Reviews of The Primordial Record by BRICKTRADER - Webnovel



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Hi everyone, Author here. I am not comfortable giving reviews on my own work, it feels a lot like self adulation to me (Which I've always likened to narcissism.) Anyways let's go to the reason why you are here. The book. Er... no, the review for the book. The Primordial Record is not a fast paced book. But because it's a web novel, I tried to skim across overly long descriptions, to make a tighter story. I may have failed, you my dear readers would be the judge of that. Based on the settings of my book, which is Transmigration. The MC is swamped in a flood of deceit and lies. And because I made him overpowered, I had to balance that with really dangerous enemies, that understands the capabilities of the MC and make every confrontation a deadly affair. I abhor weak and stupid antagonist. From the start he would be placed in a unfavorable position and he would need every wit and cunning he possess to win. I would not be leaving obvious hints, I left many Setups and I trust my readers to figure them out as they proceed with the story, for I am a fan of puzzles, and if you stick around long enough, I hope you would be surprised by the Payoffs. The Primordial Record may not be an easy book to read, and I sincerely apologize for that. I left details of certain abilities and the world itself vague, as it is a huge world and I dont like info-dumps. There are many horrifying themes presented inside and spoilers warning. I am willing to kill off characters, if it would serve the story. I hope you enjoy this world. Because ultimately that is the reason I write. For your pleasure. Bricktrader.

Lihat 94 balasan

Definitely one of the best novels on here, amazing posting speed and unique powersystem. This book has realms of strength that normally would be the end of other books, it gets there pretty fast but doesnt seem rushed. Love it

Lihat 2 balasan

Novel starts off in a rush where nothing makes sense really with a lots of twists out of the norm. I stuck with it because of all the recommendations and reviews, and it all ties into this master-crafted story where everything has started tying in. As of chapter 460 I can say I absolutely am more than excited to see where this journey goes.

Lihat 5 balasan

well I have read novel likes lotm,ri and deep sea embers,so the i thing i Try to find in a novel is mystery ,the mechanisms behind the scene,but the most intresting thing that i Like in this novel is,that mc is trying to gain power to not only survive but to understand the nature,truth of the reality.i think if u strive for power u should also use the power to question the reality "why "for everything and understand it. ps: give this novel 200 ch (max) read,and I am sure u will be hooked. I started it because i didn't have anything to read but now it's in my no.1 list.(I give it 5 star,but i Know reader will search for 3 star review)

Lihat 0 balasan

Sigh, I read a little over a hundred chapters and here is my honest review. The story is quite slow but the progression of mc's power is very fast. You would expect reactions or more emotions being portrayed in a slow story towards strange powers or appearances however, none of that happens in this story. It feels bland reading this. Rowan the mc turns *spoiler* into a snake with yellow pupils and golden hair and is also 7 feet tall. This all happens in mere 2 days into the novel and when reading you literally feel no impact of such transformations from the surrounding characters. It is so very strange and bland in my opinion. Also, the story can be quite confusing. The joy of a power fantasy is taken out of the story. What makes the growth of mc more memorable is the side cast yet that essential component is missing from the story. The wording is quite complex, I got lotm feels in the beginning but it was ruined soon enough. The villain (his dad) is one redeeming part of the story but even his plots and how he is controlling the mc is not explained well at all. You feel lost in the story, you don't understand what is going on. Many things are contradicted, the power scaling is messed up. Overall, the story had potential but was ruined with the delivery. The delivery was sub par at best. Also, the antihero mc tag is just for show. The author said many eldrich elements are in the story and I agree. However I expected the mc to atleast be a little colder after literally being reformed into a snake. But no, he is a justice hero bitch with no braincells. He talks like a fkin knight in shining armour. In the world the author has portrayed, that kind of mc doesn't fit at all. He is too goody two shoes for this story and despite being from an alternate world which was also not modern, he rejects the master servant relationship with his maid. Like wtf, you are nobility, this is a different world and even in your old world aristocrats existed, so why tf can't you accept the rules of this world? Pretty dumb imo (I would have accepted this if he was from the modern times and had a different outview but I can't expect such things from people from old times)

Lihat 0 balasan

Ok almost 70 chapters in , I'll probably update my review later on because i decided to follow this , but i wanted to write a review cuz it's too. Good to be rated this low . . The only downside is the many mysteries and unknown that the author is always throwing at the reader but it's part of the story Everything else is Top tier I've read 100+ novels in this and different websites and i can tell you so far it's a Quality Novel , I'd say it touches lotm or ss

Lihat 0 balasan

Highly recommended. Truly one of the best novels I've ever read. I recommend it to people who are looking for a darker genre, but the story also features mysteries, fantastic world building and good fights.

Lihat 0 balasan

Only on chapter 404, but I can confidently say this is one of my top 3 novels. The plot of the whole story is really interesting. The author gives the information in a way that it doesnt feel like an info dump. This isn’t one of those stereotypical MCs whose next move you can predict, but it’s quite the opposite. He moves cold and calculated, doing what benefits him. It may have a slow start but it gets infinitely better, I’d definitely compare this novel with Reverend Insanity in terms of the story itself, it’s just that good.

Lihat 0 balasan

Sigh, this started out so very very very good then around the 350ish mark it goes completely to crap. I tried sticking it out another 100 chaps but it never got any better I recommend you spend your time and coins elsewjere

Lihat 0 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan
LV 14 Badge

The story is way to confusing. I feel like it’s a great story but it’s very hard to understand and it confuses the shit out of you

Lihat 0 balasan

people don't hate good natured mc. they hate how author's use mc's good nature as an excuse to justify mc's stupidity.

Lihat 0 balasan

It is a really good novel in the first ~400 chapters. The mc is an underdog, fights exciting and difficult battles, gradually grows stronger with interesting abilities, faces moral dilemmas, and has character development. Really good plot as well. After that he just bitchslaps everyone and becomes completely invincible. And loses all positive character traits. That all happens pretty fast, not giving you a chance to really process his complete change of character. I dropped it when he wiped out a prosperous world with billions of inhabitants. And he didn't even care. He then proceeds to brutally kill and torture all their gods (who did absolutely nothing to provoke him). They're just chilling, living a happy life, and then mc shows up and brutally kills everyone. I can't root for someone like that. And it's very disappointing for a character whom you really liked to become something like that. I get that it's intentional, but very unfulfilling anyway. (He doesn't get redeemed later on.)

Lihat 0 balasan

One of the best novels here for me, frankly the story is very interesting, I even find that it is a university level course on the functioning of a universe, with little religion in some chapters but much more interesting it completely changed my way of thinking plus with very good publishing speed and a unique power system. You have my full support to continue this masterpiece

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 11 Badge

This novel is unique. Much like the name the novel not only touches on but delves into the power and mythos of primordial powers/beings. Unlike other novels where the primordial level is only a myth, intro or seen at the end of a novel. That is why I love this novel and I say it is unique; there are not many novels that explore esoteric, grand powers and beings like this one. Even the few that do, none of them, have the same feel as this one. Where you actually feel such a grand scale from the writing.

Lihat 0 balasan

Doesnt mean this bad, this is only my review based on my taste, but two world for this story are "family drama" No offense[img=Cries][img=Envy][img=Cries][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Cries][img=Envy][img=Cries][img=Envy][img=Cries]

Lihat 0 balasan

sir, your book is very good. but I cannot understand what is happening. I cannot understand what are you trying to say. after reading this book. I know that it is very good but the writing is so complicated ,that I cannot understand any of it. please put a work on it.

Lihat 0 balasan

i love the story so far but i d like to ask if there s romance even in a subtle way , i would enjoy the novel more if the story is balanced and have everything

Lihat 0 balasan

It is difficult to read for the faint harted and newbies, I read till 1094 it is quite a change of pace for me , it is so fast at first I got caught in a loop, a maze that understood nothing at all from. So ruched so much information and concept jamed together I felt like I'm in an endless word puzzle that nothing made sense. It only get started in the next Arc when the Mc get telported to anther "minor" world 🌎 and everything begins making sense at the end of it . The next Arc we enter an endless nothingness and slumber of the MC where the truth of his bloodline and inherited ability of his father and development of a shadow his shadow in another epic story of a future supreme mage in a supreme mage world, here the writer made an effort at the beginning of its conception it was a nice change in Slowing down and a break from all the bloodshed. but it is discontinued as it reached the next Arcs till it became a memory I don't know why the writer didn't make a divergent path to the MC shadow and send him to the supreme world of mages ( a 7th dimensional world or an 8th guessing as they where the children of the fire that Endrios stole its spark from a primordial of light) it would have been a great side story and a door step to a higher dimension. but that would at least cost more than 500 chapter to construct a visual environment and develop the rhythm to complete the story of the MC. I haven't read any novel were the MC is the most miserable character ever in a novel he died like 5 tims the moment he acquired his bloodlines and more on the way till all hell brook loos on "Doom Star" you enter a maze of an epic proportion and madness it bogel the mind without spoiling the fun. Keep calm and try to have fun reading. thanks for the writer of course and publishers.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 13 Badge

This is my second review to answer my first review, thanks author for the glossary chapter.

Lihat 0 balasan

your writing quality is amazing... I Haven't seen quality like this other than actual fantasy books; a breath of fresh air :)

Lihat 0 balasan

do not like the latest arc writing quality 5 story development 2 characters 5 updates 5 world 5

Lihat 1 balasan

First 30 chapters are a fever dream but they’re explained in detail later. I’ve read up to chapter 1035 and can say it’s been consistently good throughout.

Lihat 0 balasan

1-the mc's personality starts mature, but it becomes more immature with each chapter [it starts with low responsibility sense to carelessness to inability to deal with emotions to vanity] 2-The mc said he would build a utopia but kills billions meaninglessly and almost always put his people in danger and doesn't do the minimum effort to avoid putting people in danger doesn't do the minimum effort to avoid killing people while acting as if he did 3-there are many contradictions, forced events, impossible events, and things that are simply not true - it makes me think that the author thinks what he wants to happen wither was it possible or not rather than thinking what would actually happen and make sense - [especially when killing people it's so random]

Lihat 0 balasan

I have been with this novel when it's was in 8 chapters truly it entertained me tho there were chapters where it didn't make sense to me but I kept on going because to me I like the Eldrich and bloodline concept it intrigued me but recently the authors trying to limit rowan like imagine till now he is a mortal that's one of the reason I started not reading it as much as I used to second u made him unique but he's still walking the same path as everyone except for the dimensional body but that too doesn't even make sense because if he is threat to the primodial why isn't he being wiped out how can he deafer being like the reflection of the primodial of evil and time if he had some help it would have made sense but he fought while being mortal you made your character arrogant he views himself as unique and special throughout the whole verse imagine there primodials as the author mention create the whole thing n the author said he wasn't the first person to have the primodial record so that shit ain't unique in some sense I get that u want to make ur character op yeah n we want a characters who's overpowerd fyi( those snakes are good bloodline) and finally the one thing I have come to hate about this novel is the consistent of the author telling us how unique rowan is like bruv imagine my guy came from earth he used to mine he has no experience in the real world nothing basically the Transmigates into this world called trion and u think he will b cautious no he starts having protagonist syndrome bruv like can you imagine he fights people who have loved for billions of years my guy took 3-5 years to defeat this beings author keeps on shooting himself in the foot again n again and again your fighting scene where incredible with a good detail I understand it's your first time etc.... and lastly y did you bring nemesis in the doom star I get you want him to start over but you hve found another way maybe when he was taping into the supreme circle he saw beings of utter horror and the list goes on or he was torture for a thousand years but to suddenly bring nemesis n be killed n lose everything!?? ?????? nah u messed up bruv........ am sori to say this but am kinda droping this one for now not like in forever but I hope u take my advise don't limit him make him realise he ain't unique that there other beings like him more than him humble him in a way u that doesn't make u to limit him sorry for complain but the recent chapter got me kinda mad I hope you listen πŸ€žπŸ€

Lihat 1 balasan

a magnificent book i have completed most of the books on rankings and i can say confidently that this deserves a place with shadow slave

Lihat 0 balasan

Well, first of all i wanna express how much i love this book, it's such a hidden gem which many ignore... This is definitely somewhere in the top of the list of the books I've read. Although the start is a bit rocky (undesrtandable, since its like the author's first novel), i kept hope as I noticed the potential it had with the power system and everything, and damn am i happy i kept reading. If you can just hold on until he leaves the place which is basically a tutorial (around ch100), you will start to enjoy the book so frigging much.. and it keeps getting better as the story goes ahead and this is one of the most unique fantasy world you'll have, and the villains are so ducking smart and powerful, keeping u on ur toes. So please go on and read this masterpiece and persevere till it gets good. Good luck!

Lihat 0 balasan

Congratulations on finishing the Summer Sprinting Party! [img=strong]

Lihat 3 balasan

I swear I absolutely love this novel, be it the power system, the MC's cunning, the side characters' moments, the way the story is told. The only "flaw" I find is that the story goes to slowly but, at the same time it lets us really imagine the scenery with all the details that are given. These aren't just useless novels like in some cultivation novels where they say the same thing in 4 different ways in 4 different paragraphs. This novel got me hooked, glad I started this one!

Lihat 1 balasan

This is definitely one of my favorite novels! Everything kinda connects together, even when you think it might be a plot hole it just ends up being foreshadowing. The characters are well written and the world building is literally the best I’ve ever read. The author is amazing and is a genius at plotting things out. I can’t even think of any criticism because of how great this novel is. It wouldn’t surprise me if the author ended up publishing some day. They could definitely make it!!!

Lihat 1 balasan

I downloaded the WebNovel app just to read the chps as soon as I can. Think that’s all I need to say.

Lihat 1 balasan

I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE GUYS WHO ARE SAYING THAT "this novel is good" EITHER THEY ARE GETTING PAID FOR THEIR REVIEW OR THEY JUST HAVE REALLY LOWEST STANDARD FOR A STORY- I mean at one point author doesnt even care about to describe diffrence bw his class and aspect and title The novel started as a mystery which most of the novel do like introduce a character and make a hype about their strength The same thing happened in this novel but after some novel author introduced so many things without any context added new kingdom without telling about them added new power system without describing at one i was just scrolling only to see progress of MCs record and nothing and that also got worst as the time goes.

Lihat 3 balasan

Just love it, love it, love it, Ayo look, i love it Really unrated, mc is mega powerful but even more powerful adversaries kinds keep him in check OP stuff, Snakes I love it

Lihat 1 balasan

Hi everyone, Author here. I am not comfortable giving reviews on my own work, it feels a lot like self adulation to me (Which I've always likened to narcissism.) Anyways let's go to the reason why you are here. The book. Er... no, the review for the book. The Primordial Record is not a fast paced book. But because it's a web novel, I tried to skim across overly long descriptions, to make a tighter story. I may have failed, you my dear readers would be the judge of that. Based on the settings of my book, which is Transmigration. The MC is swamped in a flood of deceit and lies. And because I made him overpowered, I had to balance that with really dangerous enemies, that understands the capabilities of the MC and make every confrontation a deadly affair. I abhor weak and stupid antagonist. From the start he would be placed in a unfavorable position and he would need every wit and cunning he possess to win. I would not be leaving obvious hints, I left many Setups and I trust my readers to figure them out as they proceed with the story, for I am a fan of puzzles, and if you stick around long enough, I hope you would be surprised by the Payoffs. The Primordial Record may not be an easy book to read, and I sincerely apologize for that. I left details of certain abilities and the world itself vague, as it is a huge world and I dont like info-dumps. There are many horrifying themes presented inside and spoilers warning. I am willing to kill off characters, if it would serve the story. I hope you enjoy this world. Because ultimately that is the reason I write. For your pleasure. Bricktrader.

Lihat 94 balasan

Definitely one of the best novels on here, amazing posting speed and unique powersystem. This book has realms of strength that normally would be the end of other books, it gets there pretty fast but doesnt seem rushed. Love it

Lihat 2 balasan

Novel starts off in a rush where nothing makes sense really with a lots of twists out of the norm. I stuck with it because of all the recommendations and reviews, and it all ties into this master-crafted story where everything has started tying in. As of chapter 460 I can say I absolutely am more than excited to see where this journey goes.

Lihat 5 balasan

well I have read novel likes lotm,ri and deep sea embers,so the i thing i Try to find in a novel is mystery ,the mechanisms behind the scene,but the most intresting thing that i Like in this novel is,that mc is trying to gain power to not only survive but to understand the nature,truth of the reality.i think if u strive for power u should also use the power to question the reality "why "for everything and understand it. ps: give this novel 200 ch (max) read,and I am sure u will be hooked. I started it because i didn't have anything to read but now it's in my no.1 list.(I give it 5 star,but i Know reader will search for 3 star review)

Lihat 0 balasan

Sigh, I read a little over a hundred chapters and here is my honest review. The story is quite slow but the progression of mc's power is very fast. You would expect reactions or more emotions being portrayed in a slow story towards strange powers or appearances however, none of that happens in this story. It feels bland reading this. Rowan the mc turns *spoiler* into a snake with yellow pupils and golden hair and is also 7 feet tall. This all happens in mere 2 days into the novel and when reading you literally feel no impact of such transformations from the surrounding characters. It is so very strange and bland in my opinion. Also, the story can be quite confusing. The joy of a power fantasy is taken out of the story. What makes the growth of mc more memorable is the side cast yet that essential component is missing from the story. The wording is quite complex, I got lotm feels in the beginning but it was ruined soon enough. The villain (his dad) is one redeeming part of the story but even his plots and how he is controlling the mc is not explained well at all. You feel lost in the story, you don't understand what is going on. Many things are contradicted, the power scaling is messed up. Overall, the story had potential but was ruined with the delivery. The delivery was sub par at best. Also, the antihero mc tag is just for show. The author said many eldrich elements are in the story and I agree. However I expected the mc to atleast be a little colder after literally being reformed into a snake. But no, he is a justice hero bitch with no braincells. He talks like a fkin knight in shining armour. In the world the author has portrayed, that kind of mc doesn't fit at all. He is too goody two shoes for this story and despite being from an alternate world which was also not modern, he rejects the master servant relationship with his maid. Like wtf, you are nobility, this is a different world and even in your old world aristocrats existed, so why tf can't you accept the rules of this world? Pretty dumb imo (I would have accepted this if he was from the modern times and had a different outview but I can't expect such things from people from old times)

Lihat 0 balasan

Ok almost 70 chapters in , I'll probably update my review later on because i decided to follow this , but i wanted to write a review cuz it's too. Good to be rated this low . . The only downside is the many mysteries and unknown that the author is always throwing at the reader but it's part of the story Everything else is Top tier I've read 100+ novels in this and different websites and i can tell you so far it's a Quality Novel , I'd say it touches lotm or ss

Lihat 0 balasan

Highly recommended. Truly one of the best novels I've ever read. I recommend it to people who are looking for a darker genre, but the story also features mysteries, fantastic world building and good fights.

Lihat 0 balasan

Only on chapter 404, but I can confidently say this is one of my top 3 novels. The plot of the whole story is really interesting. The author gives the information in a way that it doesnt feel like an info dump. This isn’t one of those stereotypical MCs whose next move you can predict, but it’s quite the opposite. He moves cold and calculated, doing what benefits him. It may have a slow start but it gets infinitely better, I’d definitely compare this novel with Reverend Insanity in terms of the story itself, it’s just that good.

Lihat 0 balasan

Sigh, this started out so very very very good then around the 350ish mark it goes completely to crap. I tried sticking it out another 100 chaps but it never got any better I recommend you spend your time and coins elsewjere

Lihat 0 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan
LV 14 Badge

The story is way to confusing. I feel like it’s a great story but it’s very hard to understand and it confuses the shit out of you

Lihat 0 balasan

people don't hate good natured mc. they hate how author's use mc's good nature as an excuse to justify mc's stupidity.

Lihat 0 balasan

It is a really good novel in the first ~400 chapters. The mc is an underdog, fights exciting and difficult battles, gradually grows stronger with interesting abilities, faces moral dilemmas, and has character development. Really good plot as well. After that he just bitchslaps everyone and becomes completely invincible. And loses all positive character traits. That all happens pretty fast, not giving you a chance to really process his complete change of character. I dropped it when he wiped out a prosperous world with billions of inhabitants. And he didn't even care. He then proceeds to brutally kill and torture all their gods (who did absolutely nothing to provoke him). They're just chilling, living a happy life, and then mc shows up and brutally kills everyone. I can't root for someone like that. And it's very disappointing for a character whom you really liked to become something like that. I get that it's intentional, but very unfulfilling anyway. (He doesn't get redeemed later on.)

Lihat 0 balasan

One of the best novels here for me, frankly the story is very interesting, I even find that it is a university level course on the functioning of a universe, with little religion in some chapters but much more interesting it completely changed my way of thinking plus with very good publishing speed and a unique power system. You have my full support to continue this masterpiece

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 11 Badge

This novel is unique. Much like the name the novel not only touches on but delves into the power and mythos of primordial powers/beings. Unlike other novels where the primordial level is only a myth, intro or seen at the end of a novel. That is why I love this novel and I say it is unique; there are not many novels that explore esoteric, grand powers and beings like this one. Even the few that do, none of them, have the same feel as this one. Where you actually feel such a grand scale from the writing.

Lihat 0 balasan

Doesnt mean this bad, this is only my review based on my taste, but two world for this story are "family drama" No offense[img=Cries][img=Envy][img=Cries][img=Envy][img=Envy][img=Cries][img=Envy][img=Cries][img=Envy][img=Cries]

Lihat 0 balasan

sir, your book is very good. but I cannot understand what is happening. I cannot understand what are you trying to say. after reading this book. I know that it is very good but the writing is so complicated ,that I cannot understand any of it. please put a work on it.

Lihat 0 balasan

i love the story so far but i d like to ask if there s romance even in a subtle way , i would enjoy the novel more if the story is balanced and have everything

Lihat 0 balasan

It is difficult to read for the faint harted and newbies, I read till 1094 it is quite a change of pace for me , it is so fast at first I got caught in a loop, a maze that understood nothing at all from. So ruched so much information and concept jamed together I felt like I'm in an endless word puzzle that nothing made sense. It only get started in the next Arc when the Mc get telported to anther "minor" world 🌎 and everything begins making sense at the end of it . The next Arc we enter an endless nothingness and slumber of the MC where the truth of his bloodline and inherited ability of his father and development of a shadow his shadow in another epic story of a future supreme mage in a supreme mage world, here the writer made an effort at the beginning of its conception it was a nice change in Slowing down and a break from all the bloodshed. but it is discontinued as it reached the next Arcs till it became a memory I don't know why the writer didn't make a divergent path to the MC shadow and send him to the supreme world of mages ( a 7th dimensional world or an 8th guessing as they where the children of the fire that Endrios stole its spark from a primordial of light) it would have been a great side story and a door step to a higher dimension. but that would at least cost more than 500 chapter to construct a visual environment and develop the rhythm to complete the story of the MC. I haven't read any novel were the MC is the most miserable character ever in a novel he died like 5 tims the moment he acquired his bloodlines and more on the way till all hell brook loos on "Doom Star" you enter a maze of an epic proportion and madness it bogel the mind without spoiling the fun. Keep calm and try to have fun reading. thanks for the writer of course and publishers.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 13 Badge

This is my second review to answer my first review, thanks author for the glossary chapter.

Lihat 0 balasan

your writing quality is amazing... I Haven't seen quality like this other than actual fantasy books; a breath of fresh air :)

Lihat 0 balasan

do not like the latest arc writing quality 5 story development 2 characters 5 updates 5 world 5

Lihat 1 balasan

First 30 chapters are a fever dream but they’re explained in detail later. I’ve read up to chapter 1035 and can say it’s been consistently good throughout.

Lihat 0 balasan

1-the mc's personality starts mature, but it becomes more immature with each chapter [it starts with low responsibility sense to carelessness to inability to deal with emotions to vanity] 2-The mc said he would build a utopia but kills billions meaninglessly and almost always put his people in danger and doesn't do the minimum effort to avoid putting people in danger doesn't do the minimum effort to avoid killing people while acting as if he did 3-there are many contradictions, forced events, impossible events, and things that are simply not true - it makes me think that the author thinks what he wants to happen wither was it possible or not rather than thinking what would actually happen and make sense - [especially when killing people it's so random]

Lihat 0 balasan

I have been with this novel when it's was in 8 chapters truly it entertained me tho there were chapters where it didn't make sense to me but I kept on going because to me I like the Eldrich and bloodline concept it intrigued me but recently the authors trying to limit rowan like imagine till now he is a mortal that's one of the reason I started not reading it as much as I used to second u made him unique but he's still walking the same path as everyone except for the dimensional body but that too doesn't even make sense because if he is threat to the primodial why isn't he being wiped out how can he deafer being like the reflection of the primodial of evil and time if he had some help it would have made sense but he fought while being mortal you made your character arrogant he views himself as unique and special throughout the whole verse imagine there primodials as the author mention create the whole thing n the author said he wasn't the first person to have the primodial record so that shit ain't unique in some sense I get that u want to make ur character op yeah n we want a characters who's overpowerd fyi( those snakes are good bloodline) and finally the one thing I have come to hate about this novel is the consistent of the author telling us how unique rowan is like bruv imagine my guy came from earth he used to mine he has no experience in the real world nothing basically the Transmigates into this world called trion and u think he will b cautious no he starts having protagonist syndrome bruv like can you imagine he fights people who have loved for billions of years my guy took 3-5 years to defeat this beings author keeps on shooting himself in the foot again n again and again your fighting scene where incredible with a good detail I understand it's your first time etc.... and lastly y did you bring nemesis in the doom star I get you want him to start over but you hve found another way maybe when he was taping into the supreme circle he saw beings of utter horror and the list goes on or he was torture for a thousand years but to suddenly bring nemesis n be killed n lose everything!?? ?????? nah u messed up bruv........ am sori to say this but am kinda droping this one for now not like in forever but I hope u take my advise don't limit him make him realise he ain't unique that there other beings like him more than him humble him in a way u that doesn't make u to limit him sorry for complain but the recent chapter got me kinda mad I hope you listen πŸ€žπŸ€

Lihat 1 balasan

a magnificent book i have completed most of the books on rankings and i can say confidently that this deserves a place with shadow slave

Lihat 0 balasan

Well, first of all i wanna express how much i love this book, it's such a hidden gem which many ignore... This is definitely somewhere in the top of the list of the books I've read. Although the start is a bit rocky (undesrtandable, since its like the author's first novel), i kept hope as I noticed the potential it had with the power system and everything, and damn am i happy i kept reading. If you can just hold on until he leaves the place which is basically a tutorial (around ch100), you will start to enjoy the book so frigging much.. and it keeps getting better as the story goes ahead and this is one of the most unique fantasy world you'll have, and the villains are so ducking smart and powerful, keeping u on ur toes. So please go on and read this masterpiece and persevere till it gets good. Good luck!

Lihat 0 balasan

Congratulations on finishing the Summer Sprinting Party! [img=strong]

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I swear I absolutely love this novel, be it the power system, the MC's cunning, the side characters' moments, the way the story is told. The only "flaw" I find is that the story goes to slowly but, at the same time it lets us really imagine the scenery with all the details that are given. These aren't just useless novels like in some cultivation novels where they say the same thing in 4 different ways in 4 different paragraphs. This novel got me hooked, glad I started this one!

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This is definitely one of my favorite novels! Everything kinda connects together, even when you think it might be a plot hole it just ends up being foreshadowing. The characters are well written and the world building is literally the best I’ve ever read. The author is amazing and is a genius at plotting things out. I can’t even think of any criticism because of how great this novel is. It wouldn’t surprise me if the author ended up publishing some day. They could definitely make it!!!

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I downloaded the WebNovel app just to read the chps as soon as I can. Think that’s all I need to say.

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I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE GUYS WHO ARE SAYING THAT "this novel is good" EITHER THEY ARE GETTING PAID FOR THEIR REVIEW OR THEY JUST HAVE REALLY LOWEST STANDARD FOR A STORY- I mean at one point author doesnt even care about to describe diffrence bw his class and aspect and title The novel started as a mystery which most of the novel do like introduce a character and make a hype about their strength The same thing happened in this novel but after some novel author introduced so many things without any context added new kingdom without telling about them added new power system without describing at one i was just scrolling only to see progress of MCs record and nothing and that also got worst as the time goes.

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Just love it, love it, love it, Ayo look, i love it Really unrated, mc is mega powerful but even more powerful adversaries kinds keep him in check OP stuff, Snakes I love it

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