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30% Jobless Reincarnation of The Magic God / Chapter 12: Departure and Arrival

Bab 12: Departure and Arrival

(Spoiler alert for anime watchers: skip to (----) to avoid the spoiler. Thank you.)

In the deep night, with beautiful moonlight shining on the forest and fireflies showing their beautiful light, there was an elf with golden hair and wearing a green cape with two swords on his waist standing in front of a stone, but it was not an ordinary stone; it was a tombstone with beautiful green flowers and a bottle of alcohol he gave as an offering.

"Everyone, I am here to say goodbye."

The tombstone itself was located far from my home or any town, and there is no name on it; it is just written Greyrat, Oberon, using his former world's written language to avoid anyone reading it.

"I am now fifteen years old, which means I will leave this forest and not visit this place for a while…. So I want to say goodbye."

Oberon knows it is stupid to talk to a stone, but for whatever reason, it makes Oberon feel at ease and happy because, probably in this only moment, he can feel connected with his previous family as Rudeus Greyrat.

"I try my best to be a better person and become stronger to protect the current family that I have. Viska is the best mother that I could have. She is a caring and loving mother. She is doing her best to teach me about magic and Elven history. She reminds me of you, Zenith. That's why I am glad I was born as his son."

Since I was a child, she has always taken good care of me, which is why I will never make her disappointed in me.

"For Levos, he is strict as a father but never points at hurting me. I know he loves me deeply because whenever he was at home, he always tried to spend time with me. He does teach me how to ride a deer, battle strategy, and the politics of the outside world and in this kingdom. I love both of them dearly, like I love both of you, Zenith and Paul."

'I will do anything to protect my current family... I don't want my past mistake to happen again.'

I have a magic ability to turn back time, but it does not fix my future but only the future of my other self. I know that from the time I used to warn my past self about the danger of trusting the god called Hitogami if it fixed my future, I should be gone, but I am not.

I pray that I never have to use that magic again; after all, it is not a perfect magic spell.

"Sylphy, Roxy-sensei, and Eris Thank you for always being by my side when I am at the lowest point, and I am sorry that I am not by your side when you three are at the lowest point. I am sorry for the mistake I made…"

I can't help but cry and hate my past self and the regret that I left behind.

"…. Lucy Papa still remembers the promise we made, even if it was an illusion. Your father will keep it. Papa promises never ever! neglects your sibling."

I have not fallen in love with any woman yet, but I think the closest was with Sera; she was probably the same, but we both know that because of our race, we will never permit such a relationship. I don't want to make my family suffer because of my own selfishness ever again.

Then I create a cup made of earth, then I take the alcohol in front of me and pour it into the cup I create and drink the alcohol.

"*Puah* now goodbye to everyone. I promised that when I got back home, I would pay a visit again. I love you all."

Then I poured the remaining alcohol into the tombstone. After that, I turned my back and headed home to prepare for tomorrow's departure.


On the border of the Wishe Forest, I was with my mother and father; they both wanted to say goodbye at the border. Of course, we avoid people from spotting us because the Wishe People are not so pleased if one of their beloved noble high-elf leaves the forest. I suggest that my father tell our people that I leave the house and want to explore the outside world and learn new kinds of magic.

"Father, Mother, thank you for everything."

"We should be the ones thanking you, Oberon; you were working hard to make sure our forest was safe before you left... Your mother and I were really glad you were born into our family, and the people of Wishe Forest will miss you dearly."

"You were right, dear, but you always make your mother worry, you know, every ev.."

My mother just can't hold back her tears. I know she is holding her tears, but I know she is at her limit when we are at the border. Then I hugged her to calm her down.

"Mother… Don't cry; it's not like we will never meet again. I promise to send a letter."

"...I am sorry, Oberon. I just can't help it. Our home will never be the same when you are not here."

"*sigh* Viska, did you see you make our son worried again?"

Then I release a warm embrace and look into my mother's eyes.

"I promise to take care of myself well, and with Orstrid at my sides, none can harm me, Mother."

Then Ortrid stepped forward and placed her hand on her chest.

"I promise Lady Viska to protect Master Oberon with my life."

Then I wiped my mother's tears and smiled at her.

"*sigh* I understand... Just remember, Oberon, this place is your home. Whenever you are tired and have nowhere to go, please come back to us."

"Yes, I understand, Mother."

"Oberon, all I want to say is the same as your mother, but I will add one thing: please keep the promise you made with King Larfal; he loves his daughter so much."

"I understand, Father, I will."

Then I took a step back, with Orstrid by my side. Then I bowed my head to both of my beloved parents.

"Thank you for everything, Mother and Father."

Then I cast gravity magic, and Orstrid created a wing using her magic.

"See you later, Mother; Father, I will head out."

((Please take care, Oberon.))

Then I cast a wind barrier and flew to the sky with Orstrid while my mother and father waved their hands.

"See you later, our beloved son... May the spirit of our ancestors protect you."


To reach Orario, I must fly for more than 3 hours. I can increase my speed, but I want to enjoy the scenery from the sky. If I travel at my maximum speed, I can reach the speed of sound. With that, I can reach Orario in a matter of minutes. My flight speed was probably the same as that of a commercial plane.

The first city I flew through was Santorio Vega. From what I know, that city was the place for entertainment. There is an amusement park and a place to gamble, probably the same as Las Vegas.

' Hm, I want to visit that place, but I don't want to arrive at Orario at night. *sigh* I just wonder what kind of food they have maybe next time.'

Then I keep flying to the west. I already planned my flight path. At first, I wanted to fly across 'Telskyura'. I was a bit curious about a society that was full of women, but it was too far south from here. It would make the travel far longer than I wanted.

'And I heard that the woman who lives there calls them 'Amazonesses' and they are wearing little clothes to appeal to men. If I were still my old self, I would probably go there.'

I just can't hold my chuckle. Because of my noble heritage, I must never do such an act because it would ruin my family's and the Elven Kingdom's reputation.

'*sigh* It is what it is, I guess.'

("What's wrong, Master?")

("Nothing, I just think of something.")

After flying for more than two hours, we rested a bit in the nearby water stream to eat and rest for 30 minutes. Then I opened the bag where I stored the food. Mother prepares a couple of pieces of food. It was bread, using the flour that comes from 'Ryumilua' inside. The bread was honey from our forest.

"Hmm, it's so delicious, as expected from Mother's cooking."

After 30 minutes of rest, we fly again. If I was right, we are now halfway before we arrive at Orario, which means we should spot the famous Tower of Babel.

"There they are... Wow, it looks like it can reach heaven. Let's go, Orstrid."


Orario It is known as the center of the world and is located in the western corner of the continent. It is considered the place where all the adventurers who seek power, knowledge, and exploration will gather, including the gods and goddesses who seek entertainment.

The city had a circular design, and the center of the city was the Tower of Babel. The tower itself was built not for aesthetics but for an important reason: to stop the monsters within the dungeon from escaping. The tower of Babel is owned by the guild to watch over and take care of. The first twenty floors are filled with Familia businesses, facilities, and money exchanges.

"What's the dungeon name, sir?"

I am right now riding a horse carriage that went to Orario, which I believe was the best decision to hear some stories from a merchant. Of course, it was not free.

"We just call it the dungeon, kid. That place is the most dangerous. Only the bravest, like an adventurer, dare to explore that place, and you must have the god's blessing or join a Familia to have a chance to survive in the dungeon."

"I see…"

'Did I have to join Familia to gain entrance to the dungeon? Or is it just too dangerous for a normal person to explore that place? ...."

"If you want to know the specifics, I suggest you join the adventurer guild to access the guild information. I believe all your questions will be answered."

"Okay, thank you, sir, for the information. It really benefits us."

"No problem, kid... Oh, we almost arrived at the entrance gate. I think this is the place you should go alone because the guard needs to check your identity."

"Hm, that pretty long line—did something happen that made the guard look pretty anxious?"

"Yeah, we can't blame them because the rampant criminal Familia activity makes the city guard always seem anxious. After all, the criminals are led by a god, which makes them far more dangerous than a normal criminal."

'*sigh* again, why did the gods love to make a mess in the mortal world?'

"Who is the god who led them?"

"I am sorry, boy. I do not dare say the name. There is a chance that one of their members hears our conversation. When you are inside Orario, you will know; trust me."

Then the carriage stops close to the line of people.

"You should go alone from here, boy... good luck."

"Thank you, sir."

Then I went out of the carriage with Orstrid and went to the end of the line of people, waiting to gain entrance to Orario City.



After waiting for an hour, it was finally my turn.

"Hm, an elf with gold hair and an elven woman with white hair... Wait a moment."

The guard went to the room at the sides of the gates. After a few minutes, he comes back.

"I am sorry to make you wait; you can get inside."

'Did something happen? He looks like he's in panic mode.'

"Did something happen?"

"Nothing can enter the city; welcome to Orario."

"Sure, thank you... Let's go, Orstrid."

Then we went to the entrance of the city, and after passing the gate, I was welcomed by the sight of a tall building that passed the cloud.

'It looks more amazing up close... Whoever built that tower must be the best architect, but it's possible that it was created by a god, so I am not so surprised.'

"Let's see what we should do first."

Then I feel a strong gaze, but I pretend not to notice whoever is gazing at me.


("Yes, I know Orstrid, someone is watching us... Can you track where it comes from?")

("Sadly, I can't, Master; the spy was well hidden.")

("I see, it's okay; just keep alert and ready for whatever happens.")


("It is still a day, but we should find an inn to rest and keep our belongings.")

("Yes, Master.")

I had a choice to make contact with Princess Riveria, but I fear that she is not in a position to help me, and after all, there is no need to rush from what Mother said—that Riveria is strong and she already has an ally that will protect her.

'Let's find someone to ask where the best inn is. That shopper should do it.'

"Excuse me, mam, I am sorry to bother you... Can I ask where the nearby inn is?"

"An Elf Hm, that's pretty rare. Sure, just follow this road, and you will see the sign that says, 'Hosttest of Fertility', but be aware that it is an expensive place to sleep."

"Thank you, mam, for the information."

Then I and Orstrid just followed the directions that the shopper gave us. I still can't shake the feeling of us being watched from somewhere, maybe from the criminal Familia that Merchant was talking about, so I keep myself ready while holding my blade.

'We are in a crowded place, so they are not stupid enough to do anything.'

After half an hour of walking, I can spot the sign that says, 'Hosttesest of Fertility.

"That should be the place. Orstrid, are they still following us?"

"Yes, Master, but this time I can sense them."

"After we have a place to sleep, we can pull them out of the shadow, and then we should eat first."

Then we went into the tavern, and I saw people drinking and eating; they all looked like adventurers when they noticed me. They were observing me closely and murmuring something, but all my attention was laid on a buff, strong woman standing while folding her hand.

"Oberon... is that you?"


"Hahaha, you're finally here, Freya-sama was right after all. If not for that white-haired woman beside you, I am not going to recognize you at all. Come take a seat here."

Then I took the empty seat in front of her. The bar itself is well decorated and like a medieval bar, and I can smell delicious food from the kitchen. The customer was most common, probably because it was still afternoon, which meant most of the adventurers were still in the dungeon.

"Hm, you become taller, and your body looks more like a swordsman than a mage."

I spend every day training my body when I wake up in the morning. At first, it is painful to do that daily, but after more than a month, my body has become more used to it.

"Mia-san has not changed at all from the last time we met. I am still a mage; I just train my body every day to become stronger in close combat."

"Hahaha, I see. I see that blade was well suited to you and Orstrid as always, so be silent. Don't worry there; nobody dared to attack your master in here. I guarantee it."

"I am sorry, Mia-san; it's just that when we pass the gates, I can sense someone is watching and following us; that's why Orstrid is kept on guard."

"I see. Need help?"

"No need; I will pull them out of the shadow, but first, can I order something, Mia-san? I am hungry now."

"Sure, here, look at the menu and choose what you like. All of it was my original recipe."

I look at the menu board and can see there is plenty of food and drink to choose from.

'There are noodles, roasted meats, soups, as well as various kinds of alcohol.'

"I think I will choose noodles and meats for the drink. I like to have apple juice; make it two for me and Orstrid."

"Sure thing, Oi, you all stop staring at our customer and get back to work!"

((Y-Yes Mama))

'Is it that rare to see an elf? Oh, I almost forgot.'

"And Mia-san, is there an empty room for rent?"

"Sure, there is an empty room upstairs; it will be 400 valis per night."

Then I gave Mia 400 Valis, and she gave me the room key.

"Thank you. Just take the stairs and look for a door with a number one sign."

"Understood, I need to put our belongings first. Then excuse me, Mia-san."

Then we went upstairs, followed the hall, and looked for the room with the number one sign.

"This should be the one."

My room was located at the corner of the room after putting in the key and opening the door.

"The room has plenty of space... Hmm, the bed is comfy as well. I am glad that there are two beds for me and Orstrid."

Then I put my belongings in the corner of the room; it takes a few minutes to organize, and I put a magic barrier on the window. After that, Oberon and Orstrid went back to eat the food they ordered, but when they walked down the stairs, they were welcomed with plenty of food.

"Mia-san, it's too much food. I am not sure I and Orstrid can eat all of it."

"Hahaha, it's just a welcoming party; after all, I believe in the future you will become the most famous person in Orario."

"Hahaha, I am not sure about that, but I will not decline somebody's invitation to a party, but I am sorry I can't drink alcohol."

Then I take a seat in front of her.

"I am sorry to ask you this, Oberon. How old are you?"

"I just reached fifteen yesterday."


All the waiters were surprised to know my age was that young, they probably thought I was much older than I look.

"Silent!! Go back to work!"

((We are sorry, Mama.))

"*sigh* I am sorry about that; the waiters can't keep themselves calm when they see a handsome elf. Hm, that means we celebrate your birthday too."

"I thank you for that, Mia-san."

"Then dig in the food; it is delicious when it is still warm."

"While I was eating, can Mia-san share some important information with me?"

"Hm, let's start with..."

Then Mia-san told me that Orario was managed and led by the guild, but most powers were held by the two Familia; it was Freya Familia and Loki Familia because of their strength and capability, but still, the guild was the one responsible for managing the city of Orario. The Familia just helped the guild by extending their hand as an exchange they could do as they pleased, but of course, with a rule they must follow.

There are different types of Familia exploration type, business type, industrial type, medicinal type, and even nation type. Most of the Familia that reside in Orario are exploration-type because most adventurers want to explore the dungeon. The main reason is because of the resources inside the dungeon; the deeper you go, the richer you become, and of course, the more fame you get, the deeper you go. The record holder for the deepest dive ever was held by Zeus and Hera Familia, which is one of the reasons they are so strong and famous.

Mias-san said she quit an adventure years ago because her dream was to open an inn, of course, with some condition to make goddess Freya let Mia quit as a member and captain of her Familia, When I asked the condition, she said, "It's a secret between me and goddess Freya." Right now, Freya Familia's captain is Ottar himself.

"I know when I taste Mia-san cook food, I know Mia-san has a great talent for cooking."

"You are a pretty great flatter, Oberon. Hahaha, thanks for the compliment."

Then I can feel the atmosphere change.

"After Zeus and Hera Familia fall, many of the criminal Familia take a chance to lay their roots in Orario, but of all of them, the most dangerous was Evilus Familia."

"Why is Evilus Familia different from the other Mia-san?"

"They are so fanatic and do anything to achieve their goal."

"What is their goal?"

"The destruction of Babel Tower."

Then I grabbed the table and shouted.

"What!! That madness!!"

"Calm down, Oberon, you scared the customer."

"I am sorry. But they know the consequences: if the Babel tower gets destroyed, the monster in the dungeon will escape to the surface, and it will create chaos in the Gekai world."

"That's exactly their goal, Oberon; it's to create chaos on the surface, so I am asking you to lend us help."

"I will see what I can do before that; I need to gather as much information as I can first."

"Hm, for that, I suggest you register yourself as an adventurer. With that, you can gain information from the guild. You can still have the time to register yourself as an adventurer, and don't worry about the security; I guarantee you this inn is safe."

"Okay, I will take your suggestion, Mia-san."

Then I paid for the food that I ordered; it was pretty expensive, but I had no problem; I had much money that I needed.

"Then I will head out. Thank you for the food, Mia-san."

"Hm. The guild is located northwest of the center of Orario. Just follow the adventurer who is carrying a bag and you will find it."

"Thank you, Mia-san."

"Take care, Oberon."


"The guild should be in the northwest of the center of the city. There they are."

Then I spotted the building that I thought should be the guild. I know I was spot on when I saw many adventurers go to that building while carrying a bag.

'Hm, it's probably the material they gathered from the dungeon.'

I went inside the building where the adventurers went. I was welcomed by buzzing adventurers making a line. I saw that they were selling what they had gathered from the dungeon; most of it was magic crystal.

The first thing I did was check the noticeboard. There, I saw a quest and bounty for monsters and humans.

'Hm, there is more of a bounty for the human than the monster.'

The situation is far worse than I thought. I think I should make my connection with Riveria. I believe fighting a human is far worse than fighting a monster. Even with her having an ally, she can never always be safe.

"Excuse me, Elf-san."

Then I looked at the source of the sound; it was a demi-human lady with a uniform. I thought she was a cat person, but after seeing her tail, she was probably not a cat person; she must be a werewolf. She has long red hair and wears the Guild uniform.


"I am sorry, but by any chance, elf-san was new here?"

"Ah, is that so easy to spot? *sigh* Never mind, yes, I am. I just arrived in Orario today. Don't be so anxious. I am not going to hurt you for no reason, miss."

"My name is Rose, and I am sorry because it was my first week of work as a guild employee."

"I see, then, Rose, I want to register myself as an adventurer. Can you help me?"

"Sure!! This way, elf-san."

She guided me to the desk and asked me to sit, then handed me the paper, which she said I needed to fill in.

"Please fill out this form, and please be honest."

Then I start with the name, race, where I was from, and Familia that I am part of.

"I am sorry, Rose-san. I am not part of any Familia yet."

"Hmm, okay, El-"

"Just call me Oberon."

"Oberon-san, how about I show the name and information about Familia that maybe Oberon-san will be interested in?"

"No need to do that, Rose. We will take him."



Then I look behind me, and there is a woman with light red hair and wearing tomboyish male attire with jeans and a shirt that shows off her stomach.

"Welcome to Orario Boya."

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