Xie Jie frowned when he heard Mo Qiang's words. What did she mean by those words? And why was she asking him, what he was doing here? Like she didn't know for what reason he came to see her.
"You …don't you have to say anything to me?" Xie Jie asked with a trembling voice. His fingers were clenched on his sides as he stared at Mo Qiang. If she was going to insult him then she might as well do it and end his sufferings.
Why was she treating him like such?
Was she taking revenge on him for hiding his condition from her? Was that what she was trying to do?
Mo Qiang however, tilted her head to the right. She blinked her green eyes which were no longer murky but instead shimmering emeralds. She then said, "I don't think so. I have no idea what you are talking about."
"You—came to my room and that form," Xie Jie tried his best to say what he wanted to but he couldn't bring himself to.
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