"Is this really safe?" Mo Xifeng who was sticking to the underside of the mecha craft with the Velcro Lizard Paw pads turned to look at Mo Qiang and asked.
This was the plan that Mo Qiang and Yin Fu came up with, the two of them swore that this plan was full proof and excellent but when the two of them were planning, Mo Xifeng was sure that she saw two unhinged witches who did not know what to do, and they were recklessly throwing one ingredient after another in the bubbling pot.
It was Yin Fu's responsibility to bring them to the base, which belonged to Madam Yin according to the plan. According to Yin Fu, his mother was paranoid and a hoarder, which was why she grew drugs at all of her bases. Of course at a different amount, but she did make a note to grow all her drugs in every base of her.
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