'Why was he crying?' Mo Qiang sat down on the bed, her weight causing the duvet to sink. She reached her hand forward and then wiped the tears off his lashes, Xie Jie hummed and murmured something but didn't wake up.
Mo Qiang watched him a little longer before sighing. She cupped her cheek and muttered, "What could have made this one cry?" As far as she knew Xie Jie was not the kind of mer who would shed tears for no reason.
He was different from Yin Fu who would speak his mind without any worry and he was also different from Shao Hui. Even though that one would try to hide something, he would end up telling the truth anyway.
Xie Jie however was different, he would keep everything in his heart and not say a word.
But at the same time, he was the kind of mer who would not cry for the simplest thing.
Did something happen then? Mo Qiang thought to herself as she eyed the mer sleeping peacefully on the bed.
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