Soon it was Yin Fu's turn to speak. He stood up from his chair and took a moment to collect himself. Even though the court proceedings were being live broadcast, he was not ruffled. He walked over to the podium, which belonged to the defendant's lawyer, and then said to the rest of the court, "First of all, I am really sorry for the delay... I know that many of you were waiting for me; after all, I did read a few comments that were calling me unscrupulous."
His words caused the netizens who were watching the live broadcast to be tickled.
[Hahaha, this new lawyer is really funny.]
[Funny? I think he is shameless.]
[No, no–being shameless is also a skill. If I were in his shoes and it was I who was being scolded so fiercely like this, I would have run with my tail tucked between my legs.]
[This mer is really quirky. I have a feeling that this boring case is about to get really fun]
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