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46.88% Salvatore Saga, Part One:My life with Damon. / Chapter 263: 22. I've Been Waiting For You.

Bab 263: 22. I've Been Waiting For You.

We both got our rights and were then always put on a show somewhere. Never really the same. I think we had three shows together, and even those were so that my breeds were in the morning and Damon's in the afternoon. But we lived our daily lives, which went really well.

I then finally learned to be in the lap, even sometimes going there myself. It first started when I came home tired. We took shows all over England, sometimes even flying up to Scotland, as our house was pretty damn far south, near the coast. But when the driving took time, and sometimes I might be away for a couple of days.

 I had a house in Scotland, or we did when I'd given Damon the keys when he had shown up there, too. The driving was tiring, and being a dog show judge was surprisingly hard work, well people might just look at me and say all I do is walk and touch the dogs, but when the day could go on for up to 10 hours, I didn't have any big breaks; I was pretty much on my feet all the time; I had to be very controlled, keep my mind on it all the time.

The rings were big, and the steps were accumulating. The breed rings were easier because I only had one breed in front of me, and I could compare the dogs with each other. But then the group rings were not so good because there were the best of breeds from every breed that belonged to that group. Well, I had to choose the perfect ones and hadn't judged all the breeds myself. But yes, I did my job. It was surprisingly tiring but then rewarding. I was developing all the time, and as I said, work teaches its doer. 

I walked all day on my feet, and on top of that, it could be a long drive, but when I knew I had a day or two off, I could drive home. When I arrived at the house, Damon was usually already waiting for me. Or if he was at a show and staying somewhere else, then I would come home alone, but we always had food ready in the fridge. In portions so that it would be easy for the homemakers to cook a proper meal for themselves.

If Damon was home when I arrived, he had noticed where I was, and the food was ready, so I always ate first. Then, on top of the food, we went to the living room, where there were perfect sofas and armchairs. I was usually pretty damn tired. Damon taught me to come in the lap. At first, it was a command.

" Come on darling, come into my arms a little bit here, and I'll massage."

Fine, I then went into his arms, still in my work clothes. I relaxed pretty quickly in his arms. It was so incredibly perfect to be there. Slowly, the command was dropped. Damon just went to the couch, looked at me, gestured, and I understood then to go into his arms again. Eventually, it was enough just to look at him when I went to be in his arms; we did quite a lot of cuddling on our days off; we went to the shops if we needed to, and we could unload what we had been through.

Damon, when he was judging all the breeds, as a doctor, he could see pretty quickly which breeds were really sick, and it really hurt his soul when he had to judge English Bulldogs as a breed standard. But it was what it was. Damon just didn't accept it. He wrote quite lengthy statements about the health of these particular breeds and breed standards to many people. He had to do it. 

It was spring in our house already. On a day off, we could walk outside and see what plants and the specified herbs were coming up. The plants got a sudden death when they weren't right for me, but there were flowers there that worked for me.

Damon had gotten us an enormous fancy greenhouse, and I put in quite a few summer flowers for pre-growing. Well, as Damon is a telepath, he picked up everything I had learned about plants and took part in various gardening tasks. One day, when I came home, I had had a pretty light show now, so Damon was in the greenhouse, tending to the petunia seedlings I had sown. 

He seemed to enjoy it as he plucked one seedling and planted it in its own pot. There were probably a hundred pots already done. We had other summer bedding flowers, too. We had ordered seeds together; we were nesting all the time, doing stuff together. We had grown the violets ourselves, and they were about to flower.

I got myself some strawberries, Finnish varieties, as I knew they were tasty, and three varieties: Bounty, Polka, and Senga Sengana. Damon appreciated them very much, and he planted them carefully, each variety in its own place so that we could then compare them.

We also designed flower beds. We dug up the lawn and made flower beds. Damon then got the plants and planted them himself. He didn't let me mess around too much with the soil. Bagged soil was one thing as it was a sort of safe, but he couldn't know what was in the ground, and he protected me. It didn't bother me.

I could go inside. Make a big jug of cold drink and bring it outside. When Damon had finished planting, we sat on the patio and had a cold drink. Then, when we had longer holidays or breaks, our blood jugs would get mixed up with bags of split demons, so we'd have a sex romp in between.

We'd talk about so many things, and I'd tell him about the fleas, what I'd done, and how I'd originally met Brutus. Damon listened intently to everything. He would always tell me something about his past, but nothing too traumatic. I knew he had been through some terrible things and a lot, but he wasn't ready to open up about them to me yet. I hoped that one day, he could talk about them. 

Then we had a sauna. I wanted an outdoor sauna because I had got one, and we had a good lake to swim in. In the sauna, we could have sex if we had to, but we'd been fucking every night, all night, for the six months we'd been here, so the heat had died down to where we could actually go to the sauna, and wash up before our night sessions. Not always, as I said. Sometimes, it was just a more intense time.

If we had a day off, we'd wake up around maybe 9 am, by which time Damon usually went downstairs to make coffee while I got dressed. Then we'd eat breakfast and lounge around either inside or outside if there was no need to shop. Damon would go to the couch, and he'd already taught me that one determined look, so I knew to go into his lap, too. It was awkward at first. Somehow not natural at all, but Damon knew how to be an incredibly patient and gentle teacher. You have to learn, then. 

We had a lot of fun at times, and then, as the summer progressed and the weather got hot, I secretly got a wicked enormous pool in the yard. When the pool arrived in the yard, Damon was just in time for the trip. I got the pool filled up. It was at the right time, as I knew Damon was coming home.

Well, I changed into my bikini, got an enormous bottle of pink champagne, a couple of crystal glasses, and I had a floating table, so I went into the pool, poured myself some ice cold champagne as Damon drove up; my pool was in the backyard so he didn't see it.

When he went inside, after a while, he asked, " Where are you, baby? I just got here." 

I said, "I'm out in the backyard." 

After a while, the back door opened, and Damon walked out, looked at the pool, at my innocent face as I drank champagne and put the bubbles on.

He walked over to the pool and said, "Oh, I've had a naughty wife getting a pool like this and then going in there to enjoy it by herself and not waiting for a tired and exhausted husband to come home."

I said, " Yep, naughty wife, this is the perfect pool. Oh yeah. What do you think of my new bikini?"

They were leopard print and quite small. I'd learned that Damon could control himself if I were in a bikini, usually.

He looked at me hotly and said, " They're baby totally unnecessary, but I'll go get ready, and then I'll join you; we'll see what we do then. "

He walked in. Half an hour later, he walked in naked and came to the pool; we drank champagne pretty quickly; the bikini came off, and we sanctified the pool properly. I would not have thought how many positions you can get in a pool, but we were pretty inventive. We sat on each other's laps.

Damon was still inside me, and he said, " Oh baby, this is gonna be great. But we could probably eat or go inside. I mean, we've been fucking in this pool for three days now."

I smiled and said, " Yeah, but with your dick still in my pussy, where does that leave me?"

Damon laughed, grabbed me, and stood up. I was still pierced fully with his dick when we went to the lawn to fuck, and somewhere in between, we ended up inside. I fell asleep on top of Damon.

 We went on with our daily lives; we went to the shows. It was hot in the summer, and time passed. But this life was as fucking perfect as it could be. We lived together as a couple, we fought, we raged at each other sometimes as we both had pretty flamboyant temperaments, so we hit together.

For whatever reason, we always worked things out. I didn't think I could get upset about so many things, but somehow, I learned I had a right to express myself, and Damon expressed himself. It wasn't just the one time he got in my face about leaving clothes around or changing bedding. When I didn't always see it as necessary, and Damon did.

We made up rooms, decorated and sometimes argued about it, too. I could scream when it seemed like Damon didn't use any colors other than black, red, purple, and gold, and damn, when there are so many colors out there. 

Mimosa was separated quite a lot, and I knew she was sending Adam kill lists and whatever else she was sending him, but I wasn't interested in that now. I was living my perfect life, it was filling a need inside me, a need I hadn't even realized I had and it made me so fucking happy.

I loved being in Damon's arms. Really, it was as perfect a place to be as you could be. I didn't even think about the future or if this happiness and bliss would ever end. I didn't want to. Damon was more relaxed; he was thrilled too, and even though he got mad and furious, he didn't smell like a wet dog once, so I wondered in my theory that the smell came when he was mad, but then again, is there different degrees of his anger. 

Damon wasn't perfect. No, we had the darling side on display pretty damn much, and it meant flank, even in the store, and if I didn't obey when he said once, then a jab to the lung, and a head fuzzy, so many times I learned to obey once. Although the flanks pissed me off, and I shouted at Damon about them a few times, too.

Well, he didn't mind, looked me straight in the eye, and said pretty damn ruthlessly, " Darling, I'll teach, you learn, and there's no need to get upset about it; if you keep it up, you know what the consequences will be."

And then he took one of those syringes. It took the wind out of my screaming, and I usually walked away to calm down. I felt that sometimes he was quite impossible. 

Damon yelled at me for example for not always picking up the mail when I came home, and then he had to go to the mailbox to get it, accused me of being lazy or forgetful, also one particular word was where the flanker came from or he would yank me into motion.

The word "soon". For example, when he asked me to pick up the laundry outside when it was dry or to make the coffee, well, I might look at my schedule and my upcoming show; I just said "soon," but I didn't act immediately. He made me do it.

That word threw him right off, and when a couple of times I'd done it by saying soon, and yet I didn't move for about half an hour, I'd forgotten the whole damn thing by then.

Damon came up to me and said in a voice dripping with sarcasm, " Baby, do you wait for the laundry to come in by itself, or do I always have to do everything?"

I looked up and said, " What are you talking about?"

He said, "I told you half an hour ago to get the laundry in while I put the food on; you said soon, but you haven't moved."

His tone was just the right amount of sarcastic bored, and I said, " Sorry, I didn't realize. It slipped my mind."

Damon muttered to himself something about how the fuck I could have set up fleas when my memory was shorter than a goldfish. I got the laundry then. I was sometimes very distracted if I concentrated on one thing, whereas Damon was the opposite; he could multitask, do many things at once, and still concentrate on each one completely. 

We were each other's biological and mental halves on some level at all times during this period, and that in itself was hilarious. Damon was perfectly imperfect, as I always saw him as such, and I knew myself to be far from a perfect woman, but we had our moments. For example, we were competitive and willing to experiment.

Well, I had one way of practicing making dentifrices. It was simple. I had taken a syringe of blood from a person, compelled them to forget it, and then I smelled the blood and let the teeth react, making myself make lots of different substances for people. I had then always given these substances to Colin and Samuel to examine.

I had gone through them myself and tried to find out what was wrong with the person. Well, it wasn't all fun and games. I had once taken a syringe of blood from a woman, and when I went home and started practicing, I made a termination agent, an euthanasia agent, and I didn't understand at first why I wanted to kill her.

Well, I analyzed the remaining blood, and apparently, the woman had advanced cancer that I couldn't do anything about. My teeth had reacted to the strong painkillers in her blood, and there had been neurotransmitters in the blood that told me how this woman was in pain. My teeth felt mercy.

But I didn't kill the woman, I told Colin. I described the woman, and Colin agreed to look into it. He was such a cunning man that if he smelled a disease somewhere, he'd bump into a person, talk to them, tell them he was a doctor, and eight out of ten would let him help himself. I knew that this woman was probably going to run into Colin. I gave the termination agent to Colin.

Well, when I told Damon about my method and the woman, he said, " That's human life; they're fragile, but your idea is good; we'll start doing that. So we'll each find five samples, and back home, we'll both go through all the samples and see what we each do." 

I agreed to it, and it became a competition or a project. Damon was keen to learn new things, especially about dental stuff, so if I made a different substance than he did, he would sniff the sample, try to find out how I made the substance, and then if his teeth didn't react he would taste my substance, get the formula for the future, so he was teaching his teeth to be even better, even more skillful.

When my teeth were making very strong and complex substances, for example, my velvet formula or molecule was three times more complex than Damon's. It was harder to digest quickly and lasted longer. Well, Damon used it to improve his own velvet, making it harder to digest, even for my super metabolism.

We were thrilled, and neither of us wanted anything to change. Eternity is a long time, and we were ready to be together, just the two of us, for eternity.

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