Xie Jie curled his lips. His father-in-law wanted a sweet and soft mer. Heh. He first needed to see if that mer could even survive in their house, with him Yin Fu and Shao Hui.
Of course, he would not stop his wife from becoming an official. But a new husband ——-? Xie Jie narrowed his eyes. It seemed like he had to keep a good eye on his father-in-law, in case he really invited a sweet and soft mer, Xie Jie would chase him away!
'I didn't even get a good taste of my wife and my father-in-law wants another mer to compete with me? I will never let that happen,' Xie Jie swore in his heart as he perked up his lips in a smile and walked over to where Mo Yan and Wen Gui were standing.
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