My eyes fluttered open, heavy with exhaustion. A soft yawn escaped my lips. Fable's fur brushed against my face, but the gentle sensation was overshadowed by a searing ache radiating from my chest. I let out a pained whimper, every breath filling my lungs with fire, and pressing a hand to my breast. Beneath the shredded blouse of my dress, my fingers brushed against the rough linens of bandages.
"Xiviyah? You're awake?"
The voice was familiar, yet felt distant, as though echoing down a long tunnel. Blinking against a wave of dizziness, I lifted my gaze. Green eyes, filled with worry, stared back at me. Korra. Her name struck me like a physical blow. In a breathless gasp, everything came crashing back–the Inquisitors, the demon...and Korra.
Hello readers! Webnovel has awarded me with a fan giveback code. The code can be redeemed by 10 different users with 10 FPs/user. I've decided to offer this code as reward to the first ten people who write a legitimate review of the novel. Those who have previously reviewed the novel and continue to follow it still qualify.
The code will be offered through discord, the link of which is in the novel's description. Alternatively, you may leave a comment on whichever chapter you're on with your email, and I'll send it to you that way. I will notify the discord once all codes have been distributed.
Ultimately, I'd like enough reviews to get this novel rated, as that should help its popularity grow. If that happens, I'll do a double release or something. I hope you continue to read. Thanks for all your support!