An exclamation echoed in the surroundings as soon as the mecha craft was parked on the ground and Xie Li climbed down the stairs carefully. Though he did not have any idea what to do with the child in his belly, he wanted to be careful with his body for the time being.
In case, something happened to the child, he too would suffer.
However, his worries were pushed to the side when he saw Xie Jie rushing over to him with a smile on his face. His brother hardly ever smiled, and the only time his face would lighten up like this was when he looked at him. It had been like this when they were children, Xie Li did not expect his brother to be the same when they were grown up.
"Jie," Xie Li softly called his brother as he raised his arms in an open embrace. When Xie Jie saw his brother open his arms to hug him, his eyes turned red, he increased his pace and like a canary returning to her nest, Xie Jie buried himself into his elder brother's arms.
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