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16.66% New Viltrumite in MCU / Chapter 1: For the glory of the Empire
New Viltrumite in MCU New Viltrumite in MCU original

New Viltrumite in MCU

Penulis: A_Vylet

© WebNovel

Bab 1: For the glory of the Empire

The man walked past the rows of warriors in what looked like a spaceship runway. All were different in gender and skin color. But everyone had two things in common. White uniforms, tight-fitting toned bodies, with a rag that covered the protruding dignity and eyes, burning with patriotism.

Among them, all stood out a guy who was shorter than everyone else and clearly still in his early 20s, but in his eyes, pierced by the faith of the empire, there was a clear tint of violence that others at his age did not possess.

The passing general lingered before the eyes of the young man, remembering who he was and how much blood he shed and went on. Finally stopping in the middle to examine the soldiers, the man roared.

"For the empire!"



"YES!" x 69

69 figures flew out of the spaceship and rushed in different directions.

Those who were chosen as conquerors were not just called the best of the best for fun.

After all, only the strongest of the Viltrumites were selected to conquer new expanses of the universe.




A body hung in the void slowly drifting into nothingness.

Opening his eyes, the young man tried to open his mouth in a panic and immediately realized that his tongue had frozen. His lungs constricted as if it became harder to breathe, either from panic or from the strange place in which he was, and closing his mouth, he immediately began to look around, coming to his senses.

Somehow, Hellmuth knew whose body it was, and who the previous owner was.

Alas, the previous owner was a gifted viltrumite in terms of combat strength and training, but, unfortunately, his screw was spun to the maximum.

So, the authorities sent him to capture, according to recent data, not the most difficult, rather small planet of the aborigines, without any protection, and this Viltrumite did not even understand that he was not sent to capture the planet but to gain experience. However, I understood as soon as I saw all the memories in seconds.

Alas, a narrow-minded individual, having heard about experiments using black holes to travel hundreds of thousands of light years, accelerated to billions of kilometers per second and dived into the nearest black hole, believing that he was invincible and quote:

"By the power of a purebred viltrumite, I will conquer the laws of physics! AHAHAHAHA!!!"

As expected, the idea didn't come out very well ... The last thing I saw in his memories was 8 strange eyes on some damn thing that attacked me, but fortunately, apparently, I'm alive. And here I am from my planet, killed by some kind of garbage that fell from the roof. Hanging in the middle of the void in some tights, hellishly hungry, and most importantly.


Clutching my head in total silence, I looked at the stars now to the left, then to the right. Furiously recalling the lessons at school that I had long forgotten, I realized that there was no point in flying to the brighter stars, the brightness did not quite show how close they were. Raising my hairless, muscular right arm and looking at my wrist, I saw that the communicator that was on my arm had melted into an unrecognizable wad of metal. The only thing left of the equipment was a canister of liquid for the lungs, which could allow an ordinary person to breathe for several weeks, and Viltrumite for several years.

Lowering my hand with disappointment, I decided to follow my instincts and fly wherever my eyes look in the hope of finding a planet with an atmosphere. Stretching my arms looking forward, I allowed myself to fly forward, but alas, I could not understand whether I was moving or not. There was absolute emptiness around me and I could not visually orient myself, whether I was moving or it was self-deception. However, it was better to act than not to act, so I clenched my fists and tried to accelerate as fast as I could without holding back.

Even with Viltrumite's memories and body, I couldn't determine that I was healing. Apparently, the owner of the body, a former named Khan, simply believed in himself and flew. And, oddly enough, he succeeded.

So , holding my body, I flew like an arrow through space, with absolutely no idea if I was crossing light years in a flash or just hovering in place like a fool.

However, after hours or days, I suddenly realized that I had flown past something and returned, finding a strange dark object.

Like a black tomb, a semi-oval ship without a single light flew through space slowly drifting. As I circled around, I felt an incredible surge of adrenaline. Apparently, I still had a lot of oxygen, so it was worth spending time on an unknown ship, given that I was very hungry, I could quite find something.

Approaching one of the few windows of the ship, I looked trying to see something inside, but all I saw was a reflection of the cosmos and my face. Looking at the face, I noted that it was quite young and somewhat similar to mine in my human life. In addition to the hair that was shaved on the sides and back, at the top there was five-centimeter long hair that was disheveled, flying in different directions. Pushing off from the ship, I flew on.

Recognizing the dark place on the ship as a cargo hold, squinting, I gently landed on the cold metal and involuntarily shuddered. The ship was not big in terms of the size of space monsters and, if I were to compare, it was like 40 planes from my world stacked on top of each other in size.

Pushing open the wide gray door, I found... that nothing had happened. Taking off flying up to the panel, I tried to interact with the console by clicking on the place where the keyboard should be, but all my touches met only cold glass and metal without any reaction.

Without seeing any lights pop up, I instinctively convinced myself that I should not be afraid and needed to break this. Stretching out my hands, straining, I accidentally tore out a two-square-meter piece of the wall along with the panel.

"Shit, I hope no one on the ship saw this." – thinking to myself already unwinding the screws from loneliness, I tried to put back a piece of the wall, but accidentally pushed through and finally destroyed the wall, opening a hole inside the ship. My strength was clearly on a different level, even without using the full potential, I accidentally ripped out a piece of a strange ship.

Sighing, I realized that the depressurization and rupture of the ship would not be terrible, since there was nothing inside.

"What are you afraid of, Helmut? You can do it. You're a viltrumite, would you think there might be a monster eating humans balls on the ship… or worse… " – I said to myself and looked into the hole, shuddering.

Entering, letting go of the panel, and letting it float, I flew inside, surveying the empty hangar. I met an empty hangar without even trash.

It was incredibly dark to see anything, and walking as if by touch, I finally stumbled upon another door in front of me. Pulling the door towards me, I broke it down and went inside. Walking along the long corridors, I listened to the absolute silence, more and more beginning to feel how my legs refuse to go into the dark, dead corridors.


"HRYAAA!" - yelling suddenly hearing a loud sound, I jumped and crashed into the ceiling with my head, plunging, breaking through the thin body of the spaceship.

All red, glad that there was no one around, I swore not to tell anyone about this incident, I raised my hands and freed myself all red as a cancer from embarrassment.

A few hours later, I finally satisfied my curiosity by exploring the ship. Being just an ordinary German guy in the past who was just going to college, I suddenly found myself in the body of an alien and found proof of life in space!

I could not calm even after all this time my wildly beating heart. However, the ship, even if empty without corpses, mysterious technology, or anything else, was already a pleasant find for me. Finally, tired of walking through the doors, I rushed to break the walls, destroying everything in the way. An unknown alloy exploded into fragments or bent somewhere as I walked forward, examining the ship and building a plan of the ship in my head.

Judging by the information, the crew consisted of more than 2 thousand people, but where did they go was the question. With no signs of combat or ship capture, the crew left the ship voluntarily, taking everything they had with them.

Only in some places, I found boxes with cables or other spare parts, but, unfortunately, the metal was not edible. Even knowing that I could bite through metal with my teeth, I was not stupid enough to swallow it, hoping to digest it. Finally tired, having not found mysterious new friends or monsters hiding in the mines, I disappointedly left the ship and, looking at it from afar, mentally said goodbye to it.

Looking at the star, which my eyes looked at first sight, I took out a can and sprinkled a couple of drops into my lungs, holding back a cough.

Having provided oxygen to the body, clenching my fists, I rushed forward again to the unknown, while a giant smile spread across my face.




Flying in absolute silence, I could not understand at what speed I was flying.

"I wish the player was here…" – thinking to myself, I plunged into thought.

Dreaming of delicious food, music, and a soft bed, I suddenly realized that I had just passed through something. Considering that I did not feel pain, I only felt how I pierced something with my body like an arrow.

When I returned, I tried to find the object that I destroyed, but no matter how I searched, I got lost again and all that was left for me to guess was what I pierced.

Two months later. Or two years.

I did not know how much time had passed. I knew that I was ready to eat anything and now I was heading towards the star as I determined that it was the closest. Watching as the star was getting closer and closer, I suddenly realized how strong I am.

I reached the star in a matter of minutes!!!

I was sure that one light year was like a hell of a billion kilometers, and I got to the star that was so far away so fast?

I could compare it to a car, a person outside will see the car go by in a flash, but the driver can safely steer and turn. It's the same for me in space. Even at this speed, I could see how I was approaching a celestial object without problems. Felling was awesome, I hovered, looking at the three planets that surrounded the young star.

Looking at the first, I went to her. As the furthest from the star, it was made entirely of ice, and clearly had no life forms on it. Having taken off, I did not fly to the planet closest to the star, as I could guess that hardly anyone could survive under such a temperature.

However, having taken a couple of tons of ice from another planet, I flew to the third that was in the middle and I experienced a feeling better than any sex.

There was an atmosphere on the planet.

Space debris flew in orbit and no satellites or ships, so if there was life on the planet, it was not particularly developed. Having circled the planet, I noted only two continents. The area of water was more than 70% of the planet. So, throwing out the ice and rushing down, anticipating the civilization that I will discover, I came to the first mainland and immediately turned sour. Even though I could breathe and soon adapted to this planet and the heat, I couldn't find anything to eat.

No matter how much I looked, I could find nothing but mountains and redwood forests. The stone reliefs of white stone looked very unrealistic, and the bloody trees here and there already strained me. After exploring the mainland for an unknown number of hours, I finally noticed that the cycle of day and night does not occur on this part of the planet. Apparently, the planet moved exactly so that this part always looked at the sun.

I took off hungry and angry, I flew towards the ocean, hoping that there would be something alive to fish and eat.

I was not afraid of germs and diseases, since the body of the Viltrumite was able to repel anything, as so its immune system. So, after drinking the water, I spat, feeling the saltiness.

Taking heavy air into my lungs, which I could still breathe, I dived and widened my eyes in shock. A mermaid looked at me. the fishlike body and long teeth like a vampire immediately frightened me on the face more like a fish.

"WhBulk thbulkf!" - - Opening my mouth in shock, forgetting that I was underwater, I immediately fly off spitting.

A mermaid or whatever it was remained underwater looking at me without blinking. Looking at each other, I thought about what to do. Finally deciding to see if a creature with such fangs and muscular arms was friendly, I slowly sank into the water, this time taking in more air into my lungs. Now I could be on the water as much as I wanted.

The creature didn't attack, it just continued to stare at me. Finally tired of the peepers, I raised my hand and waved in greeting. Having made a strange sound, the mermaid rushed away from me somewhere deep into the depths at high speed, apparently trying to escape. Sighing tiredly to myself, I stretched my arms forward and pulled like a torpedo catching up. Looking back, the mermaid released something yellow into the water and panicked, bucking as if she had forgotten how to swim.

Having swum away from the yellow staff in the water, wrinkling my face, I realized that this mermaid had crap herself out of fear. Diving deeper away from the fearful creature, I continued to explore the ocean floor. The most diverse marine life here was visible to me at a glance in the clear ocean, and choosing whom to eat, I finally saw a pleasant sight.

Normal. Mother. Fucking. Fish.

The brown fish floated fluttering in the water and opening and closing its mouth. The size of two meters did not scare me much, so I immediately flew through the water to her. However...

The shadow covered the fish and something fell on it. A mini whale 4 times larger than prey swallowed the fish and did not close its mouth full of shark teeth in 6 rows.

Angered, I stopped looking at this impudent fish, but the surprise was not over.

The ripples at the bottom intensified and suddenly the bottom turned black. Many tentacles rushed forward and pierced the mini-whale. The tentacles began to pull the fish down and, apparently, even absorbed the blood from the water.

A minute later, the body went under the sand and the tentacles also disguised themselves as if they had not just killed the target and had not eaten it.

Angry, seething with rage and anger, I decided to take revenge on an incomprehensible fish for having stolen my first prey of which I was so happy as a child.

Raising my hands, I spread them to the side as if trying to hug something.

The Viltrumites were not just a conquering race. If an ordinary person had never seen this power, he would not have believed that someone could do this.

For example, how much weight can my body lift? I will answer.

Quadrillion tons

The clapping of the palms was instantaneous and the underwater world shook itself off from the explosion. The water burst into foam and everything that was at the bottom of the ocean turned into lumps. The wave passed through the water, exploding the earth and stones for tens of meters. Blood flooded the water of an unknown creature that stole my prey. Sailing away, grimacing at the loud sound, I watched with satisfaction as parts of an incomprehensible octopus swam here and there.

If it were an ordinary octopus, I would have eaten it, but translucent tentacles with sharp ends like needles made it clear that this creature was poisonous.

As a Viltrumite, I wasn't afraid of the poison, but as Hellmuth of the planet Earth, I was disgusted to eat this thing when there was a more normal choice.

I think if a Chinese were in my place, he would immediately eat it. Having sailed away to look for new fish, I hunted plenty and flew to land to fry fish on a fire.

POV Mermaid.

The gods have descended from the sky again!

I must warn the queen! We must escape!

They will kidnap us!

Swimming as fast as possible, knowing that the creature does not dive without its metal friends who kill and kidnap our people, I turned around and got scared, involuntarily emptying myself from what I saw.

This god seemed to be flying through the water faster than anything I saw while looking straight at me!

Realizing what fate awaits him, the Mermaid closed her eyes, waving her arms and tail, fighting off an imaginary attacker.

However, the attack did not follow, and opening her eyes again, looking at the creature for some reason, the mermaid felt ashamed.

The creature, disgustedly looking at the water and the mermaid, swam away.

Torn between curiosity and duty, the mermaid thought for a long time and finally swam after the creature that invaded from the sky.

Looking at how eagerly, it looked at the fish as if it wanted to eat, the mermaid realized that he was also predatory and could possibly eat him too without any problems at all, but if he was not careful neat poisonous salerama would kill him, he could already see the outlines on the sand of this underwater monster that was waiting for the prey to swim closer.

Hoping that the one who came from heaven would die from the poison or needles of this underwater predator, the mermaid was looking forward to, dreaming of how she would report to the queen about the death of a god and what glory she would receive in the tribe.

But suddenly everything went wrong. Farkit's child ate trout and was eaten by salierama!

God was angry, judging by the redness of the face that the prey had gone from under his nose, and looking at his hands, I didn't understand what he was doing. Does he want to hug Salerama?


The explosion wave rolled back, stunning the mermaid for a couple of seconds, which slowed down in shock being hundreds of meters away.

The explosion tore apart like space itself where the god clapped and everything for tens of meters died instantly. Looking at the bloody dirty water and how the current itself was changed from afar, the mermaid, out of fear, panting, blowing bubbles, swam as soon as possible to the queen.

Gotta run! We're done!

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