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12.82% Yu-Gi-Oh: Fate Of Time / Chapter 5: Friendship And Mystery

Bab 5: Friendship And Mystery

The stunning young lady introduse herself as Tea Gardner and man she was stunning, i couldn't take my eyes of her.

"Umm, It's Nice to meet you."

I shake my head and greeted Tea with a an apologetic face.

"Hello Tea, It's nice to meet you too."

While everyone was talking nice to each other, Old Man Moto brought a several binders with a lot of cards, which brought Ryze attention.

"Oh that's a lot of card Old Moto, is all of it for trade?"

Old Moto laughed and smiled "Ohoho of course Ryze, tell me what you wanted ti get and we can see what the difference is."

Yugi looked at his grandpa in confusion and saw the rare card that Ryze had.

"Are you trading away your rare card? Why would you do that!?"

Ryze looked at Yugi and told him what he told Old Man Moto, That he needed card to balance his deck since he didn't feel like it was up for the test.

"But, don't you need it? Even tho it's still a rumor that Kaiba will host a tournament since the rules changed, you still need a *Rare card* in order to participate!?"

Ryze was holding his chin and closed his eyes, (Should I show him?)

Ryze then went through his deck and showed Yugi, Old Moto and Tea his other rare card.

"Hmm? Cyber Dinosaur? I never seen this card before? And with 2500 attack point and a special ability!? That's really a super rare card!"

Yugi and Old man Moto looked at the card with awe and then asked Ryze how he obtained it.

"Hmm?" (Crap, What do I tell them!?)

System: [Tell them you obtained it though a special quiz held by Maximilian Pegasus before Duelist Kingdom started and got the the highest score.]

You immediately told them the info you got from the System and immediately got nods from Old Moto.

"Hmm it is true that Pegasus held an a quiz right after the tournament where the finalists where Weevil Underwood And Rex Raptor were held."

"So you see, i have another Rare Card to ante for the tournament."

Suddenly a loud thud came from the kitch and the 2 guys appeares again with chicken legs in their mouth.

"Hey mister Moto, You are out of milk!"

"You are Also out of food!"

Moto looked at the boys at shock and was feeling annoyed.

"You are all the food in the fridge! You youngster don't hold back on an Old man don't you!"

Tea was looking at the boys with irritation and looked at Old man Moto with an apology face.

*Sigh* "I Guess i have to close shop early to buy more food."

Ryze looked at Moto and the sky and was suprised it almost late again, so with a suprise asked, "But What about the trade?"

Old Moto look at Ryze with an apology face and told him that he needs food for him and his grandson which Ryze understod and was about to leave.

"Wait, Since you come all this way, how about another duel, I do feel sorry that you came here and didn't get to trade, Joey, How about you Duel Ryze?"

Joey looked at Moto and pointed his finger at himself with a suprise.

"Yes you, Who else has Joey as his name? Do me this favor and i will not be angry that both you and Tristan ate up our food!"

Both Joey and Tristan looked at each other and then with a cheer Joey accept.

"Alright then Grandpa Moto, You have a deal, By the way." He looked at Ryze and took his hand out for a handshake.

"Joey Wheeler is the name, You probably heard of me, Duelist Kingdom finalist."

System:[Mission obtained, Defeat Joey Wheeler, Reward: 1 Super Rare card.]

Joey looked at Ryze with a big smile waiting at Ryze reply which made Ryze laugh a little.

"Sure, Even If it is sudden, i do know who you are Joey Wheeler, My name is Ryze Minato, You better remember this name, I will be in the finals of the Battle City after all."

Joey looked at Ryze with a suprise face and Both of them smiled at each other.

Tristan looked at Ryze and smiled too, Feeling that Ryze might be a cool guy.

"Then its settled, let's go the to nearest table here."

Everyone in the shop then went toward the table to watch Joey and Ryze duel before leaving.

Both shuffling each other decks and then gave each other their decks back, with Old Man Moto standing between them and with a coin flip, Joey starts.

"Are you both ready?

"I'm always ready, good luck!"

"Hey you too Ryze, since I am a finalist I will try to hold back at you." With a smug face and smiled at him.

Ryze could only shuckle which made Joey annoyed and both drew 5 cards.

"Well then, Begin!!!"

[Lets Duel!!!]

Joey: [4000LP]

Ryze: [4000LP]

"Well then, I draw! Hehehe, I drew a really powerful card, I begin buy summoning my Flame Swordsman!!! In Attack mode!"

Everyone looked at Joey with surprise and suddenly got a looked down upon.

"I'm sorry but you can't do that."

Joey looked at Ryze and was confused before hearing a coughing from Old Man Moto.

"Joey, You do know that in the new rules you can't summon a monster with 5 star and above without sacrificing a monster do you?"

Joey then realized that he made a mistake and laughed it through.

"Ahahah, Of course I knew, I was just giving him a fighting chance!" Joey said that laughing nervously and ended his turn.

Ryze looked at Joey and then almost forgot that Joey doesn't know 100% of the new rules.

"Well then, my turn, Draw!, I begin to summon my Frenzied Panda in attack mode!

Frienzied Panda

Normal Monster

Attack: 1200

Defense: 1000

"Attack Joey directly! And after that I play 2 card facedown!"


Joey: [4000 - 1200] = [2800LP]

"Okay it's my turn then, and this time I'm not going easy on you! I'm summoning my Aligator Sword in attack mode!"

Aligator Sword

Normal Monster

Attack: 1500

Defense: 1200

"I start by attacking you Panda with my Aligator Sword!"

Yugi looked at Joey and was about to say something but then.

"You activated my facedown card, Paralyzing Potion, This spell card makes any monster equipped with this card unable to attack, and I'm giving it to your Aligator Sword!"

"Say what!?"

(Joey, you need to be more careful, Always observe what the playing field is and what that lurks in it.) while Old Moto and Yugi was thinking that Tristan was saying stuff out loud.

"Joey, What are you doing man? You are a finalist from Duelist Kingdom, You can't fall for this so easy."

Joey looked at Tristan with an annoyed face and hand his hand up toward Tristan.

"Hey man, would it hurt you to show me some encouragement!"

Tristan was smiling at Joey with an playful face.

"Urgh, that's a great move Ryze, But it's not over yet, I set 2 card facedown aswell, Over to you."

Joey [2800LP]

Ryze [4000LP]

Ryze was looking between Joey and Tristan and had a funny smile.

"Your really are great friends, well the. My turn, I draw!, I begin to summon my Zombyra The Dark, in attack mode!

Zombyra The Dark

Effect Monster

Attack: 2100

Defense: 500

Joey was looking at the monster Ryze summoned and was shocked.

"Meh!? What kinda monster is that! Why is it so powerful!?"

"Calm down Joey, Every monster has a weakness, and this card must have an ability that has a great weakness!" Said Yugi.

Ryze looked at Yugi and nodded, "Indeed Yugi, this card has an ability that makes him unable to attack directly and get 200 attack weaker every time he destroys a monster."

Joey looked at Zombyra and had a an understanding face and was ready.

"Zombyra The Dark, Attack his Aligator Sword!"

Joey was then smiling towards Ryze and flipped his facedown card.

"Haha, You activated my trap card, my Magical Arm Shield! Which let me take one of your monster to be attacked instead of my Aligator Sword, and who else by your side then your Frenzied Panda, and since it was your monster you attacked you lose life point from the difference in the attack points!"

Ryze realized that Magical Arm Shield has the same ability in the anime that he is in and not in the real world he came from.

"Argh, My Panda!"

Ryze: [4000 - 900] = [3100LP]

Zombyra: [2100 - 200] = [1900Atk]

"Hmm, I play one card face down and end my turn"

Joey: [2800LP] Hand: 3 cards

Ryze: [3100LP] Hand: 1 card

"Wow good job Joey, That's what you should of done in the first place." Tristan Said.

Joey looked at Tristan again but with a smile this time.

"Hehe, My turn, I draw! I summon my Swordman Of Landstar in defense mode!

Swordsman Of Landstar

Normal monster

Attack: 500

Defense: 1200

"And then I change my Aligator Sword to defense mode aswell, I end my turn!"

"My turn then, I draw!"

Ryze looked at his hand and with only two cards he had a few option and with the facedown Joey had he had fewer options, (heh, No pain no game.)

"I begin to attack your Aligator Sword once again!"

Joey smiled once again and activated another facedown.

"Hehe, You activate another facedown card, my Fairy Box trap card hides my monster in this box and his head will show up like a whack mole game, and then we both toss one coin, If you guess correct, my monster gets attacked, but if you guess wrong, your attack will miss and my monster will survive, so what will you guess?"

Ryze rises an eye lid and was surprised that Fairy Box was nurfed in the anime since it usually make the attacking monster to 0 instead of missed the attack and he have to have a monster to activate it.

"I guess Tails!"

Old Man Moto tossed the coin and it landed on head which makes Joey smile even more.

"Hehehe, You guessed wrong, which mean your attack missed!"

Ryze was feeling annoyed, He almost forgot that Joey is a luck god in Yugioh.

"I'm not done yet, I begin to sacrifice my Zombyra The Dark to Summon my Magical Marionette!"

Magical Marionette

Effect Monster

Attack: 2000

Defense: 1000

"I then activate my spell card Pot of Greed, Which allows me to draw 2 cards!"

Ryze drew 2 cards and was smiling.

"Im not done yet, I activate my Magical Marionette special ability! For every spell card actived, he gets a spell counter, and for every spell counter on him he gets 300 attack point!

[2000 + 300] = [2300Atk]

"I then set 1 card facedown, and with that, I end my turn!"

Joey: [2800LP] hand: 4 cards

Ryze: [3100LP] hand 1 card

"My turn then, I draw!"

Joey looked at the card he drew and was smiling like he won.

"Oh yeah! I sacrifice my Aligator Sword and my Swordsman Of Landstar to summon my ace monster! My Red Eyes B Dragon!!!"

Red Eyes B Dragon

Normal Monster

Attack: 2400

Defense: 2000

Suddenly in Yugi, Joey and Ryze minds, A image of Red Eyes B Dragon showed and roared at Ryze!

Ryze was shocked at the sight of Red Eyes and was trembling, But not the trembling of fear but more of an excitement!

In Yugi's mind, the pharaoh started to appear.

("Partner, I can feel the spirit of Joey's Red Eyes, Who is this duelist Joey is facing?")

Yugi explained abit to pharaoh that Ryze was the duelist Grandpa told us about and after words pharaoh also watch the duel.

Joey was looking at his Red Eyes and was confused and then just shakes his head and was ready to attack.

"Red Eyes, Attack his Magical Marionette, Inferno Fire Blast!!!"

"Hold it Joey, You forgot my facedown card! I activate my Block Attack! This spell card changes one monster who are in attack mode to defense mode! And I change your Red Eyes B Dragon to defense mode which cancels his attack!!!"

"Meh, My attack!!!"

Joey looked at the face down and realized he got reckless when he summoned his ace monster.

"And don't forget about my monster special ability! He gets 300 attack points for every spell card activated!"

[2300 + 300] = [2600Atk]

"Oh man, I end my turn."

Joey: [2800LP] Hand: 4 cards

Ryze: [3100LP] Hand: 1 card

"My turn then, I draw!"

Ryze looked at the card he drew and know he drew the winning card to win this duel.

"I first summon my Mega Thunderbolt in attack mode!"

Mega Thunderbolt

Normal monster

Attack: 750

Defense: 600

"And I activate my final magic card, Share The Pain! This magic card forces us both to sacrifice one monster on our side on the field, I sacrifice my Mega Thunderbolt to the graveyard and then you are forced to sacrifice one monster you have on your side of the field to the graveyard and with only Red Eyes B Dragon on your side on the field, he's gone!"

Joey looked in shocked and was feeling hurt that his Red Eyes was sent to the graveyard

"With the look in your face you think you still in the game, don't you Joey?"

"Well with only one monster on your field Ryze and no cards in your hand I'm still in this!"

Ryze shakes his head and pointed at his monster.

"You forget that my Magical Marionette get one spell counter for every spell card activated, and with a total of 3 spell cards I used when he was on the field, he gets stronger, 300 attack points stronger for ever counter on him."

Joey slowly realized that in what was going on and started to slowly pale.

"Oh no, With 3 spell counters he has 2900 attack points, that means-"

"You lose, Magical Marionette attack his life points with String Barrage!!!"

Joey: [2800 - 2900] = 0LP

"No way…"

Everyone was looking at the duel with shock but after awhile, they cheered.

Boy1: "That was awesome!!!"

Boy2: I can't believe he won against a Finalist of Pegasus tournament!"

Joey was looking down on the table with shocked until a hand appears on his shoulder,

Looking who it was, was Grandpa Moto and nodded.

"It was an incredible duel Joey, Well done."

Joey looked down again. "But I lost… I was a finalist in Duelist Kingdom…"

Old Moto shakes his head and tells Joey something important.

"Joey, You are a good duelist, no doubt about that, but after Duelist Kingdom you started to get to full of yourself, not focusing on what was important! Remember Joey, anyone can become a great duelist, as long as they work hard and never give up, you can win any duel."

Joey slowly looked at Grandpa Moto and then slowly looked at Ryze which he had his hand stretched out to him.

"It was a good duel Joey, I'm kinda afraid of facing you next time we duel, but if we do, I hope it is as exciting as it was today!"

Joey looked at Ryze face which had a gentle smile and Joey shakes his head and stretched his hand aswell!

"It was wasn't it! But next time, I win! You can count in that!"

Ryze laughed, "We will see about that!"

Both were shaking hands while everyone was clapping their hands.

{Meanwhile at the museum}

"Are you sure you will give me this card? What if I decide to keep it forever?"

The beautiful lady stared at the young man who happens to be Kaiba, she shakes her head.

"You will give the card back to its rightful owner, it is destiny that you cannot deny Kaiba."

Kaiba was looking at Ishizu with a grumpy face and told her she will hold the tournament, he was curious and intrigued on these called Rare Hunters, and with this tournament, he will obtain all Egyptian God cards and become the number one duelist.

While she is seeing Kaiba walk away, She was touching her Millennium Neckles and was closing her eyes.

A shadow of a figure was showing up in her vision but never saw who it was that was appearing in her vision, she open her eyes and was looking at the ancient tablet.

"Who are you?"


Hey guys, sorry it took awhile to get a chapter out, I was Playing Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdoms and lost track of time, So here is an extra Long chapter, I hope you like it and sets next time!!!

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