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0.73% Arknights: Purpose and Will / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Terra and Friend
Arknights: Purpose and Will Arknights: Purpose and Will original

Arknights: Purpose and Will

Penulis: Khay_Cee_Padua

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter 1: Terra and Friend

"You good? You've been staying for overtime an awful lot." A woman asked, worry in her tone as she looked at a senior of hers.

"Don't worry Aurora, I'm fine. I have nothing to do anyways." The man looked up from the specimen he was currently researching about that was under the microscope.

"Okay, but don't have another all nighter Ash. Your blood is probably red bull and caffeine by now." Aurora sighed at him and Ash waved his hand goodbye.

"Seriously, that junior of mine. She's worrying too much, not like anybody is waiting for me at home." Ash shook his head and continued his research well into the night.

With nothing to occupy him after he goes off work, he instead stays in the lab in order to finish his research.

"Someone waiting for me at home, huh?" He pondered it for a bit and just can't imagine it. "They'll just get on the way in research."

He shrugged the thought off like a true nerd. "Hmm, mice cells are receiving an increase of ATP production of at least 300%. Very good, good indeed."

Ash was making a concoction that will change humanity. A serum that will enhance them and increase their immunity, strength, intelligence, and a slew more of other characteristics.

It is a topic that interested him because of its difficulty and complexity. Not really to help anyone or gain Nobel prizes and money.

He was just a guy with a lot of time in his hands. And this is his current project, he has already contributed a major breakthrough in curing cancer.

By creating stem cells that acted like killer t cells. It would attack aggressive cancer cells and quickly repair the damage by transforming into the damaged parts of the body like a stem cell transplant.

And now that was done, he was tackling genetics, augmentations, and body enhancements.

"This thing's pretty challenging, I only managed to increase energy for now, Mitochondria really are the power house of the cell." He chuckled.

The experiment was successful, increasing energy levels in individual cells by letting the body create more mitochondria, thus ATP increases too. Which is the energy currency of the body.

"Okay, a few more characteristics. Then I'll be done." He sighed and stretched a bit, yawning due to sleep deprivation.

With his previous research, changing it a bit instead of repairing things. He manipulated the stem cell's reactions and protein pathways.

The body has a language, composed of proteins. Which are billions upon billions. And when they connect together, they form a word. Which corresponds to a task.

Like metabolism, anabolism, cellular respiration, etc. Basically what keeps a complex multicellular life form up and running.

And with his work in cancer. He thought, why not use controlled cancer for its benefits?

So he did, stimulating cells to rapidly replicate. Without the risk of the deadly disease or worse, prions.

Bones get denser and thicker, better muscles with more twitch fibers are created, organs that normally do not regenerate. Heal and be at its prime once again.

"Maybe I really should rest? Listen to Aurora for once." Ash chuckled and went to his office, brewing some green tea so he could reduce his caffeine intake.

"Hah, this is much better than the standard working hours. No colleagues, no distractions." He sipped on his tea and sat down on his couch.

Thinking on his words once again from earlier, he looked at his reflection on his tea. Without being biased as a researcher, he knew he was handsome.

Rich, successful, and most likely the most important scientist in history. Curing cancer, and his creation could cure other genetic problems as well.

"Maybe I should get married?" Ash had a self deprecating smile on his face. He isn't lonely, or sad.

But he was curious about bonds, just like organic chemistry and atomic ones. "That would probably be the hardest experiment... I don't get people at all."

He sighed, thinking of the times when he would try to be more friendly towards women. But they would distance themselves from himself after a certain amount of time.

The only person he could call a friend was his junior. "Weird, why would they suddenly cut off contact? Maybe I should study anthropology and psychology next?"

His phone ringing, he took a look at the notification and it was Aurora. Asking him to take a nice nap so he would be awake tomorrow and not slack off.

"Heh, what a cheeky little junior." Setting the alarm for four hours from now. He calculated that it was enough sleep to keep him going through the day later.

"Hmm, what should I do next after this project? Maybe I shouldn't use it on myself? I'll just get bored because I won't need sleep." He yawned and closed his eyes.

He made himself even more drowsy by thinking of the other protein pathways he would need in order to complete his project.

And when his eyes closed, he fell asleep almost instantaneously.

The next morning, an alarm kept on being noisy at his office and his junior was ordered to check up on Ash.

"Ash, oi! Your damn alarm is distracting you know? And why is it a goat screaming? It has been blaring ever since we entered the place you know?" She sighed and she opened the door.

He was sleeping peacefully on the couch and she made her way to his phone, shutting it off. "Ash, wake up. I knew this would happen, you overslept."

She sighed heavily, it has been weeks since he had a decent sleep. And the exhaustion must have gotten to him she thought.

"Ash?" She shook him again, but no response. "Gee, you must be really damn tired."

With a soft smack on his face, she hoped that he'll wake up from that. "Ash... Why are you so cold?"

His skin was cold and she took in a deep breath. "Asmodeus, this isn't funny. Senior... Wake up!"

Aurora began shaking him harder, but she noticed that his arm that was bent to rest on his chest is inflexible and hard.

"Help! Somebody help! Lead researcher Asmodeus is cold and unresponsive!" The junior cried out.


"Hmm, where am I?" Floating in a void, Asmodeus found himself in a place where it's just complete darkness.

Feeling floaty, he thought he was in a lazy river and just went with the flow.

He slept through it all because of his fatigued mind.

"Wake up." He heard a voice from somewhere and it entered his mind directly. Sobering him up from his stupor.

"Who is that? I don't know anyone with that voice." He squinted his eyes and remembered all of his colleagues, acquaintances. But it was surely a lost cause.

"Quite calm, are you? Let's explain things to you then. You've died." The voice spoke once again and he saw a convincing effect right in front of him like in dark souls.

"I see, so this isn't a dream? It has been too long for it to be a dream after all. My REM sleep should have ended its cycle long ago." He analyzed the situation with the facts he found and made a conclusion.

"Wow, you really are an unparalleled nerd." The voice laughed at him and he shrugged. "What can I say? Science just sticks to me like glue."

"Anyways, you've led quite a hectic life. But you didn't seem to enjoy it at all. Your relationships hollow, your achievements do not bring you joy." The voice reiterated his life.

"I guess, I just can't understand people. They're illogical and they let their emotions drive their actions." He replied with a sigh.

"You're just unique, and because you're a nerd. You didn't meet someone who can understand you." The voice snickered at him.

"Well, I'd say my projects were quite entertaining though. But I did plan to understand people." He thought that Aurora would be a crying mess.

It was a shame in his mind that he couldn't have analyzed their relationship more. It could've given him clues in how to have bonds with other people.

"There you again, thinking about experiments this, experiment that. Your head is full of science and logic. That's the reason you don't understand people." The neutral voice clicked its tongue.

"You're right, I'm dead anyways. There's no point in thinking about it. So give it to me straight, what's next?" Ash sighed and just emptied his mind for now.

"Quick on the uptake, I like that. Well, even though your life is what many would call fulfilling and honorable. It lacked living, you missed something." Ash raised a brow at that and was curious on what it was.

"You don't have any reason to live. Your motivations were weak, every waking moment. Spent on research to keep you busy. But you didn't truly love it like others do. A life without purpose, is a life not lived to the fullest." The voice explained to him.

"Now that you mention it, happiness or what other people call fulfillment isn't present in my life." He remembered his whole life. But it was bland and gray.

"Correct, and I will give you a chance. To find it, aren't you curious? What a life like that is? The reason you kept on researching and wasting your life away because you were depressed. Functional, but depressed." Ash raised a brow.

"Persistent depressive disorder huh? Now that you say it, that might be true." Ash had no interest in anything besides mentally challenging things.

"You were apathetic and like a machine. How about I put you in an exciting place eh?" The voice had an amused tone.

"Like in another country?" The voice laughed boisterously and Ash squinted his eyes. "No, you bland guy. Another world entirely."

Ash was surprised for a split second. "Like a scifi world or something?" He wasn't particularly aware of reincarnations and the like. Trying to get a hobby, he read some books.

In his interests of anything related to science. He tried to get into scifi, but in the end. It didn't really matter to him.

"Kind of, you're special. You cured cancer in order to stave off boredom, what a crazy bastard. So I can grant you a wish." The voice offered.

"A wish huh? Aren't you a cheapskate? Just one? I saved millions, billions upon billions of lives even in the far future. And it just equates to one wish?" Ash snorted.

The voice chortled. "Yeah, so what? You gonna take it or not?" Ash thought about it and decided to gamble.

"I wanna feel something exciting, make my heart pound, elicit emotions. I think it'd be worthwhile to experience all that." Ash genuinely stated.

"Good, now pick. You want powers or something? That's something I'd recommend, this place is really different after all. And of course the three O's are banned." The voice suggested.

"More data about this place?" Ash wanted facts before making a decision.

"It's dangerous, and the people there can use magic." The voice sounded like it was making fun of him.

"Magic? I guess that genre is popular to the public. Especially with Tolkien's books." Ash nodded and thought about what power could he wield.

Thinking of his ongoing research, he was confident that he could recreate it there. And that can take care of his physical body.

The only problem next is that so called magic. "The properties of the magic?" Ash asked more. There's a plethora of systems for magical powers after all.

"Corrosive and harmful to one's self. Only a select few can wield it without having side effects." Ash could feel the one who was communicating with him grin.

"I see, then I would like the ability to manipulate all kinds of energy." Ash smirked and thought that would ought to be interesting.

"Hoh? You've gotta train it though?" The voice amusedly informed him. "No problem, it is just a matter of research and time in order to control it to a suitable level."

"Such confidence, you really are quite an irregular person. You'll be able to do that once you arrive there." Ash nodded and he raised a brow.

"What's next? Why the hold up?" Ash was intrigued, this is something that he never expected. So he got a bit impatient.

"I'm just creating your new body, go on then. The name of the world is Terra. I'm sure you'll thrive there." The voice laughed and Ash started to fall into the void.

Like he was falling in water, the sensation wasn't unpleasant. It was relaxing even, a floaty feeling was nice he thought.


Rousing again, he woke up and was surrounded by forest. "Huh? So I got dropped down in a younger body."

He inspected his body and it was much smaller. Checking it out, he was most likely a toddler. Looking around, he saw himself in a room with many beds.

"An orphanage... I guess this makes things much easier." He climbed down out of his bed. "And this place is in much better condition than I expected. Thanks for putting me here at least." Ash looked upwards and muttered his appreciation.

Going down the stairs, he saw kids playing. Though there was a curious thing about them. They all had some kind of animal characteristic.

Cat ears, dog ears, horns, bear ears, tails, etc. There were all kinds of things on them. "Ahhh, I should check what I look like. The voice did say they recreated my new body?" Ash asked a matron for the bathroom and curiously went to a mirror.

"T-this is a surprise." He was surprised. Ash had black sclera, orange irises, and black slitted pupils. His hair is bone white and his hands were covered by orange growth. His cheeks also had them and he has small claws. There was also a bump at his forehead, most likely a horn.

"What a curious change, I need to study the races in this world. My physiology will surely affect my studies." Ash squinted his eyes, the person who sent him here didn't tell him anything except there was magic there and it's dangerous to one's self.

"I wish there's a library here." He went back to the living room and pulled on the clothes of one of the matrons. "Hello, big sister. Is there a library here?"

The woman was surprised and smiled sweetly at him. "There's a small one here in the orphanage Asmodeus. You always were a curious child." He nodded at him with a smile and listened intently to the directions.

"But you need to have lunch first and participate in the cleaning okay?" The woman patted his head and he nodded. 'I do have time to spare, I am but a child here still. My research can't even go on with my current predicament.'

Begrudgingly, he ate with the other kids in the communal dining room and started washing the dishes with them. "This is quite interesting, they're letting us do it like a relay." Ash was amused.

He then quickly made his way to the library. "Hello, big sister. Can I use the library? I want to learn everything about history." Ash announced his presence to the librarian and she was surprised.

"History? You're quite diligent aren't you?" The librarian pointed him to the place where history books were and he bowed towards her respectfully. He knew that reputation was everything in communal spaces like this after all.

"Thank you big sister." The librarian melted at his politeness and Ash was gathered books that he thought would give him a picture of what the world of Terra was about.

Amassing a stack of books, he started reading them with extreme speed. "Terra's atmosphere is still at least 20 percent oxygen, mostly nitrogen. Nothing new there, identical gravity, similar climates but filled with more arid regions."

Ash was compiling his knowledge and he frowned when he saw a pretty important one. "Catastrophes? We're currently in a mobile city?" He was shocked and thought that if cities needed to be mobile. Then the outside world must be apocalyptic or something.

And after catastrophes sweep through an area, there are reports of high concentrations of Originium. A black semi-transparent mineral that contains high amounts of energy that is used for a multitude of things.

"They use it like fossil fuels and coal as a highly efficient energy source." He continued on in reading and the material had a sinister characteristic to it. It can infect people and those who are afflicted are called infected, which are like pariahs to the world.

The resulting disease is called Oripathy, with the mineral flowing to the blood. The infected grow black crystals on their body once the disease progresses. And when they die, the afflicted quickly crystalizes and turns into a block of originium.

Continuing the spread of Oripathy and more people get infected as a result of the exposure. And the whole world just can't not use it even though it's hazardous. "Just like fossil fuels that increases greenhouse gases. They can't stop even if they want to, everything runs on it. Though Originium has a higher yield like nuclear energy."

From batteries, plastic, and even light bulbs. Everything contains the crystalline substance. And as a result, infected continue to increase. And their oppression just simply increases.

"I see... This might be worth it to be my next big project? Ah, I should focus on human interaction this time around." He chuckled at his old habits.

"Originium arts... So this is the magic here?" Ash squinted his eyes. The mysterious voice told him that the world is dangerous. And rightfully so, because of catastrophes and Originium. Wild life also mutate due to it and as a scientist, he must learn everything about it.

A technique that can alter matter or consciousness by stimulating the energy inside Originium, harnessing it to manifest Arts. That was what it said in its introduction which surprised him. "I... I can alter the laws of physics with arts?"

He was in disbelief, it is simply a groundbreaking discovery for him who's reality was always pure science and research. One could say, it is like he found magic.

Combat effective people that mastered arts to a degree are called casters and Ash studied it more intensely. Arts users typically use a conduit to amplify their magic called arts units. "Like staves or wands? But it can be anything from guns to shields."

Originium was simply too interesting, it piqued his interest like no other. He then looked at the clock and noticed it was already late in the afternoon.

"Ahhh, I have been distracted by Originium. I will study more about this later." He returned the books and took a bath that was mandatory. Plopping onto his bed, he outlined his itinerary in order to be successful in this new place.

"First I need capital to fund my research even further. I can't join an organization." Ash frowned, thinking it would be a pain in the ass. Especially because of his priority right now which was his current research project before dying.

Even back at his previous life, he didn't actually tell anyone about it. Because it would easily be abused by the military and government. And here in Terra, with the wide usage of arts. It would simply be a disaster waiting to happen.

"So it's privatization huh? I guess I have to work a little harder." He sighed heavily and wasn't enthusiastic in creating a company from the ground up.

He decided to sleep for now and thought of doing something later. Thinking that he should take care of his health in this world, it would be imperative to be healthy after all.

Waking up early in the morning, he rubbed his eyes and went to the front lawn of the orphanage. Doing radio calisthenics dutifully for a healthy body. Though he did notice something different about his body.

"I am much, much stronger than a regular child." He took a pebble from the ground and squeezed it hard. And it cracked from his immense strength.

"This needs further research later, maybe it is the case for the races here in Terra." Ash stuffed into his mind for later and went to the kitchen, surprising the workers.

"Hello, I would like to help in preparations for breakfast." Ash smiled and manipulated his PR in order for them to be more lenient in the future.

He was planning on going out of the orphanage unsupervised in order to scope the demands of the city which he can exploit for a business plan.

"Asmodeus? Aren't you too young to cook? How about you leave this to us sweetie." The cook smiled at him pleasantly and he shook his head.

"I read a lot about cooking in the library! I want to be a chef, pretty please big sis? I memorized the recipes you know?" Ash acted cutely and the staff clutched their chest.

"U-ugh, sure thing then Asmodeus. Please prepare the vegetables then, just follow our lead and be careful with the knife okay?"

He nodded and started prepping for the day, surprising the cooks with his superior knife handling skills. Ash had an interest in cooking back then, and with his perfectionist tendencies. He had quite the skill with it.

'Hmm, my hands also have much more dexterity.' Ash peeled, prepped, and chopped vegetables like a machine. Making the lives of the cooks much easier.

They were delighted with his help and he promised to do it more often. Boosting his popularity with the staff in the orphanage.

"Phase one is complete. Next would be going out to analyze the market... But I did notice that the vegetables weren't up to par. Which isn't supposed to be the case, especially with the orphanage that looks like it doesn't have any problems with funding." Ash rubbed his chin.

"I need more data about it, but this might be worth it to be a business. I just need to go into phase two, go outside." He squinted his eyes and rubbed his hands together.

He has never dominated a market before, it would be a challenge worth trying. And phase two of his plan will also help him in finding a place to practice something important, arts.

In his reading sessions, people don't necessarily need the conduits in order to be successful in casting arts. So he hypothesized that he could easily do it, especially because of a trait he received.

It was just simply a bad idea to try and manipulate energy in the orphanage, so he would check out its properties first. Arts isn't the only thing he could control if his wish did come true. It was all kinds of energy after all.

"Let's keep this up for now and be a good child." Ash went back to the orphanage and helped there with taking care of the facility in any way he could.


After a few weeks, Ash amassed some funds from the weekly pocket money that they received to buy some candy and snacks. Due to his PR development though, the matron gave him more because of his hard work.

They weren't allowed to go outside without any watchers due to kids being impulsive and they might go to places that aren't safe. But with his constant show of discipline and maturity, he was allowed to explore, albeit with a curfew.

"Now, let's check it out if I am right." Ash roamed around in the market place and checked the produce sections. He analyzed the vegetables and products, making a conclusion in his hypothesis.

"Agriculture is subpar in this world. Or maybe in just this region of Leithanien?" Ash didn't quite have a good idea of the geographical characteristics and specialties of the regions.

"This will be a good start I guess." Ash smirked and would give the director of the orphanage a nice opportunity. He just needs the materials and would attribute his discovery in his love of reading books.

"Being labeled a genius is troublesome, but nothing ventured, nothing gained." He shrugged and would ask the director for a little talk.

"Ohh, sorry are you okay?" He bumped into a girl with goat horns on top of her head and his physique which is abnormal for even terran standards was like a brick wall for the girl.

"Ahhh, I'm okay. Sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't looking. I got distracted by looking at my surroundings." The girl smiled and he helped her up.

"I'm Asmodeus, you were observing your surroundings you say?" He raised a brow at the girl. "Thank you, I'm Adele Naumann. Yes, it's quite interesting you see? I was thinking of how the world works, down to its very base." Adele smiled at him and he was surprised. (pic)

"Do you want to be a researcher when you grow up?" Ash remembered his childhood and thought he was pretty similar to her at their age.

"Un, my father is a graduate professor for the school of Originium, while my mother is an environmental and ecological research specialist." Adele described her parents.

"I see, you're quite smart aren't you Adele?" Ash smiled at her and he quite liked intellectuals. Even though she's just a child right now, her potential is high in his point of view.

"Hehe~ Thanks Asmodeus! How about you? What are you doing here? You were distracted as well, now that I think about it." Adele tilted her head and he chuckled.

"I guess I was, huh? Well, let me tell you about this neat little thing I am planning. I will be creating hydroponics. Aquiculture, where you can grow crops without any soil." Ash explained to her and she went wide eyed.

"Really? But won't the plants have the necessary nutrients without soil? Your choices would be limited, there are plants that can grow on water. But their edibility is dubious at best." Adele was confused and he smiled at her.

"That's correct, I'm surprised you know that much Adele. You're really well read aren't you? But I have theorized that plants can grow as long as they have the necessary nutrients." He explained hydroponics to her.

"Un, that's quite revolutionary. Do you think it'll work?" Adele was excited about his hypothesis. "It will, people have done it in the past after all." He thought about the Aztecs and their floating gardens. Manipulating their roots to gain access to the necessary nutrients in the lake.

They talked about it for some time and Adele suddenly gasped. "My parents will be looking for me Asmodeus! I have to get going, this conversation was really pleasant." Adele smiled and she stood up in a hurry.

"Then go, we will hopefully meet again. I'm a resident of the orphanage Adele, and next time. How about you call me Ash?" He gave a slight smile to the girl.

"I see." Adele had a hint of surprise and sadness on her face, but she quickly controlled it. "Then if permitted, I'll go to you next time. Build your hydroponic farm okay?" Adele ran away while waving goodbye at him.

"Hmm, what an energetic girl she is. And she genuinely loves research, that's rare. I think we'll get along. And this is a nice connection to have as well." Ash smiled and he returned to the orphanage.


Asmodeus was now in front of the director of the orphanage and he was ready to do business. But first, of course he would first try it there to ensure that it would succeed.

"Director, can I ask for more money? Not really a lot just about 500 Lungmen dollars. I would like you to read this, it will yield a lot of food for the orphanage. In such a small area too." Ash gave his paper to the director.

After reading it thoroughly, the director looked up at him and raised a brow. "How were you able to create this system Asmodeus? This is in one word, revolutionary." The director furrowed his brows and thought this would need to be handled with care.

"I'm planning on opening a business director, but for now. I would build a small garden here and feed the other kids. Also sell the extra crops because the yield will be enormous." Ash smiled.

'What a terrifyingly intelligent child, but so generous and thoughtful at the same time.' The director thought that he would be a big boon for the city and orphanage.

"I approve then Asmodeus, we'll double the funds for you to start. 1000 LMD isn't really that much, yet you can yield so much from that? We would be able to take in much more staff and children if you are successful." The director nodded at him.

'I see, the city has chosen the director carefully huh? I guess they don't want embezzlement because orphanages this nice have a large budget.' Ash had a smile on his face.

"Yes director, don't worry. I'll make this work!" Ash acted like he was excited and elated. He then took back the papers and burned it all for insurance.

It pays to be careful after all. And once he received his capital, he immediately bought some crops to plant. Along with the necessary items needed for a basic hydroponic setup.

A reservoir, some water pumps with a timer so it could be much easier. With a bit of math, he combined the necessary macro and micro nutrients for the mix in order to make the plants grow.

After a few hours, he created a 10 square feet hydroponic system that relied on natural light which made it less expensive. Ash can just use a light system later for when he expands.

"Whew, that was some hard work. But I guess I'll just add the correct amount to make a nutrient rich solution and turn on the pumps." Ash smiled and the only thing left was to wait.

While waiting for his money farm to grow, he went to a pretty abandoned place in order to practice his control of energy.

"Hmmm, what should I test first?" Ash was excited about this because it was magic. Something that he thought would be only in fiction in his previous reality.

Thinking about electromagnetic energy, he created a small stream of visible light from his hands like a flashlight. "Oooh, if I can take this to the next level... Then won't it be fool proof? Light speed attacks that cannot be dodged?"

Ash thought about the possibilities and it was limitless. If he could control all kinds of energy, at his peak. It was simply too overpowered.

Looking at a dry patch of leaves, he increased their thermal energy and it started to ignite. And doing the opposite, he took away the energy and the patch of leaves turned frosty due to the absence of heat.

"Interesting, interesting indeed." He had a smirk on his face and it made his blood boil like never before. The possibilities were simply endless.

"Then... If I can manipulate every single type." He thought of fusing two atomic nuclei of hydrogen so he won't really create that much energy.

"Ugh, damn. I guess that's the setback huh?" He kneeled, breaking into a cold sweat. Nuclear fusion was most likely a higher tier in energy manipulation that used up a lot of his strength.

"Wait, do I perhaps need to use my own reserves in order to do this?" He concentrated and felt a spark in his body. It was like a container that was now empty due to his experiments.

"I guess I do... This sucks, I thought I'll be able to manipulate things freely. But I guess this is my restriction huh? Well, if I could just do it willy nilly, then that will simply be godlike." He shrugged and thought it was still insanely useful.

"But at the apex of my abilities, that won't be a problem right? Let's use it religiously for now and see if it's like a muscle." Ash lacked data about his powers, so he added its training to his itinerary.


After a week, one Adele visited the orphanage and was surprised to see the success of his hydroponic farm. Ash has been using bio energy manipulation to give his plants a nice growth rate.

Lots of tomatoes, leafy greens, herbs, spices, and other crops grew on his little garden. And they were ready to be harvested.

"Wow, Ash... This is simply incredible!" Adele smiled at his success and he smirked. "It's just starting Adele, we'll sell the extra from this and the director agreed that I'll be getting the money from the sales. I'm the one taking care of the garden after all. And in exchange, the orphanage will gain tons of high quality vegetables."

"Amazing, your business is gonna go well. I'm sure of it." Adele was stoked at his success and Ash shook his head. "That's where the problem is going to enter. My hydroponics will make the agriculture of Leithanien crash."

Ash massaged his temples and thought that would be a major problem if he wants to expand. "Maybe I will sell just enough for the city so it won't crash. And then sell a lot of it to other nations and cities. Victoria is pretty near here and they have a large population."

He was thinking of selling it to the surrounding countries with a small profit. It basically cost him nothing for the crops after all. And if he manages to strike up a deal with the large countries, they would not only be indebted to him.

Ash would also be untouchable. Entire countries will go to war in support of his agricultural empire that will be the irreplaceable backbone of every country he can get his hands on.

"Just take your time, there's no rush. You can solve the problems you'll have. I'm sure of it!" Adele was impressed with his experimental gardening and believed that he'll succeed tremendously in it.

"Look at you, buttering me up already. Are you going to be a politician too Adele?" Ash teased her and Adele pouted at him.

"Hmph, I was just praising you. But I guess it made your head bigger." Adele huffed at him and he patted her head, thinking she was still a child after all.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll support your research then when I get super rich." Ash smiled at her and Adele forgot his transgressions.

Financial support for one's research is hard to find after all, it's a barrier for the majority of researchers. So she looked forward to his promise and Ash was expecting some good results from her.

Especially in Originium research, it was still impossible for now. But at least he could focus on his abilities and business for now. He reckoned that remaking a lab on his own would take tons of cash.

The days pass and Ash of course patented the hydroponics as well. Nobody has an idea how it works and what are the combinations of chemicals for a successful growing process.

And while the crops grew so he could sell it again, he of course trained his energy manipulation. "I guess my hypothesis is correct, it's like a muscle. The more you use it and exhaust it, the stronger it gets."

Ash checked his body and it contained more of the mysterious energy that was being used up whenever he manipulated any kind of energy.

He also tried to absorb energy from plant life, fires, sunlight, and moving things. But it only filled up his reserves by a pitifully small amount. "I think this won't cut it if I want a recharge. Maybe higher tiers of energy? Like arts and Originium..."

The researcher inside of him want to perfect his ability to the apex and his number one problem is his reserves. It made his training stall a lot, especially because he was using his energy to propagate the crops.

"I really need a lab, I should check my funds. It will probably be enough for a basic lab. Originium is so damned expensive as expected." Ash went to the bank and checked his account.

"Tch, I can only buy some basic instruments... I guess I can observe my cells and make tests with it." He withdrew some money and bought some pretty fundamental tools, in which a microscope pretty much took all of it.

He then asked the director to repurpose the shed to his makeshift lab. With his powers, he was able to use ergo-telekinesis with his energy manipulation by making matter move. Though it's like a party trick, rather than weaponized skill.

"Phew, I guess it's good for now." He looked at the refurbished shed. He filled the holes and cracks, to make a tight seal and he installed a simple fridge by putting ice right under it.

He already had practice for it by making a fridge for the orphanage so the vegetables would be fresh and there would be no food waste. A large enough fridge would be too expensive after all, the orphanage is too large.

"Big brother Ash! Thanks for the ice, we can cool down in this summer heat!" Some kids thanked him and he smiled at them. "Have fun, don't get too comfortable and catch a cold." He waved at the kids.

"Huh? I never expected kids to like me." He chuckled at the circumstances now and started experimenting on his cells, taking a little sample and checking its characteristics.

"I see, its more resistant to toxins and the elements. But not by much, though this means I'm resistant to acids, temperatures, etc." He tested the endurance of his cells and they were quite hardy.

Nothing much has changed, except there is a coating of energy on it that was the most likely source of his resistance to the elements.

"Hah, I should probably work on my prior experiment. Though I will need a lot more money." Ash sighed and would probably sell to nearby countries for now, expanding his reach.

Searching for delivery services, something caught his eye. "Penguin logistics? Now in service..." Ash chuckled at the name of the delivery company.

He sent a letter to the company because there are no international comms in Terra. The mobile mega cities do not have the wirings, underground fiber optics, and satellites in order for international calls or messages.

There is local wifi and signals, but cross country isn't established. Especially with the catastrophes that will destroy the sedentary infrastructure.

After a short wait of a few days, a representative of penguin logistics arrived to talk with him. They straightened the deal and penguin logistics will be delivering multiple trucks of crops.

Ash also created dry ice for the transport. Disguising it as ice arts, and as their contractor. Penguin logistics of course wouldn't really ask questions about their client.

"Hmmm, I guess this will merit me a lot of cash?" Ash thought of buying a warehouse and changing it into his lab bit by bit. Though the problem was the director would have too many questions about its purpose.

He was already asking about why he was growing too many crops and where it was going because it wasn't entering the market. So it is a problem on whose name will be used for the ownership of the building. Ash clicked his tongue and was itching to start his experiments.

"Ash, whatcha doing?" Adele patted him on the shoulder and Ash craned his neck. "Adele, what are you doing here? Don't you have to school or something?" He smiled at her and he thought of relaxing for now instead of agonizing about his lab.

"I'm home schooled you know? I don't think I'll really excel at elementary school." She gave a wry smile and he chuckled. "Yeah, that won't exactly be an environment where you'll want to be. But have you at least memorized the multiplication table?" He teased her.

"Asmodeus..." Adele deadpanned at him and he laughed at her reaction. "How about you? You haven't even entered school yet." Adele fired back at him. "So do you." Ash won't lose though and Adele just stopped trying to one up him.

"Ash, I talked to you about my parents. I told them about your hydroponics. And they want to meet you they said." She smiled at him and he felt his neurons fire.

'Maybe I can use this to my advantage?' He looked at her curiously. "So? What does Mr. and Mrs. Naumann want with me?"

"They noticed your produce in the market and they wanted to meet my friend who made the hydroponics." Adele excitedly explained.

"Who, me? Am I supposed to be your friend?" He put on a dumbfounded face and Adele was shocked, her eyes wide.

"W-was it a misunderstanding?" She looked like she was going to cry, so he quickly patted her head. "Sorry, it was just a joke. Come on, introduce your best friend okay?"

Adele calmed down and Ash forgot that she was just a kid. So it would really get to her, she's also the type to not have friends.

"S-so you're my friend right?" Adele looked up at him and he nodded. "Yeah, your bestest one. Because I'm the only one." He laughed and she snickered.

"My house isn't that far, let's go." She led him to their home and it was a mansion.

"Welcome home my lady." A butler greeted them and he raised a brow at her. "Are you a noble or something?"

Adele chuckled at his reaction. "No, not really. My parents are just well established."

'Hmm, I sure hope this works. My lab would be completed pretty early and my experiments will start soon if all goes well.' Ash prepared to salestalk them.

"Mom, dad, this is Asmodeus. My... Best friend. The one I talked to you about?" Adele introduced him and smiled softly when she said he was her best friend.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Naumann." Ash waved at them and the couple was surprised at his age.

"He really is a young boy, sorry if that was rude. We didn't expect that you would be so young." Adele's father thought he will reach places.

"Adele dear, your friend is quite interesting huh? He's an accomplished business man already." Her mother smiled at him.

"Sorry young man, we haven't introduce ourselves. My name is Hans, this is my wife. Emma." Hans nodded at him.

"Nice to meet you." He politely bowed at them and the couple were pleased with his attitude. Prodigies are arrogant most of the time so it was plus points for them.

"Would you tell us the principles of it?" Hans was curious and his blood as a researcher wanted to know more.

"Yes, it really was helpful for the city. Everyone's receiving cheaper produce which is higher in quality." Emma smiled at him for his efforts.

Ash prepared for it already and showed them the schematics and explanations of his hydroponic gardens.

The backyard of the orphanage which is quite large were already made into an area for his set up. The director also asked the assistance of the mayor to approve it.

And Ash had to convince him with the explanation of economic growth. With the populace getting healthier, the population will grow.

With the cheap produce, they would have more money for other things and satisfaction will increase. Meaning less riots or rebellions, and more purchasing power.

Leading to the greatest bait, more tax on the purchases they could afford instead of spending everything for food and supplies.

While they were reading and asking things about his business, he steered the conversation to his lab.

He didn't really need the whole warehouse. Just a portion of it, and use a small part as the laboratory.

"I'm actually starting to send it outside now with the help of penguin logistics. But because of that, I can't keep up with demand here. I need another place to keep growing more." He said wistfully.

"Ohh? Why won't you just buy a warehouse or a piece of land to use?" Hans thought he was tight for cash.

"I have the necessary funds, but I don't want to let the director know. Because this would be a private matter now. The produce being sold here is okay because the government supports it. But overseas, I want to propagate my brand without it being in Leithanen's name." Ash explained.

"Ohh, already a businessman at this age? You're Adele's age right? So responsible and smart." Emma chuckled and was impressed with his skills in business.

"Isn't he amazing? He says that he'll also support my research when the time came." Adele smiled sweetly which made Ash look at her with respect.

'Well played Adele, I have activated your trap.' He squinted his eyes and could see that she was smiling at him intently.

"Is that so? I could already see that you two will research a lot and with Asmodeus' funds, it won't be a problem to continue with your chosen fields." Hans was really pleased about Adele's friend that she made.

"That's true, though it would take some time for my company to grow. I need to find a legal guardian for now." Ash weaved in the opportunity for them to help him and he will in return help Adele.

"Honey, shouldn't we help young Ash here?" Emma smiled at her husband and he nodded. Agreeing that it would be a good idea.

"Really? Thank you very much, uncle, auntie! But don't worry about it. I just need to buy a building and use your name as its owner." Ash smirked inside his mind.

"Oh, I have a better idea. Adele will be really happy if she was able to spend more time with you. She's been talking a lot about you." Emma giggled and Adele was embarrassed.

"Mom, you shouldn't tell him that." Adele pouted at her mother. "Auntie, what do you mean?" Ash smiled, but this was an unexpected curveball at his plans.

"How about we adopt you to the Naumann family? A son in the family would also be good so you can protect Adele in the future." Emma smiled at his dumbfounded expression.

"That's a much better proposition, you're right Emma." Hans immediately agreed to it and Ash was still frozen in place.

"Hear that Ash!? We'll have more time to spend together." Adele was delighted by the news and she would really like that to happen.

"I... I guess we will." Ash smiled wryly and Emma stood up. "Come on then, let's process the paperwork. We're going to be busy after all." The bubbly woman pulled them all to the orphanage.

'That is unexpected, but not unwelcome... I guess.' Ash let himself be pulled by Emma and sighed.

"Isn't that great Ash? We'll be able to improve your business and think up of other things!" Adele was in a really good mood.

And despite it being out of the blue, it did elicit something from him. "I guess it is huh Adele? Let's get along from now on then." Ash put out a pinky finger and remembered the childish custom.

"What is it?" Adele looked at his finger, tilting her head. "It's a promise, I read that this is how to make promises." He smiled at her.

"Un! Promise that we'll be the best duo ever!" She linked her pinky with his and they were quickly strong armed by Emma towards the orphanage to process his papers.


Hello everyone, Arknights is an underrepresented game in the fic department. And its story is so good too. I tried to find one of it that's long and I just can't find one.

So as a man of action, I decided to make one on my own.

Thank you for reading everyone. I hope for your continued support.

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