Yi Yazhu did not dare to say anything. He was afraid that if he spoke, then he would be sent to Cold Frost prison. It had to be noted that even though it was called a prison, that place was an execution ground.
Once a criminal set his or her foot inside the ground of that place, they were destined to die. The Empress handled the execution of the prisoners herself and the death of those prisoners could be said to be terrible.
Though Yi Yazhu did not do anything too severe when he thought about his family he could only shut his mouth up.
" I am … I did not mean any harm, I just wanted one of the cores to earn money," he told Mo Qiang honestly as he tried to push her off him. The grip on his wrist was so tight that he could hear faint churning coming from his wrist bone. If Mo Qiang applied any more strength to his wrist then he was bound to lose his hand.
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