, adding a touch of chill to the apocalyptic scene.

And at this moment, Kaito also moved, he lightly waved the ninja sword in his hand forward.

In an instant, it seemed as if the world had come to a standstill, there was nothing else in space, only the scene of this sword slashing down!

At this moment, everyone seemed to feel the sky tilted and the earth skewed, a blade beyond everyone's imagination was wantonly spreading.

The earth under this blade seemed as fragile as tofu, instantly cut in two.

The next moment, Kaito's blade and Uchiha Madara's sword fiercely collided, a huge roar suddenly echoed!

All the Konoha ninjas felt their eardrums vibrate, a stream of blood flowed out, even Jiraiya and Orochimaru's faces didn't look good at this time.

A speck of light emerged from the point of the clash, instantly swelling, an indescribable light burst out.

At this moment, the light shone for miles!

The wind was rampaging, countless cracks appeared on the ground, spreading in all directions.

The residual energy swept out wantonly, countless houses in the small town and even the tavern were completely destroyed.

Some of them were thrown high in the air by this energy surge, and then torn into fragments in an instant.

Some, at the first moment of contact with these forces, were directly obliterated by them.

The clouds in the sky quickly dissipated under this energy, and the bright sunshine once again illuminated the earth.

But this time, the earth was no longer the vibrant scene of all things thriving, but more like a hell, causing despair and suffocation!

However, all this was not over yet, after a brief stalemate with Uchiha Madara's sword, Kaito's blade.

Uchiha Madara's blade was eventually shattered, while Kaito's blade continued to slash forward without losing momentum.

The ground was torn apart in frenzy, the huge cracks spread until Kaito's blade hit a mountain peak, only then did it stop.

Countless clouds of dust spread wildly, completely blocking the figures of Kaito and Uchiha Madara.


"Cough cough cough!"

Jiraiya was coughing violently, the dust at this time was just too much, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

The power erupted by Kaito and Uchiha Madara just now forced him to use the Toad Mouth Bind Jutsu.

They were just too close, and if they weren't careful, they could be swept away by this power.

Naturally, Jiraiya didn't want this to happen, so he decisively defended and protected Yaneko and the other Konoha ninjas.

However, when he undid the Toad Mouth Bind Jutsu and took a careful look around, his face had completely changed.

The land in front of him was riddled with holes, with pits of varying sizes appearing before his eyes, some of which were still smoking.

The houses in the town had basically collapsed, and there was almost no place that was spared in this battle.

The vast forest not far away had lost more than half of its outer area, with countless ancient trees broken or even completely shattered!

There was a particularly noticeable, dark and deep crack on the ground, as if the earth had been forcibly split in two.

All of this was like a mess after the apocalypse!

"Damn it!" Jiraiya suddenly changed his face and cursed harshly, "The clash of these two, the inhabitants of this town..."

"Please rest assured, Lord Jiraiya."

Yaneko also seemed a bit stunned when she saw the scene in front of her, because this scene was even more brutal than when Kaito dealt with Sarutobi Hiruzen!

However, after hearing Jiraiya's words, she couldn't help but stabilize her emotions, and then spoke.

"We've already moved all these residents ahead of time, just to prevent accidents from happening."

"Is that so?"

When Jiraiya heard this, he couldn't help but look seriously at Yaneko and the other Konoha ninjas.

After confirming that they were not lying to him, he breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, but his face soon changed slightly.

"To prevent accidents from happening, did you foresee this situation, or were you guarding against me from the beginning?"

"We were guarding against you, Lord Jiraiya."

Yaneko didn't hide anything, but looked straight at Jiraiya and told the truth.

"We couldn't be sure what you were thinking, after all, Kaito forced your teacher to commit suicide.

If you were determined to avenge him, then if we didn't prepare, the residents of this town would be in trouble.

After all, you are Lord Jiraiya, one of the Three Legendary Ninjas of Konoha, no one would underestimate your power."

Jiraiya was somewhat torn between laughter and tears when he heard this, but in the end he just nodded silently, acknowledging her words.

Kaito and the others were so careful that Jiraiya didn't know what to say, but it seemed that such caution was indeed necessary.

If it weren't for their caution, I'm afraid that all the inhabitants of the entire town would have become dust in history by now.

Shaking his head slightly, Jiraiya didn't want to think about these issues anymore, he lifted his head and looked at the thick dust in front of him, but unfortunately, he couldn't see anything at the moment.

The Konoha ninjas were speechless as they looked at the situation in front of them, feeling incredibly lucky to still be alive.

"It seems I won."

In the dust, Kaito slowly stepped up to Uchiha Madara.

He calmly looked at Uchiha Madara, who had a crack on his body, and then smiled slightly and said breathlessly.

"Yes, you won."

Uchiha Madara's expression was unusually calm, he even nodded slightly at Kaito, naturally knowing that he was indeed injured by Kaito.

But even so, he didn't lose his composure at all, but still maintained that arrogance, as if no one in the world could change him.

"Defeating me is something to be proud of, even though I'm not in good shape right now.

However, the winner always has the right to speak, I've never denied that.

But you have to keep pushing, kid.

This world is never as beautiful as you imagine, your lack of combat experience is actually because you've participated in too few battles.

And, don't think your life is covered by peace."

"Are you trying to tell me that this world is actually like hell."

Kaito quietly looked at Uchiha Madara, then he smiled slightly and slowly said.

"Yes, this world is hell, what you see is just a corner of the world, just covered up..."

Uchiha Madara started to say directly, but before he could finish his words, Kaito interrupted him.

"I've never denied that this world is a hell."

Kaito shook his head calmly, then slowly spoke in a soft voice.

"Actually, this world should be better, as long as all countries can be integrated into one, there won't be so many wars.

I am now the leader of the Uchiha clan, I have naturally seen some records about the past, and you are among them.

I don't actually approve of many of your actions, but there's one thing I've always supported you on.

That is, you want to unify the ninja world!"

Kaito's words stunned Uchiha Madara for a moment, he looked at Kaito somewhat speechlessly, and finally a smile emerged on his face.

"Tell me what you think, why do you agree?"

"It's simple, the existence of the ninja village is an ultimate violent organization.

And the wars triggered by this violent organization are the ones that can integrate all the forces of the ninjas to erupt together."

Kaito stopped in front of Uchiha Madara, watching as Madara gradually recovered, he spoke slowly while maintaining caution.

"Therefore, there were the first, second, and third large-scale wars in the ninja world.

These wars were much larger and much more bloody and cruel than any war in the Warring States Period that I saw in the records.

So I was thinking, did you guess the possible future situation, so you wanted to integrate the ninja world.

At the same time, I was also wondering, if the entire ninja world has been integrated, would there still be so many wars?"

"If you ask me the answer, then my answer is, definitely not."

The smile on Uchiha Madara's face became brighter, he could see that Kaito was on guard, but he didn't say anything.

Leaning back slightly, Uchiha Madara sat on the ground without any defense, then he laughed.

"If the ninja world is integrated, then it's hard for wars to occur again, what remains is to govern through some means.

I'm not good at this, but the Nara people are good at it, and the most cunning man in the Senju family is also good at it.

Under such circumstances, as long as those people recognize the concept of 'the ninja world is a village or a country'.

Then, war will be permanently eliminated from this continent!

It's a pity that this can't be done, Hashirama..."

"How do you know it can't be done?"

Kaito laughed and looked at Uchiha Madara, he gently shook his head and then made a regretful gesture.

"Almost all of Konoha is mine now, but it's a pity you can't see it, maybe I can tell you when I go to the Pure Land in the future.

But you'll have to wait, Uchiha Madara."


Uchiha Madara looked at Kaito's current state, his smile became even brighter.

"I can't believe you didn't hear me before, we might meet and fight again in the future."

"Let it be this time?" Although Kaito could guess what Uchiha Madara was thinking, he still asked.

"Does it still matter? Let's end it here." Uchiha Madara also didn't mean to waste any more words.

As he spoke, his hands began to form seals, and in an instant, his body radiated a white light.

The scraps of paper attached to his body began to dance in the wind, and he started to look somewhat ethereal.

"Well, see you next time." Kaito looked at Uchiha Madara, then he turned around and waved his hand, "But the next time, it probably won't be as easy as this time."

"That's something I should be saying to you." Uchiha Madara looked at Kaito with slightly vacant eyes, "Also, don't leave your back to others, especially enemies."

"I know, but can you really break my defense in your current state?"

Kaito slightly turned his head back, still smiling as he spoke, and after finishing his sentence, he left without looking back.

Uchiha Madara silently watched Kaito's retreating figure, and after a long while, his smile became even brighter.

"I didn't expect, I survived unexpectedly this time, and met such an interesting guy."

Uchiha Madara was feeling somewhat emotional now, his resurrection this time was truly a huge surprise for him, a surprise that might even affect his subsequent plans.

However, Uchiha Madara was not overly worried, after all, he didn't put all his eggs in one basket.

Both Nagato and Uchiha Obito were his prepared pawns.

And to make the pawns act according to their destined trajectories, Madara had also prepared Black Zetsu.

It can be said that Uchiha Madara had made sufficient preparations for everything, so he didn't take this little accident too seriously.

"But the one who summoned me, how did they find my body?"

Uchiha Madara was somewhat puzzled, but this doubt soon disappeared, instead his expression became slightly playful.

"The one who summoned me to deal with the Uchiha, is quite imaginative, and this operation was a failure for him.

Then he will surely try to summon me again next time, and my strength may be even greater next time.

I'll wait patiently, maybe there will be another way for me to resurrect myself in the future!"

Uchiha Madara's smile became even brighter, he knew that Obito would have his own plans, after all, he didn't do things without leaving traces.

For example, the curse seal in Obito's heart was left by him, Obito will notice it sooner or later, and maybe he will have other ideas then.

As for Nagato, this guy was just a tool for him to carry the Rinnegan, he never trusted Nagato, after all, this guy didn't even know the truth.

All Uchiha Madara needed was for him to use the Rebirth technique at the critical moment, he didn't care about anything else.

As for whether this guy will die or not, that's even less of Uchiha Madara's concern.

"Using my eyes for so long, experiencing the existence of a god-like being, isn't all this enough?"

Uchiha Madara is a real power-player, he always has a backup plan, even for Black Zetsu, he wouldn't mention, let alone this unexpected event.

Moreover, he is a person with extremely high pride, and there are very few people who can catch his eye.

So far, the only ones who have gained his approval are his brother and Hashirama Senju.

However, he now has one more person who has piqued his interest, someone who once had similar ideas to him, and whose identity, abilities, and even Susanoo are similar to his.

"Uchiha Kaito..."

Uchiha Madara muttered to himself. At this point, his figure was becoming increasingly blurred, as his soul was about to leave this world.

"It's a pity, your beliefs and ideas are already outdated because the Sage of Six Paths has left us with the best method.

This method is the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and it is the true way to bring peace to this world!

I hope your eyes can see further, I hope you can make a better decision, and I hope the next time I see you..."

"Your performance can improve, after all, there are very few people in this world that can pique my interest..."

Ever since the death of Hashirama Senju, Uchiha Madara felt that the world was really boring because no one could capture his attention.

He had no intention of communicating with others because they simply could not understand him.

Now he has met someone similar to his past self, although their personalities may be vastly different.

After all, this guy hadn't experienced a cruel war, but he did slightly pique Uchiha Madara's interest.

With these thoughts in mind, Uchiha Madara's body suddenly shone with dazzling white light.

The next moment, his soul soared into the sky, and the body that was carrying his soul collapsed onto the ground, revealing the corpse of a Grass ninja inside.

The dust dispersed, as if nothing had happened.

Orochimaru stood at a safe distance, his expression somewhat strange. After a while, he licked his lips.

"Has it been dispelled? It shouldn't have been dispelled by Uchiha Madara, if he had dispelled it, it should have re-solidified.

The relationship between him and Tobirama Senju, I guess he wouldn't tell him the secret of this jutsu, so it should have been Hashirama.

But it doesn't matter, this time I got the answer I wanted, this is the power of the Uchiha, huh.

It's really moving, it's really enviable..."

Orochimaru's eyes were slightly vacant, and then he directly turned and left.

This battle was over, and he didn't want to face Kaito again.

Although he still has to go to the Leaf Village, meeting him would be too uncomfortable...


Walking on the road to Konoha, Jiraiya wore a frown, while Kaito and Yaneko followed him silently.

Jiraiya had a troubled expression, and it was unavoidable because he discovered that he had to deal with a very tricky issue even before he officially became Hokage.

That was the small town that had been destroyed after the battle between Kaito and Uchiha Madara. This was indeed their responsibility, and the cost of reconstruction naturally fell on Konoha.

Originally, Jiraiya didn't want to consume his own brain cells for this kind of thing. After all, he was very clear about his role. Any trouble would naturally be handled by Kaito and the others.

But a single sentence from Kaito made Jiraiya feel uneasy, forcing him to think seriously.

"Jiraiya-sama, although this matter concerns Konoha, it is also inextricably linked to you.

First, even though you have not officially taken the position of Hokage yet, you are a ninja of Konoha, and you have the duty and responsibility to handle these matters.

Secondly, our battle was against Orochimaru, who is your target and mission.

Fighting him was my duty and responsibility as a Konoha ninja, but ultimately, he is your target, Jiraiya-sama, so you can't get out of this.

All the losses caused by this battle, Jiraiya-sama, you must bear. I think you should understand such rules, right?

Finally, Orochimaru summoned Uchiha Madara, an existence tantamount to a deity or demon. I must think about how to report this.

Strictly speaking, this report should be made by you, Jiraiya-sama. If you insist, I will leave everything to you."

Upon hearing these words, Jiraiya didn't dare to speak again. Kaito's words made him realize that he had more problems than he had imagined.

And he really couldn't get away from these messy things, so he could only sincerely think about how to handle them.

However, with this thought, he sadly discovered that without Konoha as a backup and support, he really wouldn't be able to handle it.

This made him feel even more helpless and depressed. He knew that he had no hope of escaping and could only obediently obey.

"But, Kaito was able to deal with an enemy as powerful as a deity or demon. That's really terrifying."

As Jiraiya pondered how to deal with the current problem of the town, he also thought about Kaito's situation.

He didn't know the specific information about Edo Tensei. He only knew that Kaito had demonstrated an impressive power and had dealt with Uchiha Madara, who was resurrected through Edo Tensei.

Such strength was enough to amaze and sigh. After all, that was Uchiha Madara!

Kaito showed such power at such a young age, it was really incredible, but he also felt a bit puzzled.

That is, it seems that this Uchiha Madara was somewhat different from what he had seen in some documents.

"Could it be that the Edo Tensei resurrected version of this once ninja world warrior, in fact, didn't reach his peak strength?"

Jiraiya pondered silently, but when he thought of the terrifying battle situation just now, he couldn't help but hesitate.

Perhaps the history books had magnified the historical figures too much. This kind of thing was not uncommon in the ninja world.

"After all, the person is gone. No matter how strong his previous strength was, it can be exaggerated as much as possible. This can also motivate the younger generation."

Shaking his head, Jiraiya didn't focus on this anymore, but it didn't mean that Yaneko wouldn't think about it.

After all, the relationship between Yaneko and Kaito was not comparable to that between Jiraiya and Kaito. Yaneko could ask many things directly.

"It seems that Jiraiya's problem has been solved, and Konoha can pass through this turbulent period."

Walking behind Jiraiya with Kaito, Yaneko said to Kaito in a low voice.

"But it seems that I didn't need to come at all. Aren't you just wasting my time?"

"Do you really not need to come?"

Kaito gently raised his eyebrows, also speaking in a low voice with a smile.

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid the residents of that town would have been in trouble.

Although you were worried about Jiraiya and I taking action, you played an unimaginable role no matter how you look at it."

The residents of that town were evacuated at Yaneko's request. She always takes into account any circumstances to avoid unnecessary accidents.

She was indeed worried about Kaito and Jiraiya taking action. After all, before the matter was completely clarified, Kaito and Jiraiya were adversaries in some sense.

Once they started, with their strength, those civilians might really be in trouble.

This is a way to prevent things before they happen, and although Kaito didn't take action against Jiraiya, he did against a much more terrifying enemy.

Without her, Kaito might have had to apologize.

"Don't say that, anyway, I feel that you brought me here just to clean up your mess."

Yaneko rolled her eyes, then spoke helplessly.

"This was the case when we were in a team before, and now you are the head of the security department, and you are still like this."

"Doesn't this show that I'm still the same boy I was, without a bit of change?"

Kaito gritted his teeth, not feeling that there was anything wrong with this.

"Besides, getting in touch with Jiraiya early is a good thing, at least you can know what kind of person the future Hokage is likely to be, right?"

"Jiraiya-sama has always been a romantic idealist, I've known this for a long time."

Yaneko spoke helplessly, but she still nodded.

"Alright, let's assume you're right. It's good to get to know the Hokage in advance, but are you okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Kaito looked a lot more serious this time, and after nodding, he spoke softly.

"Orochimaru really surprised me, he actually found Uchiha Madara's body.

But he was very cautious. I've seen the manuscript of the Edo Tensei jutsu, he didn't give Madara any good material choices.

Therefore, Madara's strength is probably less than one-tenth of his peak. This is why I was able to have the upper hand.

However, next time, I need to be careful. Who knows what this dangerous guy Orochimaru can pull off."

Kaito indeed felt that he needed to step up his game. Facing Uchiha Madara directly this time gave him a lot of pressure.

Even though his overall strength had the upper hand, he was barely able to gain the advantage due to Madara's self-will and battle awareness.

This is something unimaginable, but fortunately, after going through so many things, Kaito's system can now extract.

It's just that he was too busy and never had time to do it. Now that he has brought Jiraiya back, he can go back and take a good look.

Upon hearing Kaito's words, Yaneko was shocked. She didn't expect that Madara only had one-tenth of his strength, yet he displayed such terrifying power?

"What kind of monster is this former clan leader of the Uchiha clan!"

Yaneko was pondering in her heart, just looking at Kaito, she suddenly felt as if this was not something difficult to understand.

This person beside her, after all, is an existence that people can't understand.

"It seems that when I go back, I need to take a good look at the past history. It would be best to apply to my uncle and see if I can access the information recorded in Konoha."

Yaneko was thinking in her heart, she was really curious about what Kaito had told her.

However, when her gaze fell on Jiraiya walking in front, she couldn't help but touch her chin.

"It seems that I also need to understand this Hokage-sama well. What was the name of the book that Kaito mentioned before?

It seems to be called 'Make-out Paradise', it looks like I have to take a good look when I get back..."


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