"Your majesty please think it through!" Fu Shi and the rest of the officials could not help but say. They have prepared long and hard to drag Fu Zhao down from the throne on which she sat like a bedraggled dog.
For their plan the wealth of the Sun family was necessary, if the Sun family's treasury was emptied what were they supposed to do? Does this mean that they would have to abandon years of planning?
The one who was agitated the most was of course Fu Shi, she knew that her mother did not like her. No, it would be right to say that her mother despised her and her father.
Her mother was only withholding her desire to remove her from the position of crown princess due to her paternal grandmother and her family.
This was the reason why Fu Shi wanted to become the Empress as quickly as possible. She didn't want to give her mother a chance to have her removed from the position of the crown princess.
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