As he could smell that this would be the end if it continued this way, he was starting to get frustrated.
'Is this really what I amount to? Will I really lose in some silly challenge?' he thought as he knew that was simply too small of a hurdle to fail.
He had many more important things that he had to reach.
If his strength really was only this much after a complete month of training, then why would he continue training?
If he couldn't succeed in reaching that level five, then why shouldn't he give up and simply accept that his life with forever be controlled by an outside force?
Jack, the system, his family, all those things were weighing heavily on his mind and it was harder and harder for him to believe in himself.
'No, this can't be the end, I wasn't sent here for nothing. This won't stop me, I need to conquer it,' he thought as he stopped running.
He would be facing whatever would be coming at him.
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