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42.56% Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance / Chapter 99: CHAPTER 94 More of Day Raid, New Interesting Encounter

Bab 99: CHAPTER 94 More of Day Raid, New Interesting Encounter

Lina's last words

"it's better to burn out than fade away"

is from the last line of Kurt Cobain's suicide note.

One of the great songs writers


She had already lost her voice, so I decided it was safe to cease waging battle with her tongue using my own, and I leaned back to observe how she was reacting to the situation.

Surprisingly, she was still conscious, but the sheer volume of pleasure she was experiencing was almost enough to render her catatonic. Her face was heated and she was sweating; she had an ahegao expression on it.

With rolling eyes, protruding tongue, and slightly reddened face, to show how much ecstasy she was in.

In my opinion, this is art of the highest possible calibre.

Soon, the pleasure became too much for me, and without being prompted, I emptied my load deep into Esdeath.

I recalled that she was protected, so there was no problem with me dumping my semen inside of her because there was nothing stopping me from doing so.

Her orgasm became more intense as a result of this, and she arched her back even farther as she trembled with pleasure.

Her walls constricted around my dick, milking me exquisitely as I hissed in pleasure and shot spurts of semen deep into her. Her walls milked me exquisitely as I hissed in pleasure.

Esdeath moaned as her tongue came out of her mouth, her saliva splashing everywhere while lust took over her body, she was no longer a blood thirsty woman, just another woman being addicted to sex after feeling it for the first time.


'Want to use me as a tool? fine you will be my sexual tool instead'

'I will work this out even if I have to hunt down sex gods, or family gods and drain them.'

Thinking so, Jinwoo stood up on the bed taking Esdeath with him while his dick hit deep within Esdeath's womb, making her lose her mind at the feelings. Hence the two of them began another round of lovemaking. This time Jinwoo fucking her brains out.


The sun shone brightly, with white clouds drifting in the blue sky. Birds sang, and a light breeze gently moved the tree leaves. It was a beautiful day, perfect for relaxation and stress relief. However, the atmosphere in the Empire was completely different.

Despite wearing a mask of normalcy, the Empire was filled with corruption, and today there was a sense of fear and terror lingering in the air. The civilians went about their usual routines of work and shopping, but they were more cautious, wary of encountering a noble having a bad day. The guards, who typically threatened and extorted the civilians, seemed more focused on their duties today, their worry evident. The events of yesterday had shaken them all.

Yesterday, a sudden burst of light illuminated the sky, startling many people in the Empire. A giant explosion cloud and accompanying light earthquakes spread fear among the population, especially the nobles and those in power. The Empire quickly dispatched a research squad of assassins to investigate the situation, anxiously awaiting their report. However, the report yielded no substantial findings. Another research squad was sent to the northern lands where the Empire's army was deployed, only to discover that the entire region had vanished. The cold had disappeared, and the army and main village were nowhere to be found. This unprecedented event filled the Empire with deep concern.

The changing weather patterns and the catastrophic effects suggested the use of a weapon more powerful than the Teigu, which had always been the Empire's advantage. The survival of the Empire was now under absolute threat, particularly with the disappearance of the entire army, including their strongest general.

Figures like Prime Minister Honest understood that this was not a passing event. The Empire was not well-liked by others, and the prime minister believed that the threat would eventually reach their doorstep. He called his son and all the loyal Teigu users scattered throughout the Empire, seeking to bolster their powers and investigate the situation. Despite his efforts, Honest received no response when trying to contact Esdeath.

General Budo, although outwardly unaffected, took this event seriously. He heightened security around the palace, especially after a noble was burned alive, followed by the destruction of his entire house. The scene had sent shockwaves throughout the Empire, particularly among nobles connected to the emperor and those with fame. It was a restless night for them all.

As everyone in the Empire grappled with anxiety and stress, the culprit responsible for the chaos remained unknowingly distant, around 50 kilometers away. Unaware of the extent of his actions, he seemed unconcerned, occupied with intimate activities with their most powerful weapon.


"I need to revisit the Empire," I murmured, frustrated by the lack of clear information due to an interference targeting my beast. Frowning, I sensed that my shadow soldier was imprisoned, but I decided against recalling him. Where's the fun in that? Instead, I resolved to gather information from an excellent source.

"And now, with the show I put on, the Empire's Teigu users should be gathered," I smiled, effortlessly calculating their movements. The pieces I needed were in place, and all I had to do was collect them.

However, a bigger question loomed: Was I ready to kill those considered heroes in this world? The answer was simple – yes, even if they were waifus. Their shadows possessed greater potential than any monster I had encountered. It was a common trait across worlds – humans had the potential to grow into anything.

Why was I prepared to kill even the hero? Well, the answer was simple as well. "I learned my lesson a long time ago, and I'll never repeat my mistakes," I said with closed eyes. "I'll never back down, even if it means my death. I'll break through without fear or hesitation and emerge victorious. This is who I am... Or rather, this is what I've become after obtaining this power. Now, I want to embrace that."

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, the weightlessness around me dissipated as I found myself back in the room. Esdeath lay completely knocked out, her face showing signs of arousal.

"I might need a super pill if things continue like this," I thought, stretching my waist and hearing cracking sounds. I had spent around 12 hours with that insatiable minx, and at one point, I even wondered if she was the Goddess of Sex. Nevertheless, I had ultimately dominated her, both physically and in our "game," which only seemed to make her even hornier. This would lay the foundation for future interactions.

Just thinking about it gave me a headache. I already had my hands full dealing with the chaos unfolding in this world, and now I had to deal with the complicated affairs of women as well.

But it's not like I hate it or anything. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I love it, and hearing her beautiful moans makes coming here worth my time even more.

"But damn... she can keep up with me..."

Shaking my head to keep my feelings in check, I refocus on what's happening outside the world. Through my thoughts and hesitations, I realize that I have only been in the game for a few hours, and already significant changes have taken place.

But I am prepared to do what Mark won't even consider in his dreams.

I would kill an innocent child if it benefits me. Yes, I will try to avoid going too far down this path, but there's no turning back for me now.

To do otherwise would only result in my death, and I cannot rely on reincarnation again. I have to do everything in my power and go beyond it to avoid that outcome.

Even if it means killing the heroes of the world and the last good people remaining. There's no point in crying now. I am not a hero, nor do I want to become one.

I am no hero. I never was, and I never will be.

Humans are beings filled with desires, be they good or bad. But what defines good and bad? It is humans themselves who assign these labels. Kindness, love, and faith are considered good things, but even good can turn bad when used in the wrong place. The same goes for the seven deadly sins.

Those things people think are just the bad aspects of humanity were actually the true drivers of its development. Curiosity, greed, and desires pushed humanity to achieve what it has now. However, these very traits can also lead to its downfall, as demonstrated by the Empire in this world.

Thus, there must always be a balance between order and chaos among humans. Order, represented by law, provides protection to the weak, but if it becomes too oppressive, it suppresses individuality and freedom. Chaos, on the other hand, represents free will and the ability to do as one pleases, but if it becomes excessive, corruption ensues, and the strong dominate the weak without mercy.

As a human being, you can never claim to have no desires, for it is those desires that push you forward on your journey. You may lose something along the way, but that desire will always accompany you.

I never liked the role of the hero. Maybe it's based on my experiences, but I never found the idea of being a hero appealing.

Someone who saves everyone and upholds justice above all else is something I find ridiculous... " I smiled, though it seemed more like a mocking smile. "No one can save everyone, and those who try are doomed to fail. Even those heroes who save people are no different. They save some people and feel happy, but in doing so, they hurt others, usually those closest to them, all for the ridiculous notion of the greater good."

"So, I never waited for a hero to save me. Even though I had hope, I never truly believed it would happen. I always relied on myself, and no matter what... I won't engage in self-delusion." I shook my head, trying to rid myself of those thoughts. I didn't need to have a "talk no jutsu" with myself.

I almost laughed at my own musings. At that moment, I felt liberated, as if flames I had never felt before were ignited in my heart.

I don't need that. I will do what I have to do at any cost. My humanity matters very little in the face of the Demon Gods.

Even If I'm Not a Good Person, Does Not Mean I Am Incapable of Doing Good Thing.


Meanwhile, while the Empire was still confused by Jinwoo's fireworks, another scene was unfolding in a noble mansion near the palace.

The mansion was extravagant, even by noble standards, with lavish decorations and numerous guards scattered throughout. It prominently displayed the symbol of the noble family that held a close connection to the emperor.

Inside one of the rooms, a man in his twenties undressed without a care for what was happening in his mansion. His gaze was fixed on the girl tied to the bed across the room.

This man was Lex Lurvidor, the second son of the family, which exempted him from royal guard duty due to his elder brother's position.

Lex wasn't particularly talented or strong, but he wasn't a scum like the other nobles in the Empire. His change had made his father proud. After a near-fatal accident, Lex had transformed himself. He stopped his previous behavior and began helping others, even requesting training from his father, which greatly surprised him. His father's doubts disappeared when he heard his son say that he had learned his lesson and would strive to be better. As a father, he was thrilled with Lex's transformation.

Lex became known as one of the best nobles in the Empire, gaining popularity for his warm smile. But now, when alone, Lex removes his metaphorical mask.

As he looks at the girl on the bed, lust fills his eyes, while she pleads repeatedly for him to let her go, as her family must be worried...

Thud... Roll.

Just as Lex is about to jump on the bed and have his way with the girl, his head is chopped off, rolling on the ground. Shocked, he is unable to comprehend what has just happened, and the girl on the bed disappears.


A few minutes later, the Lurvidor family mansion, a place of great influence, is blown up.


Meanwhile, the man behind these recent incidents is in the capital, listening to the people discussing the events.


Jinwoo's perspective:

I have just heard about my fireworks and some rumors about a noble mansion being destroyed. It makes me wonder, "Really? I wonder who did it."

Leaving my words filled with irony, I walked through the capital, trying to figure out the location of my targets. I wore casual clothes and carried a backpack, as I had realized something after my last visit.

"This world's technology tree is messed up and doesn't make any sense," I thought to myself, observing the presence of guns and other modern inventions, yet still seeing a medieval theme with wagons. It made me wonder why they couldn't simply have cars.

"Anyway, where's the victim... *cough* I mean the Teigu user..." I muttered, growing bored with this game of searching. The Night Raid came to mind again, as they still possessed more than seven Teigus with the best possible users that I had access to. I desired to have them in my army.

I had already sent out another group of scouting soldiers, this time mainly to determine the current location of the Night Raid. I was certain that their last encounter with my beasts and the death of one of their strongest members would prompt them to shift their base.

Adding them to my army would significantly boost its individual power. Each of them possessed unique Teigus, such as the Cursed Poison Blade and the Transformation type. I was especially excited to see how the Cursed Poison Blade would function within my shadow army.

For instance, if a shapeshifter were part of my army, would they still retain the ability to shape-shift while in shadow form? Could they change their shadow form to any shape or color, much like Mystique?

These were the kind of experiments I wanted to conduct and observe the results.

Then there is a living humanoid Teigu, which would also be able to solve some of the mysteries I need to solve. I'm sure it can transform into a shadow soldier in an instant.

However, when it comes to machines, even if they are alive and function as weapons, like the living sword, they wouldn't be able to transform into a walking, talking humanoid form like the Teigu. I don't think it's possible. I could try using shadowification on it, but it won't acquire a human-like appearance.

On a different note, can transformers become shadow soldiers? They should be capable of it, but the number of inbuilt weapons they can utilize while in shadow form remains uncertain.

Or what if I used shadowification on a rocket launcher and its rockets? If I fire it and then slice it, would it be able to reform itself like any weapon used by the shadow army? Alternatively, if it blows up, can it still reform itself? Is it reusable, like an infinite ammo glitch?

And how can I forget? Soon I will find out if a mecha can be turned into a shadow soldier. Let's hope I can achieve it because it would answer many of my questions.

These were the questions running through my gamer brain as I walked through the capital, where Night Raid members usually roam.

I knew how far the plot had progressed, or if it even mattered to me. It didn't seem to have started yet, as there was no new development or change due to the targets.

After waiting for 20 minutes, I finally got a result and found one of the Night Raid members, a blond woman named Leone. I have to say she was exceptionally beautiful.

However, since I had already had a long encounter with Esdeath, I controlled my libido and didn't let my desires guide me.

After pondering for a while, I decided to move on because I was bored and wanted to finish quickly.

I entered an alley, and as some robbers followed me, they found themselves facing a group of pitch-black figures rushing toward them.

After appearing in a place far away from the woman, I observed her briefly before frowning.

"This won't work," I said, looking at the blond woman with revealing clothes. I sighed, realizing it would take her a while before she returned to her base of operations.


I am back with the new week. So give me power stones and comments and I shall give you more chapters.

Spoilers: So I am see just that is strongest Shadow Soldier even stronger than MC

GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

So give me power stones and comments and I shall give you more chapters.

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