It´s been 2 years since the day of my first fight with the Pomeranian and the warning to Izumi and the awakening of Izu in the infirmary. After Izu was free from the infirmary I walk with him and talk on why he didn´t do nothing but he told me they hit him on the head by surprise and start to beat him on the orders of Bakugou and Izumi that is the brain behind her, after some months more people try to abuse of Izu but those where low bullies but there were defeated by Izu, that shows what Izu is dangerous and some of then leave him alone, the Pomerania still try but I always beat him and why the teachers doesn't say something is because I am powerful and my quirk is stronger and not only that I have good grades in during those months even if the classes are basic, Izu told me that his relation with his family change a little his father doesn´t pay attention to him, his mother doesn't bother him anymore and treat him with indifference she doesn´t give him food sometimes so I always give him some lunch I bring from the Orphanage, my relation with Izu grow after all that and I can feel with my haki the emotions of Izu, and yes I already evolve my haki to sense emotions and have to say is the best I can´t be lie anymore, even some teachers told me to do more friends and leave Izu because after I protect him the other kids on the school doesn´t pay me attention but I am ok with that, those hypocrites will learn in the future, My relation with Izu grow and pass a lot of time together, even the caretakers were given information about the beating and my scores of what I do in school but when I told them the reason for the fights they congratulate me, they are true and sensing speaks the truth, about my training my Observation now extend to 5 km all around me and like I say I can feel the emotions, my armament is improving and now I can coat all my fingers the conqueror I try using it when Izu is bothered by others and I can control it a little even Izu was surprise for this and help with his analysis, and that happen during the end of my first years, during the second everything was the same and continue with the training my observation haki now extend to 10 km and I can coat my arms up to my elbow and maintaining, my body has change with all the training and I have to say I am strong, and why is that is because when I obtain my haki the being that brough me here change my body to the same of the people of the world of one piece, that's why my evolution on my body is fast, about my the Rock Smashing Flowing Water Fist I can say I am a apprentice in that regard thanks to the tai chi I practice, during this time the Orphanage give more freedom because of my maturity and I can explore more the outside of course not that far from the orphanage but is manageable I can even go the park and thanks to that I can talk with Izu whenever I want because that is our hidden spot, and help to train there, when I say that I want to recreate the six marine styles I will do it but is very hard, and only know some basic stuff but if I have to guess is the manipulation of the muscles of the body so during those time I was training to feel my muscles or energy I am doing slowly but I thing in 1 year more I will know how to use the Marine styles, especially the seimen Kikan that will help me a lot and thanks to the one piece body I can certainly do it, my scores on the school are the best and teachers doesn't bother anymore and try to make end my relation with Izu, and thanks to my training and talking Izu is more confident and now he can defeat some of his bullies, even bakugou has been defeated by him and have to say the ego of the Pomeranian is legendary and try again but he always lose, for this I think when Izu receive ofa he may be capable of using more power, the relation of the family of Izu is worse they don´t pay attention anymore even they forget to feed him but Izu is intelligent and know how to cook but I sense that he wants someone to love him so for that I have a surprise until the end our second years, his sister doesn´t bother anymore but she have been watching me a lot and I can sense that she is intrigue by me but I am no interested in her, "sigh", now I find myself after my second years in elementary school end and Izu is going to his home, so I told him to came to me he doesn't object that and when we reach the park after some minutes we go to our hidden spot.
Mc: Izu, "I told Izu that is beside me and he sees me with his beautiful face and he change a lot", - he has a more toned body and his beautiful hair is softer I can resist more-, Izu you always know that I will help you with everything right, "he sees me with a surprise face".
Izuku: -why is he saying this, he wishes to break our friendship, hope not- yea Rey.
Mc: good, "I look at him and came close to his face", you know about my quirk right? "he nods", my observation can feel emotions, "I see how his face gains a surprising look".
Izuku: -what, that means he can always see how I feel then that means my feelings that I feel during the last year that I search on the internet and I know is love, I love him more than friends, he was the first person who accepts me and supports me and changes me, but I always don´t know how to confess-
Mc: Izu... I love more than friends, "I came close to his face and kissed him on his lips".
Izuku: "My eyes gain a surprising look", lips I can feel then, "I close my eyes and enjoy this after some seconds he separated".
Mc: You didn´t reject me, that means you feel the same, "he tackles me and hugs me then kissed me again".
Izuku: "I finish the kiss", of course, I love you I feel this since last year and search for the reason and always want to confess, "I see him with loving eyes", I love you.
Mc: good I love you too, -nice he accept me- then, "boom", what, "an explosion sound near us, we stand up and see what is going on and when we look quietly my eyes bulge", is that a monster, "I see a monster that looks like a bug a centipede the same height that us", -that doesn´t look like a mutant quirk-, "I see some dead bodies and some heroes that try to stop it but they are cut with his sharp fangs", don´t tell me, "I look at Izu and see he is scared so I grab his hand and squeeze it with strength", don´t worry I protect you, for now, let's retreat slowly, "he nods and we proceed to retreat but my haki perceive something and see the insect looking at us", shit.
Yes this world is more messed up that you thing, the relation will start to become more strong and this fight will be the hardest for both of then and because this will show that this world is more dangerous
Mc: -damn this type of creature never appear in the world of BNHA, "I look at the centipede", -If I have to guess the size is almost as tall as me and more dangerous….. but why it has to be bugs I hate bugs, "I cry on the inside, sigh", Izu please go away and try to see if you find some help, "I say to Izuku without taking of my vision from the centipede", please
Izu: But I can´t leave you, "I see my friend looking at the monster", I don´t want to leave you.
Izu: "I clench my fist", -if only I have a quirk-, please return to me, "I start to run", I love you.
Mc: I know, "I smile", now, "I take a long breath", let´s do this.
There are two being in the small clearing in the park one is a kid and the other is a big centipede, then the centipede rolls himself and propels with high speed, but the Mc manages to dodge and concentrate his armament on his punch and hit the centipede on the side of it but only make some crack. Damn is hard the Mc says. The centipede enrages attacked again with more speed but the Mc didn´t dodge in time and received a cut on his chess, it hurts and Is faster than my haki can detect the Mc say. The boy starts to run at a high speed ignoring the pain and trying to hit the centipede with a punch coat in haki but the centipede dodge and with his fangs give some big cut and the back of the Mc. AHHHHHHHHH the mc shouted and fell on the floor.
Mc: -it hurts, it hurts, it hurts-, "I see the centipede coming to me", it´s too fast and hard, gh, I am still weak, "The centipede came closer and open his mouth", sorry Izu, "I say with regret, but I see the centipede shout in pain and see how Izu pierce the centipede where I let the cracks before", Izu why
Izu: why "I say tired", because I want to be a hero too and that is what a hero does, "I say with conviction".
Mc: Fool, "I see how the centipede fell down and attack Izu", CAREFUL IZUKU, "I shout"
Izu: hm, "I look and see the centipede come closer so I try to dodge but he cut my stomach with his fang", ahhh, "I fell down and start to lose consciousness", so… rry, "I black out".
Mc: Izu, "I see the bleeding Izuku on the floor", No, No, No, No, NOOOOOOO, "I shout and see with rage to the centipede", you bitHCCCCCCCCC, "I stand up and feel like I energy explode coming from my body", YOU WILL PAY.
The skin of the Mc became all coat with haki all his both arms and legs, he kick the floor and move at the highest speed and with his coat in armament punch the Centipede that he can´t dodge because of the injury. DIE. the mc say with rage and start hitting the centipede with a pummel of punches without stopping creating shockwaves with each punch, after some seconds the pummeling ended and the centipede start falling, with his body totally broken.
Mc: Izu, "I say weakly seeing the centipede dead on the floor", Izu, "I look to where Izu is laying", I am coming, "I walk slowly and then I kneel to his side", we won, "I say and my eyes start to close so I grab his hand and fall on the floor to the side of him", thanks for saving me Izu, you will be a great hero, "I feel how my blood is still flowing from my injuries", - I feel something- "I look behind me and see other two centipedes", you… have to be kidding me, "I see how the came closer and when I think I will die I feel someone entering at high speed in my detection radius".
????: Don't worry because I AM HERE, "I punch the two monsters with my fist".
Mc: -you are late- "I close my eyes and let the darkness take me".
???? POV
When I was call because some kind of creature attacked and some innocent people and heroes and when I am going to reach the place I feel some shockwaves and when I see what it is causing it, I see a kid like 8 years old punching the monster one punch after another, and see how the monster fall and the kid start approaching the other one that is injured, when I am going to them I see two more monster appear to the place where the two boys are so without thinking I launch myself and punch the two monster and after I kill then all I go to the kids and grab then with a careful care and proceed to go to the closest medical post, hoping I am not late.
All might finally appear and the Mc see that this world is more dangerous and he can died if he is weak, but the Mc will suffer one more think before he can change, but when he manage too surpase this he will become a powerfull person.
I will try to finish the first volume in the next 4 chapters so i will try to post more than one chapter to finish more easily and start with the fun part and in one those 4 chapter the reason of the last name of the character finally will be reveal.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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