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30% Black Material Hunting System / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Sister Yun

Bab 11: Chapter 11: Sister Yun

Words Count: 2102

Just past 6 o'clock.

Calculating, Chen Yi had only slept for a little over 5 hours, but he felt unusually energized. Even the bullets he had shot blank yesterday seemed to regain their vigour.

He went to the balcony and practiced martial arts for a while, going through all the movements, feeling that they were just as he remembered. Finally, he stopped and began to tidy up.

By the time everything was in order, it was almost 7 o'clock. Chen Yi went to the cafeteria and had a casual breakfast before taking a taxi to the Tai'an agency. When he arrived, the agency hadn't opened yet, but there were already many men and women gathered outside, some carrying large and small bags, obviously here to find work.

Chen Yi sat down on the steps at the entrance, looking around in hopes of spotting an attractive girl.

Unfortunately, not to mention attractive girls, there were hardly any young women around, and those who were there had strange and unappealing appearances. It was quite disappointing.

With no other option, he resorted to playing with his phone.

Chen Yi opened WeChat to see a message that he just received from Mu Shuyan. "Husband, Pan Long said he wants to introduce me to that Bilibili live steamer today."

"Alright, just be careful not to let anyone take advantage of you. Otherwise, next time we meet, I'll deal with you."

"Husband, are you really that worried about me? 😁"

Chen Yi chuckled, "Well, with how beautiful you are and your great figure, which man could resist?"

"Does that include you?"

"Nonsense! Didn't I make it obvious enough yesterday?"

In the dormitory, Mu Shuyan blushed and typed, "Do you men want to have sex whenever you see a good-looking girl?"

"Of course, haven't you heard the saying? Men always love beautiful young girls who are eighteen."

Mu Shuyan pouted, "Then am I not enough for you?"

"What do you think? Shall we go to a hotel tonight and find out?"

Mu Shuyan instinctively squeezed her thighs. It was just a joke. Her pussy was still swollen from yesterday. Another night like that, and she might not even be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

"When I figure out the live streaming process, I'll break up with Pan Long, and we can be together openly. Then I'll be able to spend more time with you."

"No need to rush. As long as you don't let other men take advantage of you, I don't care about labels or titles. By the way, if you run into any trouble, remember to contact me." Chen Yi wouldn't have dared to say such things before, but now he had martial arts skills, and his confidence naturally grew stronger.

Mu Shuyan was a little touched but didn't take those words too seriously. After all, Chen Yi had no money, no influence, and his academic performance was nothing special. Apart from having a great physique, there wasn't much he could boast about.

"Got it, honey. Pan Long is urging me, let's talk later."

"Go ahead." Chen Yi closed the chat box and sent a message to the agency, "When are you coming?"

Soon, he received a reply from the other side, "Have you arrived?"

"Yes, I'm sitting at the entrance."

"Wait there, I'll send someone over." Although they said "right away", it took more than ten minutes for a woman who looked like a staff member to finally approach.

She wore a white shirt with a blue skirt, paired with black stockings and shiny black high-heels, a somewhat typical women's work attire. Her figure was tall, with various concave and convex curves; her fair face had delicate makeup, and she had a confident chin-length bob hair. She was slightly inferior to Mu Shuyan in terms of pure beauty but she made up for it using her exceptional figure and temperament. Especially temperament, which exuded the aura of serious professional woman. She seemed like one of those no-nonsense type of woman, someone you don't want to joke around with when working.

The woman scanned the area in front of the door and finally settled her gaze on Chen Yi, asking lightly, "Are you 'Drop in the ocean'?"

That was Chen Yi's WeChat name, and upon hearing it, he instantly recognized the person. "Are you Sister Yun?"

"It's me..." The two of them moved to a nearby tree and Sister Yun looked sceptical. "You said you can take on three to five people. Are you just bragging?"

"Do you want me to prove it?"

"How would you prove it?"

Chen Yi sighed, "You're not asking me to fight here, are you?"

Sister Yun finally realized; she coughed lightly to cover her mistake and said, "Sorry about that. Let me open the door first."

After opening the door, she asked the other job seekers to wait in the lobby, then led Chen Yi through a back door and into an alley. "Is this place okay?"

Chen Yi nodded. "What do you want to see?"

Sister Yun tilted her head and pondered, "What kind of martial arts do you practice? Can you show me?"

"I practice many, and Tai Chi is one of them. I'll demonstrate it for you." Chen Yi wasted no time and assumed the stance, performing a round of Tai Chi. This Tai Chi set was more complex than what was commonly seen, not just gentle and slow, but a combination of both softness and strength.

In moments of power, he resembled a fierce tiger descending a mountain, and in moments of softness, he was like a gentle breeze brushing willows. The contrasting styles of strength and softness manifested in Chen Yi's movements with exceptional harmony. It flowed like running water, showcasing both violence and aesthetic beauty.

Sister Yun was completely astonished. She had never seen such an impressive form of martial arts in her entire life. Not to mention the power, even the appearance alone surpassed those of Kung Fu superstars in movies.

After completing the set of movements, even Chen Yi's initially ordinary appearance transformed into a composed and restrained demeanour in Sister Yun's eyes. Suddenly thinking of something, a light of struggle appeared in her eyes but as she saw his powerful actions, she finally decided to take a give it a chance.

After Chen Yi stopped, she carefully considered her words and said, "Can you demonstrate your strength?"

Chen Yi didn't say a word. He walked over to a corner, stepped on a piece of broken brick covered in black mud, and twisted his waist while stomping his foot. With a crisp sound, the half piece of black brick instantly shattered into five pieces, revealing a fresh break in the middle.

"Amazing!" With the prevalence of the internet, Sister Yun had seen many online martial arts experts breaking bricks, stones, and even steel plates. But she had never seen anything like Chen Yi's display. Just by stomping his foot, he shattered a brick on the ground into five pieces. How much strength must that require? If someone were to receive a kick like that, not to mention a person, even a cow would probably be unable to withstand it.

Sister Yun gulped secretly. She couldn't help but curiously lean over and pinch Chen Yi's arm. "Huh, why isn't it hard at all?"

She thought that with Chen Yi's strength, his muscles should be hard. But to her surprise, when she pinched it, it was unexpectedly soft, not the flabby kind of softness but rather resilient like a spring.

Chen Yi rolled his eyes when he heard her comment about him not being hard. "Muscles are like sponges. Being constantly hard isn't everything. Being able to be hard or soft according to your will is what makes a true man."

"Tch." Sister Yun may not be familiar with the term "spongy tissue," but as a newlywed young woman, she didn't back down either. "Who doesn't know how to talk big?"

Chen Yi didn't mean it in the first place, but upon hearing her words, he became interested. He had just woken up and was full of energy. This young woman full of curves was also very attractive, so why not have some fun?

After looking around to make sure no one was paying attention, he grabbed her hand and placed it on his crotch.

"You!" Sister Yun was startled by Chen Yi's sudden action, but she quickly realized that her hand was now resting on a semi-erect cock through his pants.

"It's so big!"

Seeing that this serious-looking professional woman actually wasn't resisting, Chen Yi was inwardly startled, and his courage grew instantly. He understood that there was something going on. So, he grinned lasciviously as he pinched one of her butt cheeks. "It gets even bigger when it's hard. Want to give it a try?"

Sister Yun blushed, and then thought of her husband's little worm, barely longer than a thumb, which couldn't even stand up. Yes, her husband had erectile dysfunction.

Feeling the vigour of a man for the first time in her life, Sister Yun, who under the disguise of a strong and capable professional woman was secretly a porn-addict, was a little intoxicated. It's just that as a young married woman, she couldn't get over the hurdle of cheating. She smiled slightly, backed away and said sadly, "It's a pity you are late. I am already married."

"Being married is good. It's more fun!" Chen Yi didn't care and voiced out with a lewd smirk.

"You!" Sister Yun eyes flickered. Truth be told, she was a little tempted, but reason came back to her before she could think more. Not daring to look at this unexpectedly bold and astonishingly powerful man, she changed the topic, "Let's go to the employer, it's a little far. We don't want to keep them waiting."

Saying so, she didn't give him any chance to take anymore advantage of her and went forward by herself, twisting her buttocks on the way.

Seeing this, Chen Yi wasn't discouraged because he has figured out that this seemingly serious-looking curvaceous woman wasn't completely rejecting him! Her words and actions were quite ambiguous, as can be seen by the fact that she didn't outright slap him for molesting her just now. It even felt like she was rejecting him on surface deliberately. In reality, she actually wanted him to continue…

Chen Yi didn't know if he misunderstood but he decided to give it a chance anyway. It's not everyday that he get to meet such a hot, tall and serious-looking newly married woman.


After explaining the matter to her colleagues, Sister Yun took Chen Yi to the parking lot, where a red MINI sedan was parked.

As they sat and Sister Yun started the car, after five minutes or so in the journey, Chen Yi's hands became restless. He stretched out his arm, and put it on Sister Yun's thighs which were covered in black stockings followed by blue skirt.

Sister Yun's face blushed slightly but she didn't resist! Clearly, she acquiesced to his actions!

'Sure enough, there's a chance!' Chen Yi was overjoyed. Seeing this, he rubbed her soft thighs, asked casually, "Sister Yun, to go to Yun Que Villa, we have to pass by Hongshan Park. Its early morning, why don't we take a scroll around there?"

Although Sister Yun hasn't seen pig fly, she has seen them running. Knowing that Hongshan Park was a notorious park filled with scent of liaisons all day around, how couldn't she understood what he was implying? She truly didn't expect him to be so bold. With her serious-looking face, and professional aura, she has inflated many confident men in past but it seems that it has no effect on this perverted guy.

"Let's not keep the employer wating." Of course, she rejected his request immediately. After all, she was a weak woman, if this man decided to force her, with his strength, she probably wouldn't even be able to resist. But faintly, there was a voice echoing in her mind, 'Accept him! Accept him!'

'You husband has ED anyway!'

'Will you stay virgin your whole life, not understanding the pleasure of being a woman?'

Shaking off those thoughts, Sister Yun focused on driving. But as Chen Yi's hand began to move restlessly on her thighs, stroking, pinching and caressing, and a waves of pleasure arose from her lower body, she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

As time move on, Chen Yi, whose courage grew bigger and bigger finally couldn't hold back. He stretched his arms further and slid his hand in her short skirt, pulling it up alongside his hand as he moved towards her secret area!

BukkakeMaster BukkakeMaster

This novel has been update upto chapter 18 on Patreon. Check out: patreon.com/BukkakeMaster to read in advance!

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