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38.09% Harry Potter and The Stone of Y / Chapter 8: Chapter 008 A Wild Riddle Appeared!

Bab 8: Chapter 008 A Wild Riddle Appeared!

Harry was in his room looking at Mewtwo's reflection in the floor length mirror. Mewtwo looked more like a bipedal cat than anything else, now that he thought about it. He had a small snout and slanted eyes. Opening his mouth he can see small sharp canines of both the upper and lower. Aside from the odd looking limbs, his head-tail, and his pink coloring, he looked pretty much like an exotic cat.

Speaking of small details that he noticed about himself, he needed less sleep now. A few hours at most and he'd be wide awake. Sleeping more would be useless for him now. He also didn't need to eat much. Sometimes he'd only eat once either in the morning at breakfast or dinner. He knew in his memories that Mewtwo didn't really need sleep or nourishment. His DNA came from a pokemon called Mew, the ancestor of all known Pokemon know to exist.

So Mewtwo was technically biologically immortal. Immortality. He couldn't imagine living for so long but he's more or less accepted it if it that was the case for him. Well, he wasn't really Mewtwo. Only through the stone, the Mewtwonite Y, was he able to change form. Looking a bit closer in the mirror he was shocked that the gem-like stone was a lot smaller now. Maybe it was four-fifths of its original size. What does that mean? Maybe he was becoming more Mewtwo and less Harry Potter? Was he more pokemon and less human? He could only guess.

He didn't know why the stone's box opened up for him that day. He has always wondered why. His theory was it had something to do with his circumstances that time. Both him and Mewtwo had pretty similar beginnings.

Sighing to himself he turned away from his reflection. It was useless to think about it. Besides, he rather enjoyed being Mewtwo than he enjoyed being Harry Potter. If there ever came a time that the stone fully dissolves into his body and he couldn't transform into a human anymore he could just cast strong illusions on himself if he wanted to go about blending in with other humans. Calculating a time frame, at the rate that the stone is getting smaller he maybe has 5 or 6 years before needing to constantly wear glamours.

Harry looked into Midas's basket. The excitable golden bird was eating some fresh grapes lovingly hand-picked by Tilly from the greenhouses.

'Hey, Midas. If I end up living forever will you be my forever friend?'

The bird tilted its poofy head to the side after pausing on attacking the innocent grapes. As if making a decision it bobbed its head once and returned to devouring the poor grapes. One of them rolled over away from the plate. Sharp-eyed for any stray victims…ahem…grapes, the little chick pounced on the runaway. Harry snickered behind his fingers but smiled softly at his birdy friend as he felt a mental connection forming between them. The bond between them already looking to be a strong one.

'Thanks, Midas.'


It has been a some days after the New Year and the new Elves and one Pheonix were settling in nicely at Potter Manor. The elves were given a task to start cleaning the rest of the property which they gleefully did. Some of them had been closed off before because no one's been using them. Harry also wanted to convert two of the rooms into a laboratory of sorts. It will be used when he was ready to delve into recreating what he calls Pokemon-technology. A collective term that describes the technology that came from his memories.

There was lots to do and if he wanted to take advantage of the market and start introducing stuff he needed to hurry up his studies.

Currently Harry was in the formal study room, thinking of his actions. Was right to rescue the the elves and also return the captured magical creatures he found? Yes, of course. It was the right thing to do. If he found another trafficking ring he'd raid them in a heart beat. No, what he was currently contemplating was what he did to those wizards. Had he been too hasty in dealing swift retribution to those people, leaving them in that condition? He was on the fence. On one hand, those…wizards…were scum. The dregs of society. They'd abuse the power, the magic that was given to them and subdue others if they could get away with it. His human part, the part where he's still an eight-year-old kid felt guilty. He'd never hurt anyone before and to do it to several people at once. One the other hand there was a part of him that was largely satisfied with what he did. They were evil after all and he was sure that they'd only get a slap on the wrist because corrupt politicians surely had a hand in running those establishments as well. Like Lucius Malfoy.

Harry frowned. He didn't know what to do with the bastard. He wanted to seek justice for those Malfoy hurt and abused but he hasn't decided an appropriate punishment yet. He didn't want to kill needlessly. No, killing was a very last option.

Deciding that it was better to scout the Malfoys first was the better option he stoos up from behind his desk.

"Shelley?" He called out in the air.


"Young Master Harry has called?" After a displacement of air the matronly elf appeared in front of him.

"Yes. I will be gone the while day. Please don't wait for me."

"Understood, sir. I will inform the other elves. Will that be all, young master?"

"Oh, please look after Midas for me. I left him in my room. That would be all Shelley. As always I appreciate your promptness." Harry smiled fondly at the elderly elf.

"Of course, young master. Please be careful." Shelley couldn't help but remind him sternly but curtsied all the same and left the way she came with a loud crack.

Harry transformed into Mewtwo and faded from view. Teleporting high in the sky he oriented himself to his target. Potter Manor occupied the northern part of Wiltshire, about a third of the whole county belonged to his family. Yeah, the Potters were pretty smart in acquiring a pretty vast track of land for themselves. They weren't the only magicals in Wiltshire though. The Malfoy Manor was located at the southern end of Wiltshire. They owned a sizeable portion of that part between Salisbury and Glastonbury but not as large as the Potter's. They were practically neighbours.

Flying for a bit just below the clouds he soon saw the Malfoy residence. The manor itself was symmetrical with beige coloured outer walls and immense gardens. It was…ostentatious, let's put it that way. It was still very cold in the month of January and snow covered everything but it only added to the opulence of the place. He had to hand it to the Malfoys, their home wasn't any less grand than Potter manor although he was sure it was smaller by a large margin.

Locating his target in his study with a brief mental scan he cloaked himself with a strong barrier to not be detected by the wards in place and flew to the window to look inside. Suddenly appearing inside he looked at the respectable-looking man. Lucius Malfoy was every bit the pureblood wizard he was. Tall, white-blonde hair typical of a Malfoy, and richly dressed with expensively cut robes made of silk. A cane with a snake head leaned against the side of his work desk. The man looked like a respectable member of society. Well, we shall have to see, he thought. Undetected by any means on earth Mewtwo smoothly slipped into Lucius's mind while the man himself continued to write his letters.

After a few minutes at most Mewtwo slipped back out with the Malfoy patriarch none the wiser. Mewtwo frowned to himself. There was a lot he found out. Lucius Malfoy was a bonafide Death Eater. His plea that he was under the Imperius curse was a lie he and his other Death Eater colleagues concocted to escape prison sentence. Of course that was with an insane amount of bribes to the right people, like to the current Minister for example and other Heads of other departments in the Ministry of Magic.

Over the years Lucius, as part of the Wizengamot, has voted against anything that will benefit the masses especially the muggleborns. He also had proposed several amendments that will further limit the rights of muggleborns and those of creature status like the Werewolves. With his immense wealth Lucius has successfully wormed his way into making his establishments like magical creature trade above the law. In this man's mind, if you have the pedigree and the means, nothing is too unscrupulous. Well, not for long. Mewtwo thought smiling to himself viciously.

This time he delved in deeper, deep in the subconscious and altering it. Changing his thoughts and beliefs, what he is as a person. Mewtwo made Lucius Malfoy a true upstanding member of society that day. From now on he will be a good husband to his wife, Narcissa, and a caring father to his little son. He will teach Draco better values and how to be a good man. He will treat magical creatures with respect and give the muggleborns and werewolves the tools they need to survive in a society where blood dictates your station in life. He will donate his gold to various charities and help create a better Wizarding World. Mewtwo almost cackled. It was the perfect revenge!

Mewtwo eased his way out into the blonde man's mind, who was still oblivious to what happened to him.

Finished with a job well done, nodded to himself, and teleported out of the manor but not before swiping a little black diary from the book shelf.

Later that night, for the very first time, Lucius Malfoy hugged and read his son a bedtime story until Draco fell asleep, a hopeful smile on his innocent cheeks. For the first time, Narcissa finally gained a loving husband.


Flying high in the sky at speeds that would boggle the mind, Mewtwo looked at the curious diary in his hand. If there ever was an evil artefact, this was it. It was insidious and cunning. If he didn't have such a strong mind this diary might have compelled him to write on it. It tried to slip into his mental defenses. Of course, as it was, it felt to him like a gentle tickle but the book still reeked of dark magic.

'It has a consciousness, how interesting.' Confident that it posed no harm to him, he dragged the feeble consciousness into his own mind.

Opening his mind's eye he looked around. This was Mewtwo's one of many abilities. His mind is so powerful that he could create his own reality. His own dreamscape. There was nothing but vast lush fields of grass, unending blue sky, a smattering of white fluffy clouds and a gentle wafting breeze. In front of him was a young man. He laid down unconscious. Mewtwo waited. Time was irrelevant here. He controlled was happened in this realm even time. He could slow it down to such a degree that it was abut a second that has passed in reality.

Eventually the young man in school robes opened his eyes. Shocked he abruptly stood up. Looking around the young man was confused. For decades he's been all alone in his diary biding his time until the magic of the diary compelled another to write on it. But now he was…outside? No, something's not right. He patted himself. He shouldn't have had a body! He didn't remember anyone writing in the diary recently.

'Tom Riddle?' Tom quickly turned to the source of the voice. It was just a little boy. The boy had black hair and curiously green eyes and a curiously shaped scar on his forehead. He was also wearing muggle clothing. Composing himself he adopted a kind smile.

"Hello. Yes, my name is Tom. May I know yours?"He was so confused. All this time he was in his diary in a state of limbo and then suddenly he was outside.

"Oh, I'm Harry."

"It's nice to meet you, Harry. Do you perhaps know where we are? Where this place is?" He gestured all around him at the green expanse of nothingness.

"Oh. You're in my world. Don't you know?"The boy, Harry, playfully smirked at him.

"Your world? What do you mean?"

"It's exactly what I mean. Weren't you listening?" The little boy was mocking him.

"What? Speak sense!" He snapped. He was getting fed up with this useless banter. He wanted answers!

"It's just as I said. This…everything you see here. I made it all up." The boy smiled innocently at him. "Do you want to see?" The boy swiped his hand like he was cutting the air. Suddenly there was a resounding crack! Looking up the sky began to crack like glass and pieces of it were falling and crumbling into fine sand like shimmering crystals. Beyond the cracks there was nothing. Just an expanse of black so dark that it was sucking out all the light in the world. Below him the ground ruptured and the once healthy grass withered and died mixing with the soil like there was an intense drought. In exchange dead trees made of black stone kept sprouting everywhere. The trees were bare of any leaves and its surface shined like obsidian. The branches were like huge thorns, pointed and sharp like glass. All around him the world was dying and all Tom could do was stumble around.

"Wha…what are you…how are you doing this?!"

After a few more moments everything went quiet. Looking around all was left was a barren wasteland completely contrary to what it has been a minutes before. It was jarring.

"So that's how it is." Harry idly commented. "Tom Marvolo Riddle. An anagram. How…childish. Couldn't you have chosen a better name than Voldemort?"

"Shut it, you little pest! How…how do you know that? No…It doesn't matter. You dare mock me? I am the greatest wizard since Salazar Slytherin himself! You will tell me what I want to know this instant or you will regret it!" Dammit! If only he had a wand he would show this stupid boy his place for daring to go against him.

"To achieve this…false immortality you performed a ritual and sacrificed the life of a young girl. And when the deed was done half of your soul was ripped off and was stored into this diary as a separate consciousness. Meaning, you." Harry continued as if he hadn't heard the him.

At first the boy held his empty palm out. Suddenly a familiar black book shimmered into existence.

"You! Why do you have that?" Tom demanded to the little brat. He almost lunged for it but restrained himself.

"Does it matter? I have all the information I need now. Farewell, Tom Riddle. We'll never meet again."


Harry cast the soul shard out of the dream world. Opening his eyes he was once again Mewtwo and floating several kilometres above the earth.

Mewtwo climbed higher into the atmosphere so that what he was about to do wouldn't be noticed by people down below. Besides he was far enough from the coast to worry too much.

'This should do it.' He stopped in mid air. There was nothing around him but the wind and clouds far below. The afternoon sun cast an orange light on the world. He let go of the diary and it floated several meters above him.

To destroy a Horcrux, a vessel of a soul shard one must completely and utterly destroy it.

Bringing his hands together he pumped a large amount of energy through his hands creating a bright and dangerous-looking ball of destruction. Letting it form until it was as large as a beach ball, Mewtwo let it loose upwards impacting the diary squarely.

'Hyper Beam!'

The bright golden beam of light was let loose for the first time in the world. Its powerful roar drowned out an enraged wail. The thick beam traveled for several meters and then it thinned out and finally vanished.

The diary and the Soul Shard were no more.


It's my first time juggling between POVs and it was confusing for me too. I hope I didn't mess it up too much for you. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

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