/ Fantasy / Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World Orisinil

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Fantasy 340 Bab 3.0M Dilihat
Penulis: DamnPlotArmor

4.64 (142 peringkat)

BRONZE Prize for WSA 2023 Contest BRONZE Prize for WSA 2023 Contest

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In a world where martial artists reign supreme, strength is everything. Unfortunately, that logic doesn't apply to a certain Florida Man.

Refined in the nuclear fallout wasteland, Leo was the strongest mutant alive. He carried an alien artifact, allowing him to exchange his lifespan for modern items. After 50,000 years of solitary life in a humanless world, he collected enough lifespan to transmigrate to another habitable world.

Leo was later thrown into a mysterious planet. He soon discovered that his body produced radiation, and it mutated the surrounding plants and grasses. Worrying that he might ruin the beautiful planet, he chose to live in seclusion.

Unfortunately, the local population soon discovered his existence, and a misunderstanding ensued.

Parents Strongly Cautioned


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  3. Cody_Stute
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    Tulis ulasan

    Love it. It's a breath of fresh air. Read all chapters in 3 days. The characters are interesting and funny. Cat and Taxi are cute. Florida Man is amazing. Although he feels like a parody characters, yet the story seems serious. The plot is getting thicker slowly, and the system prompts don't occupy entire chapters. 10/10 for writing, grammar, characters, world building. Looking forward to read more.

    Lihat 18 balasan

    I just came to a realization. Do you know what this novel lacks? The author's narcissistic self-review! Here goes. Writing Quality Horrible grammar and terrible sentence structures, ever! The author has been writing for 6-7 years, but he still made singular-plural-verb errors and preposition mistakes to the point that my Grammarly uninstalled itself! Verdict - Five Stars! Stability of Updates The author is lazy AF! Instead of publishing 2-3 chaps a day like the other top novels, your stupid author can only do 1 chap a day because he has a family! How dare he has a family! He should have been imprisoned in isolation and forced to write 20 hours a day like how Genshin Impact players sent their loli characters to a lithium mine 20 hours a day! Verdict - Five Stars! Story Development Nonsensical, illogical, and dumbest story ever! It's about secluding MC doing his own things, made this, do that, meet these people, kill those people, sell this, steal that, rinse and repeat! The plot is more repetitive than Goku meeting stronger adversaries and getting new powers every arc! In short, there is no plot but MC's doing stupid stuff! Verdict - Five Stars! Character Design MC is dumb and ignorant. He gives no F to other people and the hazardous environment around him. He allows enemies to hit him first even though he's Floridian Saitama who can kill gods in one punch. The side characters are too bland. What's the point of having Marlboro from Final Fantasy with an infant dryad on top screaming Nom-Nom Meow as MC's pet? A 10,000-year-old Loli Lich Empress is very unrealistic. Enemies and friends are braindead. Nothing is normal about the characters! Verdict - Five Stars! World Background The world is small, shallow, and illogical. It's a recycled universe from the author's previous novels because he can't create a better one. What immortal realm? What mortal world? What mystic realms? What empire? All are stupid and unrealistic. Verdict - Five Stars! Final Thoughts - 9999 Stars! Dumbest novel I've ever written! No plot, no in-depth characters, no story, NONE! You can't find a better trainwreck of a story dumber than this one! Turn off your brain and let the craziness of this story ruin your IQ. If you finished reading this review to the end and expecting a JRR Tolkien-graded story, scram! This novel is for people with a cultured mind. UwU

    Lihat 11 balasan

    "reads title".............................

    Lihat 3 balasan

    Quick advice, in the synopsis you mention guns, I suggest you remove them since they reduce an already low immersion(since its a seclusion type novel). Im not saying my opinion im stating facts: people that read fantasy novels want to be immersed in a fantasy world and by putting things that dont match the world(guns), it usually isnt viewed well by the reader, even if it is comedy. There is a reason why modern-world cultivation novels sell less than a cultivation novel based on a proper ancient cultivation world. Hope this might help.

    Lihat 23 balasan

    I'm really enjoying it so far. It's funny and different. I hope it keeps this tone throughout.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Stop recommending it so much webnovel. I don't like this novel. I don't want to read it.

    Lihat 4 balasan

    boring repetitive story with the typical secluded idiot mc. Why can't we get for once an mc that actually does something in this genre.

    Lihat 1 balasan
    LV 4 Badge

    What a unique title for a novel LOL Quick question for the author, is Mao Miaomiao from Florida?????

    Lihat 3 balasan

    This story is a gag story that deserve lots of love. More due to the fact that the author is good with making interactions. The development of the world is great and the abilities of the main character is going great too. Being able to explore his abilities, the world and his influence is a joy to read and i highly recommend it. Also the story is gag do pretty fun. References can be a hit or miss but eitherway this story is really a good casual read. Would make it 5 stars but there’s not much story development yet but i know this story is amazing.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Very well done, the essence of the nonsensical things are absolutely mind blowing.

    Lihat 0 balasan
    LV 15 Badge

    Put your neron to the side and let apreciate the desatrous consequences of puting an 50000 years old american for florida in a cultavation world.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    I just started reading so I don't know how frequently they release chapters so a 5 for now. anyways I'm about 40 ch in and it's been highly entertaining since chapter one not only is it really funny it's also super creative. besides all that the chapter titles are majestic with their 'Florida state news article title' vibes

    Lihat 1 balasan

    this story doesn't have the best story I read nor the best writing. but this author does know how to make an entertaining story. which can make up for any flaws they have. which tells me their writing should be able to get better over time. as long they continue to improve their writing and storytelling. few more improvements i could see them on Kindle selling their books. I would recommend this story as you will get a few laughs out of it and will be Entertain

    Lihat 0 balasan

    "Florida Man's General Store in a Cultivation World" emerges as a magnum opus of the most arcane and recondite order, forging an anomalous symbiosis between the inimitable eccentricities of its protagonist, Florida Man, and the byzantine intricacies of the cultivation cosmos, concocting a narrative that traverses the esoteric chasm of comprehension. Within this narrative maelstrom, the cultivation milieu unveils as an eldritch phantasmagoria, where the enigmatic martial paradigms and Byzantine hierarchies effloresce in an abstruse tapestry, invoking a transient and kaleidoscopic transformation of the reader's cognitive paradigm. The narrative polyphony orchestrates tumultuous martial conflagrations in consonance with interludes of absurd persiflage, effectively ensnaring the reader within an intellectual labyrinth of unparalleled singularity. The dramatis personae, an eccentric menagerie of archetypes, imbue the narrative with a cabalistic profundity, oscillating between sibylline sagacity and whimsical capriciousness, all eloquently enunciated through prose suffused with a mellifluous symphony of rarefied lexemes, ultimately culminating in a veritable synesthetic tour de force. "Florida Man's General Store in a Cultivation World" unfurls as an imperative enigma, warranting naught but an unequivocal pentalogy of stellar encomiums in the celestial firmament of literary artistry.

    Lihat 2 balasan

    this one goes on my recommendation list. Comedic, unique, decent pacing, satisfactorily op protaganist for that type of novel. plenty of world building, and there is actual logical flow. (too many novels have been extremely inconsistent and illogical lately. I blame AI. This one doesnt seem to have that problem. I probably encountered something I didnt like in this novel, but I don't remember, so that should tell you how insignificant it was)

    Lihat 0 balasan

    he clearly shows acceptance and understanding of his situation in latter chapters and seems more like an experienced 50k old monster instead of a child that's still ignorant of the world and seems to refuse to believe or properly understand his situation. if he had just schemed more from the start and maybe just thought for an extra second about all those novels he used to read it wouldn't have felt like such a push to like him as the MC for being so thick. the cat and pets still annoy me here and there but they do add some interesting point the story here and there.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    I am very conflicted about reviewing this novel. On my own I would propably never read it but someone recommended it to me. Having read it untill chapter 39 i can for sure say that it's not for me. For sure it's well written novel, have unique background and sense of humour but it's boring. For sure some people will like it as free time novel to pass time but it require liking very slow paced novel with dense AF MC. Our main character is just stupid. For most of people's first reaction when selling some item who someone treat as treasure would be getting yourself into topic and learning about it. Sorry our MC still will play indifferent even when he need lifespan. It's just boring and wrong method to making it into comedic undertone and on the same time making MC plainly stupid and unlogical. When for some people stupid things are funny but I there are some logical limitations to this. For the author I can't say wrong thing as I liked his Villain cultivator series very much but for me work that he is creating right now is total regress to what he was doing earlier. Maybe this is whole other style of novels but earlier he had whole universe ready to explore and now he is limited to small planet with stupid MC with iq under my shoes.

    Lihat 5 balasan
    LV 15 Badge

    I hate writing reviews but this story deserves one. The stereotypical Florida Man is now in a cultivation world... I don't know what else to say but that.

    Lihat 0 balasan


    Lihat 0 balasan

    Story is entertaining, The chapter titles sound like real florida headlines, The mc is op, He is kinda clueless about shop prices so most of the time he sells the items for cheaper than they are supposed to be until others tell him, Atleast There is a guy that helps him with prices since he gets a part of the cut so that the mc doesnt get scammed, Also Cat is adorable,

    Lihat 0 balasan
    Terbaru dirilis:
    Chapter 340: Epilogue 7 months ago

    Jilid 1

    1. 1
      Florida Man Gets Isekaied, Pollutes New World 1 years ago
    2. 2
      Florida Man Digs Catholes in Archaeological Sites 1 years ago
    3. 3
      Florida Man Imposing as Sage Scams Teenager 1 years ago
    4. 4
      Florida Man Defecates in Archeological Site, Covers His Stool with Ancient Mural 1 years ago
    5. 5
      Scammed Victim Benefits from Florida Man’s Fake Medicine   1 years ago
    6. 6
      Florida Man Scammed While Attempting to Scam Local Cultivator 1 years ago
    7. 7
      Florida Man Builds General Store in Forest to Sell Grass 1 years ago
    8. 8
      Florida Man Feeds Dire Wolf to His Cat 1 years ago
    9. 9
      Florida Man Experiments with Steak, Attracts Vegan Neighbors 1 years ago
    10. 10
      Florida Man Angers Vegan Neighbor by Growing Plant 1 years ago
    11. 11
      Local Cultivator Suspects Florida Man as Scammer, Gets Scammed 1 years ago
    12. 12
      Florida Man Worshiped for Being Righteous Scammer 1 years ago
    13. 13
      Florida Man Claims He Deciphers Cat Language    1 years ago
    14. 14
      Florida Man Claims Coriander Juice is a New Coffee Blend 1 years ago
    15. 15
      Uncle R. Enraged as Florida Man Cooks Fried Rice Using Raw Pine Nuts and Leaves 1 years ago
    16. 16
      Florida Man Addicted to Nutting in Forest 1 years ago
    17. 17
      Drug-Addicted Florida Man Invents New Meds 1 years ago
    18. 18
      Florida Man Cooks Chemical Weapon Using Dog’s Blood 1 years ago
    19. 19
      Chemist Intrudes Florida Man’s House, Kowtows for Forgiveness 1 years ago
    20. 20
      Florida Man Gets Rich Selling Trash 1 years ago
    21. 21
      Florida Man Baths in Wolf’s Goo, Complains He Smells like Testicles 1 years ago
    22. 22
      Florida Man Cures Stray Cat’s Blindness Using Homemade Parasites 1 years ago
    23. 23
      Philanthropist "Mr. Florida Man" Donates Meth to Neighbor 1 years ago
    24. 24
      Florida Man Scammer Starts New Franchise, Hires Scammed Victim 1 years ago
    25. 25
      Florida Man’s General Store Runs a Promotion – Price Increases by 500%! 1 years ago
    26. 26
      Florida Man's Overpriced Rotten Tea Becomes Popular Among Elders 1 years ago
    27. 27
      Local Martial Artists Mistake Florida Man as Alien Scientist 1 years ago
    28. 28
      Florida Man Invests 1,000 Years in Simulation Game 1 years ago
    29. 29
      Florida Man Turns National Artifact into Chair 1 years ago
    30. 30
      Cop Called on Florida Man for Practicing Long Throw Using Cat 1 years ago
    31. 31
      Local Criminals Scared as Florida Man Uses Cat as Weapon 1 years ago
    32. 32
      Robbers Killed by “Cat” While Attempting to Break into Florida Man’s House 1 years ago
    33. 33
      Armed Robbers Slaughtered in Florida Man’s Store. The Store Owner Pleads “Please Raid My Store Again! I Love It!” 1 years ago
    34. 34
      Dead Robber’s Father Blames Florida Man for Retaliating Against Robbers 1 years ago
    35. 35
      Florida Man Steals Valuable from Crime Scene 1 years ago
    36. 36
      Florida Man’s Used Weed Sold for Millions 1 years ago
    37. 37
      Neighbor Stops Florida Man from Turning National Treasure into Furniture 1 years ago
    38. 38
      Florida Man Discovers New Shrooms Species in His Pocket 1 years ago
    39. 39
      Florida Man's “Cat” Feeds on National Treasures 1 years ago
    40. 40
      Forklift Certified Florida Man Worshiped as Immortal 1 years ago
    41. 41
      Male Karen and Two Pets Killed by Florida Man During Pokemon Fight 1 years ago
    42. 42
      Florida Man Hijacked Plane to Sell His Homemade Meds 1 years ago
    43. 43
      Local Laborers Idolize Florida Man as Savior 1 years ago
    44. 44
      Florida Man Teaches Elderly Man Nutting Techniques 1 years ago
    45. 45
      Florida Man Discovers New Giant Potato Species, Turns Everything into French Fries 1 years ago
    46. 46
      Florida Man Hides Expensive French Fries in Impenetrable Granary, Raided by His Cat 1 years ago
    47. 47
      Florida Man Invents AI Robot, Neighbor Panics 1 years ago
    48. 48
      Arrest Warrants Issued against Florida Man for Allegedly Disintegrating Corrupted Cop to Ash 1 years ago
    49. 49
      Child Welfare Agents Concerned as Florida Man Let Infant Daughter Wander in Forest 1 years ago
    50. 50
      Florida Man Searches for Sexy Alligator to be His Wife 1 years ago
    51. 51
      Parents Shocked - Florida Man Seduces Underage Girl Using Fairy 1 years ago
    52. 52
      Florida Man Revives 6-YO Girl Using Tea and Food after Allegedly Killing Her with Radiation 1 years ago
    53. 53
      Florida Man Distributes Drugs to Underage Girls, Parent is Happy 1 years ago
    54. 54
      Florida Man Threatens to Cut Cat’s Legs for Food 1 years ago
    55. 55
      Florida Man Challenges Thunderstorm by Standing on Open Field 1 years ago
    56. 56
      Florida Man Struck by Lightning Bolts, Becomes Super Florida Man 1 years ago
    57. 57
      Naked Florida Man Challenges Lightning Storm, Waving Nation Flag and Cursing God 1 years ago
    58. 58
      Florida Man Destroys Illegally Parked Wooden Boat, Kills the Ship Owners 1 years ago
    59. 59
      Florida Man Complains as Thieves Refuse to Attack Him 1 years ago
    60. 60
      Florida Man Cultivates Mushroom for New Drugs, Accidentally Turns Visitor into Zombie 1 years ago
    61. 61
      Billionaire Florida Man Reveals Business Secret: “Free Child Labor is a Must-Have!” 1 years ago
    62. 62
      Local Shocked as Florida Man Develops Chemical Weapon as Food 1 years ago
    63. 63
      Florida Man Builds Recycling Center to Remove Trash, Spreads Cordyceps Zombie Virus 1 years ago
    64. 64
      Florida Man Jumps into Nuclear Reactor Pool While Filming New Jackass Knockoff Movie 1 years ago
    65. 65
      Meth Making is Popular among Pharmacy Company, Said Florida Man Who Successfully Converted Famous Chemist into Meth Chef 1 years ago
    66. 66
      Florida Man Trainee Warned Not to Insert Fingers into Electric Outlet, Gets Electrocuted 1 years ago
    67. 67
      Florida Man Skins His Arm to Make Evening Dress for Sale 1 years ago
    68. 68
      Officials Confused as Florida Man Draws Alligator Emoticon as His Business Signature 1 years ago
    69. 69
      Elderly Men Interested in Florida Man's Balls, Survey Said 1 years ago
    70. 70
      Senators Summons Florida Man for Hearing about His Balls 1 years ago
    71. 71
      Greta Enraged as Florida Man Cut 2,000 Trees in Front of Official Agents 1 years ago
    72. 72
      Florida Man Mistakes Emperor Envoy as Ohio Man, Offends the Officials 1 years ago
    73. 73
      Florida Man Trainee Murders Police Officer Using Pokemon 1 years ago
    74. 74
      Cops Panic as Florida Man Trainee Releases Wild Cat on Street 1 years ago
    75. 75
      Hundred Police Officers Brutally Attacking Florida Man’s Pet Faces Retribution 1 years ago
    76. 76
      Florida Man Plunders and Murders 200 Police Officers for Rare Dish 1 years ago
    77. 77
      Florida Man Scot-Free After Murdering 200 Local Cops and Establishing Crime Syndicate 1 years ago
    78. 78
      Florida Man Digs New River for Local Alligators, Neighbor Complains 1 years ago
    79. 79
      Florida Man Raids Empty Police Station While Cops Raids His House 1 years ago
    80. 80
      Kidnappers Hitting Florida Man’s House Captured and Eaten by “Cat” 1 years ago
    81. 81
      Teens Mimics Parkour Video Game and Climb Florida Man House, Get Shot and Arrested 1 years ago
    82. 82
      Philanthropist “Mr. Florida Man” Builds Apartment for Homeless People, Sued by Locals 1 years ago
    83. 83
      Florida Man Teaches Children How to Brush Teeth, Eats Toothpaste and Get Hospitalized 1 years ago
    84. 84
      20 Corpses Found Near Florida Man’s Farm, “Munch-Munch, Nom-Nom Meow” Said the Murderer 1 years ago
    85. 85
      Florida Man Goes Picnic, Forgets Hungry Alligator at Home 1 years ago
    86. 86
      Florida Man Travels Abroad for a Month and Leaves His Infant Daughter Home 1 years ago
    87. 87
      Florida Man Bitten by Amazon Crocodile While Catching Wild Chickens for Dinner 1 years ago
    88. 88
      Florida Man Practices Entomophagy While Touring Amazon Jungle, Gets Bitten by Amazonian Wasps, Tarantula, Black Caiman, and Snakes 1 years ago
    89. 89
      Florida Man Pays His Employee's Wage with Cooked Wasps 1 years ago
    90. 90
      PETA Protests as Florida Man Murders Two Amazon Caimans and Seduces Unicorn 1 years ago
    91. 91
      Florida Man Tames Unicorn by Smashing 1 years ago
    92. 92
      Florida Man French-Kisses 100 Wild Horses and Brings Them Home 1 years ago
    93. 93
      Florida Man Defeats Horse in Sprinting. Horse Racing Associations Invalid the Race as Florida Man Used Firearms 1 years ago
    94. 94
      Florida Man Proved Innocence after Karen Neighbor Accused Him of Having Intercourse with Horse, Her Husband Did 1 years ago
    95. 95
      Florida Man Robs Chinese Temple With Unicorn, Steals Only Apple Juice 1 years ago
    96. 96
      Super Hero “Florida Man” Speedruns a Boss Fight, “Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That” 1 years ago
    97. 97
      Vegan Cops Stalk Florida Man for Eating Meat at Home 1 years ago
    98. 98
      Gunfire Exchanged during a High-Speed Chase after Cops Stole Florida Man’s Poke Ball 1 years ago
    99. 99
      Florida Man on Shrooms Lights Himself on Fire, Damage the Pyramid, and Steal Pharaoh’s Golden Chocolate 1 years ago
    100. 100
      Florida Man Cleans His Internal Organ Using High-Pressure Water, Suffers Brain Damage 1 years ago
    101. 101
      Florida Man Accused of Sending Children to Lithium Mine 20 Hours a Day 1 years ago
    102. 102
      Florida Man Traveling to China to Join Shaolin Temple Discovers Rare Pokemon 1 years ago
    103. 103
      Florida Man Proclaims Himself as Messiah and Found New Religion to Become True Atheist 1 years ago
    104. 104
      Florida Man Sings on Mountain, Becomes Disney Princess and Haunted by Ghost 1 years ago
    105. 105
      Florida Man Criticizes Missionary, Gets Struck by Lightning, and Gains Enlightenment 1 years ago
    106. 106
      Florida Man Raises Fund to Arm His Children with 12-Gauge Shotguns for Self-Protection in School 1 years ago
    107. 107
      Philanthropist “Mr. Florida Man” Teaches Teen Carjacking Techniques and How to Survive Cop Chases 1 years ago
    108. 108
      Florida Man Sued by IATA as He Flies to Space by Riding Drone 1 years ago
    109. 109
      Locals Concerned as Florida Man Sponsors Female-Only Orphanage to Adopt a Daughter and Recruit Underaged Employees 1 years ago
    110. 110
      Locals Refuse to Call Cops after Witnessing Florida Man Urinating on Wooden Mannequin in front of His 6-Year-Old Daughter, "We saw nothing!" 1 years ago
    111. 111
      Florida Man Evicts 100-Year-Old Elders from Nursing Home and Forces Them to Work in Sweatshop 1 years ago
    112. 112
      The Congress Denied the Threat of Functioning Alien Spaceship after Florida Man Fired Death Star Beam from Excavated Spaceship in His Backyard 1 years ago
    113. 113
      Florida Teen Discovers Real Lightsaber in Alien Spaceship and Claims Ownership. Star Wars Fans Riots. 1 years ago
    114. 114
      NSA Agents Files Lawsuit against Florida Man for Riding Unicorn into Area 51 1 years ago
    115. 115
      Florida Man Riding Unicorn on Highway While Fleeing from Area 51’s Military Tanks Gets Caught on Video 1 years ago
    116. 116
      Florida Man Robs Astronauts’ Graves to Eat Their Bones 1 years ago
    117. 117
      Naked Florida Man Dances and Sings to Cheer Arson Victim after He Burnt Her House 1 years ago
    118. 118
      Florida Man Murders 10 Elders and Bring Their Corpses Home for Food 1 years ago
    119. 119
      Warrant Issued on Florida Man Again after His Missing Man-Eating Cat Found in Church Along With Half-Eaten Priests 1 years ago
    120. 120
      Homeless Florida Man Arrested for Taking a Bath 1 years ago
    121. 121
      Florida Man Outruns Cops by Mimicking Animals 1 years ago
    122. 122
      Self-Proclaiming Environment Activist Florida Man Steals Church Pillar and Doors to Recycle Them 1 years ago
    123. 123
      Armed Florida Man Interrupted Baptism Ceremony to Rescue His Cat. One Pastor Killed. 1 years ago
    124. 124
      WHO Baffled as Florida Man Successfully Cured COVID by Spitting into Patient’s Mouth 1 years ago
    125. 125
      Florida Man Accused of Being Pedophile after He Escorted Lost Child to Her Parent’s Home 1 years ago
    126. 126
      Florida Man Abducts Children Home, Discovers They Are Adult Cosplayers 1 years ago
    127. 127
      Florida Man Steals Man's Underwear to Smell Its Crotch 1 years ago
    128. 128
      Florida Man Announces He Will Open Kindergarten for Elders 1 years ago
    129. 129
      Florida Man Claims He Understands Life Better After Talking to Statues 1 years ago
    130. 130
      Local Floridians Concerned as Florida Man Erects Caiman Farm Instead of Alligator Farm 1 years ago

    Jilid 2

    1. 131
      Florida Man Invents Laser-Shooting Matchlock Rifles to Make Anime Character "Tanya Von Degurechaff" Real 1 years ago
    2. 132
      Florida Man Armed His Employees with Job Applications to Repel Potential Looters 1 years ago
    3. 133
      Florida Man Distributes Guns to School Teachers and Students for Self-Protection. Multiple School Shooters Reported 10 Minutes Later. 1 years ago
    4. 134
      Florida Man Purchases Luxurious Sports Cars to Decorate Parking Lot 1 years ago
    5. 135
      Florida Man Attempted Time Traveling, Crashed His Brand New Ferrari Roma into Trees. 1 years ago
    6. 136
      Florida Man Arrested For Hiding A Thousand Underage Immigrants and One Dead Body in His Sweatshop 1 years ago
    7. 137
      Florida Man Forces Minor to Fight in Martial Arts Tournament Wearing John Wick’s Tactical Suit and Carrying Gun 1 years ago
    8. 138
      Middle-Aged Florida Men Identified as Teenagers Participate in School Sports Tournament 1 years ago
    9. 139
      Florida Man Fingers Elementary School Girl in Public to Heal Her Eyes 1 years ago
    10. 140
      Florida Man Struck by Lightning While Fingering His 7-Year-Old Girlfriend 1 years ago
    11. 141
      Florida Man Discharged Homemade Nuclear Waste Water While Taking Bath in River, Claimed the Water Came From Fukushima 1 years ago
    12. 142
      SWAT Team and FBI Mobilized as Florida Man Successfully Genetic-Engineered 7-Year-Old Girl into Adult WAIFU 1 years ago
    13. 143
      Wanted Florida Man Dressing in Among Us Suit is Terrorizes Towns. FBI Warns Children Not to Trust Any Man in Among Us Cosplay. 1 years ago
    14. 144
      Florida Man Accidentally Evaporated Entire Town by Shooting Fireworks While Parachuting. One of the Fireworks Was Genuine 100-ton TNT. 1 years ago
    15. 145
      Florida Man Burnt Alive While Doing TikTok Challenge - Taking a Bath in Active Volcano 1 years ago
    16. 146
      Florida Man Defends Bullied Man from Angry Karen by Using Mushrooms, then Mocks Her for Having “Saggy” Genitalia. 1 years ago
    17. 147
      Florida Man Earns Millions by Forcing Teen to Eat Black Matsutake Mushroom with Cheese 1 years ago
    18. 148
      Florida Man Encourages Martial Art Students to Bring Guns to Karate Class 1 years ago
    19. 149
      Florida Man Successfully Launches First Ever Flying Bus, Screams at Passengers Not to Parachute during Flight, “This ain’t Fortnite!” 1 years ago
    20. 150
      Florida Man Attends Parent’s Meeting at Local Middle School While Bringing Adult Toys to Advertise His Store 1 years ago
    21. 151
      Florida Man Equipped School Bus with Mini-Gun and Drove It on Highway. Wild Anaconda Got Run Over and Shot to Death. 1 years ago
    22. 152
      Florida Man Destroyed 18 Medieval Ships While Trying to Find a Parking Spot for His School Bus in Shipyard 1 years ago
    23. 153
      Florida Man Identifies His Immigrant Employees as Floridian to Escape Charges from Immigration Police 1 years ago
    24. 154
      Vegan Representative Challenges Florida Man in Fencing. The Latter Brings Guns. 1 years ago
    25. 155
      Florida Man Scams Copium-Addicted Senators during Sports Conference. No Press Has Been Charged. 1 years ago
    26. 156
      Florida Man Breaks into House and Set New Guinness World Record of Longest Poop on House Owner’s Bed 1 years ago
    27. 157
      Local Prince Filed Lawsuit against Florida Man as the Guinness Book World Record’s Longest Turd Exploded on His Face 1 years ago
    28. 158
      Florida Man Tied Children with BDSM Ropes and Sent Them to School. Teachers Approved While Parents Protested.   1 years ago
    29. 159
      Florida Man Identified as Disabled Joins Paralympic Games, Breaks Every World Record 1 years ago
    30. 160
      Paralympic Host Refuses to Void Florida Man’s World Records as 99% of Athletes Self-Identified as Disabled 1 years ago
    31. 161
      Florida Man Wins Lottery, Receives Gold Digging Catfisher as Prize 1 years ago
    32. 162
      Florida Man Sued Doctor for Prescribing Antibiotics Instead of Heroin 1 years ago
    33. 163
      Florida Man’s Student Accidentally Gunned Martial Artist to Death during MMA Match 1 years ago
    34. 164
      Florida Man Killed Local Emperor and Two Princes as They Refused to Purchase His Fake Meds 1 years ago
    35. 165
      Florida Man Broke into Stranger’s House and Stole Garden Light Bulb 1 years ago
    36. 166
      Florida Man Infiltrating Stranger’s Storeroom Assaulted by Another Burglar. One Burglar Killed. 1 years ago
    37. 167
      Florida Man Builds Ramps on Public Parking Lot Rooftop to Complete IRL GTA Stunt Jump Achievements 1 years ago
    38. 168
      100 SQ/M Clothing Store Building Abducted by Florida Man’s UFO 1 years ago
    39. 169
      Florida Man Quits His Job to Start New Career as Gamer, Spends All His Savings in Gacha Game. 1 years ago
    40. 170
      Florida Man Invented New Strongest Flashlight, Accident Blinded Himself and His Employees by during Experiment. 1 years ago
    41. 171
      Florida Man Establishes Meth Factory in Shopping Mall and Offers Meth-Making Master Class as Services. 1 years ago
    42. 172
      Florida Man Chased High-Schooler from Shooting Range for Bringing Multiple Girlfriends on a Date and Skipping Zaza Smoking Schedule 1 years ago
    43. 173
      Game-Addicted Florida Man Sued Game Company as Game’s “Quest” Forced Him to Touch Grass 1 years ago
    44. 174
      Florida Man Found Drunk Naked Woman Sleeping in His Bed, Cuddled with Her, Kicked Her Out in the Morning, and Refused to Elaborate. 1 years ago
    45. 175
      Florida Man Wrestled a Pig in a Professional Wrestling Match. The Pig Owner is Confused. 1 years ago
    46. 176
      Florida Man Scammed Foreigner as Revenge after Being Called by Racial Slur 1 years ago
    47. 177
      Florida Man Saved Feral Dog, Brought It Home, and Killed It for Food 1 years ago
    48. 178
      Cops Called on Florida Man for Hoarding Infected Dog Corpses in His Backyard for Science Experiment  1 years ago
    49. 179
      Florida Man Trainee Accidentally Found New Religion and Created New Loli Goddess by Showing Viral VDO to Kindergarten Girl 12 months ago
    50. 180
      Unknown Hacker Removed Florida Man’s Information from Police Department after the Latter Confessed He Imported “Virginity” Restoration Meds from Outer Space 12 months ago
    51. 181
      Scammer Attempted to Sell Second-Hand Tesla as Brand New. Florida Man Scammed Him and Bought It for $1,000. 12 months ago
    52. 182
      Florida Man Stormed into Gun Store, Threatened Store Owner, and Robbed a Pen 12 months ago
    53. 183
      Professional Wrestler “Florida Man” Fired From WWB After His Debut Match Got Interrupted Due to Technical Difficulties. The Executives Claimed Florida Man’s Gimmick Was Too Overpowered.   12 months ago
    54. 184
      Viral Footage of Frightened Florida Man Running Away From Chasing Pastor Becomes New TikTok Challenge. Local Sheriff Warns Floridians to Avoid Pastors on Street Until Further Notice 11 months ago
    55. 185
      Florida Man Called Cops to Offer Surrender Claiming He Abducted Alien Princess in His Dream 11 months ago
    56. 186
      500-Year-Old Florida Couples Surprised Local by Holding Flash Wedding. “BED! SEX! NOW!” Said Grandma to Grandpa During the Ceremony..  11 months ago
    57. 187
      Florida Elder Gunned Down Flash Mob Looters Attempting to Ransack His Store. “Welcome to Florida, Suckers!” Said Elder during the Interview 11 months ago
    58. 188
      Drunk Florida Man Wrestled with Stray Cat Using WWE Moves, Discovered Cat Was Actually Adult Man Cosplaying as Tiger, Got RKOed and Sent Home. 11 months ago
    59. 189
      Trained “Cat” Maimed Neighbors When Local Trainer Took Her for a Walk. All Dead Bodies Found in Florida Man’s Refrigerator Marked as “Cat Food”. 11 months ago
    60. 190
      Pedophile Tourist Attempting to Sexual-Harass Girl during Halloween Event Shot By Florida Man Cosplayed as Pedophile Bear. 11 months ago
    61. 191
      Florida Man Sued Dead Pro-War Rioters for Raiding His Shopping Mall and Got Shot to Death by His Employees. 11 months ago
    62. 192
      NetFlex Announced New Hangover Movie Would Be Based on True Story of Florida Man Waking Up to the Aftermath of Alien War. 11 months ago
    63. 193
      Woman Called Cops on Florida Man For Allegedly Sexual-Harassed Her, Made Her Fall in Love with Him, Then Friendzoned Her. No Baby Has Been Conceived. 11 months ago
    64. 194
      Florida Man Claimed Innocence After His Worshipers Declared a Racial War Against Elves Under His Name. He Said During Interview, “This Casual Racist Will Attempt the Ranked Mode If Necessary!” 11 months ago
    65. 195
      Florida Man Scammed Illegal Migrants by Accepting Them into His House, Offer Them Legal Jobs, And Robbed Them Afterward. The Immigrants Were Originally Broke When They Crossed Borders. 11 months ago
    66. 196
      Florida Man Became Millionaire after Selling Expired Drugs to Homeless People, Claiming His Medicines Could Cure Cancer by Granting New Cancer. 11 months ago
    67. 197
      Florida Man Mistook Lithium as Iron. Mined a Ton. Threw Raw Ores to Furnace. And Caused an Explosion. Scientists and Chemists Baffled Why He is Still Alive.   11 months ago
    68. 198
      Florida Man Called Cops Claiming His New Dairy Cow Sexual-Harassed Him by Forcing Him to Touch Its Breasts 11 months ago
    69. 199
      Florida Man Built Trillion-Dollar Labs to Modify Cabbage DNAs. On the Other News, Ohio Man Discovered on Death Star. 11 months ago
    70. 200
      Income Disparity! Ohio Man Earned 100 Million by Selling Information to Cartel Lord While Florida Man Genetic-Engineered Cabbage DNA to Create Ultimate Pet Food and Earned Nothing! 11 months ago
    71. 201
      Florida Man Took Flight Courses to Become First Human Pigeon. 11 months ago
    72. 202
      Forklift Certified Florida Man Refused to Have Sex with Celebrity to Warm Up for the Upcoming No-Nut-November. 11 months ago
    73. 203
      Naked Florida Man Climbed Mount Everest to Set a Guinness World Record for Longest Urine. 11 months ago
    74. 204
      Florida Man Created Realistic Wax Doll of His Dream Girl to Grope Her Breasts. The Doll Was Haunted, but Florida Man Happily Exorcised It on His Bed. 11 months ago
    75. 205
      Florida Man Injected Micro-CPU and Micro-GPU Inside His Brain So That He Could Play Fortnite in His Sleep. 11 months ago
    76. 206
      Forklift Certified Florida Man Successfully Implemented AI to His Ore Refinery. Engineers Protested As Machines Didn’t Need AI. Florida Man Converted Engineers into AI Instead. 11 months ago
    77. 207
      Florida Man Officially Proclaimed Mount Everest as His Land and Built an Oil Refinery on It. Climbers Protested as They No Longer Had a Place to Dump Their Trash. 11 months ago
    78. 208
      Florida Man Sued Celebrity for Sexual Harassment as She Violated Him in His Sleep. He Demands the Assailant to Redo the Activity While He Is Awake. 11 months ago
    79. 209
      Florida Man Pretending to Be Drill Sergeant Forced Recruits to Lick His Finger. Officers Confused How He Infiltrated the Barrack. 11 months ago
    80. 210
      Florida Man Allegedly Slept with the United Elfen Kingdom’s Crown Princess and Accidentally Married Her. The Queen Openly Disapproved Their Relationship. 11 months ago
    81. 211
      Abrupt Chaos Ensued after Florida Man Received Bull’s Urine as Wedding Gift. Witnesses Said The Groom Brought the Urine Bag Home to Make New “Drink”. 11 months ago
    82. 212
      Floridians Celebrated as Elderly Florida Man Finally Lost His V Card. 11 months ago
    83. 213
      Florida Man Discovered a Method to Look Younger after Failing No-Nut November Challenge. He Revealed That Nutting Was the Secret. 11 months ago
    84. 214
      Florida Man Implemented AI to Wax Doll. Cops Summoned Exorcists the Next Day. 11 months ago
    85. 215
      Florida Man Gazed the Stars and Discovered Alien UFO. Government Official Claimed It Was a Flying Washing Machine of Ohio Man’s Mother-In-Law. 11 months ago
    86. 216
      Florida Man Hired Monkey to Teach Fencing to Veteran Martial Artists. 11 months ago
    87. 217
      Florida Man Mined Breast Milk With Horses And Made Chemical Weapon. 11 months ago
    88. 218
      Florida Man Gifted His Tsundere Elf Wife M-16 Rifle in Preparation to Murder His Mother-In-Law.   11 months ago
    89. 219
      Florida Man Opened Fried Chicken Fast-Food Chain Restaurant, Served Alligator Meat Instead. 11 months ago
    90. 220
      Florida Man Investigated after This Year’s Graduates of His University Had Lower IQ Than Monkeys. 11 months ago
    91. 221
      Florida Man Proclaimed He Studied Dark Magic to Start Zombie Apocalypse. Many Universities Openly Sponsored the Research. 11 months ago
    92. 222
      Half-Naked Florida Man Holding Smartphone Playing Porn Video Rescued a Thousand Lives Before He Remarked “3D Pigs Disgusting” 11 months ago
    93. 223
      Tourists Accused Florida Man of Being Sex Predator after He Played Video Game at Home All Night. 11 months ago
    94. 224
      Florida Man Introduced New Career Choice to Female Teenagers – Lithium Miner. 11 months ago
    95. 225
      CEO Florida Man Rejected 2,000 Job Applicants Because He Was Too Busy Analyzing GTA6’s Trailers and Leaked Gameplay. 11 months ago
    96. 226
      Musical Theatre’s Judges Sent to Hospital after Listening to Florida Man Singing “A Whole New World” During Audition. 10 months ago
    97. 227
      Florida Man Equipped Scooter with Military-Graded Weaponry and Sold it to the Army. Government Officials Baffled How Armed Scooter Was More Destructive Than Million-Dollar Tanks. 10 months ago
    98. 228
      Tourists Randomly Gunned Florida Man’s House and Broke His Windows. Florida Man Brought Out Restored WWII M4 Sherman Tank From His Garage and Destroyed Their RVs. 10 months ago
    99. 229
      Tank Fight Ensued as Tourists Whose RVs Were Destroyed by Florida Man’s Tank Brought Panzer Tank for Revenge. Floridians Gathered to See the WWII’s Tanks in Combat. 10 months ago
    100. 230
      Florida Man Called Cops Claiming Mad Scientist Stole His Identity and Body. 10 months ago
    101. 231
      Ohio Man Sent Death Threat to Doctor Who Stole Florida Man’s Kidneys.   10 months ago
    102. 232
      Florida Man Allegedly Released Pet Wolf to Hunt and Kill Stray Dogs in Neighborhood for Food – His Food. 10 months ago
    103. 233
      Florida Man Received Noble Prize For Mastering Doomsday Prepping Techniques in Simulation Games. 10 months ago
    104. 234
      Florida Man Punched Mad Veterinarian Who Attempted to Combine His Dog With His Daughter. “I hate kids like you.” Said the Vet. 10 months ago
    105. 235
      Florida Man Attacked and Killed Home Intruder Using Giant Octopus. 10 months ago
    106. 236
      Florida Man Found His Wife Unconscious at Home, Calls Fisherman for Advice Instead of Calling an Ambulance. 10 months ago
    107. 237
      Florida Man Whose Wife Was in Coma Prevented Relatives from Visiting Her So That He Could Watch TV Alone in Hospital.   10 months ago
    108. 238
      Florida Man Beaten by His Father Because He Refused to “GIT GUD” in the Art of Sigma Male. 10 months ago
    109. 239
      Florida Man Allegedly Groomed a Maiden. FBI Declared That He Rizzed His Last Gyatt. 10 months ago
    110. 240
      Florida Man Called Cops and Begged for Red Pills to Escape the Matrix. 10 months ago
    111. 241
      Florida Man Programmed New AI to Automatically Make New Drugs in His Meth Lab. Drug Cartels Called Cops and Complained That the AI Stole Their Jobs. 10 months ago
    112. 242
      Florida Man Abducted Wild Alligators to Train Them as Soldiers in Preparation for Zombie Apocalypse 10 months ago
    113. 243
      Florida Man Who Recently Promoted as Drill Sergeant Added Alligator Wrestling to Regular Training Regime for New Recruits. 10 months ago
    114. 244
      Florida Man in Templar Knight Costume Attended Warhammer 40,000 Event. Cops in Space Marine Costumes Arrested Him for Heresy. 10 months ago
    115. 245
      Florida Man Crossed a Desert to Find Desert Monster, Found Area 51 Instead. 10 months ago
    116. 246
      Florida Man Arrested for Breaking into Neighbor’s Home and Stealing a Weed Joint from Furry Burglars in the Same House.  10 months ago
    117. 247
      Florida Man Advised Doomsday Preppers to Stock Booze, Beer, and Wine Instead of Food Before the Second COVID Spread. 10 months ago
    118. 248
      Florida Man Quit Job and Spent His Entire Saving in a Phone Game. 10 months ago

    Jilid 3

    1. 249
      Local Floridians Shocked as Snowstorm Approached While Ohio Man Mocked, “First Time?” 10 months ago
    2. 250
      A Florida Man Penetrated Airport Perimeter to Engage Alien Delegates on Runway for Cannabis Import Negotiations 10 months ago
    3. 251
      Woman Reported Missing after Business Trip. Local Found Her a Day Later Having a Yoga Session With Homeless Florida Man Who Provided Her Temporary Shelter. 10 months ago
    4. 252
      Florida Man Requests Pronoun Change at Government Office to Identify as 'Texas Man,' Citing Ownership of Machine-Gun-Armed Cows as Justification. 10 months ago
    5. 253
      Florida Man Took Picture of a Cow on a Couch Surrounded by Five Black Horses.  Tw*tter Exploded as Men Expressed Their Desire to Replace the Cow. 10 months ago
    6. 254
      Mad Cow Disease Discovered in Florida Man’s Butcher Shop. Store Owner Denied the Allegations and Ate Raw Beef in front of WHO Officials. He Was Later Found Humping a Cow That Day. 10 months ago
    7. 255
      Weather Forecast Predicted Heavy Snow in Tampa Florida as the Infamous Drug Cartel ‘Florida Man’ Wrote Academic Books for Children. 10 months ago
    8. 256
      Florida Man Invented Mosquito Worm Wines as New Local Merchandise. TikTokers Rushed to Drink It as Mosquito Worm Consumption Became New Trending. 10 months ago
    9. 257
      Florida Man Cosplaying as Game of Thrones’s Character Blocked the Road and Kept Shouting “Winter is Coming”. Investigation Found He Busted 90 Times Last Month Causing His Kidneys to Fail. 10 months ago
    10. 258
      Local Florida Men Saved Tourist Man from Ferocious Cannibal Disguising as Middle-Schooler. Cops Arrested the Tourist Later for Attempting to Groom Minor. 9 months ago
    11. 259
      Florida Man Sued Mother-in-Law for Snorting Coke Without Inviting Him.    9 months ago
    12. 260
      Florida Man Registered His Teenage Daughter in Professional Martial Arts Tournament to Earn Money. 9 months ago
    13. 261
      Florida Man Denied the Allegation of Smuggling AV Superstars from Brazil to Ohio to Film Bestiary Movie. 9 months ago
    14. 262
      Florida Man Arrested for Trespassing into Area 51 to Learn Magic and Sorcery from Aliens. 9 months ago
    15. 263
      Florida Man Arrested Again as His “Cat” Swallowed His Neighbor Whole.   9 months ago
    16. 264
      Florida Man Implanted CPU Chip in His Son’s Brain to Improve His IQ. The Son Later Diagnosed with Autism. 9 months ago
    17. 265
      Karen Called Cops on Florida Man for Marrying Her Daughter Whom She Attempted to Murder. 9 months ago
    18. 266
      Florida Man Accidentally Snapped His Mother-in-Law’s Neck While Roleplaying as Dark Lord of the Sith. 9 months ago
    19. 267
      Florida Man Faced No Murder Charge after He Gunned Vegan Man Who Attempted to Steal His Potted Marihuana Plant. 9 months ago
    20. 268
      Florida Man Allegedly Killed Stripper by Throwing Landmine on Her Dance Stage. 9 months ago
    21. 269
      Florida Man Constructs Space Shuttle, Sends Mother-in-Law to Space Without Return Instructions 9 months ago
    22. 270
      Astronauts Discovered Intoxicated Florida Man on Space Station. Nasa Baffled How He Got There. 9 months ago
    23. 271
      Florida Man Claims Immortality Achieved After 33 Days of Sunbathing 9 months ago
    24. 272
      Florida Man, Who Previously Claimed Immortality from 33 Days of Sunbathing, Now Diagnosed with Skin Cancer 9 months ago
    25. 273
      Florida Man, Who Diagnosed with Skin Cancer Because of Sunbathing, Discovered to be the Prime Suspect of Missing Ohio Woman’s Case 9 months ago
    26. 274
      Florida Man, Initially the Prime Suspect in Missing Woman Case, Found Innocent Due to Alibi of Feeding Wife Marijuana. 9 months ago
    27. 275
      Father of Florida Man, Who Fed His Wife Marihuana, Introduces AI to Battleship and Sparks US Navy Concern as Ship Gains Sentient and Joins Vtubing Company 9 months ago
    28. 276
      Karen Sued Florida Man for Curing Her Lung Cancer by Trapping Her in Gas Chamber. 9 months ago
    29. 277
      Florida Man Rescued Boy from Sexual Predator Using Mushrooms. 9 months ago
    30. 278
      Florida Man Diagnosed with Kidneys Stones after He Breaks Guinness Book World Record by Sleeping with 100 Women in One Day. 9 months ago
    31. 279
      Florida Man Calls Cops to Sue Government for Prohibiting the Use of Living Humans as Fertilizer for Personal Gardens 9 months ago
    32. 280
      Florida Man Collapses After Pushing Limits by Writing 8,000 Words in 8 Hours for Serialized Novel's Christmas Event 9 months ago
    33. 281
      Florida Man Starts New Hotel Business, Forgets to Hire Employees 9 months ago
    34. 282
      Florida Man Faces Warrant for Allegedly Raising Male Bulls for Inappropriate Use. 9 months ago
    35. 283
      Galactic Showdown Goes Viral: Ohio Man and Florida Man Unleash Epic Toy Lightsaber Battle! 9 months ago
    36. 284
      Florida Man's 'Ruff' Day: Takes Home 'Abandoned Puppy,' Turns Out to Be Ohio Kid 9 months ago
    37. 285
      Florida Man Forces His Son to Marry Vaporeon to Breed the Ultimate Pokemon 9 months ago
    38. 286
      Florida Man Wakes Up to Surprise Addition: Baby or Burrito?! 9 months ago
    39. 287
      Florida Man Shuns Celeb's Marriage Proposal, Claims Affection for 2D Vtuber over 3D Pigs 9 months ago
    40. 288
      Wedding Tumble: Florida Man's Feast Turns Dance Floor into Slip 'n Slide Diarrhea Fest 9 months ago
    41. 289
      Surprise Gift at Florida Man's Wedding: Guests Unwrap Bag of... Fertilizer?! 9 months ago
    42. 290
      Florida Man Convoy and Giant Feline Crash Wedding, Bestow Groom with Recipe for Chaos and Vampire-Grade Red Bull as Wedding Gifts 9 months ago
    43. 291
      Florida Man's Wild Wedding: Guests Get Free Smartphone Souvenir for Witnessing His Cat Giving Head to Cow 9 months ago
    44. 292
      Florida Couple Taken to Hospital after Recreating 'Till Death Do Us Part' Wedding Moment With Super Glue on Their Lips 9 months ago
    45. 293
      New Cocktail Gone Viral: Bartender Offered to ‘BUKKAKE’ Florida Man 9 months ago
    46. 294
      Buffet Restaurant Calls Cops on Florida Man for Not Eating Vegetables 8 months ago
    47. 295
      Florida Man Funds Space Traveling Project, Aiming to be the First Space Gas Smoker 8 months ago
    48. 296
      Florida Man Arrested for Joyriding Coffin Through Car Factory 8 months ago
    49. 297
      Florida Man Brings Farm Alligator to Court Room and Threatens Judge to Lessen His Sentence 8 months ago
    50. 298
      Florida Man Arrested in Court Following Incident Where His Alligators Ate the Judge 8 months ago
    51. 299
      Florida Man Pranks Call Center Scammer by Redirecting Him to Police Station 8 months ago
    52. 300
      Outlaw Accidentally Turns Hero: Wanted Florida Man Turns Marathon Cop Chase into Terrorist Takedown 8 months ago
    53. 301
      Barely Clothed Floridian Lady Officially Upgrades Lost Child Encounter to Son-Adoption Level 8 months ago
    54. 302
      Touching Reunion? Florida Man Found His Missing Father, Got Scolded for Not Inheriting His DNA 8 months ago
    55. 303
      Florida Man and Ohio Man Compare Their Balls’ Sizes in Public Transport. No One Has Been Blinded 8 months ago
    56. 304
      Florida Man Who Discovers Another Dimension in the Universe Diagnosed with Schizophrenic 8 months ago
    57. 305
      Florida Man Erects New Capsule Hotel INSIDE a Convenient Store 8 months ago
    58. 306
      Florida Man Prevents Customers from Entering Shopping Mall by Exposing the Smell of His Balls 8 months ago
    59. 307
      Florida Man Purposely Orders a Barrel of Chicken Instead of a Bucket to Spread the Dao of Florida 8 months ago
    60. 308
      Florida Man Mistakenly Brings Youth to Slaughter House Instead of School 8 months ago
    61. 309
      Florida Man Deviously Tricks Teens into Auditioning as Gourmet Cuisine for his Pampered Pet 8 months ago
    62. 310
      Florida Man Hires Sexy Strippers to Join Kid’s Parade in Public Shopping Mall 8 months ago
    63. 311
      Florida Man Swindles Half of Tourist's Fortune for Exclusive Service as a Human Shield against the Law 8 months ago
    64. 312
      Florida Man Takes 'Junior Executive' to a Whole New Level: Appoints Minor as Store Manager - Now Offering Candy as Employee of the Month Bonus! 8 months ago
    65. 313
      Florida Man Accepts Celebrity’s Dinner Invitation, Promises to Leave the Alligators at Home (Maybe) 8 months ago
    66. 314
      Floridian Man Declares Independence from Obligations, Declines to Toss Precious Alchemy Ingredient into Lava Party 8 months ago
    67. 315
      Florida Man Discovers Backyard Guest: Killer Whale Taking a Vacation from the Ocean! 8 months ago
    68. 316
      Hungry Killer Whale Mistakes Ohio Man as Takeout Special. Ohio Man Claims He's Just Making a Protein Shake after Workout. 8 months ago
    69. 317
      Ohio Man Raises Giant Geckos to Surprise His Brother. The Geckos Are Florida Men in Gecko Clothing. 8 months ago
    70. 318
      Florida Man Takes 'Whale of a Tale' Literally, Cooks Seafood Spectacle to Make Ohio Man Feel Like He's Missing Out on Oceanfront Dining 8 months ago
    71. 319
      Florida Man Accidentally Becomes Real Estate Gurus for Immigrants after He Successfully Sold Overpriced House to Homeless Man 8 months ago
    72. 320
      Florida Man Claims He Saved a Youth’s Life by Injecting Liquid into His Body. The Youth Was an Adult Doll. 8 months ago
    73. 321
      Florida Man Inflicts Max Emotional Damage to Muscle Builder by Forcing Him Through Gender Transformation Operation 8 months ago
    74. 322
      Crazy Florida Man Who Forcefully Performed Gender Transformation Operation to Youth Proves That Schizophrenic is Contagious 8 months ago
    75. 323
      Hallucinated Florida Man Feeds Youth a Vial of Alligator Blood to Make Him Mutant Ninja Version of John Wick 8 months ago
    76. 324
      Florida Man Quit Playing with Firearms, Claims His Birthday Gun is More Useful in Bed Combat. His Neighbors Riot.   7 months ago
    77. 325
      Florida Man Mistakes Stranger Who is Being Robbed as His Father, Pulls a Gun, and Shoots Them Both 7 months ago
    78. 326
      Florida Man Rescues Endangered Killer Whale from Hunters, Shockingly Discovers His Mother Among Them, Prompts Pursuit to Murder the Escaped Whale 7 months ago
    79. 327
      A Million Cat Found in Florida Man’s House, Claims He Gave Birth to All of Them 7 months ago
    80. 328
      Florida Man Turns Ohio Youth into Flower Fertilizer Because His Daughter MILKED Youth's Fluid 7 months ago
    81. 329
      Florida Man Celebrates E-Sport Championship Tournament Victory by Showing Women His “Balls” 7 months ago
    82. 330
      Florida Man Tries to End His Life, Expresses Desire to Be Reborn as His Grandson 7 months ago
    83. 331
      Florida Man Announces Retirement from Drug-Dealing Career to Police 7 months ago
    84. 332
      Florida Parents Entrust One-Year-Old Child to Neighbor Nannies With Criminal Background. Next Day, Child Knows How to Assemble and Dissemble Guns. 7 months ago
    85. 333
      Florida Man Shoots Child Predator Who Attempted to Groom His Man-Eating Bonzi Plant 7 months ago
    86. 334
      Florida Man Self-Proclaims as God’s Incarnation, Complains that Heaven is a Black Company, and Files a Lawsuit against God. 7 months ago
    87. 335
      Florida Billionaire Announces His Retirement and Passes His Forklift Certificate to His Daughter. She Eats It. 7 months ago
    88. 336
      Fisherman Calls Police After Florida Woman Catfishes Him and Steals His Fish 7 months ago
    89. 337
      Florida Man, Armed to the Teeth, Raids Animal Shelter to Pet a Rescued Cat. 7 months ago
    90. 338
      Florida Man Accused of Cheating His Wife with Her Sisters and Mother, Claims He Only ‘Touched’ Them. 7 months ago
    91. 339
      Florida Man Prophesizes Doomsday, Claims Sexually Aggressive Demoness Would Enslave Men and Cats Would Be Our Saviors 7 months ago
    92. 340
      Epilogue 7 months ago

    Penulis DamnPlotArmor