This was indeed what Mo Qiang wanted. Don't call her greedy or selfish but she had put her waist in purifying the entire forest for three days. For more than three days, she couldn't straighten her waist and continued purifying the forest.
However, when she came up with the contract, Mo Qiang had to take out more than forty per cent of shares to Sun Shi. This was because this dimension belonged to Sun Shi and she could not just hand her a small part of the shares. If Mo Qiang did that then she would be drowned in spit by the officials of the Ke Jin dimension.
But what if Sun Shi refused to take the shares? Who could blame Mo Qiang? It wasn't as if Mo Qiang refused to give shares to Sun Shi. She was willing to hand more shares to Sun Shi, but it was she who refused to take it.
Who would have thought that selling pity would work so well? Mo Qiang snickered inwardly.
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