"This..what is this?" Du Chuanjun looked up and glanced at Ling Che who raised one side of his lips and announced, "It is just as you can see. This is my Seven Shot Clinch. A new and upgraded skill, where you will be lucky for the next seven hours, during these seven hours, your luck will be on your side for anything."
"Of course, the old rules are still in effect. You can only use it for one thing and this thing should happen within the next seven hours after you have won the Seven Clinch Shot."
"It will not help you, in murder, robbery or any other criminal activities of the same nature, of course," Ling Che smiled with a grin on his face.
Hao Shi moved so suddenly that he knocked the chair behind him. He blinked his eyes rapidly while stammering, "Seven...Seven hours, you mean to say that I will be lucky for the next seven hours?"
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