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80% Reborn As The 9 Tail Fox Kurama / Chapter 24: Tsunade

Bab 24: Tsunade

It didn't take long for Chomei and the others to do what they thought was the best way to milk the cow. what was it? Naruto and Sasuke were captured and brought before me, Orochimaru was brought before me, Tsunade was brought before me, the talents all over the world were caught and brought before me, among them being all of the members from the Hyuga.

So, hundreds of thousands of people were forced on their knees, all looking at me with hints of fear in their eyes. I calmly rested my head on my fist, which rested upon the throne armest. I looked below at all of them, before speaking after some time.

"Before we start, Orochimaru, did you forget our deal?" I asked calmly, making Orochimaru shake slightly. what was I talking about? Years ago, I had Orochimaru support Naruto, So Orochimaru returned to the hidden leaf, where he became Naruto's spy, and in return, I was going to make him immortal.

"It seems like hanging around your hold friends made you soft," I said calmly my eyes landing on Tsunade for a moment. they were enemies, but they were still a part of the same team, after so many years Orochimaru cold hard melted, 

"Whatever," I said calmly as I snapped my finger, instantly, all of the reanimated shinobi came back to life, all looking at me with a look of shock. I ignored their looks and simply looked towards Chomei, she would do the speaking. but she began off by explaining to everyone who Kaguya was, before getting to the point.

"Years ago, Kaguya built an army, but the way she went about such things led to her two sons fighting her. But they never prepared Earth for what their mother was so fearful of. we don't plan to ignore that. we plan to do the same thing Kaguya did but in a more humane, we tail beast shall be taking over this planet, and raising the human race to be strong enough to withstand the Otsutsuki clan. because of the race difference, you all might not come to trust us, so we would pick humans among you to be your spoke man." Chomei said shocking everyone, many of them wanted to speak and fight against this, but they couldn't even more and were forced to stand still.

"Please understand, we can slaughter you all here to make things easier for ourselves, but we are giving you all a chance. we will be bringing back many capable humans to life, we will make jutsu common to everyone and will ensure peace remains. As for how we will keep the peace, we will try our best to avoid using fear and violence to keep peace." Chomei said softly, before snapping her finger, giving everyone the ability to move.

"Do you think we would just sit around and let you do as you wish?" Naruto said while glaring at me, to which I just gave him an indifferent look

"Be grateful, I plan to use you all as a tool to birth new capable people. I'm giving you all a chance, annoy me and thats going to be taken away." I said coldly, leaving Naruto and everyone else frozen on the spot.

"You are giving you a chance to speak, a chance for you all to still be yourselves. a peaceful way we are going about this, so start running your mouth. I dare you all, you are all nothing more than humans. lesser beings whom I could kill with I breathed too heavily. just what importance do you all have now? nothing, this is an investment for what your future grandchild might have. and even that, what are the chances? Naruto is my son and look at how weak he is, the blood of you humans is weak. the only one I truly see as worthy to be here is Orochimaru, his bright mind is something I value." I said coldly my aura pressing heavily upon all of them,

but this was no normal aura, as it pressured the soul, mind, and body all at once, leaving them all horrified. they fell to their knees, all will fight gone. seeing this, I snorted while pulling back my aura. my aura did more than just scare them, it was a jutsu that would slowly take effect making them loyal to me. but sadly, this would not mean I could absorb their chakra.

"Humans would only every behavior under fear... be well behaved, leave, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Itachi, Neji, and Kabuto, you shall be the only one to remain," I said calmly, it took a moment but everyone quickly left leaving these 4 before me,

"Tsunade, you shall become a head med research of this new world. Orochimaru, you complete your search into DNA, Itachi you would be the peacekeeper of this new world, Neji you were born with Byakugan which you are wasting away, and Kabuto you are a genius who I want to put his mind to something else... you all will remain on this moon, you will have the freedom to leave and go, you are not prisoners," I said calmly... and so it began, the rise of gods on earth.

Tsunade went on to try and improve her medical skills to a point where she could try and bring back people from the dead, using the secrets she had on life and death. Orochimaru made a great breakthrough in his DNA research, going as far as to slowly start cloning Kaguya, as well as trying to create the perfect lifeforms.

Itachi was the peacekeeper of earth, making sure no war or anything of the king broke out since I gifted him with the senses to look out for such things. plus, he worked with puppets so he didn't need to move for every small matter. just those that night snowball into huge problems.

My guess about Neji was right, Neji was a talent, who had powerful Byakugan. I managed to train him to the point he could see into our minds of, reading them like a book, something which Kaguya was capable of doing. but Neji could do it far better than him, as for why I had him come to the moon, it was because I wanted to see if he could awaken the Tenseigan, or if only those on the moon could.

Kabuto began to work in electronics, he was talented, and best of all he had a weird mindset that made him want to prove himself or whatever to others, leading to him working hard. but even so, he was not talented within this field, so after some time he found someone more capable within this field and he went to help Orochimaru under my approval.

The person Kabuto picked was an interesting person, someone called Amado. he was linked to someone I had my eyes on ever since I pulled the device which helped me pinpoint useful stuff on earth, why? because he was linked to Isshiki, who was Isshiki you ask? he was someone I came to find out was with Kaguya when they came to this planet.


A thousand years ago, Isshiki came to Earth alongside Kaguya to plant a Tree to harvest its Chakra Fruit. While Kaguya, being lower-ranked, was planned to be sacrificed to create the Chakra Fruit, she instead turned on Isshiki, leaving him on the verge of death after destroying Isshiki's lower half.

Encountering Jigen and not having the strength to implant a Kāma on him, Isshiki devised a desperate plan and shrunk himself to enter the monk's ear to survive his injury by absorbing Jigen's nutrients. Through time, Isshiki came to control Jigen's entire body and embed a Kāma onto his host.

Kāma is a seal that serves as a compressed backup of an Otsutsuki clan member's biological data that they can embed in the body of a compatible recipient known as a vessel. Over time, the Kāma will gradually overwrite the vessel's genetic profile until they transform into a perfect Otsutsuki. Should the Otsutsuki be slain, their soul will migrate to one of their vessels and become anchored to the world of the living, and when the Kāma completes will reincarnate through their body, completely replacing them. 

In the interim, the vessel can learn to activate the Kāma and utilize a portion of the Otsutsuki's power and abilities, and if reincarnation has not yet been achieved, the soul of the slain Otsutsuki can even manifest and temporarily take control over their body.

Compatibility with an Ōtsutsuki is exceedingly rare and unpredictable, and if an individual is not a suitable recipient, the ritual will typically result in them suffering a fatal seizure. Occasionally, an unsuitable vessel will survive the ritual, however, producing a unique variant of the seal called the White Kāma.

Such individuals are unable to serve as a receptacle for the Ōtsutsuki's soul and thus cannot be used for the process of reincarnation, nor can use its absorption power nor space-time ninjutsu, but retain its other traits, gaining tremendous power and even being able to transform into a completely new Ōtsutsuki.

When activated, Kāma significantly enhances the user's physical speed, strength, and jutsu power, and allows them to absorb chakra and chakra-based attacks like ninjutsu. Kāma can also be used as a medium for Space-Time Ninjutsu, transforming the mark on their palm into a symbol resembling their horn pattern and opening a rift to any location, including foreign dimensions.

If one properly draws on their Kāma, they can overlay the accumulated Ōtsutsuki combat experience with their mind and body, instantly becoming a seasoned fighter. 

Upon the formation of Kara, a group that was a copy of the Akatsuki. Isshiki through Jigen became its leader and acquired a new Ten-Tails seedling, the Inners collectively agreed on obtaining the Chakra fruit by cultivating a new God Tree huge enough to devour all life on Earth.

With Kaguya's betrayal and eventual sealing leaving Isshiki alone, he was left with no other option but to use himself via Jigen as the sacrifice for the Ten-Tails, to make it bloom into a God Tree. Passing on reviving himself through Jigen as his body would die within a few days as it wouldn't bear his chakra, he instead opted to cultivate Jigen's body as much into a Ōtsutsuki as possible to be fed to the Ten-Tails for its growth. With this intent, Isshiki began preparing for a new vessel to embed another Kāma seal once he fed Jigen and himself to the beast.

Now, Isshiki has sent Amado to be a spy, wishing to have Amado collect information from us, or mess up our technology. it would've worked, but Isshiki would have never believed that I had been watching him for months now, studying everything he was doing.

As for Naruto and the others? Naruto was now loyal. my jutsu worked on everyone, Naruto was allowed to do as he wished along with people like Sasuke and the others. I wanted them to give birth to capable people,

Matatabi, the second tail became pregnant. for this to happen, I had to sleep with her main body and not simply an avatar, and since Matatabi didn't want to hurt her host, she instead took over the body and rewrote her body to temperly become Matatabi's body. In a way, it was a 3 some, as even Yugito would join from time. Yugito was Matatabi's host, she was a beautiful blood-haired woman...

It was easier to get Yugiato pregnant compared to Matatabi, but they both got pregnant so everything was all good. So my children don't become trash, I reformed Yugiato's body, making her like us gods.

Anyway, the other tail beast was also pregnant, leaving me without anything to do. So, there I was with a whole lot of free time, and nothing to do... So I went to go see Tsunade, years ago, I destroyed Kaguya's will, but not all of it. you never know if you would need it for something else, I wanted to see if Tsunade had the skills needed to heal the soul.

I was talented, but my knowledge in healing wasn't on the level of Tsunade, I can heal from pretty much anything, yet if I could learn from Tsunade, it would take me less effort to heal, and less work to heal. 

"Healing a soul? a soul isn't a body..." Tsunade said with a slight frown, this was a hard task I was asking her to do. which I nodded to i as understood this,

"I will heal bits of her soul... you can study the progress." I said calmly, Tsunade nodded slightly, before watching me begin healing the soul. yet all through I could heal the soul, it was extremely hard for me. Tsunade eyes narrowed while closely looking at my blowing hands, and after a minute I ran low on chakra and I stopped.

Tsunade was in deep thought, but after a moment she got to work to see if she could recreate what she saw. It took many tries, but she soon managed to heal bits of Kaguya's soul, and after some more tries she was doing it with more ease and less energy than when I was doing it.

"You are talented... what do you say? what to lose that mortal form and become a god?" I asked calmly, I was capable and all, but didn't think I was capable of doing what Tsunade had just done within a few hours. Tsunade was stunned by my words, 

"What do you mean by becoming a god?" She asked softly, to which I thought for a moment before explaining.

"Mortals, even with chakra can't increase their body durability and even organs. meanwhile, we gods are made out of pure energy, which forms our physical body. our blood, hair, eyes, and so on. We are not just simply unkillable, but normal weapons can't harm us." I said calmly while a kunai formed in my hands, which I stabbed my palm with, but upon contact the kunai broke, leaving Tsunade shocked

"We have high resistance towards chakra, so simply adding chakra to these weapons isn't enough to harm us. her mind and body are one, allowing for her body to do things like this." I said as my hand broke apart, only to come together to form a blade, kunai, Tsunade, and even a beautiful butterfly

"in the past, we tail beasts were not able to do such things. but I managed to figure out just what we are capable of doing over the years." I said calmly, I have studied many things, and among such things was the 8 gates of the human race. after absorbing the 10-tailed crust, we have lost her energy form, at least that was what I thought.

Everything was made out of energy, if not, how were we able to keep such a human form? should we have turned back to our tail beast form? how was I able to enter my tail beast form, and back without trouble? even now, we are made out of chakra, 

Anyways, without physical form, we didn't have anybody limitations, we could do as we wished with our bodies. in the past even I could do this, like forming a Kunai with my hand. this was a level of new mastery of the body that I reached, after studying the 8 gates. how? the mind, everyone has mental limitations, and these were what I broke, increasing my power to even new heights.

Honestly, my power was great. all I knew was that I could move the son around with ease, and even crush it from the moon, with great ease, just using my mind now. My power was just growing and growing, and by now I no longer needed thought bubbles to help me picture and effect reality, she thought was enough for me to do as I wished, from creating life to erasing people from reality and so on. 

for example, if I were to create a genjutsu, I would cast it on reality, giving me near-unmatched control over everything. at that point, just picture me as the author, able to create almost anything and erase almost anything.

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