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81.28% Salvatore Saga, Part One:My life with Damon. / Chapter 456: 15. Sexual Revolution.

Bab 456: 15. Sexual Revolution.

When Mimosa's heat ended, I told the boys my plan, and everyone was thrilled. They were very vampiric now and liked a lot to this new state of theirs. Not everything was so fine and dandy. I was sipping my blood mix in blood room after heat had ended and I was not sure that boys were free to discuss to further. I was feeling need of good strong jug of blood and I was sipping my blood mix when two males walked in, smelled my blood jug and come, took glasses and poured themselves and started to enjoy buzz what it gave them. They knew how to make themselves as strong as possible. I was less happy when I have to share my jug of blood. But we talked about my little plan more. This was going to be great. We would show everyone what it means to be a vampire by our standards.

We are not any old bloodsuckers with covered-up dresses and husky voices, and the smell of old blood is always around us. Or men were not any Dracula and their purpose was not to go after a virgin's pale neck and kill them with their bloodlust. No, we would be modern, lustful vampires. We would show everyone how freaking fun it is to be a vampire and how madly we feel for each other.

We would show the world how to seduce and slowly, no need to have quickies but do it slowly. But brashly, so that everyone could see it. No need to be like Drusilla or Spike, nope, we would rock the world.

It is true that vampire feels very much stronger and deeper than humans, or at least what I have heard. I was not sure as it was quite a lot of time since I had been a human and in my human life I had never felt feelings like this, so there was no comparison for me at least.

But according to the boys, life was so much more fun now. Bran had taken part of Mimosa's heat part-time and when boys had tasted how tasty his blood was, he had left and let them take care of the heat. He had been meal quite many times, and they had said that maybe he would be vampire soon. Charles was very smug about that.

We had the first three-day session after the heat in bed. We did not fuck; we drank from each other and were as naughty as possible, so boys get good emptying when I sank my fangs into them. It was just a little dangerous to drink from their femoral arteries or at least you needed one hand to keep their dick not to flood at your face when bump started to shoot, but boys were also doctors so they collected quite a lot of their bump, so to keep the supply on and see which one of them makes better bump. They were very competitive, too.

I presented them with a vast array of accessories and an exquisite collection of dresses that I had accumulated when Mimosa had had on her heat. Together, we meticulously selected my first dress, ensuring every detail was perfect. The boys were deeply impressed by the stylish clothes that I had thoughtfully chosen for them, and they eagerly embraced the opportunity to try them on. It was a delightful experience to shop for them, knowing that there was no need to worry about the torture sessions interfering with our fun.

We talked about our performance, and what we would do there. And we'd be shameless at the party. We wouldn't exactly fuck, but it wouldn't be far off. It would be seduction, almost fucking, worshipping my body and also keeping me under control and fully, too. I needed to be a little bitch who needed discipline and they would give it to me. My seductive vinyl dress had a two-way zipper all the way to the hem, so it wouldn't take a terrible imagination to imagine how easy it would be for men to take me. My dress was very provocative, and I made an effort and get myself in the best shape possible.

I was in top shape at 62 kilos, and my body was in pretty damn great shape. I had done my workout in gym as well. The men were eager to try on my bought clothes for them and even went shopping themselves, inspired by my purchases. Oh, the boys knew how to buy even better clothes for themselves, and both were tooth vampires. Their dental stuff was not so refined yet and mostly what they had gotten done, like it is usually with tooth vampires, had been quite potent velvet. Both of them. 

Mimosa said it quite dryly. The boys had velveted Mimosa a couple of times during the heat. Well, you can't fuck her too much. You have to keep her resting. Being in heat is a busy business, and it seemed that Mimosa needed some relaxation too.

The boys wanted to learn to do more teeth substances too, and I promised them that we could play around after our party if we weren't too keen to get in bed and be naughty to each other too. First, I gave both of them a few bottles of my molecular concentrate; I had not told Damon about this ever, not so much, and they were a little suspicious at first, but Mirella assured them of its safety.

It would give them just materials to do dentals. We could have a pharmacy too. Of course, when Samuel heard about this, he wanted to come and test boys to himself too, but we were not in the mood to become study subjects, not just yet. He wanted bottle of that molecule broth, to be tested. 

Mimosa told me a lot of what happened during her heat. How boys were, what kind of vampires they were. She compared them to Salvatore and lot; it is understandable as Damon is pretty much the only vampire in our sex life, so we don't have a lot of experience with those in bed. She told me that boys' velvet was not so bad, or stronger than Salvatore, but I was not in any hurry to test them out in that part. I was getting ready for our public performance as a pack of lustful hybrids, too. The men had no problem being vampires. If possible, both were even more dangerous, even more seductive than before.

It had been a week since Mimosa's Heat closed, and we had prepared for our party. Not everything was always so fine and dandy. We were now still in Calgary and I had here a good stash, my private stash of my types of blood. Boys were in the kitchen cooking and I went into one room where I had my blood.

I took a jug, about three liters, and selected quite a selection of different types of blood and I poured them into my jug. I had my crystal glass here too. I took my jug, sat down on a plush armchair, poured half a glass of my blood mix into my crystal glass, sipped it, and closed my eyes as I enjoyed its taste and its power too.

A few minutes later, a very dark, dangerous, low voice of bloodlusty Charles said at the door," Oh really, you have your own types of blood here, and it is obvious that you are not even planning to share, we are vampires now too."

I looked at him and sipped my blood. I would not share. Besides, my mix was pretty potent.

I said, "My blood mixture, these are quite potent for you guys, so I am not sharing."

After a few strides, Charles was next to me, took my glass, poured my mix in, and drank it in one go. Looking at me challengingly. Adam had gotten into my room, too. His expression was dark, too. He came and took my jug, drank straight from it, and quite a lot.

Boys were quite strong vampires and were not in a good mood when I had my own blood. They drank my jug pretty fast empty, went through the entire room, and took all of my bloods, and my stash into our normal blood room. Both of them were irritated enough, so I just let them. Not raised a war. I had plenty of houses, and plenty of blood on my farms, so not a biggie. Adam had been around so he knew how to strengthen himself as vampire. I was strongest of us, meaning their favorite meal.

It was Saturday, and I was feeling anxious, excited, lustful, and a little irritated, too. Quite a mixed-up feeling whirled inside me. The reason for that was that we would have our first party tonight. I needed to get ready and then we would be going soon.

Mimosa had been prepared, too. She had been washed yesterday by the boys and, as per their request. I had bitten Mimosa's fur into a longer, silky, flowing kind, a little like an Afghan hound, instead, it being more like an overgrown woolen type of coat like some Alaskan malamute or something like that. I had also to give her a little makeover, meaning the colors in her fur were now more refined, brighter, and not so pastel shades like normally. Mirella was brushing her, with the boys and Mimosa was patient enough to let them groom her ready too.

I went to shower first. I needed to get myself clean, and not have extra scents in me so that into the club, my arousal would come through as clearly as possible. I washed myself very carefully in a special washing liquid that was safe for me, but it eliminated all the scents in my skin. But only before I would make more scents. Boys would do the same and the idea was to let everyone sense our excitement through the evening when we were at the party, too.

There was one more reason for my little control than just a showoff. I had my dark finder radar and the reason I did not go to the party was that usually in the party venue; it was usually someone's home or like that and more than once, there were dark objects, some of them more interesting than others and boys were aware of this as Dresden and Constantine told them, reminded them.

So I had no way of wandering and possibly endangering myself. No matter what objects there might be. I was attached to my men for this reason, too. For and same reason, those clips were made that way that I had no way to get myself off from them. Only they would be able to let me go. Magnum had told them how he once put leash on me. For this reason only.

After the shower, I dried myself off. I decided to keep my hair bright blue but make it longer and thicker, but spiky, and let it down to my back. My dress was a navy blue vinyl dress and went halfway up my thigh, so it was short. And it had the zipper clearly visible in the back. No bra was needed, and the dress pushed my breasts up, just in the right place. 

I put my belt on. My belt was made out of pure gold, so it was thick and heavy. I walked out of my room. I had my heels on, my makeup, and my dress. In the hallway, I saw my two gorgeous men. Adam had a dark green silk shirt and dark blue leather pants with a gold belt and clip, and then he dyed his hair a fringe the exact same color as mine. Charles had on a dark red satin shirt, black leather trousers, and a gold-colored belt and clip.

The clips were very decorative and had a safety mechanism to prevent me from taking them off the men. I was their prisoner. We were ready to leave for the party. I had put on heavy makeup, as had Mirella's makeup, and Mimosa was brushed and groomed. Her collar was also pure gold, but Mirella's belt was not. She had just ornate metal, gold colored, but not actual gold. 

We drove to the party venue, or rather Adam drove, and Charles had me attached to him as we left the house. The little bitch needs to be controlled. We got out of the car, and Adam came over and attached himself to me. I was wearing high heels, so the belt went on pretty much the right height. My heels were the exact color of my dress. This was not now one of Salvatore's outfits where he wanted to dress me as a rainbow. No, now I was stylish, lustful, and a vampire.

We went to the party and first stopped at the door to let everyone see us. The space was huge, there were a lot of people and pairs sitting on tables too, some of them walked and talked but part of them were sitting and talking about all kinds of vampire political stuff, that was at least my guess.

As one turned to look, so did the next. Soon, people were staring at us and whispering about our belts. We then started walking towards the bar, and Charles ordered drinks for everyone. I was now served Long Island Iced Tea, which hadn't seen iced tea before. It was almost pure booze. so Charles wanted to drink me out of my mind, fine by me. We wandered around the party and socialized.

Then I saw Damon. His dangerous beastly aura was gone, and he was sitting at a table with a woman. I did smell passionfruit, but something had passed out, or extinguished inside Damon. Damon's new wife, Maggie, was an old turned-on. I estimated 45 or even 50. She seemed to be running that show. She reminded me of Marg Helgenberg and Susan Sarandon's mix. I saw when Damon saw us but concentrated on kissing Charles with fucking fervor, and Adam wanted some blood. Fine.

I craned my neck and let Adam eat me. Damon furrowed his brow at the sight of my two new vampires, his wife was hissing something, and Damon was concentrating like the good little wuss he was now, so on his wife, I thought in my mind that at least I didn't have to worry about the shed sessions and for some reason Damon's drink fell on the floor.

Maggie looked at us. She saw our belt and frowned at it. She snapped her fingers, and I saw a boy, a teen, werewolf, coming to the table and bringing her some food. She was actually one of those who used those boys as slaves, but it was not now my job to kill her. I let her be; I had too much fun, and maybe in time, I would get some inspiration for doing missions. Maybe, but not yet.

I just thought in my mind that whether Damon spent his nights in the cage or her bed, she was not seducing, not at all. I saw her talking to a lot of older vampires and most of them dismissed her. There was no vampire potion, so I had no idea why Damon had chosen that life over ours. Maybe it kept Damien under control. 

I stopped paying attention to him because two very seductive vampires on me kept me quite busy. We went on all night. Both of them were all over me, touching and kissing. Somehow, when Charles touched my hips, I spread my legs once, and Charles grunted in a fucking sexy way.

He did the same move a couple of times during the evening, and if I didn't spread, he'd stick his leg between mine and say in my ear, " Now learn, my bitch, you just remember to spread."

We talked to a lot of people, and the boys got on so well. They changed numbers and got to know each other. I was usually presented as their naughty little bitch that needed to be kept under control. Many women wanted my men, but as we were literally stuck at each other, there was no room for them to even try to seduce them. 

I was known quite many by them, and I saw Wulfe there, he looked at me, raised his glass, smirked at me happily. Fine by me. I was pretty damn wet and willing during that night but no; we did not fuck; we did our seduction, our slow little ritual, and this was perfect as it could be.

Oh, that was hot stuff. When we finally got from the party to the car, I thought I was going to get to this place, but no. The entire drive, Charles controlled my hands and kissed and ate my blood. I ate from him too, but now that he was a vampire, he wasn't so keen to let me eat from him anymore. Like I said, I was their favorite meal as I was pretty darn strong creature. 

At home, we ate, and I showered and took care of myself. Bran had gone nowhere, and now that Charles was a hybrid and even more dangerous, there were jobs to be had. Charles always did the jobs well, and so did Adam. They did quite a lot of work on fleas too, but I was not in the mood, and besides, everything was in order in there, so there was no acute need for me to work. 

I went with Mimosa and Mirella to the fairs, or we spent time in Europe putting the castles in order. There was an aquarium in almost every room, and it was a very important project for my Mimosa, so we weren't always in America, and that pissed Bran off too, because I think I would have found a job soon. He tried to get me on fleas, or some PR gigs or do something, but no, I was now living a life, not being under his command. I still hated him. 

I'd been with my men, or boyfriends as I liked to call them, although it pissed Bran off enormously, for at least six months after mimosa's heat had gone out. Still, we hadn't been together all the time, but when we were in Italy, Mimosa and Mirella started complaining about how I was stinking when my heat started to come on.

So I took a flight to Chicago when I knew the men were there. Was there with Bran, but it was funny enough that Bran smelled me a foul smell so he wasn't part of my heat. I told him I had made that promise almost, and this was proof of my willpower. He had to let Charles and Adam handle my heat because only the two of them could smell that I was scenting, not smelling. I could see how Bran was pissed off, and he didn't understand what this kind of heat time was all about. This was a whole new kind of heat that he had never smelled and it stank for him, so no go. 

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