"Are you alright sister?" Mo Xifeng asked as she peered up at Mo Qiag who was sitting on her chair without moving a finger.
"I am alright," Mo Qiang replied as she dropped her hand off her eyes she looked everywhere but behind him where the sounds of bangs and hits and screams of help were echoing and calling out to her.
Her eyes shifted to one side as she muttered, "I believe that the person who is not alright is right behind me." There was another furious bang and Mo Qiang winced along with Chen Han.
She looked at Mo Xifeng and said, "How is it looking?"
Mo Xifeng stared at her sister helplessly with a tinge of annoyance and a tad bit of amusement, before peering at the ruckus behind them.
"Brother Hui had beaten that woman to a pulp," Mo Xifeng honestly replied. She didn't hide anything as she continued, "And from the looks of it, he has also smashed her nose along with pulling out a tooth."
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